RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (Full Version)

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respectmen -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 6:05:22 AM)

So a group of people pushing for women's rights aren't feminists? Even that they aren't a member of a big name organisation?

We have to agree to disagree, kaliko.

Lucylastic -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 6:07:50 AM)

The misogynists just don't want to admit or they are too fucking thick to realise that their attitudes is exactly that!

It's the misogynists who are totalitarians. It's the misogynists who show extreme controlling behaviour. It's the misogynists who uses violence against others who disagree. It's the misogynists who bans others from universities from having different opinions. It's the misogynists who will try to disturb and stop any conference or speech that isn't kowtowing their repulsive ideology.

The misogynists just don't want to admit it that they are the real fucking fascists. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

I have extreme passionate hate for people on the right for these behaviours that I just mentioned above. These people are fucking deranged. They are the ruination of western civilization. The west wont remain the best for long with misogynistsists around shitting all over the place as they enforce privileges for men and majority groups and totally discriminating the fuck out of white women.

misogynistsists fuckwit freaks shout the loudest about anti feminism, and racism, but total fucking irony, more than anything, it's them who are the most sexist and racist as they go on with their anti female hating bigoted bullshit. Blaming females for all the woes in the world. Blaming one demographic of people based on gender and race for all the woes in the world is nothing more than extreme hate.

These people are repulsive, disgusting, hypocritical, controlling, lying ,dirtbags that should get laughed at out of existence.

Kaliko -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 6:35:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen

So a group of people pushing for women's rights aren't feminists? Even that they aren't a member of a big name organisation?

We have to agree to disagree, kaliko.

I've been looking into feminism a little bit more than I ever have this past year or so, in part due to these discussion boards. I actually like these debates that go on and I enjoy being being challenged to think about things differently.

Trying to keep an open mind while looking into it, yes, I've come to the conclusion that in this particular case, just because someone says they're feminists doesn't mean they are.

However, also in this particular case, if no one is stepping up to say "We condemn these actions," then that amounts to approval, which is why people are given the impression that these women do, indeed, represent feminists.

I wouldn't say that across the board, people pushing for women's rights aren't feminists. I think most of them probably do label themselves as such, and the reason why it gets under Peon's skin is because they are labeling themselves, he believes, incorrectly. And in this particular case, I think he's right. The journalists labeled them as feminists. That's it. (As far as I can tell.) Now, they may very well be acting 100% in accord with what they believe to be feminism. But, we don't know that.

I also don't think they need to be a member of a big organization. (Quite the opposite, actually.) But that big organization does exist, and it is the one with the power to set things straight on the national media platform. The fact that they don't is...interesting.

Maybe it's too small an issue for them to bother with. (Though, I did go to the Boston chapter and didn't see anything there, either.)

At any rate, Awareness is up and about now so I'm sure he'll be along at some point to tell me "Bollocks!" :)

Awareness -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 7:10:56 AM)




To feminists, "equality" means female privilege.

Then they're not frigging feminists, are they?
On that basis, there are no feminists.

Awareness -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 7:12:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Well personally I think the policy is dumb, but yeah if it is going to apply to one it ought to apply for the other.
Also this...

“What do we want? Female spaces!” they chanted. “When do we want them? Now!”

God no, I want gender neutral spaces. Spaces where people of all genders can come together to learn from one another, not a whole bunch of little ghettos.
Christ, I don't. I want a place where I can crack a joke without some useless whining bitch complaining that she's offended.

Men's-only clubs are an excellent idea and infringing upon their right to create and enjoy such clubs is unconstitutional.

Nnanji -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 7:22:31 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

The misogynists just don't want to admit or they are too fucking thick to realise that their attitudes is exactly that!

It's the misogynists who are totalitarians. It's the misogynists who show extreme controlling behaviour. It's the misogynists who uses violence against others who disagree. It's the misogynists who bans others from universities from having different opinions. It's the misogynists who will try to disturb and stop any conference or speech that isn't kowtowing their repulsive ideology.

The misogynists just don't want to admit it that they are the real fucking fascists. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

I have extreme passionate hate for people on the right for these behaviours that I just mentioned above. These people are fucking deranged. They are the ruination of western civilization. The west wont remain the best for long with misogynistsists around shitting all over the place as they enforce privileges for men and majority groups and totally discriminating the fuck out of white women

Shoot, a lot of residual hate there. You really haven't been keeping up with the news have you?

PeonForHer -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 8:52:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: Awareness




To feminists, "equality" means female privilege.

Then they're not frigging feminists, are they?
On that basis, there are no feminists.


Snitch -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 8:57:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: Awareness


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Well personally I think the policy is dumb, but yeah if it is going to apply to one it ought to apply for the other.
Also this...

“What do we want? Female spaces!” they chanted. “When do we want them? Now!”

God no, I want gender neutral spaces. Spaces where people of all genders can come together to learn from one another, not a whole bunch of little ghettos.
Christ, I don't. I want a place where I can crack a joke without some useless whining bitch complaining that she's offended.

Men's-only clubs are an excellent idea and infringing upon their right to create and enjoy such clubs is unconstitutional.

Do you always say the opposite of what you mean?

PeonForHer -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 9:04:21 AM)



Christ, I don't. I want a place where I can crack a joke without some useless whining bitch complaining that she's offended.

Men's-only clubs are an excellent idea and infringing upon their right to create and enjoy such clubs is unconstitutional.


Do you always say the opposite of what you mean?

That post threw me for a second, too ... I thought for a minute that Awareness was talking about the 'useless whining bitches complaining about being offended' in *men's clubs*. What a difference one letter can make!

ETA: As if any men's group would contain 'whining bitches', when they'd be made up of men like Respectmen. God, I really misread Awareness's post, there.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 9:15:50 AM)


I understand that the leaders of a movement

Unfortunately there are no leaders of the feminist movement. There are a whole bunch of self-proclaimed leaders and thinkers, some of whom are completely batshit crazy, and some who are very articulate and sensible, and for the most part, very few of them agree with eachother.
The batshit extreme ones such as the "all penetrative sex is rape" types (if so then rape me baby!) are just that...batshit crazy extremists.


But really…the average person is not to blame for this

True, and a good part of the blame actually falls on people like respectmen and Awareness who push the bullshit extremists as the exemplars of feminism. It really is no different from people saying that Daesh is representative of Islam or that the Westboro fucks are representative of Christianity.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 9:23:36 AM)


It's the misogynists who are totalitarians. It's the misogynists who show extreme controlling behaviour. It's the misogynists who uses violence against others who disagree. It's the misogynists who bans others from universities from having different opinions. It's the misogynists who will try to disturb and stop any conference or speech that isn't kowtowing their repulsive ideology.

Actually, Lucy, there are very vocal elements within the feminist movement who do all those things.

I have extreme passionate hate for people on the right for these behaviours that I just mentioned above.

And what about those on the left who do the same things? Do you have an extreme passionate hate for them as well?

and totally discriminating the fuck out of white women.

Actually white women are the least discriminated against female demographic. Basically they are the white men of womankind.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 9:25:37 AM)


and infringing upon their right to create and enjoy such clubs is unconstitutional

Under which constitution?

WhoreMods -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 9:46:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick
Unfortunately there are no leaders of the feminist movement. There are a whole bunch of self-proclaimed leaders and thinkers, some of whom are completely batshit crazy, and some who are very articulate and sensible, and for the most part, very few of them agree with eachother.
The batshit extreme ones such as the "all penetrative sex is rape" types (if so then rape me baby!) are just that...batshit crazy extremists.

The really funny thing about that one is that feminism has its own misogynist wing at the opposite extreme to Dworkin. The Camille Paglias and who have you.

Lucylastic -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 9:51:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


It's the misogynists who are totalitarians. It's the misogynists who show extreme controlling behaviour. It's the misogynists who uses violence against others who disagree. It's the misogynists who bans others from universities from having different opinions. It's the misogynists who will try to disturb and stop any conference or speech that isn't kowtowing their repulsive ideology.

Actually, Lucy, there are very vocal elements within the feminist movement who do all those things.

I have extreme passionate hate for people on the right for these behaviours that I just mentioned above.

And what about those on the left who do the same things? Do you have an extreme passionate hate for them as well?

and totally discriminating the fuck out of white women.

Actually white women are the least discriminated against female demographic. Basically they are the white men of womankind.

to be fair to you Dizzy
This is one of Nicks post from the social warrior justice thread.
I simply changed all the "terminology" around
Nobody commented on it over there..
2 people commented on it here because it was "me" being a cunt( I would no more post something like that than fly to the moon using unicorn farts).... a little test if you will...not against anyone but at the attitudes.

stef -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 9:55:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen

How about attacking my points instead of making strawman attacks against my character? That may help.

How about showing some character instead of blindly parroting the abject stupidity you've been posting here for years? That may help.

Have an original thought for once. You never know, you may come to actually enjoy thinking for yourself.

Nnanji -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 10:11:42 AM)




ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick
Unfortunately there are no leaders of the feminist movement. There are a whole bunch of self-proclaimed leaders and thinkers, some of whom are completely batshit crazy, and some who are very articulate and sensible, and for the most part, very few of them agree with eachother.
The batshit extreme ones such as the "all penetrative sex is rape" types (if so then rape me baby!) are just that...batshit crazy extremists.

The really funny thing about that one is that feminism has its own misogynist wing at the opposite extreme to Dworkin. The Camille Paglias and who have you.

That's so funny. Camille Paglia is so reasonable I generally read and enjoy her writing. But here you call her a misogynist. What a crazy perspective. What a hateful one.

Nnanji -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 10:13:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


It's the misogynists who are totalitarians. It's the misogynists who show extreme controlling behaviour. It's the misogynists who uses violence against others who disagree. It's the misogynists who bans others from universities from having different opinions. It's the misogynists who will try to disturb and stop any conference or speech that isn't kowtowing their repulsive ideology.

Actually, Lucy, there are very vocal elements within the feminist movement who do all those things.

I have extreme passionate hate for people on the right for these behaviours that I just mentioned above.

And what about those on the left who do the same things? Do you have an extreme passionate hate for them as well?

and totally discriminating the fuck out of white women.

Actually white women are the least discriminated against female demographic. Basically they are the white men of womankind.

to be fair to you Dizzy
This is one of Nicks post from the social warrior justice thread.
I simply changed all the "terminology" around
Nobody commented on it over there..
2 people commented on it here because it was "me" being a cunt( I would no more post something like that than fly to the moon using unicorn farts).... a little test if you will...not against anyone but at the attitudes.

I'm glad to hear that. While I find you to be a whacko, I really was having trouble ascribing that level of whacko to you.

Kaliko -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 12:47:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


I understand that the leaders of a movement

Unfortunately there are no leaders of the feminist movement. There are a whole bunch of self-proclaimed leaders and thinkers, some of whom are completely batshit crazy, and some who are very articulate and sensible, and for the most part, very few of them agree with eachother.
The batshit extreme ones such as the "all penetrative sex is rape" types (if so then rape me baby!) are just that...batshit crazy extremists.

Okay. But if there is no leader of the movement, then who is to say what the principles of today's feminism is? Who is to say that respectmen's or Awareness' view of who a feminist is today is any more wrong or right than Peon's?

Aylee -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 1:04:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


and infringing upon their right to create and enjoy such clubs is unconstitutional

Under which constitution?

United States Constitution.

''It is beyond debate that freedom to engage in association for the advancement of beliefs and ideas is an inseparable aspect of the 'liberty' assured by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which embraces freedom of speech. . . . Of course, it is immaterial whether the beliefs sought to be advanced by association pertain to political, economic, religious or cultural matters, and state action which may have the effect of curtailing the freedom to associate is subject to the closest scrutiny.'' 194 It would appear from the Court's opinions that the right of association is derivative from the First Amendment guarantees of speech, assembly, and petition, 195 although it has at times seemingly been referred to as a separate, independent freedom protected by the First Amendment. 196 The doctrine is a fairly recent construction, the problems associated with it having previously arisen primarily in the context of loyalty-security investigations of Communist Party membership, and these cases having been resolved without giving rise to any separate theory of association. 197 - See more at:

Whitney v. California 274 u.s. 357 (1927)

De Jonge v. Oregon 299 u.s. 353 (1937)

Hague v. Committee for Industrial Organization 307 u.s. 496 (1939)

American Communications Assn. v. Douds 339 u.s. 382 (1950)

Adler v. Board of Education of City of New York 342 u.s. 485 (1952)

Kent v. Dulles 357 u.s. 116 (1958)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People v. Patterson 357 u.s. 449 (1958)

Barenblatt v. United States 360 u.s. 109 (1959)

Shelton v. Tucker 364 u.s. 479 (1960)

Communist Party of the United States v. Subversive Activities Control Bd. No. 12 367 u.s. 1 (1961)

Scales v. United States 367 u.s. 203 (1961)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People v. Button 371 u.s. 415 (1963)

Edwards v. South Carolina 372 u.s. 229 (1963)

Aptheker v. Secretary of State 378 u.s. 500 (1964)

Cox v. Louisiana 379 u.s. 536 (1965)

Evans v. Newton 382 u.s. 296 (1966)

Keyishian v. Board of Regents 385 u.s. 589 (1967)

Moose Lodge No. 107 v. Irvis 407 u.s. 163 (1972)

Communist Party of Indiana v. Whitcomb 414 u.s. 441 (1974)

Buckley v. Valeo 424 u.s. 1 (1976)

Moore v. City of East Cleveland 431 u.s. 494 (1977)

Nixon v. Administrator of General Services 433 u.s. 425 (1977)

McDaniel v. Paty 435 u.s. 618 (1978)

In re Primus 436 u.s. 412 (1978)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People v. Claiborne Hardware Co. 458 u.s. 886 (1982)

Hishon v. King & Spalding 467 u.s. 69 (1984)

Roberts v. United States Jaycees 468 u.s. 609 (1984)

Bowers v. Hardwick 478 u.s. 186 (1986)

Board of Directors, Rotary International v. Rotary Club of Duarte 481 u.s. 537 (1987)

Board of Education of Westside Community Schools v. Mergens By and Through Mergens 496 u.s. 226 (1990)

Rutan v. Republican Party of Illinois 497 u.s. 62 (1990)

Dawson v. Delaware 503 u.s. 159 (1992)

California Democratic Party v. Jones 530 u.s. 567 (2000)

Boy Scouts of America v. Dale 530 u.s. 640 (2000)

Nnanji -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 1:50:01 PM)

There you go.

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