RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (Full Version)

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Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 9:44:47 AM)

Only in your own mind.

You've proven you can cherry pick violent episodes.

You keep repeating a point that proves my point, that the vast majority of Muslims, even in violent hotspots, oppose violence 91-92% in those violent places!

You keep pretending that's a problem, saying "So you approve of nearly 10%," which of course isn't what anyone said.

But let's entertain that for a moment. That "Muslim worst" of 8-9% is better than our American worst of 14%!

In the US:

It is common and, perhaps, understandable to assume that these attacks stem from particular groups that endorse political violence and are therefore more prone to violent acts.

In fact, support for violent political action is more common than many might think.

In 2010, I fielded two national surveys that asked respondents their opinions about the following statements:

“When politicians are damaging the country, citizens should send threats to scare them straight.”
“The worst politicians should get a brick through the window to make them stop hurting the country.”
“Sometimes the only way to stop bad government is with physical force.”
“Some of the problems citizens have with government could be fixed with a few well-aimed bullets.”
“Citizens upset by government should never use violence to express their feelings.”

Although most people opposed violence, a significant minority (ranging from 5 percent to 14 percent) agreed with each violent option, and 10 percent to 18 percent expressed indifference about violence in politics. This implies that millions of ordinary Americans endorse the general idea of violence in politics.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 9:59:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

No, you just proved that you're going to continue to cherry-pick the violence that the vast majority of Muslims oppose, even in areas more prone to that violence, despite the Pew Research Center showing that even there, more than 90% of Muslims oppose it.


ICM Poll: 20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers

NOP Research: 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified

Channel Four (2006): 31% of younger British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified compared to 14% of those over 45.

People-Press: 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.

YNet: One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children:,7340,L-4053251,00.html

World Public Opinion: 83% of Egyptians approve of attacks on American troops.
26% of Indonesians approve of attacks on American troops.
26% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on American troops.
68% of Moroccans approve of attacks on American troops.
90% of Palestinians approve of attacks on American troops.
72% of Jordanians approve of attacks on American troops.
52% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (39% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on American troops.
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.

World Public Opinion (2009): 30% of Palestinians support attacks on American civilians working in Muslim countries. 24% support the murder of Americans on U.S. soil.
Only 74% of Turks and 55% of Pakistanis disapprove of terror attacks against civilians on U.S. soil.

Pew Research (2010): 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 15% of Indonesians believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.
34% of Nigerian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.

16% of young Muslims in Belgium state terrorism is "acceptable".

Populus Poll (2006): 12% of young Muslims in Britain (and 12% overall) believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified. 1 in 4 support suicide attacks against British troops.

Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

Pew Research (2011): 8% of Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (81% never).
28% of Egyptian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (38% never).

Pew Research (2007): Muslim-Americans who identify more strongly with their religion are three times more likely to feel that suicide bombings are justified

27% of British Muslims do not support the deportation of Islamic extremists preaching violence and hate.

Federation of Student Islamic Societies: About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.

ICM Poll: 25% of British Muslims disagree that a Muslim has an obligation to report terrorists to police.

Populus Poll (2006): 16% of British Muslims believe suicide attacks against Israelis are justified.
37% believe Jews in Britain are a "legitimate target".

World Public Opinion: Majorities in Egypt (63%) and Libya (61%) supported the 9/11/2012 attacks against American embassies, including Benghazi.
Original Link: (Removed) (Reference in this link)

Pew Research (2013): At least 1 in 4 Muslims do not reject violence against civilians (study did not distinguish between those who believe it is partially justified and never justified).

Pew Research (2013): 15% of Muslims in Turkey support suicide bombings (also 11% in Kosovo, 26% in Malaysia and 26% in Bangladesh).

PCPO (2014): 89% of Palestinians support Hamas and other terrorists firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

Pew Research (2013): Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda. Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban. 13% support both groups and 1 in 4 refuse to say.

BBC Radio (2015): 45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent "mainstream Islam".

Palestinian Center for Political Research (2015): 74% of Palestinians support Hamas terror attacks.

Pew Research (2014): 47% of Bangladeshi Muslims says suicide bombings and violence are justified to "defend Islam". 1 in 4 believed the same in Tanzania and Egypt. 1 in 5 Muslims in the 'moderate' countries of Turkey and Malaysia.

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 19% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified in order to make Sharia the law in the United States (66% disagree).

The Polling Company CSP Poll (2015): 25% of Muslim-Americans say that violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the "global Jihad (64% disagree).

The Sun (2015: Following Nov. 2015 attacks in Paris, 1 in 4 young Muslims in Britain (and 1 in 5 overall) said they sympathize with those who fight for ISIS.

ICM (2016): 2 in 3 Muslims in Britain would not report terror plot to police.

East West University (Bangladesh) (2016): 1 in 10 Bangladeshi university students support terrorism. Of these, more than half (52%) are from well-off families.

Policy Exchange (2016): 48% if British Muslims would not report a person "linked to terror."

See also: for further statistics on Islamic terror.

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:00:55 AM)

You've proven you can cherry pick violent episodes.

You keep repeating a point that proves my point, that the vast majority of Muslims, even in violent hotspots, oppose violence 91-92% in those violent places!

Apparently, you think that if you repeat the same mistake enough times, the alternate facts fairy will make it true.

Alas, not how reality works.

But when you don't like the data, you just go looking for someone to post a spin you like.

Spread all the hatred you like. You'll still be a clown.

Thankfully, your hate is limited by your ambition stopping at posting on Internet forums.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:08:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

You've proven you can cherry pick violent episodes.

You keep repeating a point that proves my point, that the vast majority of Muslims, even in violent hotspots, oppose violence 91-92% in those violent places!

Apparently, you think that if you repeat the same mistake enough times, the alternate facts fairy will make it true.

Alas, not how reality works.

Only cherry picked in your almost cartoonish alternative reality [:D]

Poll after pool proves that sizable numbers of your "nice" Muslim friends support violence

"Only" 90% in your cherry picked results oppose violence? That means every 10th to 12th Muslim you see ADMITS that they support terrorism!

Extent that to Sharia, and MOST Muslims support killing a woman for having sex outside of marriage, killing Muslims who try to leave the cult, killing anyone who speaks ill of Islam etc

What will they do to you for having a beer, if they could.

With "friends" like that... [:D]

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:12:43 AM)

How many aren't so stupid that they admit to supporting terrorism... ?

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:16:07 AM)

Up to 14% of Americans support political violence, and another 18% are indifference to it.

I'd be far more concerned about that.

You're determined to hate. It's all you know. It's all you will ever see.

I feel sorry for you.

And that 92% is in Iraq and Indonesia. A point you keep conveniently ignoring. So yes, you can find every 12th Muslim supporting violence in Iraq. Surprised? Have you been watching the news for the past 16 years?

Using that same metric, up to 1 in 3 Americans supports or at least doesn't object to political violence.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:22:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Up to 14% of Americans support political violence

Not saying much, considering that HeavyBlinker is one of them.

A few others:

1) "Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." -- Montel Williams

2) “F*ck that dude. I’ll smack that f*cker’s comb-over right off his f*cking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, I’d punch him in his f*cking face. And that’s not a joke. Even if he did become president — watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f*cking face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f*cking be on it. Don’t let me anywhere within a block.”– Rapper Everlast on Donald Trump

3) “I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldn’t be dying needlessly tomorrow….I’m just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. That’s a fact.” — Bill Maher

4) “I know how the ‘tea party’ people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama Plan White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.” — The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy

5) “F*** God D*mned Joe the God D*mned Motherf*cking plumber! I want Motherf*cking Joe the plumber dead.” — Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouley on the air.

6) “Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Well, we’ve been watching intifada in Palestine, we’ve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? How come we don’t have an intifada in this country? Because it seems to me, that we are comfortable in where we are, watching CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and all these mainstream… giving us a window to the world while the world is being managed from Washington, from New York, from every other place in here in San Francisco: Chevron, Bechtel, [Carlyle?] Group, Halliburton; every one of those lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving individuals are in our country and we’re sitting here and watching the world pass by, people being bombed, and it’s about time that we have an intifada in this country that changes fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know every – They’re gonna say some Palestinian being too radical — well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” U.C. Berkeley Lecturer Hatem Bazian fires up the crowd at an anti-war rally by calling for an American intifada

7) "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks." -- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa

8) “..And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq ‘We have our good days and our bad days.’ We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days’ and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch.” — From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club

9) “Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm.” — The Village Voice’s Michael Feingold, in a theater review of all places

10) “But the victim is also inaccurately being eulogized as a kind and loving religious man. Make no mistake, as disgusting and deservedly dead as the hate-filled fanatical Muslim killers were, Thalasinos was also a hate-filled bigot. Death can’t change that. But in the U.S., we don’t die for speaking our minds. Or we’re not supposed to anyway. Thalasinos was an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy, who posted that it would be “Freaking Awesome” if hateful Ann Coulter was named head of Homeland Security.” — Linda Stasi, New York Daily News,on a victim murdered in the San Bernadino terrorist attack

11) “Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

12) “If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom!” — Democratic Talk Radio’s Stephen Crockett

13) “May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” — Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

14) “Violence solves nothing. I want a rhino to f*ck @SpeakerRyan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY, not because he's a #GOPmurderbro.” – Jos Whedon

15) “I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual.” — Think Progress editorAlan Pyke

16) “But, you know, the NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early ’30s, late ’20s, early ’30s. Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them. So I look forward to that day.” — Mike Malloy

17) "Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege." -- Orange is the New Black star Lea DeLaria responding to a meme about using music to deal with violence

18) “I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead!” — Dan Savage

19) “Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf*cked by a big veiny, ashy, black d*ck then be locked in a cupboard.” — Azealia Banks advocates raping Sarah Palin over a fake news story

mnottertail -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:32:48 AM)

Azealia Banks is a big supporter of Il Douchovitch.

You're still felchgobbling putinjizz as fast as that fake news shit you read is put out.

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:35:10 AM)

It's not hard to play the cherry-picking game in a country as polarized with crappy journalism as the US:

House Republican Says Violence Is Appropriate When Reporter Deserves It As GOP Comes Unhinged

The Republican Party is showing its true face after Montana House special election candidate Greg Gianforte assaulted a reporter. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) said it is not appropriate for reporters to attack public officials unless the reporter deserved it.

Google Republican violence, and you could readily compose a list, just as you've cherry-picked yours.

...and so on and so forth.

More broadly, Americans are a violent people historically. You could Google that all day long too:

So then a cherry-picking right-wing partisan hack comes along whining about 8% of Muslims in violent countries.


BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:38:56 AM)

An "Is Obama charming or a creepy maggot? " thread would have drawn severe criticism from all quarters a year ago

For violent, hate-and-rage filled alt left radicals though, that sort of deranged thinking is normal today

That's where we are. Now throw Muslims wearing their odd looking belts into the mix and we have ourselves a party

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 10:56:15 AM)

You and he are in a tight race for nuttiest/more-hysterical poster.

Out of the last 100 threads:

WickedsDesire started 24% of new threads
BoscoX started 23% of new threads.

The two of you are responsible for nearly half, 47% of the threads.
(if I'd done 101 threads, you'd be tied, as the next thread is yours).

No one else is even close to you two:

respectmen -- 6 threads
MusicMystery -- 5 threads
Greta75 and RealOne -- 3 threads each
HillWilliam, MrRodgers, vincentML, PoliteSub53, kdsub, heavyblinker, mythicalsex, ladiesmanservant -- 2 threads each
stef, tamaka, bondageorne, jif, MasterJaguar, LucyLastic, RottenJohnny, tweakablle, NoirMetal, angelicaJ -- 1 thread each.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:04:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

You and he are in a tight race for nuttiest/more-hysterical poster.

Out of the last 100 threads:

WickedsDesire started 24% of new threads
BoscoX started 23% of new threads.

The two of you are responsible for nearly half, 47% of the threads.

No one else is even close to you two:

respectmen -- 6 threads
MusicMystery -- 5 threads
Greta75 and RealOne -- 3 threads each
HillWilliam, MrRodgers, vincentML, PoliteSub53, kdsub, heavyblinker, mythicalsex, ladiesmanservant -- 2 threads each
stef, tamaka, bondageorne, jif, MasterJaguar, LucyLastic, RottenJohnny, tweakablle, NoirMetal, angelicaJ -- 1 thread each.

Only goes to show...

Leftists demand that conservatives STFU

Conservatives want "liberals" to keep talking [:D]

"Time and again we see that in any given "debate" practically all leftists have are personal attacks, or other debate fallacies."

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:07:49 AM)

I'm sure Wicked will be stunned to learn he's a conservative.

Always the victim you are -- in your mind. No one "demanded" anything, including STFU.

In fact, it was you suggesting that in the good old days, he'd have been told to STFU. Thought you just said you wanted liberals to keep talking?

Just noting your consistent hysteria. Since you mention hysteria frequently, it seems important to you.

And again, simple data is "an attack" to you.

Lucylastic -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:08:51 AM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

You and he are in a tight race for nuttiest/more-hysterical poster.

Out of the last 100 threads:

WickedsDesire started 24% of new threads
BoscoX started 23% of new threads.

The two of you are responsible for nearly half, 47% of the threads.

No one else is even close to you two:

respectmen -- 6 threads
MusicMystery -- 5 threads
Greta75 and RealOne -- 3 threads each
HillWilliam, MrRodgers, vincentML, PoliteSub53, kdsub, heavyblinker, mythicalsex, ladiesmanservant -- 2 threads each
stef, tamaka, bondageorne, jif, MasterJaguar, LucyLastic, RottenJohnny, tweakablle, NoirMetal, angelicaJ -- 1 thread each.

Only goes to show...

Leftists demand that conservatives STFU

Conservatives want "liberals" to keep talking [:D]

"Time and again we see that in any given "debate" practically all leftists have are personal attacks, or other debate fallacies."

So many psychos here, who really believe they see the future...

mnottertail -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:10:29 AM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

You and he are in a tight race for nuttiest/more-hysterical poster.

Out of the last 100 threads:

WickedsDesire started 24% of new threads
BoscoX started 23% of new threads.

The two of you are responsible for nearly half, 47% of the threads.

No one else is even close to you two:

respectmen -- 6 threads
MusicMystery -- 5 threads
Greta75 and RealOne -- 3 threads each
HillWilliam, MrRodgers, vincentML, PoliteSub53, kdsub, heavyblinker, mythicalsex, ladiesmanservant -- 2 threads each
stef, tamaka, bondageorne, jif, MasterJaguar, LucyLastic, RottenJohnny, tweakablle, NoirMetal, angelicaJ -- 1 thread each.

Only goes to show...

Leftists demand that conservatives STFU

Conservatives want "liberals" to keep talking [:D]

"Time and again we see that in any given "debate" practically all leftists have are personal attacks, or other debate fallacies."

Oh, no....not at all. You nutsuckers are stupid and talk into microphones, thats your downfall, keep on keeping on.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:13:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

I'm sure Wicked will be stunned to learn he's a conservative.

Always the victim you are -- in your mind. No one "demanded" anything, including STFU.

Just noting your consistent hysteria. Since you mention hysteria frequently, it seems important to you.

And again, simple data is "an attack" to you.

Who in their right mind wants WD to shut up. Him, HB, you, the felchgoblin... Whoreboy... All do a bang-uo job representing your ideology on here

Please never stop posting, any of you [:)]

heavyblinker -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:14:43 AM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

Up to 14% of Americans support political violence

Not saying much, considering that HeavyBlinker is one of them.


I've attempted to explain this over and over, but you will never understand-- I think that political violence probably only makes things worse.
Of course, anything more complex than 'left bad, right good' is impossible for you to process, and you tend to just tell yourself whatever makes you feel good about yourself, so telling you this is a waste of time.

Keep talking about the anger of people in ruined countries as if it has anything to do with their religion... it will always be too complicated for you, so it's not like telling you to stop will have any effect.

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:17:49 AM)




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

I'm sure Wicked will be stunned to learn he's a conservative.

Always the victim you are -- in your mind. No one "demanded" anything, including STFU.

Just noting your consistent hysteria. Since you mention hysteria frequently, it seems important to you.

And again, simple data is "an attack" to you.

Who in their right mind wants WD to shut up. Him, HB, you, the felchgoblin... Whoreboy... All do a bang-uo job representing your ideology on here

Please never stop posting, any of you [:)]

Really, it's mainly the two of you.

Everyone else is within 1-3 points of 4 threads, which would be the average given the number of posters.

BoscoX -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:19:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Musicmystery




ORIGINAL: Musicmystery

I'm sure Wicked will be stunned to learn he's a conservative.

Always the victim you are -- in your mind. No one "demanded" anything, including STFU.

Just noting your consistent hysteria. Since you mention hysteria frequently, it seems important to you.

And again, simple data is "an attack" to you.

Who in their right mind wants WD to shut up. Him, HB, you, the felchgoblin... Whoreboy... All do a bang-uo job representing your ideology on here

Please never stop posting, any of you [:)]

Really, it's mainly the two of you.

Everyone else is within 1-3 points of 4 threads, which would be the average given the number of posters.

You were there for a while yourself. So...

Musicmystery -> RE: CNN Uses Sesame Street's Elmo to Attack Trump's Travel Ban (6/29/2017 11:23:20 AM)

And you STILL were in the lead.

And you've stayed there consistently. 24 to 24 tie of the first 101 threads.

You were whining about Wicked -- you ARE Wicked. Two of a kind. A matched set.

Never-ending hysteria.

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