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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane?

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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/10/2017 6:24:36 PM   

Posts: 32566
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ORIGINAL: ShadesDecadent
Mails have reached me of an accurate reflection.

OK. Sure ya do.

However, I'm willing to be subjective.

Any person who has bothered themselves to write this lying sack of shit is welcome to contact me on Fet, WITH THE PROPER TIME STAMP, to prove they contacted him. I did that just fine during the stalker sh^t. I figure, if I can do it, you can, too.


Top notch place. Oh, it was ladypact RM if you ever wondered and the lying bitch is a well proven lar, bully, insulter, harasser and troll queen bul;lying everyone of its boards.....look at her boards and her gang of stinkling pish. Truth will always point to itself, jet f urine with that one mind you

Truth is outing itself.

Unlike you, I actually respond to emails from Nick. If I had been the person who reported him, I'd have told him the truth.


They got wicked removed three times and music’s thread. Did you know that? She, well more an it really, went down fighting with lie after lie. But you already new those people exist on here.

Oh, so we're speaking in the third person now? Does that relieve a person for being responsible for themselves?
So, where's the lie? Can you prove it's a lie? One shred of evidence. When you continue like this, YOU ARE DOING MY Work for ME.


I thought you should know that.

look at that thread

Poor thing. Somebody called you out on your bullshit. I feel for ya, dude. Really.

Ta ta!!!


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

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(in reply to ShadesDecadent)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/10/2017 6:39:02 PM   

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ORIGINAL: ShadesDecadent

They are barking mad and liars. I am surprised they and their lies have not had you banned from this place astute one.

Get back on your meds, headcase.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

"Hypocrisy has consequences"

(in reply to ShadesDecadent)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/11/2017 8:39:30 AM   

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I'm going to try for a general comment to get it back to the topic of the thread. Hopefully, I won't repeat myself too much.

I honestly don't consider myself to have the same viewpoint about this as most other people on the forums. If somebody is seeking (or has) a monogamous or primary partner, beyond doubt, the most logical thing to do is try to create something with the various relationship components that are important to you. Whether that be romance, sex, financial security, companionship, kink, relationship progression, or any other category descriptor that a person would like to use, those are the things you need/want for your own interactions with the other person.

Then, someone like me comes along who already has their needs and most of their wants covered in their primary relationship. The only area where I have wants is the kink thing. (MP and I don't really do the kink thing together, so I'm going with the generalization.) To me, that translates into my wanting to engage in kink being a motivator to having a secondary person in my life at all. If for some reason I lost my taste for kink, I sincerely wouldn't have a reason to be poly. I will never be the person who comes to the forum saying I have a new vanilla boyfriend, because my love, romance, and emotional bases are already covered.

This is not to say that having those things in the dynamic isn't cool when they happen. I consider my current dynamic to be at least semi-romantic in nature, but that's a happenstance. To me, that's an organic thing and not something that's forced just because people engage in kink together, have sex, or anything else.

So, why do I consider it all about me? It's very simply because I choose to engage in kink for fun/my wants. If I don't want to do something because it's not fun for me, I'm not benefiting from it, or whatever, I'm not going to do it just to please the other party. Rope is a great example of this. Rope bondage, on it's own, bores the crap out of me. It's of no consequence how much the other person loves to be tied. Yeah, the other person may want it, but I don't, so it's not happening. If we are just talking about wants, not needs, mine are probably going to win.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to stef)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/11/2017 2:25:22 PM   

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A long time ago.

Yet by some strange miracle they, who are all in brilliant relationships, can spend 26 hours a day on the forums trying to zombify the pure and bully anyone credible off.
I see you are on awaiting were you a bit naughty or true with them?

But Christ look at them and their lies! No one wants any of them so do not feed the granny hag trolls please.

(in reply to Real0ne)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/11/2017 3:09:30 PM   

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you arent fooling anyone,
except yourself.


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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
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(in reply to ShadesDecadent)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/11/2017 3:16:24 PM   

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I think he might be pulling in front of Nicky for who is more pathetic.


Welcome to PoliticSpace! If you came here expecting meaningful BDSM discussions, boy are you in the wrong place.

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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/13/2017 10:47:46 PM   

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I've always been vastly entertained when people spout off about who is the cause of their moderation. They're wrong 99% of the time and fail to own the fact that it's their own damned fault.


Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world. ~ Marilyn Monroe

The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude

(in reply to stef)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/17/2017 12:32:12 AM   

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To all those in this discussion who ridiculed me, attacked me, and made verbal attacks towards my view/learning of BDSM:

No one is WRONG here. Or INCORRECT. Or MISUNDERSTANDING anything. My way I was taught and how I learned and how I define or do things isnt wrong just because YOU dont agree to the same or define it the same as I do. Its good you have your own method, definition, ideas, and visions for what BDSM is to you and to those you play with, but its no reason to attack me verbally like a pack of wild hounds and tear me to pieces for having a different and unique voice or way of seeing things.

I don't think its right for ANYONE in the BDSM/Fetish lifestyle to tell another person or group of persons that THEIR brand/idea/vision/description of BDSM is "not BDSM/kink, gross, stupid, or incorrect."

I feel thats up to the kinksters and their personal relationships or interests to decide. Now if its doing something ILLEGAL and or HARMFUL/DANGEROUS that can kill or maim a person then yeah I dont personally agree to it. I go by SSC.

But just because thats how I do things doesnt mean I deserve any rudeness, contempt, judgemental, or hateful comment from those who have differeing opinions of what BDSM is to THEM. Just because I dont match with your opinion or sentiment or how you label what you and others do, is no reason to go off on me and show yourself to be an a** about it.

If my tastes, methods, labels, what I know and have learned, does not match yours, then stick to what you know and let me have mine. There are as many flavors and types of BDSM as there are kinksters out there in the world, and we all see BDSM the way we can understand it best and apply it to our own lives.

It can be painful, joyful, healing, or sobering.
It can be rough, can be gentle, can be full of love, or only passion/carnal desires, or both even.
It can be fast, slow, strong, or light and even in between or interchangeable.
That's the beauty of BDSM and the kink lifestyle: to each their own. Freedom. Art. Passion. Goals. Dreams. Fulfillment.

As long as a person is not breaking their local laws or getting people maimed or killed, I dont see it as any ONE thing right or wrong. SSC is key but not all follow it. I however DO and choose to give even slaves their opinion and voice. I have to because I am morally inclined to on a personal level.

You can agree or disagree with that as you see fit, but I wont back down from my methods or how I choose to do things, or the types of partners that can relate and accept and agree to play with me the same way I do.

Knocking me down with discouraging rude comments wont change my mind or prove me to be anything other than a person who spoke her mind openly, and got shot down by a bunch of close minded judgemental immature people.

Now that's just how it is and how I feel about that, so if your opinion or discourse with me is going to be rude immature and judgemental, I will just cut you to the quick, block, and move on. I don't have time to sit here and write my soul, feelings, opinions, two cents, and insight, only to be treated like a moronic leper from people who have certain preferences that are differing from mine who feel the need to take a sh** on me for my own.

That's just crass, detracts from the conversation at hand that could be civil and intelligent on both sides, and is pointless and counter productive to conversing in a forum with people from all walks of life and backgrounds or lifestyles and ideas/opinions.


~*Mistress Sinclaire*~

My Fetlife:

(in reply to OsideGirl)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 8/9/2023 12:10:16 PM   

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I've always thought the problem with the male fetishists was that they pretend to want to fulfill the desires of others when it's really their own desires.
Certain dommes are the ones who want to 'correct' this by saying that 'true' male subs would serve them without considering their own desires at all.

They’re both wrong. The “do-me” subs prompted backlash from the “twu sub-seeking” dommes who overreacted. The truth is somewhere in between.

< Message edited by BrokeTheMold -- 8/9/2023 12:12:59 PM >

(in reply to heavyblinker)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 8/14/2023 4:30:06 AM   

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(in reply to LadyPact)
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RE: Have fem dommes gone completely over the top insane? - 9/9/2023 7:36:16 PM   

Posts: 1806
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From: Saint Pete,FL
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This such an old thread..i guess most of these posts are from many years ago


Charley aka Sub Guy

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