RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (Full Version)

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ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 2:04:20 PM)


to be fair to you Dizzy
This is one of Nicks post from the social warrior justice thread.
I simply changed all the "terminology" around

Ah, well that explains it then. I generally don't pay much attention to what he posts.


Nobody commented on it over there..

See the above.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 2:10:13 PM)


then who is to say what the principles of today's feminism is? Who is to say that respectmen's or Awareness' view of who a feminist is today is any more wrong or right than Peon's?

I guess the majority of those who identify as feminists, who generally don't support the batshit crazy ones, because...well they're batshit crazy.
I mean come on, who gets to say just what exactly are the principles of modern American conservatism? Is it Trump? Bachman? Palin? Limbaugh? Beck?
Describing the views of the crazy fringe as representative of mainstream feminism is as valid as saying those fruitcakes represent conservatism. Every mass movement has it's idiots, extremists, and publicity seeking blowhards.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 2:11:51 PM)


United States Constitution.

Which does not actually apply to the actions of Harvard.

Aylee -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 4:44:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


United States Constitution.

Which does not actually apply to the actions of Harvard.

How do you figure?

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 4:54:58 PM)

Because it is a private institution, not part of the government, and therefore the restrictions on government action do not apply equally to it.
It has not forbidden such single gender organizations, it has only set the requirements for holding school leadership positions, something to which one does not have any constitutional rights, and thus the Constitution has exactly zero relevance.

respectmen -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 4:58:45 PM)

It's funny how it's all okay to generalise MRAs. When people talk about MRAs, it's 100 percent socially acceptable to paint them all with the same brush. But these same people who generally do that have a problem with painting all feminists with the same brush.

stef -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 6:09:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen

It's funny how it's all okay to generalise MRAs. When people talk about MRAs, it's 100 percent socially acceptable to paint them all with the same brush. But these same people who generally do that have a problem with painting all feminists with the same brush.

That's because MRAs are all whiny babymen. The people you constantly cry about aren't feminists, as has been pointed out to you roughly a thousand times by now.

respectmen -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 6:43:14 PM)


That's because MRAs are all whiny babymen.

Shameless hypocrite. You wouldn't be saying that type of thing about feminists.

I think the men's rights movement is no better than the feminist movement. The only significant difference between the two is that feminism has social power while the men's rights movement has none, due to female privilege.


The people you constantly cry about aren't feminists

People just selectively and conveniently say that whenever feminists are acting bad. That argument wouldn't work for MRAs, as for saying anyone isn't an MRA if they happen to be acting bad. The double standards between the two movements never ceases to amaze me. It's outright female favoritism.

stef -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 6:53:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: respectmen


That's because MRAs are all whiny babymen.

Shameless hypocrite.

I don't believe you have any idea what that word means, much like feminist.


You wouldn't be saying that type of thing about feminists.

Of course not. Because feminists want equality for everyone. The whiny babymen don't want equality, they're fighting tooth and nail to keep the advantages they have enjoyed their entire lives and want to deny them to anyone else.


I think the men's rights movement is no better than the feminist movement. The only significant difference between the two is that feminism has social power while the men's rights movement has none, due to female privilege.

Female privilege? That's rich. Which privilege are you referring to exactly?



The people you constantly cry about aren't feminists

People just selectively and conveniently say that whenever feminists are acting bad. That argument wouldn't work for MRAs, as for saying anyone isn't an MRA if they happen to be acting bad. The double standards between the two movements never ceases to amaze me. It's outright female favoritism.

I'm sorry, but you are a colossal imbecile if you honestly believe that.

Aylee -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 7:04:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Because it is a private institution, not part of the government, and therefore the restrictions on government action do not apply equally to it.
It has not forbidden such single gender organizations, it has only set the requirements for holding school leadership positions, something to which one does not have any constitutional rights, and thus the Constitution has exactly zero relevance.

They are forbidding leadership positions for those who join an OFF CAMPUS club.

They are saying that they do not have freedom of association because a few (less than ten) clubs are single-sex, even though Harvard has many single-sex groups.

Think of it as though your employer told you that you could join a gym but you were not allowed to join a woman's only gym.

respectmen -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/14/2016 7:14:07 PM)


I don't believe you have any idea what that word means, much like feminist.

Oh I definitely know what it means. You're a hypocrite because you have one standard for a movement that rants about rights for women and another standard for a movement that rants about the rights for men. Both movements are pretty much doing the same, except they are supporting another gender. Feminism is problematic because it has social power, the men's rights movement isn't problematic because it has no social power and hardly anyone cares about it.


Of course not. Because feminists want equality for everyone.

Stop making me laugh at your idiocy. Like the men's rights movement, the feminist movement only cares about one gender. That's why feminists are silent over things like the prison sentencing gap, yet they are loud about the wage gap.


The whiny babymen don't want equality, they're fighting tooth and nail to keep the advantages they have enjoyed their entire lives and want to deny them to anyone else.

What advantages are these? Male privilege theory is a load of horse shit.


Female privilege? That's rich. Which privilege are you referring to exactly?

The empathy gap.

Female grievances are very much so more considered compared to male grievances. Not only that, when a woman gets hurt or killed one way or the other, there is more empathy towards that than there is when the same happens to a man. Such like when a news story says a group of people get killed, they make it significant that women were also victims.

Termyn8or -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 12:16:49 AM)

Webstars dictionary :

Batshit crazy;

1. Writes things with which you disagree.

2. Writes things that you cannot understand because of your lack of common sense.

3. Writes thing that go against some core liberal belief you cannot lose, or even re-examine for validity.

We clear on that now ?


ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 2:09:09 AM)


They are forbidding leadership positions for those who join an OFF CAMPUS club.

So? They are entitled to set whatever conditions they want for the leadership positions, the Constitution simply does not apply.

Kaliko -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 6:19:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


then who is to say what the principles of today's feminism is? Who is to say that respectmen's or Awareness' view of who a feminist is today is any more wrong or right than Peon's?

I guess the majority of those who identify as feminists, who generally don't support the batshit crazy ones, because...well they're batshit crazy.
I mean come on, who gets to say just what exactly are the principles of modern American conservatism? Is it Trump? Bachman? Palin? Limbaugh? Beck?
Describing the views of the crazy fringe as representative of mainstream feminism is as valid as saying those fruitcakes represent conservatism. Every mass movement has it's idiots, extremists, and publicity seeking blowhards.

If there isn't some sort of leadership within the movement, then I would have to retract my earlier post. I was going on the assumption that feminists are basically unified behind some central tenets and self-identifying outward from that place. If that's not the case, then this has only strengthened my feeling in the post above that any one definition of feminist is no better than another.

I understand that academics may study a movement without defined leadership and be able to "define" from there. But the average person will not and cannot do that. That brings me full circle to this, from my first post:


So if someone could find me a position of an organization such as NOW coming out to condemn these actions, then I would happily concede. I understand that the leaders of a movement can't be held responsible for the actions of each and every person who dons the label of that movement. But staying silent only allows the misconception to grow. And when this misconception reaches the average person who does not hold a higher degree in this topic and who is unable to dig out the truth from mounds of media and misdirection - and indeed, has neither the drive nor the resources to - it really irritates Peon. :) But really…the average person is not to blame for this.

1. The average person isn't studying feminism in the classroom. They're garnering their information from their social circles and the media.
2. What gets media attention are articles such as that in the OP. The more outrageous, the better.
3. I'm going to assume that the average person isn't engaged in discussion to this level to find out the truth to what they're seeing and hearing about feminists. They have no reason to; we've been indoctrinated. It's a non-issue for a lot of people.
4. So either the average person believes these feminists to be right in their actions, or they believe these feminists to be outrageous in their actions. But I don't believe that many people are arguing whether these people are feminists, and without anybody telling them "No, they don't represent feminists" from some sort of trusted and known entity, then they never will.
5. And if the general public refers to these people as feminists, and the usage is unchecked, then...voila...we have feminists, even if a handful of more invested people who spend time discussing this disagree.

Now actually, personally, I still I think that NOW has a responsibility to come out with a statement on these types of things that make it appear that feminists don't actually want equality. IF that's what they really want. And the fact that they don't still rubs me the wrong way. (Though, I haven't checked today. Perhaps they have by now or maybe I missed it.)

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 12:24:13 PM)


I was going on the assumption that feminists are basically unified behind some central tenets and self-identifying outward from that place.

They are: gender equality.

Termyn8or -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 1:08:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


They are forbidding leadership positions for those who join an OFF CAMPUS club.

So? They are entitled to set whatever conditions they want for the leadership positions, the Constitution simply does not apply.

I see you also capitalise the word constitution when it means the US Constitution. Good.

Now this might not apply to you personally, but I believe it applies to many. People on a crusade for equal rights frequently seek superior rights. Maybe you are not that way, so therefore think others are like you, which is a natural trait of human psychology, but others are after an edge over those they perceive as having oppressed them and they want the means to exact revenge.

Now personally, as a White Man, I would be qualified to lead because I harbor no such thoughts. I could mete out equality just fine because I have not really been oppressed and have no reason for revenge.

We have a Black President. Oh the horror ! But, did you see any laws against Whites only ? Nope. Did you see a vast expansion of affirmative action ? Nope. Did you even see Black defense contractors being favored ? Nope. Did you see more Black federal employees ? Nope.

In Illinois, Barack Obama probably saw some injustice to his brethren. Did he strike back when he reached a position of power ? Nope. But that is not the norm. People seek revenge, but not by killing or beating, by leverage. The job market, the credit department, whatever. Most of us have grown beyond shooting each other.

Anyway, I think I am about to go on sort of a crusade. I might. I have to work out some details. But I'll start on Craigslist and start a White Man club. No Blacks or Hispanics or Women or Transexuals or anything. Let's see how that goes over. I bet I get killed.

You got a Miss Black America, you got a Congressional Black Caucus. That they used the word caucus is hilarious BTW. Blacks have their groups, Hispanics have their groups, Jews, don't even go there. What do we have ?

We had The National Alliance before, and some truckload of N____ hassled them and these White Men went out and stopped the, and then got sued for millions of dollars for "scaring" them. I would have scared them alot more. But the guys at the Alliance were cool and didn't want to kill them like me. Just like the guy who used to own the gas station down the street. Tried to be a nice guy and shot the ARMED robber in the arm and leg rather than shoot to kill. Must have bee a pretty decent marksman. But the robber turned around and shot and killed him, and shot his son. If I was there I would have said to hang them from a tall tree and be done with it. I got a long fuse, but it is connected to a very deadly device. Very deadly.

Anyway, we gave Women their rights after they started burning bras n shit. We gave. Understand what that means ? That means that White Man still has the ultimate power. We invented killing too, and if Blacks or Hispanics want a race war we will stack them up on the streetcorners like cordwood.

I am ¼ German. Got any idea how tough they are ? Is Germany even as big as Texas ? They took half of Europe and gave Russia, which is what, ten times the size, a very hard time. They made it to Moscow ! Are you kidding me ? This is a bunch of bad motherfuckers if I ever seen one.

The thing that is going to kill the White Man is numbers. We are not out having five or ten kids. Others are. And really they are going to take over and run the world. See how you like it then. Because these 2 BILLION Muslims are not going to give any rights to Women. Neither will the Blacks or Hispanics. When the White Man dies, so does Women's suffrage.

Give that a little thought folks.


Aylee -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 2:08:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


They are forbidding leadership positions for those who join an OFF CAMPUS club.

So? They are entitled to set whatever conditions they want for the leadership positions, the Constitution simply does not apply.

If Title IX applies, then the Civil Rights Act applies, and so the Constitution applies.

And Title IX applies to Harvard.

Awareness -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 2:48:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


and infringing upon their right to create and enjoy such clubs is unconstitutional

Under which constitution?
The US constitution. Freedom of assembly and freedom of association. Under freedom of association people can form clubs which can administer themselves for the benefit of the members. Attempting to prevent men from creating male-only clubs is a violation of this constitutional right.

Face it. There are just some places men want to be free of women. It's only damaged women who have a problem with this.

Awareness -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 2:50:51 PM)




ORIGINAL: Awareness


ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick

Well personally I think the policy is dumb, but yeah if it is going to apply to one it ought to apply for the other.
Also this...

“What do we want? Female spaces!” they chanted. “When do we want them? Now!”

God no, I want gender neutral spaces. Spaces where people of all genders can come together to learn from one another, not a whole bunch of little ghettos.
Christ, I don't. I want a place where I can crack a joke without some useless whining bitch complaining that she's offended.

Men's-only clubs are an excellent idea and infringing upon their right to create and enjoy such clubs is unconstitutional.

Do you always say the opposite of what you mean?
Do you always have trouble comprehending perfectly coherent English-language sentences?

Awareness -> RE: Feminists Want Harvard’s All-Male Clubs Punished—But Not All-Women’s Clubs (5/15/2016 2:52:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

The misogynists just don't want to admit or they are too fucking thick to realise that their attitudes is exactly that!

It's the misogynists who are totalitarians. It's the misogynists who show extreme controlling behaviour. It's the misogynists who uses violence against others who disagree. It's the misogynists who bans others from universities from having different opinions. It's the misogynists who will try to disturb and stop any conference or speech that isn't kowtowing their repulsive ideology.

The misogynists just don't want to admit it that they are the real fucking fascists. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

I have extreme passionate hate for people on the right for these behaviours that I just mentioned above. These people are fucking deranged. They are the ruination of western civilization. The west wont remain the best for long with misogynistsists around shitting all over the place as they enforce privileges for men and majority groups and totally discriminating the fuck out of white women.

misogynistsists fuckwit freaks shout the loudest about anti feminism, and racism, but total fucking irony, more than anything, it's them who are the most sexist and racist as they go on with their anti female hating bigoted bullshit. Blaming females for all the woes in the world. Blaming one demographic of people based on gender and race for all the woes in the world is nothing more than extreme hate.

These people are repulsive, disgusting, hypocritical, controlling, lying ,dirtbags that should get laughed at out of existence.
Wow, damaged much?

White women are essentially the most privileged, over-indulged, spoilt girl-children in the world. And yet, you still find things to whine about. Unbelievable.

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