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Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S. - 12/7/2015 2:08:55 PM   

Posts: 40310
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Donald J. Trump called on Monday for the United States to bar all Muslims from entering the country until the nation’s leaders can “figure out what is going on,” an extraordinary escalation of his harsh rhetoric aimed at members of the Islamic faith in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Calif.

“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine,” said Mr. Trump, the leading Republican candidate for his party’s 2016 presidential nomination.

“Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” he said.

A spokeswoman for Mr. Trump confirmed the authenticity of the statement. Asked what prompted it, Mr. Trump said, “death,” according to the spokeswoman.

Mr. Trump made his remarks a day after President Obama delivered a national address from the Oval Office urging Americans not to turn against Muslims in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Mr. Trump is expected to say more at a rally at the USS Yorktown in South Carolina on Monday evening to mark the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Experts on immigration law and policy expressed shock at the proposal Monday afternoon.

“This is just so antithetical to the history of the United States,” said Nancy Morawetz, a professor of clinical law at New York University School of Law, who specializes in immigration. “It’s unbelievable to have a religious test for admission into the country.”

She added: “I cannot recall any historical precedent for denying immigration based on religion.”

Ms. Morawetz said that the United States has long regretted policies that banned the immigration of Chinese at the end of 19th century.

“It’s a very sad chapter in American immigration history that we would think is behind us today.”

Mr. Trump has a track record of making surprising and even extreme comments whenever he is overtaken in opinion polls by other Republican candidates – as happened on Monday just hours before he issued his statement about Muslims. A new Monmouth University survey of likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers found that Mr. Trump had slipped from his recent top spot in the state, which holds the first presidential nomination contest on Feb. 1. According to the poll, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas earned 24 percent of support in the poll, while Mr. Trump had 19 percent and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida had 17 percent.

Mr. Trump, who boasts about his strong poll numbers at the beginning of virtually every campaign speech, launched an unusually stinging attack against Ben Carson, another Republican candidate, when Mr. Carson took a lead in Iowa polls this fall; Mr. Trump, citing Mr. Carson’s memoir about his sometimes-violent youth, called him “pathological” and compared his state of mind to a child molester’s.

More at

Posted with only one personal comment.
oh boy


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Duchess Of Dissent
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 3:42:33 PM   

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Political Correctness is the problem.

In our country, we put Jehovah witnesses in jail. So we put radical christians in jail.

Our laws jail religious group members who are members of any religion that encourages and teaches their followers to disobey common law.

I would say radical Muslims should come under this category too.

If one thing Ted Cruz is right, it starts with definition. Clear guideline on how to differentiate a radical muslim from a moderate muslim, and then prosecuting radical muslims.

But political correctness will get in the way of this.

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 12/7/2015 3:46:46 PM >

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 3:59:26 PM   

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From: Fritch
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It would seem if the Donald was in office history would be repeating itself as far as interment camps. In WWII, Japanese American's were placed there regardless if their was any proof of disloyalty or not. No due process, just collateral damage of war.


Alias inkedone... computer crashed and so did my short term memory.. Wonder if there is an app for CRS syndrome..

Follow your bliss,

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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 4:19:14 PM   

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I was reading an article recently that had that this is all part and parcel of the dynamics of the US Primaries - that, for various reasons, there are tremendous pressures on US Republican candidates to be ever more frothingly right wing. Points are *not* won for being 'balanced' - because 'balanced' looks too much like 'lily-livered'. For the Dems, different dynamics apply ....

I guess it goes without saying: God help the world if that fat fascistic* toad gets into the White House. Get your service-aged sons out of the country as quickly as you possibly can.

*I really don't give a toss about invoking 'Godwin's Law' and can't be bothered to argue about it. Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, 'if the cap fits, then wear it' - and, in the most crucial ways, Trump does indeed wear it.


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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 4:22:38 PM   

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But political correctness will get in the way of this.

Arguably, 'political correctness' is just a term used by right wing cretins to have a go at anything that's left wing that they don't like but which they're too stupid to be able to think about, Greta. Just saying.


(in reply to Greta75)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 5:06:05 PM   

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Political Correctness is the problem.

In our country, we put Jehovah witnesses in jail. So we put radical christians in jail.

Singapore is a socialist third world shithole run by fascists...why would the usa want to emulate that?

Our laws jail religious group members who are members of any religion that encourages and teaches their followers to disobey common law.

We erect statues tp people like washington thomas jefferson,martin luther king

But political correctness will get in the way of this.

Only a dumbass would call the usa constitution an exercise in political correctness

(in reply to Greta75)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 5:23:36 PM   

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But political correctness will get in the way of this.

Arguably, 'political correctness' is just a term used by right wing cretins to have a go at anything that's left wing that they don't like but which they're too stupid to be able to think about, Greta. Just saying.

I don't agree at all. Political Correctness is tipping toes around the real issues. Not being able to call a spade a spade. Which is what is happening nowadays. And calling a spade a spade is often seen as offensive.
It is especially useful for Muslims. The christians somehow broke themselves up into fractions and have ways of defining themselves. Like Protestant, Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterian etc.
Wheres the Muslims are united by a whole by simply being called "Muslims". And people Hillary don't even want them to be differentiated by the word "radical".

I don't blame Donald for using that term.

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 12/7/2015 5:26:09 PM >

(in reply to PeonForHer)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 5:28:09 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Singapore is a socialist third world shithole run by fascists...why would the usa want to emulate that?

Can you explain how a third world country is able to keep churning out kids with the highest maths and science scores in the world. We consistently top in world competitions. And how our GDP surpass the US?

Name me one other third world country who has succeeded in that.

Our fascists has eliminated below poverty line poverty completely. I am happy with our form of facism if it gives people roof and keep people from starving and provide them with jobs and a fair road to elevating themselves, base on merit.

I think our " no child will be left behind program" is amazing, because every child birth registered and not seen registered to school, will have social workers knocking on their door, to understand what the issue is and will work with the parents to put the kids to school. One of our government promise is, no matter how poor that child is, he will have access to good quality education as a basic right. They are successful in keeping this promise.

Our education system is so good that, that our government schools, which basically cost $12 per month are considered some of the very best, compared to private education. In terms of churning out top scoring students.

And our papers are still sent to UK to be marked, so the people grading our kids, aren't even locals but UK educators.

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 12/7/2015 5:40:05 PM >

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 8
RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 5:34:16 PM   

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I don't agree at all. Political Correctness is tipping toes around the real issues. Not being able to call a spade a spade.

Calling a black person a spade is what most civil people find offensive. Not being able to use that term in polite society seems to bother you greatly.

(in reply to Greta75)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 5:41:13 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Calling a black person a spade is what most civil people find offensive. Not being able to use that term in polite society seems to bother you greatly.

Yes, because white people has no problem being called white. Yellow people have no problems being called Yellow. Nobody in Asia gets offended by being referred to as Yellow. I have only ever heard it's offensive in the US.

And black people being offended by being called black is also just a US thing.

I know a UK African who married a Singaporean, and is settled down here, and he told me, it's totally fine in the UK.

I'm Yellow and I'm happy to be yellow. I don't understand why be ashamed of your race or colour?

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 12/7/2015 5:44:49 PM >

(in reply to thompsonx)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 6:56:23 PM   

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I'm Yellow and I'm happy to be yellow. I don't understand why be ashamed of your race or colour?

Some say our skin is not even yellow, but I'd call it a dirty yellow that looks medium to light brown like that colour shown, I am the darker type of chinese, south chinese. The northern ones have fairer skin. I just seriously cannot understand at all why we can't call a spade a spade.

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 12/7/2015 6:59:06 PM >

(in reply to Greta75)
Profile   Post #: 11
RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 6:58:40 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Singapore is a socialist third world shithole run by fascists...why would the usa want to emulate that?

Can you explain how a third world country is able to keep churning out kids with the highest maths and science scores in the world.

It is called streaming:

Students were streamed into different tracks based on their aptitude, not only to reduce dropout rates, but just as importantly, to ease the burden on teachers so that they only taught classes of students with similar capability levels.

When one test those who were streamed to math and science because of aptitude it is not difficult to see how they do well. While on the other hand the test of other nations looks at the average of all students.
Then there is the fact that teachers are paid higher than other civil servants of similar level.

We consistently top in world competitions. And how our GDP surpass the US?

Once again you are full of shit...singapore is 36 in gdp the usa is first.

With a 40% tax rate it is not too difficult to see how the govt steals the workers money and invest it in the world mkt. to make money. Please do not try to tell us that it is a saving account because you cannot withdraw the principle only the interest. The socialist subsidize housing it is not free enterprise it is a fascist govt and a socialist/nanny state.

Name me one other third world country who has succeeded in that.

India,indonesia,nigeria,iran,south africa just to name a few.

Our fascists has eliminated below poverty line poverty completely.

By taking 40% of your wages and investing it in the market

I am happy with our form of facism if it gives people roof and keep people from starving and provide them with jobs and a fair road to elevating themselves, base on merit.

That is the socialist part where the govt takes taxpayers money and subsidizes housing,education and public services.

I think our " no child will be left behind program" is amazing, because every child birth registered and not seen registered to school, will have social workers knocking on their door, to understand what the issue is and will work with the parents to put the kids to school. One of our government promise is, no matter how poor that child is, he will have access to good quality education as a basic right. They are successful in keeping this promise.

Through facism and socialism which you claim is a bad thing.

The school system in singapore requires both multi-culturalism and bilingual instruction...manditory two language proficiency.

Our education system is so good that, that our government schools, which basically cost $12 per month are considered some of the very best, compared to private education. In terms of churning out top scoring students.

The govt. schools are subsidized by the 40% tax rate on all wage earners, not $12 dollars a month

(in reply to Greta75)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 6:59:15 PM   

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I wonder why we, meaning the US, must take ever issue and dissect it along party lines. Some political group or another will purposely find an opposing stance simply because of the stance of the other party.

This is really not a complicated issue...Yes we have a moral obligation to help these people however we can and that means allowing some to find homes here either temporarily or permanently. That said we also must use common sense and do our best to screen out potential terrorists. If this slows down immigration than so be it. To protect ourselves it may take new regulations and resources...but it can be done honorably and with compassion. All it will take is common sense cooperation between our political parties.


< Message edited by kdsub -- 12/7/2015 7:00:56 PM >


Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 7:03:14 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Calling a black person a spade is what most civil people find offensive. Not being able to use that term in polite society seems to bother you greatly.

Yes, because white people has no problem being called white. Yellow people have no problems being called Yellow. Nobody in Asia gets offended by being referred to as Yellow. I have only ever heard it's offensive in the US.

And black people being offended by being called black is also just a US thing.

Perhaps you could get a grown up to read my post to you and explane the big words to you. No one said black people were offended by being called black.

(in reply to Greta75)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 7:07:22 PM   

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All it will take is common sense cooperation between our political parties.

They're fucked. And not in a sexytime way.

(in reply to kdsub)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 7:13:46 PM   

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Sad but so...but i do think it will get done.... Just a lot slower and with more suffering then is necessary...All to satisfy political ambitions

< Message edited by kdsub -- 12/7/2015 7:17:57 PM >


Mark Twain:

I don't see any use in having a uniform and arbitrary way of spelling words. We might as well make all clothes alike and cook all dishes alike. Sameness is tiresome; variety is pleasing

(in reply to ifmaz)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 7:14:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Students were streamed into different tracks based on their aptitude, not only to reduce dropout rates, but just as importantly, to ease the burden on teachers so that they only taught classes of students with similar capability levels.

This makes sense to have streaming, so you put children of the same capabilities together in one classroom. This is to make sure the slower students have more care and attention and get the better teachers. When I was in a government Primary school. I was in the bottom class. They stream us to our grades, and I got into the worst class. I was in rebellious mode with my parents handing in blank papers to fail on purpose.

Anyway, but in my class were genuine students with learning difficulties. And the teacher put incharge of us, was the best teacher in the school, that she even dedicated her own after hours devoting extra time to care for these students falling behind. The miracle that happened with that was, the top 3 students of the entire school came from our class in the end. It's actually a pretty good system. Because slower and lower grade students needs more care and attention. It makes sense to put them together.

Once again you are full of shit...singapore is 36 in gdp the usa is first.

Too time consuming to find the link now but I have definitely once linked an article that we have surpass US at some point right on here.

India,indonesia,nigeria,iran,south africa just to name a few.

Wow, have you even been to those countries? Now you are talking out of your ass. The poverty over those you mentioned are horrible. You have absolutely ZERO credibility if you are claiming those countries eliminated that poverty line.

That is the socialist part where the govt takes taxpayers money and subsidizes housing,education and public services.

Wait? They take our money to subsidize housing, education and public services, and ON TOP OF THAT, gives us 100% returns with 2.5% guaranteed interests? WOW! I'm not gonna complain about this. Bring it on!

Through facism and socialism which you claim is a bad thing.

I associate socialism with the rich subsidizing the poor, that is the whole dynamic of it, where the rich has a responsibility to share their wealth to help the poor. I don't really see that happening in our system. I see our poor work for it. They get some help but they do most of the work themselves. There is no free lunch.

The govt. schools are subsidized by the 40% tax rate on all wage earners, not $12 dollars a month

I would love your government to refund you 100% your taxes, what you claim are taxes in my country ha! Now you even make me think our government is even more amazing. We use CPF to subsidise education for kids, and still get all our money back. Don't cha love our Nazi dictators! They are so considerate!

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 12/7/2015 7:18:44 PM >

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 17
RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 8:45:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Students were streamed into different tracks based on their aptitude, not only to reduce dropout rates, but just as importantly, to ease the burden on teachers so that they only taught classes of students with similar capability levels.

This makes sense to have streaming, so you put children of the same capabilities together in one classroom.

The point is that you are comparing apples to road apples

Once again you are full of shit...singapore is 36 in gdp the usa is first.

Too time consuming to find the link now but I have definitely once linked an article that we have surpass US at some point right on here.

Just click on the link and read...if that is too difficult ask an adult to help you

India,indonesia,nigeria,iran,south africa just to name a few.

Wow, have you even been to those countries?

Just click on the link and get a grown up to read it to you.

Now you are talking out of your ass. The poverty over those you mentioned are horrible. You have absolutely ZERO credibility if you are claiming those countries eliminated that poverty line.

Get a grown-up to read what I posted and explane it to you.

That is the socialist part where the govt takes taxpayers money and subsidizes housing,education and public services.

Wait? They take our money to subsidize housing, education and public services, and ON TOP OF THAT, gives us 100% returns


(in reply to Greta75)
Profile   Post #: 18
RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 9:00:35 PM   

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Banning them is going a bit far, I say we microchip them, with one that has a gps tracker on it, linked to a drone with a hell fire missile.

That way, if they get to close to a school, mall, 7/11, movie theater, we can just send a hell fire on their ass...

We can do the same with people on the no fly list.

They go to buy gasoline, diesel, yard chemicals, etc, we can just blast them into hamburger and be done with it.


People like Trump and Feinstein can get their heads out of their asses and actually use their brains for something more than a laxative.

Personally, I think that everyone who does not like 80's rock needs to have a collar on them that gives them a shock everytime they cant answer who the lead singer of the silver bullet band was.

Or if we are going to ban Muslims from coming into the country, we should exile the idiots who cancelled "Firefly."

< Message edited by jlf1961 -- 12/7/2015 9:01:36 PM >


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to thompsonx)
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RE: Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Enterin... - 12/7/2015 9:52:05 PM   

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ORIGINAL: thompsonx
Wow, have you even been to those countries?

I have been to South Africa and Indonesia, one of my BFF is South African from Johannesburg and she has nothing good to say about her country, she wants to stay in Singapore for as long as she can, my x-dom home is practically South Africa in Durban. I have a Singaporean girlfriend who married a Nigerian recently and they got a baby girl together, and she was even describing to me in Nigeria, how common it is not to have electricity all night and how she can't drink it's tap water and how she gets diarrhea for anything she eats there, that everytime she goes there, she brings mineral water and instant noodles from Singapore and just eat that. So seriously, I don't know what falsehood about these countries you are trying to pull out of your ass. Like seriously. Also these days, you do not even have to visit the country to see the conditions it is in. Google images and Youtube provides you with many real time scenes already. TripAdvisor and many travel blogs also can already tell you so much about it accurate to recent dates.
To say these countries have done what Singapore has done is nonsense.

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 12/7/2015 9:59:19 PM >

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