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RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 5:16:41 AM   

Posts: 854
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ORIGINAL: bounty44

a couple of what I hope are insightful aphorisms that might give some understanding to the overall discussion.

as concerns atheists: atheists cannot find god for the same reason a bank robber cannot find the police.

as concerns Christians: the greatest crime in the desert is to know where the water is, and not tell.

I don't believe so. If they don't want the water, why give them a drink? Now if someone says I am thirsty please i need water, then you give them the waterfall.


Balanced Chakra

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 101
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 6:09:04 AM   

Posts: 9381
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From: Pittston, Pennsyltucky
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ORIGINAL: Cinnamongirl67


ORIGINAL: bounty44

a couple of what I hope are insightful aphorisms that might give some understanding to the overall discussion.

as concerns atheists: atheists cannot find god for the same reason a bank robber cannot find the police.

as concerns Christians: the greatest crime in the desert is to know where the water is, and not tell.

I don't believe so. If they don't want the water, why give them a drink? Now if someone says I am thirsty please i need water, then you give them the waterfall.

Cinnamon, I believe you're reading in things which don't belong.

First, the obvious: telling people where the water is, isn't "giving them a drink"; it's letting them know where the water is, should they want it.

Second: giving someone a drink, isn't forcing them to drink.

Third: waiting for someone to ask for something isn't always "proper". Whenever anyone comes into my house, I offer them water, soda, milk, root beer, etc. It's a form of hospitality. Many Christians view imparting information to others as their duty.

I don't even like when people come to my door and open with: "Do you have a few minutes to talk about Jesus?" but I don't treat those people any differently than I treat the muslims who wear their traditional garb or the Jews who wear sackcloth or the people wearing jeans and a t-shirt. If they knock on my door, they're going to get a very courteous (but curt) "Thank you, but I'm not interested".


< Message edited by DaddySatyr -- 2/5/2016 6:12:35 AM >


A Stone in My Shoe

Screen captures (and pissing on shadows) still RULE! Ya feel me?

"For that which I love, I will do horrible things"

(in reply to Cinnamongirl67)
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RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 6:28:09 AM   

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ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler
But these Christians protest outside planned parenthood forcing their beliefs on people

not that I expect for a moment that you can successfully answer this but the question still needs to be asked. exactly how are Christians protesting outside a planned parenthood "forcing" their beliefs on people?

You're kidding, right? Between screaming at people and trying to legislate their form of morality, it's pretty obvious, but thanks for been catty

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 103
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 7:26:43 AM   

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RealOne, someday you'll have children. They may have children too...

Your descendents, when they study your portrait will feel either pity for your having lived in such ignorance as religion, shame for your zeal, or pride for knowing that you had the courage to cast aside childish consolations and face life and death with the dignity of a straight back instead of the cowardice of a bent knee.

Which (real)one is it going to be?

Edited for orthography.

< Message edited by ManOeuvre -- 2/5/2016 7:28:33 AM >

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RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 7:53:07 AM   

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ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
Cinnamon, I believe you're reading in things which don't belong.
If they knock on my door, they're going to get a very courteous (but curt) "Thank you, but I'm not interested".

We get the odd god-botherers knocking at our door at times.
We just say "we're Pagans here" and they're gone faster than a bullet!!


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to DaddySatyr)
Profile   Post #: 105
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 8:19:56 AM   

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@Cinnamongirl67 I am begging to see you understand nothing of what I say and I nothing of what you say. I did my comments about realones article link and I went onto to say:

I said tolerance is a curious word. And it is
I pointed out, contrary to you words, that an indigenous population who inhabited the land for >20 millennia were a spiritual people – incidentally wiped to the edge of tomorrow, a precipice if you like, by people who have inhabited the land one fortieth duration. And then you went on to point out, for reasons that escape me. I really don't need a lecture from someone who doesn't live here, and lives the actual life…and my jaw, freshly lubricated in cheap Chardonnay hit the floor – whilst it was down there it foraged for muffin crumbs. Alas to no avail, for we live in harsh times.

As for origins of the huwman race we are all one race:
Descended from twoish beings – but that risk the chicken or the egg argument.
Lizard king made us...think our dark overlord made 2. from clay and dirt too as it was all the rage.
Gods made two.
But the above 3 points also have incestuous implications

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 106
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 8:50:00 AM   

Posts: 40310
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ORIGINAL: bounty44

a couple of what I hope are insightful aphorisms that might give some understanding to the overall discussion.

as concerns atheists: atheists cannot find god for the same reason a bank robber cannot find the police.

as concerns Christians: the greatest crime in the desert is to know where the water is, and not tell.

No its not that we cant find god...Its that we dont like being forced to live by your unequal discriminatory rules.
Im not talking for any other person but me, but I know many atheists/agnostic/non believers who were brought up in religious backgrounds, and found them full of lies, deceptions and ugliness.
Certainly the case with me, along with the hypocrisy and lack of equality
Wether they are Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim(apostates in their faith) or whatever.
There is a reason for shunning the dogma of religion.

the greatest crime in the desert is to know where the water is, and not tell.

no, the greatest crime is knowing where the water is and only telling one group of people.


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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

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Profile   Post #: 107
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 9:15:49 AM   

Posts: 4828
Joined: 1/4/2004
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ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler
But these Christians protest outside planned parenthood forcing their beliefs on people

not that I expect for a moment that you can successfully answer this but the question still needs to be asked. exactly how are Christians protesting outside a planned parenthood "forcing" their beliefs on people?

and trying to legislate their form of morality....

Supporting legislation is a right every citizen has. Surely, you're not denigrating that right?

As for legislating morality. As I posted a few posts ago - you cannot legislate morality. This is just another lefty talking point.
No one can - or is attempting - to legislate what you believe is right or wrong.

What they are trying to do is pass legislation banning actions. Murder is illegal, they are trying to ensure that it remains so.
Supporting legislation is a right every citizen has. Surely, you're not denigrating that right?

(in reply to DominantWrestler)
Profile   Post #: 108
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 9:22:59 AM   

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@Lucylastic good words. Its no real secret, to those that follow me over all of time and space. I was born a catholic; was an alter boy; fortunately I was not abused and papal seals did not apply, but i did have a good slug of communion wine - wasn't bad actually.

I had no choice as the word of God was the word of God - but I was about 14 when I rejected it as complete malarkey - which is my general opinion of all religion.
even i cannot help myself with this nugget the greatest crime in the desert is to know where the water is, and not tell. everyone in the desert klnows exactly where the water is - indeed aquifers cannals/underground were set up two millennia ago....okay Atcama dessert is a little different as parts of it are 20 million years olde...But the pre incas (it wasn't the incas) had stepped wells too...not that they ever inhabited the Atacama

And no gods exists and all religion is malarkey and its origins borrowed/plagiarised/warped from deepest antiquity and myth and folklore

What people do in the name of their god, past present, horrifies me to this very day - and their god 9as defined by them) would not allow that, ever.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 109
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 9:32:37 AM   

Posts: 40310
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OMG Protests are ok if you are a christo fascist, but not if you are black or poor, you are a thug and out to kill cops, oh and likely to be faced with a barrage of heavily armed cops with armoured tanks

The christo fascist that shot up planned parenthood, was peaceful eh? DO you have a clue how many forced birther protestors are violent? You know how many death threats that have been made against clinics and doctors? And women using themoh and men too.
Have a look into the abortion doctor that was killed and how many talibangelicals on cruz's side, believe death is the only answer to gays and abortion doctors, staff and women?
VIolence in anti abortion protests is getting to be a n epidemic.

Yes you christo fascists are attempting to legislate morality,
Florida has just signed into law, to make abortion doctors liable for a 30 year sentence
Of course thats The best way to shut down any abortion clinic and send women out to back alley abortionists.
They are doing the same in Texas

The mortality rate has climed since the GOP started the war on women.
A woman has a constitutional right to an abortion. It is a legally mandated medical procedure, it is not murder in the legal sense or the constitutional sense, only to those trying to legislate women to become mothers believe women have no rights.
SUpporting legislation and protesting it is fine.
But hurting people to do it, is just as bad as a terrorist


<) )╯SUCH
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to Phydeaux)
Profile   Post #: 110
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 9:33:45 AM   

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ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

no gods exists and all religion is malarkey

Issuing definitive pronouncements about things they cannot possibly know is the favorite pastime of fathead religionists and atheists alike. You're just another fucking priest.


(in reply to WickedsDesire)
Profile   Post #: 111
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 9:44:18 AM   

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ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler
But these Christians protest outside planned parenthood forcing their beliefs on people

not that I expect for a moment that you can successfully answer this but the question still needs to be asked. exactly how are Christians protesting outside a planned parenthood "forcing" their beliefs on people?

You're kidding, right? Between screaming at people and trying to legislate their form of morality, it's pretty obvious, but thanks for been catty

just to be clear, so in your mind, asking for an explanation as to an unsupported claim is being "catty?"

or was it the part where I said I was confident you wouldn't be able to answer the question? which in effect you haven't.

(in reply to DominantWrestler)
Profile   Post #: 112
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 9:51:00 AM   

Posts: 854
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ORIGINAL: WickedsDesire

@Cinnamongirl67 I am begging to see you understand nothing of what I say and I nothing of what you say. I did my comments about realones article link and I went onto to say:

I said tolerance is a curious word. And it is
I pointed out, contrary to you words, that an indigenous population who inhabited the land for >20 millennia were a spiritual people – incidentally wiped to the edge of tomorrow, a precipice if you like, by people who have inhabited the land one fortieth duration. And then you went on to point out, for reasons that escape me. I really don't need a lecture from someone who doesn't live here, and lives the actual life…and my jaw, freshly lubricated in cheap Chardonnay hit the floor – whilst it was down there it foraged for muffin crumbs. Alas to no avail, for we live in harsh times.

As for origins of the huwman race we are all one race:
Descended from twoish beings – but that risk the chicken or the egg argument.
Lizard king made us...think our dark overlord made 2. from clay and dirt too as it was all the rage.
Gods made two.
But the above 3 points also have incestuous implications

I apologize if I misunderstood.
Here again with muffins and Chardonnay. Do You only write this way or do you speak this way too? I'm just very curious. I can't figure out if you are an aristocrat or a wineo with an eating disorder.


Balanced Chakra

(in reply to WickedsDesire)
Profile   Post #: 113
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 10:05:39 AM   

Posts: 40310
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ORIGINAL: Cinnamongirl67

Do You only write this way or do you speak this way too? I'm just very curious. I can't figure out if you are an aristocrat or a wineo with an eating disorder.

LMAO...not because who you posted it to, or his particular pattern of speech, but simply because its funny,


<) )╯SUCH
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to Cinnamongirl67)
Profile   Post #: 114
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 11:00:34 AM   

Posts: 5568
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ORIGINAL: bounty44

a couple of what I hope are insightful aphorisms that might give some understanding to the overall discussion.

as concerns atheists: atheists cannot find god for the same reason a bank robber cannot find the police.

as concerns Christians: the greatest crime in the desert is to know where the water is, and not tell.

These are neither aphorisms, nor insightful.

The first fails because on one hand you're identifying a group of people who don't believe that god exists while on the other you've a person who is a criminal and is very well aware that the police exist and wants to avoid them because he or she will likely be arrested.

The second fails because they do not "know", they simply have faith.


Remember.... There's always somewhere on the planet where it's jackass o'clock.

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Profile   Post #: 115
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 1:12:26 PM   

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ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler
But these Christians protest outside planned parenthood forcing their beliefs on people

not that I expect for a moment that you can successfully answer this but the question still needs to be asked. exactly how are Christians protesting outside a planned parenthood "forcing" their beliefs on people?

You're kidding, right? Between screaming at people and trying to legislate their form of morality, it's pretty obvious, but thanks for been catty

just to be clear, so in your mind, asking for an explanation as to an unsupported claim is being "catty?"

or was it the part where I said I was confident you wouldn't be able to answer the question? which in effect you haven't.

Believing abortion is wrong and forcing others by law to not have them is the same as forcing your beliefs

(in reply to bounty44)
Profile   Post #: 116
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 1:16:23 PM   

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ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler
But these Christians protest outside planned parenthood forcing their beliefs on people

not that I expect for a moment that you can successfully answer this but the question still needs to be asked. exactly how are Christians protesting outside a planned parenthood "forcing" their beliefs on people?

You're kidding, right? Between screaming at people and trying to legislate their form of morality, it's pretty obvious, but thanks for been catty

just to be clear, so in your mind, asking for an explanation as to an unsupported claim is being "catty?"

or was it the part where I said I was confident you wouldn't be able to answer the question? which in effect you haven't.

Believing abortion is wrong and forcing others by law to not have them is the same as forcing your beliefs

They want to stop the clinic from performing abortions, that doesn't mean they give a shit what the people who were going to have them believe, it just means they want to stop the abortion. They can keep worshiping the meatball or not. No one cares as long as abortion is illegal. See the difference?


"Sweetie, you're wasting your gum" .. Albert

This here is the boi formerly known as orfunboi

(in reply to DominantWrestler)
Profile   Post #: 117
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 1:44:13 PM   

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But as long as it is not, and Roe v. Wade which is the law of this land says it is not.....

We care.


Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to thishereboi)
Profile   Post #: 118
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 3:11:16 PM   

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ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler


ORIGINAL: bounty44


ORIGINAL: DominantWrestler
But these Christians protest outside planned parenthood forcing their beliefs on people

not that I expect for a moment that you can successfully answer this but the question still needs to be asked. exactly how are Christians protesting outside a planned parenthood "forcing" their beliefs on people?

You're kidding, right? Between screaming at people and trying to legislate their form of morality, it's pretty obvious, but thanks for been catty

just to be clear, so in your mind, asking for an explanation as to an unsupported claim is being "catty?"

or was it the part where I said I was confident you wouldn't be able to answer the question? which in effect you haven't.

Believing abortion is wrong and forcing others by law to not have them is the same as forcing your beliefs

forgetting for a moment that Christians protesting outside planned parenthood and working through legislation are completely separate and distinct entities...and so you still haven't (and cannot) answer the question.

apparently you missed the part where phydeaux said that to Christians and other pro-life people, abortion is murder?

now, use that same sentence about "believing abortion is wrong..." only this time, rephrase it from the perspective of the unborn baby who is about to be killed.

(in reply to DominantWrestler)
Profile   Post #: 119
RE: Freedom From Atheism! - 2/5/2016 3:16:20 PM   

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the unborn have no perspective. Only the born give them perspective.


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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to bounty44)
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