RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (Full Version)

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thompsonx -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:11:49 AM)


Okay, so you are comfortable with one in ten Muslims (or thereabouts) believing in jihadi violence, and Sharia violence

What percentage of amerikans believe in our violence in the sandbox?
Jesus you are phoquing stupid.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:17:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Yes, you took a chart on support for Sharia and labeled it Sharia Violence.

Simple dishonest nonsense.

"Dishonest nonsense" - [:D]

This is from your post 27 above, in which you crowed about only tiny numbers of Muslims supporting Sharia (and yes, it is extreme violence):


In other areas, however, there is less unity. For instance, a Pew Research Center survey of Muslims in 39 countries asked Muslims whether they want sharia law, a legal code based on the Quran and other Islamic scripture, to be the official law of the land in their country. Responses on this question vary widely. Muslims in a few countries, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, support sharia law as official law. But in most other countries, especially in Eastern Europe and Central Asia – including Turkey (12%), Kazakhstan (10%) and Azerbaijan (8%) – very few favor the implementation of sharia law.

VS. the reality, from the source you cherry picked your propaganda spew:


Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:22:13 AM)

Since they both come from the same source, you'll note that the data is the same.

In other words, you are full of shit.

Stop wasting time.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:29:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Since they both come from the same source, you'll note that the data is the same.

In other words, you are full of shit.

Stop wasting time.

Again, you are comfortable with10% of Muslims supporting Sharia, and other violence

Whatever you are, makes "full of shit" look really good

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:34:38 AM)

Again, you're twisting words to equate Sharia with violence.

This isn't even a good try. It's just boring.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:36:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Again, you're twisting words to equate Sharia with violence.

This isn't even a good try. It's just boring.

Also from your post 27 above:


More generally, Muslims mostly say that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam are rarely or never justified, including 92% in Indonesia and 91% in Iraq.

By your own words, nearly 10% of those two cherry picked locations support violence, and according to your source the numbers are far higher in many places

That's suicide bombings etc

Despite your protests Sharia is extreme violence

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:38:53 AM)

Your myopia over hating all things Muslim is clouding your reading comprehension again.

Thanks for emphasizing that even in Iraq and Indonesia, the vast majority oppose violence.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:42:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Your myopia over hating all things Muslim is clouding your reading comprehension again.

Thanks for emphasizing that even in Iraq and Indonesia, the vast majority oppose violence.

Nearly 10% admit that they support violence in Indonesia and Iraq

It's "hateful" to go against the idiocy that claims that's good?

Re your ad hominem, "Time and again we see that in any given "debate" practically all leftists have are personal attacks, or other debate fallacies."

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:44:56 AM)

Here are some numbers that aren't cherry-picked and spun:


ICM Poll: 20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers

NOP Research: 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified

Channel Four (2006): 31% of younger British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified compared to 14% of those over 45.

People-Press: 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.

YNet: One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children:,7340,L-4053251,00.html

World Public Opinion: 83% of Egyptians approve of attacks on American troops.
26% of Indonesians approve of attacks on American troops.
26% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on American troops.
68% of Moroccans approve of attacks on American troops.
90% of Palestinians approve of attacks on American troops.
72% of Jordanians approve of attacks on American troops.
52% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (39% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on American troops.
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.

World Public Opinion (2009): 30% of Palestinians support attacks on American civilians working in Muslim countries. 24% support the murder of Americans on U.S. soil.
Only 74% of Turks and 55% of Pakistanis disapprove of terror attacks against civilians on U.S. soil.

Pew Research (2010): 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 15% of Indonesians believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.
34% of Nigerian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.

16% of young Muslims in Belgium state terrorism is "acceptable".

Populus Poll (2006): 12% of young Muslims in Britain (and 12% overall) believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified. 1 in 4 support suicide attacks against British troops.

Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

Pew Research (2011): 8% of Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (81% never).
28% of Egyptian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (38% never).

Pew Research (2007): Muslim-Americans who identify more strongly with their religion are three times more likely to feel that suicide bombings are justified

27% of British Muslims do not support the deportation of Islamic extremists preaching violence and hate.

Federation of Student Islamic Societies: About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.

ICM Poll: 25% of British Muslims disagree that a Muslim has an obligation to report terrorists to police.

Populus Poll (2006): 16% of British Muslims believe suicide attacks against Israelis are justified.
37% believe Jews in Britain are a "legitimate target".

World Public Opinion: Majorities in Egypt (63%) and Libya (61%) supported the 9/11/2012 attacks against American embassies, including Benghazi.
Original Link: (Removed) (Reference in this link)

Pew Research (2013): At least 1 in 4 Muslims do not reject violence against civilians (study did not distinguish between those who believe it is partially justified and never justified).

Pew Research (2013): 15% of Muslims in Turkey support suicide bombings (also 11% in Kosovo, 26% in Malaysia and 26% in Bangladesh).

PCPO (2014): 89% of Palestinians support Hamas and other terrorists firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

Pew Research (2013): Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda. Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban. 13% support both groups and 1 in 4 refuse to say.

BBC Radio (2015): 45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent "mainstream Islam".

Palestinian Center for Political Research (2015): 74% of Palestinians support Hamas terror attacks.

Pew Research (2014): 47% of Bangladeshi Muslims says suicide bombings and violence are justified to "defend Islam". 1 in 4 believed the same in Tanzania and Egypt. 1 in 5 Muslims in the 'moderate' countries of Turkey and Malaysia.

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 19% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified in order to make Sharia the law in the United States (66% disagree).

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 25% of Muslim-Americans say that violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the "global Jihad (64% disagree).

The Sun (2015: Following Nov. 2015 attacks in Paris, 1 in 4 young Muslims in Britain (and 1 in 5 overall) said they sympathize with those who fight for ISIS.

ICM (2016): 2 in 3 Muslims in Britain would not report terror plot to police.

East West University (Bangladesh) (2016): 1 in 10 Bangladeshi university students support terrorism. Of these, more than half (52%) are from well-off families.

Policy Exchange (2016): 48% if British Muslims would not report a person "linked to terror."

See also: for further statistics on Islamic terror.

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:47:02 AM)

You've been cherry-picking so long that you don't know how to do anything else.

You don't think focusing on two areas of violence isn't cherry-picking, when I shared data from around the globe?

You don't thing that the vast majority opposes violence even in these two stand-out regions isn't significant?

You think it's ad hominem to point this reality out?

Honestly, you've lost the distinction between data and spin. It's hate at all costs with you. And "win" against strangers on the Internet at all costs. And to what end? You just continually make yourself look ridiculous. No one needs ad hominem. Your wounds are self-inflicted.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:47:22 AM)

al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and Islamic State (ISIS)

Pew Research (2007): 5% of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (27% can’t make up their minds). Only 58% reject al-Qaeda outright.

Pew Research (2011): 5% of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (14% can’t make up their minds).

Pew Research (2011): 1 in 10 native-born Muslim-Americans have a favorable view of al-Qaeda.

al-Jazeera (2006): 49.9% of Muslims polled support Osama bin Laden

Pew Research: 59% of Indonesians support Osama bin Laden in 2003
41% of Indonesians support Osama bin Laden in 2007
56% of Jordanians support Osama bin Laden in 2003

Pew Global: 51% of Palestinians support Osama bin Laden
54% of Muslim Nigerians Support Osama bin Laden

MacDonald Laurier Institute: 35% of Canadian Muslims would not repudiate al-Qaeda

World Public Opinion: Muslim majorities agree with the al-Qaeda goal of Islamic law.
Muslim majorities agree with al-Qaeda goal of keeping Western values out of Islamic countries;
(Egypt: 88%; Indonesia 76%; Pakistan 60%; Morocco 64%)

ICM Poll: 13% of Muslim in Britain support al-Qaeda attacks on America.

World Public Opinion: Attitude toward Osama bin Laden:
Egypt: 44% positive, 17% negative, and 25% mixed feelings
Indonesia: 14% positive, 26% negative, 21% mixed feelings (39% did not answer)
Pakistan: 25% positive, 15% negative, 26% mixed feelings (34% did not answer)
Morocco: 27% positive, 21% negative, 26% mixed feelings
Jordanians, Palestinians, Turks and Azerbaijanis. Jordanians combined for: 27% positive, 20 percent negative, and 27 percent mixed feelings. (Palestinians 56% positive, 20% negative, 22 percent mixed feelings).

Pew Research (2010): 49% of Nigerian Muslims have favorable view of al-Qaeda (34% unfavorable)
23% of Indonesians have favorable view of al-Qaeda (56% unfavorable)
34% of Jordanians have favorable view of al-Qaeda
25% of Indonesians have "confidence" in Osama bin Laden (59% had confidence in 2003)
1 in 5 Egyptians have "confidence" in Osama bin Laden

Pew Research (2011): 22% of Indonesians have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (21% unfavorable)

Gallup: 51% of Pakistanis grieve Osama bin Laden (only 11% happy over death)
44% of Pakistanis viewed Osama bin Laden as a martyr (only 28% as an oulaw)

Zogby International 2011: “Majorities in all six countries said they viewed the United States less favorably following the killing of the Al-Qaeda head [Osama bin Laden] in Pakistan”

Populus Survey: 18% of British Muslims would be proud or indifferent if a family member joined al-Qaeda.

Policy Exchange (2006): 7% Muslims in Britain admire al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

Informal poll of Saudis in August 2014 shows 92% agree that Islamic State (ISIS) "conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law."

Hurriyet Daily News / Metropoll (2015): 20% of Turks support the slaughter of Charlie Hebdo staffers and cartoonists.

al-Jazeera Poll (2015): 81% of respondents support the Islamic State (ISIS).

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 33% of Muslim-Americans say al-Qaeda beliefs are Islamic or correct. (49% disagree),

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 38% of Muslim-Americans say Islamic State (ISIS) beliefs are Islamic or correct. (43% disagree),

ICM (Mirror) Poll 2015: 1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, about half the total population.

Clarion Project Study (2015): 11.5% of Arabs support ISIS, or about 42 million.

Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (2015): Two-thirds of Palestinians support the stabbing of Israeli civilians.

Social Trends Survey (2016): 21% of Turks says ISIS 'represents Islam"; 10% would not categorize it as a terrorist organization.

ICM (2014): 16% of all French Muslims support ISIS, including 27% of those aged 18-24.

al-Jazeera Website Survey (2015): 81% of respondents approve of "regional conquests: by ISIS.

Doha Institute (ACRPS) 2014: 10% of Egyptians have a positive (or somewhat positive) view of ISIS as do 10% of Saudis, 13% of Tunisians and 13% of Syrian refugees. On average, 72% of the Arab world has a negative view of ISIS.

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:49:09 AM)

Keep convincing yourself.

Hate, run, fear, whatever does it for you.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:49:46 AM)

Violence in Defense of Islam

Jakarta Post (2006): 40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified. (Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

Center for Social Cohesion: One Third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam (Wikileaks cable)

Policy Exchange: One third of British Muslims believe anyone who leaves Islam should be killed

NOP Research: 78% of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons;

NOP Research: Hardcore Islamists comprise 9% of Britain's Muslim population;
Another 29% would "aggressively defend" Islam;

Pew Research (2010): 84% of Egyptian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
86% of Jordanian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
30% of Indonesian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
76% of Pakistanis support death the penalty for leaving Islam
51% of Nigerian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam

ICM Poll: 11% of British Muslims find violence for religious or political ends acceptable.

BBC (2007): 36% of younger Muslims in the UK believe a Muslim should be killed for converting to another religion (19% of those over 55 agree).

Terrorism Research Institute Study: 51% of mosques in the U.S. have texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% have texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% have no violent texts at all.

Pew Research (2013): 76% of South Asian Muslims and 56% of Egyptians advocate killing anyone who leaves the Islamic religion.

Pew Research (2013): 19% of Muslim Americans believe suicide bombings in defense of Islam are at least partially justified (global average is 28% in countries surveyed).

Pew Research (2013): 39% of Muslims in Malaysia say suicide bombings "justified" in defense of Islam (only 58% say 'never').

Die Presse (2013): 1 in 5 Muslims in Austria believe that anyone wanting to leave Islam should be killed.

Motivaction Survey (2014): 80% of young Dutch Muslims see nothing wrong with Holy War against non-believers. Most verbalized support for pro-Islamic State fighters.

BBC (2015): Following the Charlie Hebdo attacks, 27% of British Muslims openly support violence against cartoonists. Another 8% would not say, meaning that only 2 of 3 surveyed would say that the killings were not justified.

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 24% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified against those who "offend Islam" (60% disagree).

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 29% of Muslim-Americans agree that violence against those who insult Muhammad or the Quran is acceptable (61% disagree).

Pew Research (2015): 40% of Palestinians, 39% in Afghanistan, 29% in Egypt and 26% of Muslims in Bangladesh agree that violence against civilians in defense of Islam is sometimes justified.

Pew Research (2011): 8% of Muslims in America says suicide bombings and other violence against civilians in defense of Islam is sometimes or often justified. 81% say it is never justified.

Arab Observatory of Religions and Freedom (2016) Only 39% in Egypt condemn religious extremism.
University of Munster Study (2016): 20% of Turks living in Germany say that "the threat which the West poses to Islam justifies violence.
University of Munster Study (2016): 7% of Turks living in Germany agree that "violence is justified" to spread Islam.

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:51:41 AM)

And the vast majority of Muslims, even in violence prone regions, oppose that violence.


BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:52:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Keep convincing yourself.

Hate, run, fear, whatever does it for you.

Yeah, I know. I am a bad person because I post facts

Whatever... [:D]


83% of Pakistanis support stoning adulterers
78% of Pakistanis support killing apostates

Center for Social Cohesion: 40% of British Muslim students want Sharia
ICM Poll: 40% of British Muslims want Sharia in the UK

GfK NOP: 28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state

NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;

MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)

Islam, Human Rights and Public Opinion (Durie refers to 2006 poll): 58% of Indonesians believe adulterers should be stoned to death.

BBC (2007): 28% of Muslims in the UK prefer Sharia (37% for those younger).

World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
49% (plurality) of Indonesians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country

World Public Opinion: 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”

Pew Research (2010): 77% of Egyptian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
58% of Jordanian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
36% of Indonesian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
82% of Pakistanis favor floggings and amputation
65% of Nigerian Muslims favor floggings and amputation

Pew Research (2010): 82% of Egyptian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
70% of Jordanian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
42% of Indonesian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
82% of Pakistanis favor stoning adulterers
56% of Nigerian Muslims favor stoning adulterers

Pew Research (2013): 72% of Indonesians want Sharia to be law of the land

Pew Research (2013): 81% of South Asian Muslims and 57% of Egyptians suport amputating limbs for theft.

Pew Research (2013): According to an interpretation of this study, approximately 45% of Sharia supporters surveyed disagreed with the idea that Islamic law should apply only to Muslims.

Economist (Pew 2013): 74% who favor Islamic law in Egypt say it should apply to non-Muslims as well.

WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 65% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia is more important than the law of the country they live in.

FPO (2014): 43% of Islamic teachers in Austria openly advocate Sharia law over democracy.

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 33% of Muslim-Americans say that Sharia should be supreme to the US Constitution (43% disagree).

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 51% of Muslim-Americans say that Muslims should have the choice of being judged by Sharia courts rather than courts of the United States (39% disagree).
2015 (Jyllands Posten): 77% of Muslims in Denmark believe the Quran's instructions should be 'fully appied'.

2015 (Jyllands Postn): Only 53% of Danish Muslims believe Danish law should be based on the consitution and not the Quran.

ICM Poll (2016): 23% of British Muslim support the introduction of Sharia in the UK "instead of British Law"

ICM Poll (2016): 21% of British Muslims decline to condemn stoning adulterers (5% openly support them).

Pew Research (2016): A majority of Muslims in 10 countries favor basing laws on the Quran (inc. Pakistan, Pal. Auth, Malaysia, Jordan, Senegal, Nigeria, Indonesia, Lebanon and Turkey). Educated Muslims also favored Sharia, including 55% in 'secular Turkey'.
Arab Observatory of Religions and Freedom (2016): 79% of Libyans believe Sharia should be the sole source of legislation, as do 63% in Algeria and 60% in Morocco.

Africa Jeune - Arab Observatory of Religions and Freedom (2016): Most Muslims in North Africa say they are Muslim first and citizens second. This is a principle source for migrants to Europe.

University of Munster Study (2016): 23% of Turks living in Germany say that a Muslim should not shake the hand of the opposite sex. 33% say that a woman should wear the veil. 73% say that books and movies which offend religion should be banned.

Institut Montaigne (2016): 29% of French Muslims believe Sharia is "more important than the laws of France."

Policy Exchange (2016): 40% of British Muslims want Sharia

Syarif Hidayatullah State University Study (2017): 80% of Islamic education teachers favor enforcement of Sharia (in Indonesia); 89% say non-Sunni religious minorities "should not be accomodated" in Indonesia.

Gallup Pakistan & Gilani Research (2017): 67% of Pakistanis want Sharia as the only law of the land (up from 51% in 2010); Only 5% said that Sharia should not be imposed.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:53:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

And the vast majority of Muslims, even in violence prone regions, oppose that violence.

Honor Killings

Turkish Ministry of Education: 1 in 4 Turks Support Honor Killings
Civitas: 1 in 3 Muslims in the UK strongly agree that a wife should be forced to obey her husband's bidding

BBC Poll: 1 in 10 British Muslims support killing a family member over "dishonor".

Middle East Quarterly: 91 percent of honor killings are committed by Muslims worldwide.

95% of honor killings in the West are perpetrated by Muslim fathers and brothers or their proxies.

A survey of Muslim women in Paris suburbs found that three-quarters of them wear their masks out of fear - including fear of violence.

1 in 5 young British Muslims agree that 'honor' violence is acceptable.

Pew Research (2013): Large majorities of Muslims favor Sharia. Among those who do, stoning women for adultery is favored by 89% in Pakistanis, 85% in Afghanistan, 81% in Egypt, 67% in Jordan, ~50% in 'moderate' Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, 58% in Iraq, 44% in Tunisia, 29% in Turkey, and 26% in Russia.

Pew Research (2013): Honor killing the woman for sex outside of marriage is favored over honor killing the man in almost every Islamic country. Over half of Muslims surveyed believed that honor killings over sex were at least partially justified.

(2013) Jordanian teens support honor killing.

Pew Research (2011): 40% of Pakistanis says that killing a woman for family honor is often or sometimes justified.

UN Women "Understanding Masculinities" (2017): Nearly 60% of men in Egypt agree with honor killing. 31% of men and 33% of women believe honor killers should not be punished. 34% of men in Morocco agree with honor killing.

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:54:17 AM)

And the facts are . . .

That the vast majority of Muslims oppose violence, even in countries that are violent hot spots.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 8:56:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

And the facts are . . .

That the vast majority of Muslims oppose violence, even in countries that are violent hot spots.

I just proved that you are not only extremely ignorant, but willfully so.

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 9:00:25 AM)

No, you just proved that you're going to continue to cherry-pick the violence that the vast majority of Muslims oppose, even in areas more prone to that violence, despite the Pew Research Center showing that even there, more than 90% of Muslims oppose it.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 9:35:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

And the facts are . . .

That the vast majority of Muslims oppose violence, even in countries that are violent hot spots.

I also proved you are either an imbecile or a liar [:D]

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