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RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:22:07 PM   

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Also the majority of deadly crimes are black on black, do I feel sorry for a bunch of gangters that wanna kill each other over a street corner where they can sell crack to kids? Not at all... I'm by no means racist even my black friends from the service agree with me on that one. Liberals are quick to cry about freedom of speech when someone says shit about a rap song but fail to realize it fuels the gang banging mentality. Kids in the hood don't learn from school they learn from gun toting rappers that promote violence in order to get that bling bling. If we decided to ban negative rap music that features some punk "holdin dat gat" you idiots would be screaming your heads off about how its unconstitutional. So you keep your rap and I'll keep my guns because if one of those fuckers comes through my window I don't have time to wait on police.


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

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RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:27:27 PM   

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ORIGINAL: joether


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

So you are quoting from a study that you claimed does not exist.


No, I'm quoting from a study that does exist. That from the IOM. Your author stated the IOM study come from the CDC. This, as I pointed out, was not true. So it begs the question: Why is the entire conservative media machine stating the IOM's study comes from the CDC when it doesn't in reality? Conservatives love conspiracies; yet are totally ignorant on this one? Why is that?

Bottom line gunless boy, you come to get mine you get it bullets first.

Whatcha gonna do about that ?


< Message edited by Termyn8or -- 12/18/2015 12:28:03 PM >

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Profile   Post #: 82
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:32:16 PM   

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Russia was at its knees and at the brink of collapse, D day made Hitler pull troops from Russia. If D day wouldn't of happened Hitler would of controlled Russia. He fucked up by having Japan attack pearl harbor. That's what brought America actively into the war. As for the bombs I doubt they would of used them in germany unless it was one last ditch effort. The fallout would of caused damage not only to Germany but allied nations as well. The use of the bomb was necessary because a full on invasion was not possible due to its remote location. Their fighters would of sank every one of our ships.


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

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RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:33:59 PM   

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I think 'rap' should be spelled with a capital 'C'!


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

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Profile   Post #: 84
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:37:55 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cuckingcurious

Also the majority of deadly crimes are black on black,

Again not true, according to the FBI stats for 2013.


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RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:43:59 PM   

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As my man Albert said,

"I do not know what weapons ww3 will be fought with but ww4 will be fought with sticks and stones"

That same principle applies to violence in general. We could get rid of all the weapons in the world but people will still kill people. People with more violent tendencies usually those in poverty will have it easier to kill people that aren't prone to violence. How do you think Isis got control? It wasn't by being nice that's for sure! I'm with the other guy, if you want my rifle and side arm you better bring a rifle and a side arm and we will have an exchange of bullets instead of words. My bet is I win...


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

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Profile   Post #: 86
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:48:13 PM   

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joether :"Its like a Sith; deals in absolutes. Its either white or black, but not grey in between. You can not handle my view because it is to complicated for you.

No, the correct word is CONVOLUTED.

You really want to remove FROM YOURSELF, a means by which you might save your own life.

Is that true ? Because it goes against all logic and the simple common sense of centuries that it is better to have it and not need it. But fear makes people get into this loop or something in thinking thinking that if we outlaw guns, that outlaws will not have guns.

You cannot break that logic so your kind throws up meaningless statistics, which are actually statistically insignificant, and keep trying to throw the blame on an inanimate objects instead of the fucking human garbage that this liberal society has spawned.

And now we have to give up our rights for them ? So that they will not shoot each other we must give up our guns even though we have never shot anyone in a crime nor in anger ?

You fucking people must live on Mars or some shit, because you have never seen real life. Live in the suburbs or whatever, it is easy to ask that people who live among N_____s of every color give up their guns, when people have to check in with the guard even to get to your fucking driveway to deliver a pizza.

Like the guy who used to own the gas/beer station down the street. He had a gun and when an armed robber came to rob him he shot him, but not to kill. Probably a "good Christian" or whatever. Had a mental thing about taking a human life. Well that cost him his life because after getting shot in the arm and leg the guy returned fire and DID shoot to kill. And got away, though they caught him pretty quick.

you can go ahead and say that if he had no gun he would be alive now, and that might be true, but it changes NOTHING. I want to see every storekeep (even if you are the owner you are the storekeep if you work the counter) armed. I want to see them all totally ruthless and after they waste the fucking piece off shit, call the garbage department instead of the coroner or the police.

Put the risk back in to crime, bigtime. I want to see like 40 60 % of the people walking the street to be carrying concealed. I want it so dangerous to try to rob anyone, even a strongarm robbery, that noone has the balls to even try it.

You fucking idiots don't even realize that EVERY goddamned mass shooting occurred in a gun free zone.

In about ten years, by erecting walls and separating people, and meticulously searching every fucking house in the US you MIGHT eliminate almost all the guns. And then by meticulous background checking and refusing guns to people who have had more that three speeding tickets, or no speeding tickets but two or more parking tickets, you MIGHT get guns to be so rare that Bubba, the six foot nine 285 pound criminal will have to use his hands to take your stuff from you.

People propagating this illogical shit need to be shot. Bottom line, it is better to have it and not need it, and in this case the more people who have it, the less chance they will need it.

Know what ? We just have a war between the gunners and the antigunners.

What do you think your odds are of winning gunless boy ?


(in reply to joether)
Profile   Post #: 87
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:54:35 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cuckingcurious

Russia was at its knees and at the brink of collapse, D day made Hitler pull troops from Russia. If D day wouldn't of happened Hitler would of controlled Russia. He fucked up by having Japan attack pearl harbor. That's what brought America actively into the war. As for the bombs I doubt they would of used them in germany unless it was one last ditch effort. The fallout would of caused damage not only to Germany but allied nations as well. The use of the bomb was necessary because a full on invasion was not possible due to its remote location. Their fighters would of sank every one of our ships.

LOL. That is the most factless shitpile ever to be produced on this forum, and you are fucking with some real professionals here. That is just fucking stupid that right there.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

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Profile   Post #: 88
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 12:56:03 PM   

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I guess one of the FBI stats is wrong then because if you add all the victims up it doesn't come close to the amount of victims that liberals say are caused by guns. And I watch all the news channels I rarely see white killings and if I do its usually a domestic issue. I wonder how your gonna stop spouses from killing each other? I guess we will ban cheating next?


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 1:06:59 PM   

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OK smart ass what brought America into the war? And if fighting on two fronts instead of one didn't cause the war to turn what did? Liberals waving magic fairy wands? They had to retro fit a bomber just to be able to make the distance and drop the bomb. Sending an entire fleet that pretty much got destroyed wasn't an option the rest would have been cannonfodder for the japs! Sure we could send another fleet from Cali and leave the country defenseless in that area... Sounds like liberal logic to me...


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

(in reply to mnottertail)
Profile   Post #: 90
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 1:12:00 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cuckingcurious

Russia was at its knees and at the brink of collapse, D day made Hitler pull troops from Russia. If D day wouldn't of happened Hitler would of controlled Russia. He fucked up by having Japan attack pearl harbor. That's what brought America actively into the war. As for the bombs I doubt they would of used them in germany unless it was one last ditch effort. The fallout would of caused damage not only to Germany but allied nations as well. The use of the bomb was necessary because a full on invasion was not possible due to its remote location. Their fighters would of sank every one of our ships.

I find your lack of historical knowledge disturbing.

Please consider subscribing to this channel and viewing the history videos, of which there are plenty.


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

People propagating this illogical shit need to be shot. Bottom line, it is better to have it and not need it, and in this case the more people who have it, the less chance they will need it.

This is the sort of comment made by the kind of person who really should not be allowed to own a firearm.

(in reply to Cuckingcurious)
Profile   Post #: 91
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 1:51:11 PM   

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Russia was not able to push back German troops until late 1942 after dday. Granted before then the Russians managed to stall Hitler during the winter in 1941 but that stale mate wouldn't of lasted for ever. Dday was the nail in the coffin. His declaration of war on the US sealed his fate. If he hadn't started a war with Russia and it remained neutral the allies would of had little chances as well. His troops were spread too thin in Russia he could no longer reinforce them because of allies pushing in from France and later Holland. I suppose his persistence on building bigger and better weapons instead of mass producing the tiger tank helped his dimise a bit as well. While he was only fighting the Russians he still had the luxury of experimenting with various weapon systems. All those different tanks etc. Became a supply nightmare once the dday came about. No interchangeable parts and a cripple d supply line left tanks and other equipent useless. If you get your info from some keyboard warrior on YouTube then I feel sorry for you. It sure doesn't seem like an "expert" source lol.


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

(in reply to Staleek)
Profile   Post #: 92
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 2:14:32 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cuckingcurious

I guess one of the FBI stats is wrong then because if you add all the victims up it doesn't come close to the amount of victims that liberals say are caused by guns. And I watch all the news channels I rarely see white killings and if I do its usually a domestic issue. I wonder how your gonna stop spouses from killing each other? I guess we will ban cheating next?

Lol sure, your claim that black on black killing is factual tho???, without cite source or backup.
You might want to read their explanation of their methodology to get their figures. Both links I gave you do so quite well.
If you are going to move the goal posts, dont pretend is a segue to prove your self right.
You have been proven wrong more than once, just in this topic,, if you cant back your claims with facts, you might not want to make such uninformed claims


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Duchess Of Dissent
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Profile   Post #: 93
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 2:16:38 PM   

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Anyway none of this is on topic, the fact that removing guns is going to stop a murder from happening is absurd. If the person intent on killing someone has no gun he will find other means. Removing the gun from the equation will still yield the same result. If they want to kill you they will fucking kill you regardless if its with a gun or a baseball bat! And like others have mentioned all these mass killings occur in gun free zones! Look at the places that have stricter gun laws like Cali or Chicago and DC. They have the highest homicide rates. Now look at plano tx, almost every household has at least one gun in it and guess what? One of the most peacfull cities in the US... You won't find many people there listening to rap and getting high instead of going to school there either where as Detroit is riddled with saggy pants wanna be gangsters collecting that bama check in-between robbing homes and shooting each other over crack.


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

(in reply to Cuckingcurious)
Profile   Post #: 94
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 2:20:50 PM   

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Yes fire arms deaths, are on topic.


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Duchess Of Dissent
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(in reply to Cuckingcurious)
Profile   Post #: 95
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 2:23:59 PM   

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Oh and staleek,
If Americans hadn't been armed we would of never kicked your ass in the revolutionary war. Here again come the English to try and tell us what to do. How about you go eat one of your nasty fucking meat pies and leave the security of America to Americans? I don't try to tell you what you should do with your Queen...


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 96
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 2:25:38 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cuckingcurious

Russia was at its knees and at the brink of collapse, D day made Hitler pull troops from Russia. If D day wouldn't of happened Hitler would of controlled Russia. He fucked up by having Japan attack pearl harbor. That's what brought America actively into the war. As for the bombs I doubt they would of used them in germany unless it was one last ditch effort. The fallout would of caused damage not only to Germany but allied nations as well. The use of the bomb was necessary because a full on invasion was not possible due to its remote location. Their fighters would of sank every one of our ships.

The bombs were if all else failed option. And yes an invasion of Japan would have been very costly, the bombs not only saved American lives but likely a couple million Japanese as well.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

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Profile   Post #: 97
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 2:30:59 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cuckingcurious

Russia was not able to push back German troops until late 1942 after dday. Granted before then the Russians managed to stall Hitler during the winter in 1941 but that stale mate wouldn't of lasted for ever. Dday was the nail in the coffin. His declaration of war on the US sealed his fate. If he hadn't started a war with Russia and it remained neutral the allies would of had little chances as well. His troops were spread too thin in Russia he could no longer reinforce them because of allies pushing in from France and later Holland. I suppose his persistence on building bigger and better weapons instead of mass producing the tiger tank helped his dimise a bit as well. While he was only fighting the Russians he still had the luxury of experimenting with various weapon systems. All those different tanks etc. Became a supply nightmare once the dday came about. No interchangeable parts and a cripple d supply line left tanks and other equipent useless. If you get your info from some keyboard warrior on YouTube then I feel sorry for you. It sure doesn't seem like an "expert" source lol.

D-day wasn't until June 1944.
However it should be noted that the Germans lost more in Tunisa than Stalingrad.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

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RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 2:44:30 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Cuckingcurious
For those that want some real statistics generated by the FBI.
It's funny to see the states with the strictest gunlaws / gun ownership ratio are also the states with the most gun related homicides. On another note in 2013 there were 41000 suicides vs 16000 homicides. Only about a third or so we're committed by use of a fire arm. Also most gun homicides and suicides are committed by a hand gun not a rifle. Hand guns are easier for criminals to conceal...

The thing, though, is which came first? Were the laws put in place as a response to the homicide rates? I'm going guess they did. If so, it implies the laws aren't effective enough to reduce the rates down to the "normal" rate in other areas. But, it does not prove they have no effect at all, which would be impossible to actually discern.


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Profile   Post #: 99
RE: CDC and Firearms - 12/18/2015 2:53:16 PM   

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Your last statistic shows homicides not necessarily gun related. It also doesn't include the motivation behind the crime. Like I said white killings usually are domestic violence. While black crimes tend to be mostly drug or other illegal activity related. Also note on your chart how many black on white homicides vs white on black. I can almost guarantee you that all of them were robberies at gun point or a home invasion. Another thing the chart does not show is the ratio of homicides vs population of whites, blacks etc. Which will show blacks are more likely to commit a violent crime. You don't see white people riot in the streets because some criminal died being arrested. I could care less. If an officer ever stops me I would comply with his requests I wouldn't try to fight him. Regardless adding up your last statistic there were less than total 6000 homicides in the US in 2013 of those homicides how many do you think could of been prevented by banning guns? My guess about 50 of those 6000. That number sounds ridiculously low but hey its your chart and that would make any European nation far more murderous than us gun toting Americans lol.


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" ~Albert Einstein~

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" ~Plato~

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