Dear Male "Subs" (Full Version)

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LisaSadistic -> Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 11:37:36 AM)

I'm quitting Collarspace because you all are just a bunch of horny guys jerking your dicks off at me, calling me "Mistress" when you don't even know me, and expecting me to be some kind of fetish delivery system. You claim to be submissive to dominant women but yet you have no respect for us and show no interest in us as human beings. You sit there and send copy pasta, or approach us as though we are free hookers or free pro dommes. We are people and we are women. We have personalities and interests outside of kink. We like to have normal conversations and go out on dates and all those things you do when you're getting to know someone. You men who claim to be "submissive" don't even have the slightest bit of respect for women, much less would you know how to be the submissive in a female led relationship. I even have my NAME in my username, but nobody uses it. You guys have no personalities, you're boring, and you're all the same.

freedomdwarf1 -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 12:31:48 PM)

You need to learn to discern the wannabe do-me-subs from those that are genuine.

That takes time and a lot of patience.
Running away from the problem won't cure it.

As a dominant, you should be able to take control and sort the wheat from the chaff.
But if you aren't up to the task, then who are we to convince you otherwise.
Do what you need to do, but don't blame the site for your own short-comings.

MsLadySue -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 1:22:53 PM)

Do you honestly think any of the sub males on this site give a damn if you're quitting the site, let alone your reasons why? I doubt you are, since you have this exact message as your profile, so it appears you're still on Collarspace.

Needscastration3 -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 1:54:59 PM)

That sucks

LadyConstanze -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 2:07:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: LisaSadistic

I'm quitting Collarspace because you all are just a bunch of horny guys jerking your dicks off at me, calling me "Mistress" when you don't even know me, and expecting me to be some kind of fetish delivery system. You claim to be submissive to dominant women but yet you have no respect for us and show no interest in us as human beings. You sit there and send copy pasta, or approach us as though we are free hookers or free pro dommes. We are people and we are women. We have personalities and interests outside of kink. We like to have normal conversations and go out on dates and all those things you do when you're getting to know someone. You men who claim to be "submissive" don't even have the slightest bit of respect for women, much less would you know how to be the submissive in a female led relationship. I even have my NAME in my username, but nobody uses it. You guys have no personalities, you're boring, and you're all the same.

Seriously, it's something that will happen to you on the site if you are new, a bunch of guys who will write to everybody (especially people who have just signed up) - use the block button frequently. It can be frustrating but once in a while you meet somebody you can actually have a good conversation with and might click with.

PeonForHer -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 2:12:20 PM)

I find posts such as yours so sad, these days. I have some idea of how grim it can be for femdoms.

Look at my profile. We male subs are not all like that - I promise.

I've met and know Lady Constanze - she'll vouch for me ...

... Won't you, LC? :)

LadyConstanze -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 4:50:20 PM)



I find posts such as yours so sad, these days. I have some idea of how grim it can be for femdoms.

Look at my profile. We male subs are not all like that - I promise.

I've met and know Lady Constanze - she'll vouch for me ...

... Won't you, LC? :)

Actually even my cats and dogs will... Though you never showed me your spectacular buttocks, but we did have some fun going out and painting the town red (apart from the heat wave and seeing Oompa Loompas - even before Trump)... H keeps asking when you drop by again, would be nice to see you before we leave

PeonForHer -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 5:29:45 PM)


H keeps asking when you drop by again, would be nice to see you before we leave

Jeez, I'd forgotten about that. When are you planning to go?

Diffident -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 6:01:01 PM)

This is a big problem with internet dating in general, that does seem to be getting worse. A woman I work with signed up for Tinder and deleted her profile less than 24 hours later. The NOKCupid hashtag on twitter collects loads of examples of why women are leaving that site in droves. I don't know if sub men are worse than dom men or vanilla men online, but maybe they are since those who are looking are probably more desperate.

I don't see this getting any better since there is no way that I can think of to make people send better messages than their lack of IQ or social skills make them do now. People looking for people are probably a lot better off looking offline than on until someone cleverer than me thinks of some way to tackle this.

LadyPact -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 6:15:14 PM)

Out of curiosity, wtf did you expect?

You are 38 years old. How many men in life wanted to nail you as opposed to have a real relationship?

How many people do you know that have met and had a long term relationships because they crossed paths on the internet? Take that small percentage of people and divide it by the number of total people who are on a hook-up site. (Yes, I know. Math is hard. [8|]) What was the percentage? Is the percentage here better than OKCCupid? Plenty of Fish? People who met and connected via WoW or TWD boards?

If you expected something else, I would have to say that a part of that is on you.

Best of luck in you future endeavors.

agoodlittleboi -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 6:26:28 PM)

I'm sorry are we on the same CollarSpace? Considering I write every single message out and don't copy and paste a single thing, the most I'm met with is generally a straight ask for tribute, a reminder to call them Mistress at all times? I'm disparaged by this lack of reality and the lack of decency and sincerity to be quite honest, I'm sorry you've had such an experience, but I'm honestly not surprised to hear you've only abhorred the rhetoric from this site. Where have all the good men and women gone haha :<

MzWhipplash -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 6:55:38 PM)

I remember when this site first started out it was Moderated so much that so many bits of posts and profile wording were deleted.

Now a much lower proportion occurs. If a newbie isn't sanctioned then he Carries on one hand typing for a hand shandy, rather than using his Mother given manners and not be a Cockwomble.

Use your block/delete button without replying to the Cockwomble, Asshat. Go to Pedestal or other similar FemDom Event or Munch and kick some balls.

Spiritedsub2 -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 7:51:49 PM)

It's just as bad in essentially the same ways with "dominant" men. Their profiles and messages are just strings of their sexual interests and "demands", bereft of any other dimension of humanness. You can delete your profile, but what I did that has been good for me was to hide mine. That way I can still see profiles and if someone interests me, I can message them. I like the site better when no one can see me to message me anymore. That was just brutal and disheartening.

igor2003 -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 8:32:29 PM)

I've gone the same route of hiding my profile at times in trying to find a domme. Evey one that contacts me first is only after one thing, and it's not a submissive. It's money. And even of the ones I contact first, almost always they end up asking for money within the first three or four emails. Everything from, "My mother has diabetes and can't afford her meds," to "I just started my period and I want you to send me $150 for fem hygiene products just as a show of good faith." (and yes those are really some of the excuses they use to try to get me to send money.) I had one young lady claim to be from Austin, Tx when we first made contact. Within about three emails she said she was writing to me from South Africa where she had gone on business. Two or three emails later she had been mugged and all of her money and credit cards and travel papers had been taken and she didn't ask directly for money . . . she actually wanted access to my banking information so she could transfer money from her bank to mine so I could send it to her.

So, we've all got our problems with the ne'er do wells and scammers on here. It's not just sub men, or dom men, or domme women. It seems to be everybody.

Then there was the "domme" on one of the message boards that accused me of being married and cheating because my profile was hidden. Jeez! You can't win around here! And by the way, at that time I had been divorced for about 20 years.

Oh...and right now I've been corresponding with a lady for several months, and she has NEVER even hinted at me sending her money. But then again, I didn't meet her through CS.

PantyhosedDomina -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 9:29:19 PM)

I don't want anyone's money and have never asked for and I would not. I think non-consensual exploitation is disgusting in any form. If a person wants certain services that they can't get in a relationship with someone that cares about them and they want someone that they don't care about to provide it then they should reimburse fairly for it as a fair exchange to the Pro-domme or Fin-domme or sex worker that is providing that service to them.

I am not seeking anyone's money. I'd be happy to have a good and loving sub for a meaningful relationship or a slave to provide good service to me. It's just not the case that all the domme's here just want people's money and to exploit them as that is not the case cos I am a domme and I'm not trying to exploit anyone.

LisaSadistic -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 10:32:42 PM)

Well, that sucks if this is nothing but chicks trolling for money and dudes trolling for pootang. Really. I thought this was going to be all romantic, like meeting Wesley from The Princess Bride. Except more casual at first. Instead my inbox is blown up by horny dudes from all over the world, and my local area, who seem to think that I'm some kind of interactive porn. If this is femdom then this is crap.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 10:34:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: LisaSadistic

Well, that sucks if this is nothing but chicks trolling for money and dudes trolling for pootang. Really. I thought this was going to be all romantic, like meeting Wesley from The Princess Bride. Except more casual at first. Instead my inbox is blown up by horny dudes from all over the world, and my local area, who seem to think that I'm some kind of interactive porn. If this is femdom then this is crap.

I always appreciated "Dread Pirate Roberts" more.


PantyhosedDomina -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/18/2017 10:41:11 PM)

Hiya Lisa. There a few genuine and good people here seeking something real. It's best to keep trying. Simply delete the trashy messages. You can simply hover you're mouse over the message and if it is unpleasant / rude etc just delete it which is insulting for the sender as it records as "deleted unread".

Good Luck :)

igor2003 -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/19/2017 12:40:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: PantyhosedDomina

I don't want anyone's money and have never asked for and I would not. I think non-consensual exploitation is disgusting in any form. If a person wants certain services that they can't get in a relationship with someone that cares about them and they want someone that they don't care about to provide it then they should reimburse fairly for it as a fair exchange to the Pro-domme or Fin-domme or sex worker that is providing that service to them.

I am not seeking anyone's money. I'd be happy to have a good and loving sub for a meaningful relationship or a slave to provide good service to me. It's just not the case that all the domme's here just want people's money and to exploit them as that is not the case cos I am a domme and I'm not trying to exploit anyone.

I may need to clear something up. There are really two factions here. There are the doms, dommes, sub males, and sub females that are seriously looking for their counterpart. Then there are the "so called" doms, dommes, sub males, and sub females that are up to no good, trying to scam people, claiming they are what they are not, and horny guys looking for wank material. My intent was that "everybody" in the first group was probably going to have problems with people in the second group. I certainly did not mean that "everyone" was part of the second group. Sadly, it seems that the second group has the first group woefully outnumbered.

PantyhosedDomina -> RE: Dear Male "Subs" (2/19/2017 1:24:01 AM)

Hello Mr igor2003. It is very sweet/nice of you to respond and clarify what you stated. You are correct of course.

I recently hid my profile as I am fed up of people seeing my nice profile and obviously sussing that I'm genuine and also grounded / nice and wanting to use me as wank fodder. There are also others that want my wares and knowing that they have no chance with a quality babe like me they send horrible insults as an opening message. I have had supposedly submissive men insulting me and being very aggressive because I refused to phone them for a discussion within three minutes of reading their message to me i.e becuase I refused to be their wank fodder which they feel they are entitled to. I am sure some of them are frustrated cos I had put a few blogs on my profile warning young people and newbies about some of the scams that people can be lured into in a place like this and I think that the people that like to do such scams are frustrated as some of their potential victims have escaped through reading my advice and having a wake up call. I am not a do-gooder or a crusader however I think it's nice to be able to help from afar and if I can help someone avoid being exploited or suffering significant harm I will do so. I don't need any credit for it . There are a lot of unreported statistics of people that have been harmed and some have lost their lives from seeking a relationship - not just bdsm relationships. The advice I give applies to any type of relationship or connection. I have learnt to hover over messages before opening and if I don't like the content I delete it unread as I don't indulge in negativity.

In reference to you're mention of the two groups, it's a shame that those in the dodgy group don't seek themselves and leave us honest and genuine ones alone.

Have a great rest of the weekend Mr igor2003 :)

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