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Well fine... - 7/3/2017 7:13:09 AM   

Posts: 2837
Joined: 6/6/2013
From: The Shire
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If all you folks are gonna start video game threads im gonna ask this question:

Anyone play good old fashion tabletop dungeons and dragons?
What's your favorite character you ever played?
Are you on version 5e or are you old school and running something else?

We currently have two games going one where I'm a Druid half elf and another where I'm a dwarven barbarian. I prefer the barbarian we play 5e, with a couple of tweaks per the DMs.
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RE: Well fine... - 7/3/2017 9:16:11 AM   

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I've not played D&D since WOTC took it over, I'm afraid.


On the level and looking for a square deal.

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RE: Well fine... - 7/4/2017 2:09:01 PM   

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original rail road tycoon - who remembers that?


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(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/4/2017 3:16:17 PM   

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From: Somewhere Texas
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I've not played D&D since WOTC took it over, I'm afraid.

Me neither, and may a thousand hordes of great orcs march up their collective noses and take massive runny dumps in their sinuses!

For that matter, may a thousand dragons swarm over England and scorch every left little toe in the country! (dont want any brits actually killed, but who cares about a left pinky toe?)

To answer your question shifty, I preferred mages and fighters, usually chaotic neutral with tendency toward completely insane.

I ran one mage so long that a DM decided to hit me with Divine Ascension, basically making him a god just so I would not run him any more.


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

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RE: Well fine... - 7/4/2017 8:39:46 PM   

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From: Apple County NY
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I know what the individual words in that mean, but the sentences as a whole are gibberish to me.


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RE: Well fine... - 7/5/2017 8:58:18 AM   

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I'm suspecting an old school type who doesn't even like the second edition of AD&D here? (2E is possibly oversimplified and lacks the charm of the original version, and I don't like the missing Assassins and Barbarians -though the latter were added later in a supplement-, I'll never forgive them for dumping the Devils and Demons in favour of Baatezu and whatever the fuck the other lot are called, and I can't be doing with the shift onto the rather dull forgotten realms as the main setting, but I do like that it's actually possible to play a Bard in 2E without spending a dozen levels as some other class first, and the utterly batshit Spelljammer setting would never have appeared in the first edition. These are significant pluses, even if you had to go through the first edition Monster Manuals and convert over the stats fro all of the Devils and Demons. The psychic rules work a lot better in 2E as well, to the extent that people actually used them instead of having Mind Flayers cast spells instead.)

The really weird thing about WOTC rebranding the D20 system (which isn't quite classic D&D, but is close-ish even if they've obviously taken stuff from Alternity for it as well) is that it seems to work better for most other stuff than it does for D&D. I don't like this crap with feats in D&D. You want to cast spells, you roll up a Magic User (or whatever they're calling them now). You want thieve's skills, you roll up a Thief. You want somebody who's any good in a fight at a low level, you roll up a Figher (or Barbarian, Paladin, whatever) and concentrate on hitting stuff.

On the other hand, D20 Modern is quite a nice system (I think it had the improvements that were made between 3 and 3.5), and the WOTC Star Wars is rather good as well (though not half as good as the WEG one from the '80s and early '90s) and some of the third party D20 based games are rather cute as well.

I will never forgive WOTC for pulling the plug on Spelljammer, though...


On the level and looking for a square deal.

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RE: Well fine... - 7/5/2017 11:32:08 AM   

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I know what the individual words in that mean, but the sentences as a whole are gibberish to me.

Nerd game talk, sport. You need funny dice to follow it.

(Though an AC bonus helps as well..)
If it helps you feel better, this is a thread for people who spotted the natural twenty before the lips...


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to DesFIP)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/5/2017 4:18:38 PM   

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From: Somewhere Texas
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Brits have sex with Orcs.... and worse!


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/5/2017 4:28:31 PM   

Posts: 40310
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I completely missed out on D&D. dont ask me how, but it passed me by somehow, I dont think it was as pop ular in the UK as it was in the US?
but I was breeding, so I missed out on quite a few things.

My son is still doing it, but he is a complete gamer nerd, so I learned from him, I still have never played it.


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<) )> WOMAN
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(in reply to jlf1961)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/6/2017 2:59:45 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

I completely missed out on D&D. dont ask me how, but it passed me by somehow, I dont think it was as pop ular in the UK as it was in the US?
but I was breeding, so I missed out on quite a few things.

My son is still doing it, but he is a complete gamer nerd, so I learned from him, I still have never played it.

It wasn't, no. Then again, I think a lot of the publicity it got in the 'States when it was big were scare stories about suicides and steam tunnels, so it being more of a minority thing over here might have been to its benefit, really. There were no idiots in this country claiming that it was a gateway drug which led to Satanism and human sacrifice.
Weird really: you'd have thought a social activity that the kids who are no good at sports can take part in would get better press, wouldn't you?


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/6/2017 3:44:35 AM   

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quote]ORIGINAL: WhoreMods


"Thanks for the ride, boss!"

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RE: Well fine... - 7/7/2017 1:08:49 AM   

Posts: 14840
Joined: 6/10/2008
From: Somewhere Texas
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Brits have sex with Orcs!

Seriously, how else can you explain Prince Charlie's ears?


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to Edwird)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/7/2017 4:48:55 AM   

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I'd like to address this whole "Brits have sex with Orcs" thing.
First, Prince Charles is not British: the big eared twonk is of German descent. There isn't even any French Norman in him, never mind Celt, Saxon or other traditionally British racial groups like subcontinental India and West Indian.
Second while some traces of Orc might probably have slipped into the British gene pool in defiance of the Witch Hunter's efforts to eliminate the half orcs, there are far worse things lurking at the bottom of the American gene pool. You don't just half orcs over there, you have half trolls (like the one leading your nation), Duergar (though Vern Troyer is a funny guy), Githyanki (look at those nude photos of Paris Hilton sometime) and full blooded Ogres (most professional wrestlers and several actoion movie stars).
And that's without even getting started on the plagues of Kobolds you have infesting the country to your North:

< Message edited by WhoreMods -- 7/7/2017 5:41:36 AM >


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 13
RE: Well fine... - 7/7/2017 9:08:43 AM   

Posts: 14840
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From: Somewhere Texas
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First, Prince Charles is not British: the big eared twonk is of German descent. There isn't even any French Norman in him, never mind Celt, Saxon or other traditionally British racial groups like subcontinental India and West Indian.

Have you taken a good looked at Rowan Atkinson?

And please note, that when I refer to Brits, I am talking that genetic group that are not of Celt, Pict or other genetic groups that were on that fair Isle prior to the bloody Romans showing up....

Which I am sorry to say, are few and far between, thanks to Romans, Normans, Angles, Saxons, Norsemen, Britons, Franks, and every other lunatic genetic group that invaded your poor blighted isle.

And lets face it, those particular genetic groups tend to breed with anything of even remotely humanoid in appearance.

And the current mongrel dominated ethnic mix on those fair isles are responsible for the near extinction of the species draco magne.

As far as the individual who's image you posted, do you not find it strange that particular individual was born AFTER a certain female brit ex pat took up residence in the great white, frozen (and way to fucking polite) north? This individual is clear proof of her inhuman and evil genetic experiments.

I suspect she may actually be partially to blame for the wanker that is currently the president of the United States.


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/7/2017 12:06:08 PM   

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ORIGINAL: jlf1961



First, Prince Charles is not British: the big eared twonk is of German descent. There isn't even any French Norman in him, never mind Celt, Saxon or other traditionally British racial groups like subcontinental India and West Indian.

Have you taken a good looked at Rowan Atkinson?

And please note, that when I refer to Brits, I am talking that genetic group that are not of Celt, Pict or other genetic groups that were on that fair Isle prior to the bloody Romans showing up....

Which I am sorry to say, are few and far between, thanks to Romans, Normans, Angles, Saxons, Norsemen, Britons, Franks, and every other lunatic genetic group that invaded your poor blighted isle.

And lets face it, those particular genetic groups tend to breed with anything of even remotely humanoid in appearance.

And the current mongrel dominated ethnic mix on those fair isles are responsible for the near extinction of the species draco magne.

As far as the individual who's image you posted, do you not find it strange that particular individual was born AFTER a certain female brit ex pat took up residence in the great white, frozen (and way to fucking polite) north? This individual is clear proof of her inhuman and evil genetic experiments.

I suspect she may actually be partially to blame for the wanker that is currently the president of the United States.

Oh, come off it. The gibbering mouther is Rupert Murdoch's handiwork. Lucy wouldn't create something that vile unless she'd given it a kill switch before releasing it, would she?


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 15
RE: Well fine... - 7/7/2017 12:12:00 PM   

Posts: 14840
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From: Somewhere Texas
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Oh, come off it. The gibbering mouther is Rupert Murdoch's handiwork. Lucy wouldn't create something that vile unless she'd given it a kill switch before releasing it, would she?

Since we do not know Lucy's endgame (which I am sure includes the enslavement of Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorists) how can we be sure just what she would release on this unsuspecting world?

I mean, she has not denied the accusations that she in hell bent on total world domination.


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/8/2017 4:59:21 AM   

Posts: 10691
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ORIGINAL: jlf1961



Oh, come off it. The gibbering mouther is Rupert Murdoch's handiwork. Lucy wouldn't create something that vile unless she'd given it a kill switch before releasing it, would she?

Since we do not know Lucy's endgame (which I am sure includes the enslavement of Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorists) how can we be sure just what she would release on this unsuspecting world?

I mean, she has not denied the accusations that she in hell bent on total world domination.

Hell, dude: everybody on here seeks total world domination. I'm not sure that proves anything, and the orange trollspawn is far more likely to be the work of somebody a lot stupider and more inept than Lucy.


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to jlf1961)
Profile   Post #: 17
RE: Well fine... - 7/8/2017 10:20:59 AM   

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Honestly, I almost wish I had back all those years I spent RP'ing. I had one character for so long half my friends on Facebook still call me Rowan, even though they know my real name.

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/8/2017 11:57:10 AM   

Posts: 11071
Joined: 2/24/2009
From: Somewhere in TX
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Its been years since I have done tabletop (more into MMORPGs these days) but when I was visiting my daughter back in June, she had D&D Neverwinter on the PS4...of course I had to play it. Kicked some strange wraiths ass.


Goddess of Yarn

You are making two and a half feet of irresistible, tubular sex! -Lola, Kinky Boots

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(in reply to WinsomeDefiance)
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RE: Well fine... - 7/8/2017 12:24:38 PM   

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From: Somewhere Texas
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Hell, dude: everybody on here seeks total world domination. I'm not sure that proves anything, and the orange trollspawn is far more likely to be the work of somebody a lot stupider and more inept than Lucy.

Speak for yourself, you orc loving dragon killing brit!

I do not seek world domination....

I want to rule the known universe, and as many unknown ones as I can find!

However, to set minds at ease, my rule will not be that of a tyrant or evil despot, as long as certain formalities are met by the citizens....

The first of which is making a galactic standard of what is and is not bacon, and that Canadian crap that they call bacon aint bacon!

Second, those people of extreme conservative or liberal views will be isolated on how ever many planets it takes, with one group given the control of the keys to the bathrooms and the other group given control of that substance used to clean up the posteriors after the use of those facilities... and a study diet of Mexican fast food and prune juice.

Now, since those denizens of the British isles have proven uniquely adept in commanding naval forces, I will allow them to command the Imperial battle fleets.

I would also give indigenous peoples who have been subjugated by all colonial and expansionist efforts over the centuries planet systems that best suits their ancestral homes complete with the flora and fauna that their ancestors thrived on, requesting that they provide warriors for my ground forces.

I would do away with capital punishment, instead subjecting them to endless hours of 1970's sitcoms like the Brady Bunch.


ORIGINAL: ShaharThorne

Its been years since I have done tabletop (more into MMORPGs these days) but when I was visiting my daughter back in June, she had D&D Neverwinter on the PS4...of course I had to play it. Kicked some strange wraiths ass.

I dare you to show up on the Ebon Hawk server for Star Wars knights of the eternal throne!


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of.

Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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