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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 1:29:02 PM   

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Why would you need meds for STIs if you always play safe and everyone is STI free?

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 1:33:52 PM   

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Does it really matter to you??

We just do. Because we can and it's free here.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 1:56:35 PM   

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yes it matters! It shows how hypocritical you really are!
Your pathetic! You bagger me, but here you are taking FREE meds for STIs, JUST IN CASE!

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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 2:01:08 PM   

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yes it matters! It shows how hypocritical you really are!
Your pathetic! You bagger me, but here you are taking FREE meds for STIs, JUST IN CASE!

Where did I say we take meds for STI's??
Oh. That's right, I didn't.

We get tested but don't need meds - because we are STI free.

And it's no more hypocritical than those having a 'flu jab when they don't have the 'flu.
We don't even have that jab.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 2:23:05 PM   

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Sometimes the truth hurts.

Indeed, but not in the way you're probably thinking.

What you've posted here will be incredibly illuminating for anyone considering getting involved with you in the future.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 2:24:14 PM   

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Nicely put stef!!


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 2:53:46 PM   

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My fault! I apologize. I misread your post.

But it doesn't change the fact that you still get tested on a regular basis.
Why do you get tested on a regular basis?

(in reply to freedomdwarf1)
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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 2:58:31 PM   

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Im sorry that you think that I was trying to convince everyone to have sex with someone who has HSV and accept the risk.
My number one concern has always been about my potential partners comfort level, even if it was just to play at the dungeons without sexual contact.
If someone is uncomfortable with my status, I would never try to convince them otherwise.
I apologize for that.

My ultimate goal would be to find another Herpster have fun with. Deep down I was hoping my honesty on my profile and this post might draw another Herpster out of hiding and make contact with.

I know not many people want to talk about STIs.
But I have to say that by your own admissions, many of you engage in risky sexual activities. If you didn't, their would be any need to get STI screenings every 3-6 months, now would you?
You get tested to confirm that you made the right decisions, and as some said, you got "lucky" you didn't catch anything.
I would imagine that's the way all of you feel when you get you results back, and when they are negative, you feel lucky and relieved that you didn't catch anything this time.

That was the point I was trying to make, unless you know 100% certain that the partner that you're having sexual contact with is clean, their is always a chance of catching not only herpes, but something else. Then their wouldn't be a need for any STI screenings if you weren't sure, right?

Nice way to try to imply something that wasn't there.

When I used the term "got lucky," it was specifically in reply to your question about having AWAYS used safer sex practices. To me, ALWAYS means everything, including the time I didn't when I was a teenager those thirty years ago. Absolutely, I was sexually active in the eighties, before the CDC released what caused HIV and bunches of people were going, "oh sh^t... You mean Het people can get it, too?"

However, just because I did dumb stuff as a teenager, (and believe me, not the only area where I did dumb things at that age) does that mean I would have to keep doing them. I'm of the age that we didn't know it was a terribly bad thing to tip back a few and then go driving on a Saturday night when we were teens. You wouldn't catch me doing it today, cause gee whiz, we found out that people got dead doing it. Did I get lucky that I wasn't one of them? You bet.

Is it completely, totally impossible that my other half wouldn't cheat on me and bring home an STI? Nobody can say that for absolute certain, even knowing the kind of person they married. It's improbable but nobody can say absolutely impossible. Still, you are comparing something I would be unaware of regarding a risk as opposed to a risk I would KNOW that I have.

Just as an addition, I'm literally counting nine people who have responded on this thread who have done more extensive screening for reasons other than their sexual practices. Are you considering any of those?


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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 5:44:51 PM   

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My fault! I apologize. I misread your post.

But it doesn't change the fact that you still get tested on a regular basis.
Why do you get tested on a regular basis?

Who in the holy living hell told you it was any of your fucking business why they get tested, how often they get tested, or anything else for that matter?

Seriously...who the fuck do you think you are?!? Last time I checked, having HSV2 didn't convey upon you the entitlement to stick your nose all up in the middle of anyone else's sexual business


~The artist formerly known as SeekingTrinity on tour as a solo act~

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RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 8:14:38 PM   

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It's my thread! I can ask anything I want especially if it's relevant to the post.
If I'm going to accused of being dangerous, reckless, irresponsible and engaging in risky behavior that spreads my HSV to others around me without regard to their well being, you better believe I'm going to call you out if you engage in risky behavior that put yourselves at risk for catching and spreading the very same STI that I'm being bashed for having?
If my integrity is being questioned, so why can't I question yours? Especially when I see your being hypocritical?

(in reply to Danemora)
Profile   Post #: 110
RE: Herpes - 9/14/2016 9:31:10 PM   

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It's still none of your fucking business why someone tests and the frequency with which they do test. You starting this "fuck me because I've only got a blah blah blah percent chance of giving you HSV2" thread still doesn't grant you entitlement to personal affairs your damn nose doesn't belongs in. Perhaps you should worry a bit more about your own sexual health and a bit less on the sexual health of people who are not fucking you personally.

Everyone tests for STIs at the frequency they test because...none of your fucking business. It's just that simple because...its none of your business. Get it yet? Because it's none of your business.

In case you forgot. It's none of your business.

Sweet Jesus, your dense-ity is likely to throw the fucking Earth off its axis

< Message edited by Danemora -- 9/14/2016 9:38:28 PM >


~The artist formerly known as SeekingTrinity on tour as a solo act~

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RE: Herpes - 9/15/2016 12:52:24 AM   

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It's my thread! I can ask anything I want especially if it's relevant to the post.
If I'm going to accused of being dangerous, reckless, irresponsible and engaging in risky behavior that spreads my HSV to others around me without regard to their well being, you better believe I'm going to call you out if you engage in risky behavior that put yourselves at risk for catching and spreading the very same STI that I'm being bashed for having?
If my integrity is being questioned, so why can't I question yours? Especially when I see your being hypocritical?

Actually, Mr sunshine, it's not YOUR thread!!
You started it. That's true.
After that, anyone can respond and it's not yours to control or dictate who says what on it.

If you read every response I've made on here, I don't engage in risky behaviour.
So there's nothing to call me out on.
And what I do is none of your fucking business either.

And further more, we aren't questioning what you do.
We are decrying your glib and flippant attitude towards herpes.
Nothing else.

Over 110 posts and you are still defending your deplorable and inexcusable attitude.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

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RE: Herpes - 9/15/2016 3:59:20 AM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

ORIGINAL: NookieNotes

ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1
Many have unprotected sex - both young and old.
And a good majority of people DON'T have herpes.

I've already given my opinion of using facts to try to convince people to have risky sex.

However, battling it with misinformation is also fucked up.

It's estimated that between 70-85% of the population has one form of herpes or another in their lifetime. So, it's not a "good majority."

Interesting you say that.

According to the CDC: Genital herpes is common in the United States. In the United States, about one out of every six people aged 14 to 49 years have genital herpes.

I'd say that 5 out of 6 not having it is a "good majority".

1. I was speaking of herpes in all it's forms, HSV1 and HSV2, since both are supposedly lifelong, and both can present via genitals and oral locations, as well as "travel" to other areas.

2. I was using the World Health Organization, rather than the CDC.

3. As has been said before, herpes is so prevalent and so much of a non-issue in most medical systems' views that it is not even standard on the usual battery of STI tests. In fact, it's been allowed in some health coverage to DENY the herpes test as not covered, because it's not considered a necessary piece of information to know whether you have it, if you have no presented symptoms AT THE POINT OF THE TESTING.

4. I am immersed in this world. I research it so I can teach it. I have no horse in this game, except to spread the correct information.


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes
Now, one thing that is being discovered is that herpes is not a lifetime sentence anymore.

Not according to my source (CDC): There is no cure for herpes. However, there are medicines that can prevent or shorten outbreaks.

There's a huge difference between stopping outbreaks and being cured.
If there's no cure, that makes it a lifetime sentence.

Correct. There is no known cure. There is, however, what seems to be spontaneous remissions or eradications that no one has bothered to explain. There are many people who have been previously diagnosed who do not test positive for herpes. Period.

I will explain again: I was born with herpes. I have had outbreaks. I do not have outbreaks anymore. I no longer test positive for herpes in any test, and have not, for over 20 years.

My Pet has oral herpes, visually diagnosed. There is NO OTHER possible diagnosis, according to every doctor, ever. He has NEVER swabbed positive, nor has he ever been positive in a blood test, except for the first one he was given in his early twenties, nearly 30 years ago. Herpes medications work erratically for him. He breaks out 1-2 times per year, and has never passed it to a partner. He is "cured," according to doctors except he is not.

Again, because herpes is not a high health threat, these things are not studied. And that's OK. However, the point is, the common "wisdom" of herpes (including how people get it—NOTE: IT'S NOT PREVENTABLE WITH CONDOM USAGE [30% protection rate—shockingly low]) is not 100% factual.


ORIGINAL: NookieNotes
So, please, by all means, call people out on trying to convince people to have sex with herpetics, just because.

Also, though, don't be a douche on the other side of the coin by spreading your own misinformation.

My info is backed up by no other than the CDC.
So I don't consider it misinformation.

I find it fascinating how when it suits people, the government is the be-all end-all of factual information.

When it suits.




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RE: Herpes - 9/15/2016 5:41:40 AM   

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In a public forum I can say and ask anything I want. You can't control or dictate what anyone says.
If you looked past your own anger issues you would have read where I apologized for some of my statements. I've been very respectful with my responses unlike many of you who have really shown the type of people you really are.
But the hypocrisy on this thread has been unbelievable!

Thank you to everyone for your replies to this post. It did give me some good insight to views and attitudes towards my status.

(in reply to Danemora)
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RE: Herpes - 9/15/2016 5:41:48 AM   

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I also read the WHO pages on HSV-1 and HSV-2 and I cannot find your figures of 70-85%.
In fact, all but one are below 80% and one as low as 39%.
I also noted that it stated that they were no more than estimates.

I also find that even the WHO declare that there is no known cure for herpes.
So I think it is correct to state my initial PoV: If there's no cure, that makes it a lifetime sentence.
I also happen to think it is more disingenuous and inaccurate to say "herpes is not a lifetime sentence anymore" when it clearly is by all measures.
By your own admission, there is no known cure even if there are remissions.
That's still not a cure.
Misinformation?? I think you are spreading more than I.

As for OP still playing it down, which from your responses seem to concur, many feel it should be in bright red neon flashing lights rather than brushed under the carpet.
Many STI's are curable; herpes is one of those that isn't.
That fact alone, in and of itself, makes it a highly dangerous disease not to be dismissed lightly.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

(in reply to NookieNotes)
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RE: Herpes - 9/15/2016 5:53:22 AM   

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In a public forum I can say and ask anything I want. You can't control or dictate what anyone says.
If you looked past your own anger issues you would have read where I apologized for some of my statements. I've been very respectful with my responses unlike many of you who have really shown the type of people you really are.
But the hypocrisy on this thread has been unbelievable!

Thank you to everyone for your replies to this post. It did give me some good insight to views and attitudes towards my status.

Sure, you can say and ask what you want.
But that doesn't give you self-entitlement to cross-examine anyone that responds and expect an answer.
And as far as I can see, it has been YOU taking the moral high ground here, not the responders.
You presented us with a question.... we answered it collectively.
It's not our fault if you don't like the answer given to you.

You'll notice that we are spread around the world, different genders, different sides of the kneel, different experiences; quite a mixed hotch-potch of people.
And some on here are qualified to respond in a professional capacity too.
You got pretty much the same reaction from most of us.
That should tell you something.


If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
George Orwell, 1903-1950

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RE: Herpes - 9/15/2016 7:24:30 AM   

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In a public forum I can say and ask anything I want.

Actually, that is not true. You cannot say or ask anything you want. You can, however, conduct yourself within the rules of the Terms of Service that you agreed to abide by when you became a member..


"For there is no folly of the beast of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of men." Herman Melville - Moby Dick

I'm wearing my chicken suit and humming La Marseillaise.

(in reply to Rush30)
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RE: Herpes - 9/15/2016 7:47:54 AM   

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In a public forum I can say and ask anything I want. You can't control or dictate what anyone says.
If you looked past your own anger issues you would have read where I apologized for some of my statements. I've been very respectful with my responses unlike many of you who have really shown the type of people you really are.
But the hypocrisy on this thread has been unbelievable!

Thank you to everyone for your replies to this post. It did give me some good insight to views and attitudes towards my status.

You are right. You can go full-on jackass on a thread so long as you stay within the rules our CS hosts put forth in the TOS. You can ask questions that are none of your fucking business. But you still aren't ENTITLED to answers to questions that are none of your fucking business, Princess.

You are asking people why they test frequently so you can turn around and shame them for testing often. You are hoping to look down your nose at others the way you feel people look down on you. How sad it is that you have nothing better to do with your time.

It doesn't matter why people test or how often they are testing. Because they are at least testing so they don't get sick themselves or spread it to others. Getting tested for STIs is nothing you should be attempting to shame people for. And it's beyond ridiculous that you are even making the pathetic attempt to do it.

< Message edited by Danemora -- 9/15/2016 8:02:42 AM >


~The artist formerly known as SeekingTrinity on tour as a solo act~

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RE: Herpes - 9/15/2016 8:00:06 AM   

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Thanks NookieNotes as that post took a bit of time


Has chosen to be honest and upfront...misreading a comment aside. You can also ask what you want, but people will not always reply and you must accept that is their right.

Sometimes when I can be bothered I will write bit about CFS/ME. I was, still am, totally shocked at a surprisingly high number of people who judge me on that and that alone. It makes me feel sun human and i try and not think about those people.

(in reply to Danemora)
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RE: Herpes - 9/16/2016 4:40:27 AM   

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ORIGINAL: freedomdwarf1

I also happen to think it is more disingenuous and inaccurate to say "herpes is not a lifetime sentence anymore" when it clearly is by all measures.

I said, if you bother to quote accurately, "is being discovered."

This is new information, that is being challenged at grass roots levels, and is perplexing many people. It is important to understand it, as we understand herpes further.

Because, in many cases, now, herpes is disappearing from all known tests, even after being conclusively diagnosed.

I am not saying this so you can rush right out and get it, anymore than I think you should be lazy protecting against HIV (only one pill a day, now, not a death sentence!) or syphilis. I'm saying it because it is a current point of fact.


By your own admission, there is no known cure even if there are remissions.
That's still not a cure.
Misinformation?? I think you are spreading more than I.

I did not say there was a cure. I said that the idea that it is a life sentence is not 100% factual, according to current findings.

VERY simple. I'm not sure why you find it so hard to comprehend.


As for OP still playing it down, which from your responses seem to concur, many feel it should be in bright red neon flashing lights rather than brushed under the carpet.
Many STI's are curable; herpes is one of those that isn't.
That fact alone, in and of itself, makes it a highly dangerous disease not to be dismissed lightly.

I agree on several points.

The OP is playing it off, like it is no big deal. And it isn't. TO HIM. And that's fine, except that he should NOT be trying to make others feel the same way. Period.

It doesn't matter ANY of the facts that he is stating or I am. Herpes is a hard limit for many people, and they have a right to say so, and live by that choice.

Hell, I don't test positive for herpes, but I do tell people my history and show them my paperwork (on request) before sexual interaction, and I have had people shy away from wanting to interact with me, despite 100% clean paperwork. I'm happy to let them out of my life.

Herpes is not curable.

This is true at this time, unless you count some of the "spontaneous" remissions that come after a "cure" has been applied. None of these have been verified enough to make a difference.

What I do not agree with:

Shaming someone for having HSV or ANY STI/STD. Period.

Herpes is not common.

I'm not 100% on board with this:

Herpes is dangerous.

It really depends on what you mean by dangerous. Herpes virus 3 is FAR more dangerous to a larger span of the population, and has even been known to kill people (NOT a path HSV1 or HSV2 have been known to take), but because it's not "sexually transmitted," it's not as concerning to most people. In fact, most of us have had it, I'm betting. It's Chicken Pox.

That said, having HSV1 or HSV2 can open you up to being MORE likely to catch other STD/STIs, which can pose a danger in and of itself.

However, in the majority of people, I would say that herpes is a nuisance versus a danger.

Not one I'd want to have to deal with, were I given the choice, and one I actively avoid in most cases—especially for a casual fling.



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