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Joined: 6/10/2008 From: Somewhere Texas Status: offline
ORIGINAL: WhoreMods First, Prince Charles is not British: the big eared twonk is of German descent. There isn't even any French Norman in him, never mind Celt, Saxon or other traditionally British racial groups like subcontinental India and West Indian. Have you taken a good looked at Rowan Atkinson? And please note, that when I refer to Brits, I am talking that genetic group that are not of Celt, Pict or other genetic groups that were on that fair Isle prior to the bloody Romans showing up.... Which I am sorry to say, are few and far between, thanks to Romans, Normans, Angles, Saxons, Norsemen, Britons, Franks, and every other lunatic genetic group that invaded your poor blighted isle. And lets face it, those particular genetic groups tend to breed with anything of even remotely humanoid in appearance. And the current mongrel dominated ethnic mix on those fair isles are responsible for the near extinction of the species draco magne. As far as the individual who's image you posted, do you not find it strange that particular individual was born AFTER a certain female brit ex pat took up residence in the great white, frozen (and way to fucking polite) north? This individual is clear proof of her inhuman and evil genetic experiments. I suspect she may actually be partially to blame for the wanker that is currently the president of the United States.
Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think? You cannot control who comes into your life, but you can control which airlock you throw them out of. Paranoid Paramilitary Gun Loving Conspiracy Theorist AND EQUAL OPPORTUNI