RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (Full Version)

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Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/10/2017 9:39:55 PM)








Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

I'm almost glad you said that, RO, because I've been polite to you up to this point - and now I don't have to be. You're a lunatic. You're so utterly and completely indoctrinated with religion yourself that you simply can't imagine how anybody could just reject it because it makes *literally as little sense as elves pogoing up and down my street*. Yes, really, truly - as little sense, and worth as little thought, as just that.

'State indoctrination', you pathetic baboon. How? Is the State ramming Dawkins's theories down my throat on a daily basis? Or ever? On the other hand we get religious programme aplenty here - and on the BBC, the main and only 'state channels'.

Well I am really glad you got that off your chest, now, atheists pride their religion allegedly as being based upon logic and reason and I have just ripped the rug right out from underneith their feet, take note the hecklers are in full force to distract the point made.

So do you want to tackle the matter and propose a counter point or concede?

For your convenience:

If you lack belief you have no way to express a legitimate affirmative statement yet at the very same time you express a statement that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

I 'believe' and in fact...I know, there is no evidence of a god.

Ah so you have 'faith' just like the believers in somethin you cant prove. damn that sounds like a religion doesnt it [8|]

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/10/2017 9:42:11 PM)





my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

It is your belief system that repels atheists and makes them what they are, not important that the belief system is sewn into your pockets because after all who has respect for your opinions in particular. So, let's talk about the Christian belief system. I know, I know, Marini, I am slandering you all, but your belief is your belief. I would not even apologize to Mother Teresa if she were here because the belief is greater than any of you individually and from my point of view it is a shame that you adhere to it.

which particular belief is that vince? it would help if you would name a few, say the top 3 most shameful and why they are shameful IYO.

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/10/2017 9:53:44 PM)





my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

Whenever I hear anybody talk about creationism I can’t help but think about all the horrible pain especially suffered by innocent children. The Creator that you worship is a merciless, evil, sadistic madman. And what is so ironic is that RO castigates atheists for not worshiping such a monster. Well no thank you my friend you can have him, you are welcome to crawl to him. I cannot imagine why you would take such pride of kneeling before such a monster except out of ignorance.

We are drifting from atheist mythology, however I find it very odd that you for some very strange reason champion the athiest monster which pales all religions combined.

Atheist lies: Who are the real mass killers?

Exclusive: Ted Baehr & Tom Snyder battle notion religion is source of history's carnage
Published: 06/08/2015 at 7:11 PM

Dr. Tom Snyder contributed to this column.

Atheist, secular educators and pseudo-intellectual social critics from the left like to promote the false argument that religion has killed more innocent people than any other force in the history of mankind. They also claim that religion has been the cause of more wars in human history than any other.

These wild claims are completely false.

First, according to “The Irrational Atheist” by Vox Day, before the 20th century more than 133 million people were killed by genocide, political murders and mass murder, but only about 2.65 million murders (less than 2 percent) were for religious reasons, such as the Christian Crusades, witch-hunts and the Aztecs slaughtering their neighbors, and most of those took place over several centuries.

Also, in the 20th century alone, atheist regimes from the socialist left – such as Stalinist Russia, Mao’s China, the Cambodian and Vietnamese Communists and Yugoslavia – murdered more than 153 million people in 65 short years!


geez vince not sure what you are bragging about clearly atheists are a slime of the earth when it comes to murder?

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/10/2017 10:12:00 PM)





my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

But you still haven't given us any atheist mythology.

I hope I dont need to post the definition of 'myth' for you do I?

The atheists’ creation story1

by Dominic Statham
Published: 12 July 2016 (GMT+10)

The General Theory of Evolution (GTE) is the atheists’ creation story. As with the Bible, it begins with creatio ex nihilo (creation from nothing)—and in the atheists’ view there really was nothing (and certainly no God) to act as first cause. The big bang, they say, produced the universe all by itself. Then, billions of years later we’re told, the first life formed spontaneously in some chemical soup and, without any help, evolved into all the plants and animals found on Earth today—including us.

Similarly, leading origin of life researchers, such as Paul Davies and Stuart Kauffman, readily admit that no observed natural processes can produce life from non-life. Unperturbed, however, they do the same as the secular cosmologists—they take a gigantic leap of blind faith and believe that the required natural processes existed anyway and, for some reason, we just haven’t yet discovered them. Richards Dawkins is adamant that, once first life formed, Darwin’s theory can explain how this could have evolved into people. But why then are leading biologists such as James Shapiro and Stuart Newman quietly looking for alternative theories?3,4

Faith masquerading as science

All this demonstrates a commitment not to science, but to a worldview that excludes God from one’s thinking, i.e. to philosophical naturalism—the doctrine that everything, including the origins of the universe and life, can be explained entirely by natural processes. It’s an ideology which is neither scientific (arising from blind faith rather than observations) nor necessary for scientific progress, as CMI has pointed out many times before. For example, Philip Skell, formerly Professor of Chemistry at Pennsylvania State University, commented: When the facts don’t fit their creation story, secular scientists must turn to alternative ‘scientific laws’ drawn from their imaginations.

I recently asked more than 70 eminent researchers if they would have done their work differently if they had thought Darwin’s theory was wrong. The responses were all the same: No. I also examined the outstanding biodiscoveries of the past century: the discovery of the double helix; the characterization of the ribosome; the mapping of genomes; research on medications and drug reactions; improvements in food production and sanitation; the development of new surgeries; and others. I even queried biologists working in areas where one would expect the Darwinian paradigm to have most benefited research, such as the emergence of resistance to antibiotics and pesticides. Here, as elsewhere, I found that Darwin’s theory had provided no discernible guidance, but was brought in, after the breakthroughs, as an interesting narrative gloss.5

The magnitude of the problems with the GTE are hidden from the general public, with popular science programmes almost always peddling the secular view as fact. At the same time, creation scientists are never given a realistic opportunity to present an alternative view. In universities, even non-creationists who dare to inform students of problems with Darwin’s theory can find themselves out of a job.6 In UK state-funded schools, Government regulations now prohibit the presentation of Intelligent Design or Creation as views which are supported by evidence.

Real0ne -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 7:45:39 AM)

That said seems the gubmint has a controlling interest in promoting enforcing their atheist religion based in some alleged method reason they alone 'dicktate' in the name of secularism so why anyone [peon, vince] would have the audacity to claim otherwise is somewhat beyond me since its crystal clear that the atheists most certainly have and promote their religion albeit somewhat less formal than say catholics or budda, and like so many board members many are militant about their beliefs.

Atheists deny they have their own dogma and belief system yet come out here and evangelize and preach the benefits of atheism every day.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 9:46:02 AM)


vincentML -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 12:05:19 PM)







my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

It is your belief system that repels atheists and makes them what they are, not important that the belief system is sewn into your pockets because after all who has respect for your opinions in particular. So, let's talk about the Christian belief system. I know, I know, Marini, I am slandering you all, but your belief is your belief. I would not even apologize to Mother Teresa if she were here because the belief is greater than any of you individually and from my point of view it is a shame that you adhere to it.

which particular belief is that vince? it would help if you would name a few, say the top 3 most shameful and why they are shameful IYO.

Oh, I do apologize, I thought you avidly adhered to the Old Testament and to the Judeo dogma of the early rabbis. Did I get that wrong? You must be a Christian, then. In either case your beliefs are repellent to secular humanists and drive us to disbelief.

MrRodgers -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 12:17:24 PM)










Look at peons posts, that 100% state indoctrination.

I'm almost glad you said that, RO, because I've been polite to you up to this point - and now I don't have to be. You're a lunatic. You're so utterly and completely indoctrinated with religion yourself that you simply can't imagine how anybody could just reject it because it makes *literally as little sense as elves pogoing up and down my street*. Yes, really, truly - as little sense, and worth as little thought, as just that.

'State indoctrination', you pathetic baboon. How? Is the State ramming Dawkins's theories down my throat on a daily basis? Or ever? On the other hand we get religious programme aplenty here - and on the BBC, the main and only 'state channels'.

Well I am really glad you got that off your chest, now, atheists pride their religion allegedly as being based upon logic and reason and I have just ripped the rug right out from underneith their feet, take note the hecklers are in full force to distract the point made.

So do you want to tackle the matter and propose a counter point or concede?

For your convenience:

If you lack belief you have no way to express a legitimate affirmative statement yet at the very same time you express a statement that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

I 'believe' and in fact...I know, there is no evidence of a god.

Ah so you have 'faith' just like the believers in somethin you cant prove. damn that sounds like a religion doesnt it [8|]

If you mean it sounds as foolhardy as a religion, you would be close because of religion's inherent foolhardiness. However, I don't need to prove I can't see what I can't see...and nobody else can see. So my 'faith' is in the facts.

Plus you must sometime show us something that indicates you are still capable of understanding that one can ever prove a negative.

WhoreMods -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 12:24:16 PM)


That said seems the gubmint has a controlling interest in promoting enforcing their atheist religion

The government that's been fawning and grovelling to the moral minority since Reagan handed the republican party over to the religious right in 1980?
The government that, at a state level, bans atheists from standing for elected political positions in several areas of your country?
The government that has never once been headed by a president who didn't claim to be a christian?
Yeah, if there's a government that's obviously a tool of the atheist conspiracy to promote secular humanism, it's the American one...

WickedsDesire -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 2:18:46 PM)

I want to go - you do know that?

MrRodgers -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 5:17:10 PM)







my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

Whenever I hear anybody talk about creationism I can’t help but think about all the horrible pain especially suffered by innocent children. The Creator that you worship is a merciless, evil, sadistic madman. And what is so ironic is that RO castigates atheists for not worshiping such a monster. Well no thank you my friend you can have him, you are welcome to crawl to him. I cannot imagine why you would take such pride of kneeling before such a monster except out of ignorance.

We are drifting from atheist mythology, however I find it very odd that you for some very strange reason champion the athiest monster which pales all religions combined.

Atheist lies: Who are the real mass killers?

Exclusive: Ted Baehr & Tom Snyder battle notion religion is source of history's carnage
Published: 06/08/2015 at 7:11 PM

Dr. Tom Snyder contributed to this column.

Atheist, secular educators and pseudo-intellectual social critics from the left like to promote the false argument that religion has killed more innocent people than any other force in the history of mankind. They also claim that religion has been the cause of more wars in human history than any other.

These wild claims are completely false.

First, according to “The Irrational Atheist” by Vox Day, before the 20th century more than 133 million people were killed by genocide, political murders and mass murder, but only about 2.65 million murders (less than 2 percent) were for religious reasons, such as the Christian Crusades, witch-hunts and the Aztecs slaughtering their neighbors, and most of those took place over several centuries.

Also, in the 20th century alone, atheist regimes from the socialist left – such as Stalinist Russia, Mao’s China, the Cambodian and Vietnamese Communists and Yugoslavia – murdered more than 153 million people in 65 short years!


geez vince not sure what you are bragging about clearly atheists are a slime of the earth when it comes to murder?

Just more unmitigated bullshit. Stalin was catholic after being raised as a catholic and flat out used the orthodox Russian church to help in his taking fascist control. Communist grain production was going to enjoy a christian miracle and feed the world.

Hitler was catholic or at least christian. He read the bible and repeated it. As I wrote, catholics loved Hitler as being sent by god to rid the world of the Jewish 'problem.'

The rest like Mao, make themselves a god in the eyes of the masses. Never any shortage of gods when you need one.

The catholic church itself with its pogroms, was responsible for over 50 million dead before, during and after the Inquisition.

And has been ridiculously unacknowledged, the entire ME problem, the Arab/Israeli/Palestinian ALL poisoned by religion with war or wars and violence.

With the ME theocracies, their very existence is a religious matter to them. Thus both domestic and foreign policy matters are always poisoned with religion.

Nnanji -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 5:37:31 PM)








ORIGINAL: ThatDizzyChick


Contemporary atheist mythology, to repeat, has no scripture

yeah, that's where your whole idea slips into fantasy land.
Other than that, it is valid, except it falls into the all-to-common hole of "It applies to some so it applies to all"
The problem with trying to formulate AN atheist mythology is that for the vast majority of atheists, their atheism is really simply a lack of interest more than a lack of belief.

Love that! So true. Ho hum . . . .

wilful ignorance

and there is nothing that is more over th top fucking hilarious than the 'lack of belief' idiocy, since its impossible to hold a position either way without a 'belief', unless of course atheists are actually telling the truth in an admission they are lying?

(good lucking comprehending that one atheists)

Oh their's belief reason and science.

Well, that's silly. Belive in reason and talk to a leftist. Wow, that is silly. Believe in science, might as well say believe in a yardstick because all science is, is a well funded person holding a yardstick up to the universe. Theyre both escapisms meant to deflect from the fact that you sense nothing compared to the vast majority of people that have ever lived and sensed a spiritual context to life. It's a lie so you don't have to say you feel nothing where most other people do.

I not saying those people are correct in feeling and you are not in non-feeling. I'm saying you're just not telling the truth.

MrRodgers -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 5:39:04 PM)







my belief system is irrelevant to the topic, atheist mythology... geeebus you people are hard up

But you still haven't given us any atheist mythology.

I hope I dont need to post the definition of 'myth' for you do I?

The atheists’ creation story1

by Dominic Statham
Published: 12 July 2016 (GMT+10)

The General Theory of Evolution (GTE) is the atheists’ creation story. As with the Bible, it begins with creatio ex nihilo (creation from nothing)—and in the atheists’ view there really was nothing (and certainly no God) to act as first cause. The big bang, they say, produced the universe all by itself. Then, billions of years later we’re told, the first life formed spontaneously in some chemical soup and, without any help, evolved into all the plants and animals found on Earth today—including us.

Similarly, leading origin of life researchers, such as Paul Davies and Stuart Kauffman, readily admit that no observed natural processes can produce life from non-life. Unperturbed, however, they do the same as the secular cosmologists—they take a gigantic leap of blind faith and believe that the required natural processes existed anyway and, for some reason, we just haven’t yet discovered them. Richards Dawkins is adamant that, once first life formed, Darwin’s theory can explain how this could have evolved into people. But why then are leading biologists such as James Shapiro and Stuart Newman quietly looking for alternative theories?3,4

Faith masquerading as science

All this demonstrates a commitment not to science, but to a worldview that excludes God from one’s thinking, i.e. to philosophical naturalism—the doctrine that everything, including the origins of the universe and life, can be explained entirely by natural processes. It’s an ideology which is neither scientific (arising from blind faith rather than observations) nor necessary for scientific progress, as CMI has pointed out many times before. For example, Philip Skell, formerly Professor of Chemistry at Pennsylvania State University, commented: When the facts don’t fit their creation story, secular scientists must turn to alternative ‘scientific laws’ drawn from their imaginations.

I recently asked more than 70 eminent researchers if they would have done their work differently if they had thought Darwin’s theory was wrong. The responses were all the same: No. I also examined the outstanding biodiscoveries of the past century: the discovery of the double helix; the characterization of the ribosome; the mapping of genomes; research on medications and drug reactions; improvements in food production and sanitation; the development of new surgeries; and others. I even queried biologists working in areas where one would expect the Darwinian paradigm to have most benefited research, such as the emergence of resistance to antibiotics and pesticides. Here, as elsewhere, I found that Darwin’s theory had provided no discernible guidance, but was brought in, after the breakthroughs, as an interesting narrative gloss.5

The magnitude of the problems with the GTE are hidden from the general public, with popular science programmes almost always peddling the secular view as fact. At the same time, creation scientists are never given a realistic opportunity to present an alternative view. In universities, even non-creationists who dare to inform students of problems with Darwin’s theory can find themselves out of a job.6 In UK state-funded schools, Government regulations now prohibit the presentation of Intelligent Design or Creation as views which are supported by evidence.

Nothing new, you and your fellow ecclesiastical brothers don't know how the universe or life started. must be god.

Just like when the caveman and his descendants didn't know about such things...must be some god involved.

The reason the creation scientist don't get time is the same reason voodoo scientist and witch doctors don't get time...they are full of shit and there is no such science. Now as for astrology ? Just more bullshit and don't get time either.

Nnanji -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 5:42:00 PM)




and there is nothing that is more over th top fucking hilarious than the 'lack of belief' idiocy, since its impossible to hold a position either way without a 'belief', unless of course atheists are actually telling the truth in an admission they are lying?

R0, as a matter of interest, would your OP apply equally to my lack of belief in religion as my lack of belief in, say, flying turnips or elves that come out at night and pogo-stick up and down my street? I mean, I have to say, to me, it doesn't feel like I've ever put any energy into, much less developed any philosophy of, my non-belief in flying turnips or elves that pogo-stick up and down my street. (Though this is partially explained by my only just having thought of those two examples, admittedly.)

Wow! You are one unfortunate fellow if you've never seen a group of merry elves come out at night and pogo stick around a neighborhood. It just snaps jolly into the very air you breathe.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 5:46:48 PM)

Spits on your face ugly mess

WickedsDesire -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 5:47:54 PM)

no one wants you

Nnanji -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 5:51:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

RealZero cannot see reality as a retard therefore it doesnt exist.

Well, and you see a multitude of realities. Just how many voices are in your head?

Nnanji -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 6:00:34 PM)









If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no God.

So that would also apply if I were to alter that to

"If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there are no pogo-sticking elves in my street" ...?

I'm taking it, then, that you don't agree with the alteration? I can't replace 'belief in God' with 'belief in pogo-sticking elves'? Why not?

sure I dont have a problem with that said the way using my statement, my point still stands, its as senseless with elves as it is with God, its not what objet you insert its purely the contradiction of your statement so you should avoid changing the argument to a strawman as it appears you are attempting to do.

to be perfectly clear

If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

If there is no elf, it isn't a belief, but a statement of fact.
Insisting that there's an invisible and intangible elf where no elf can be found, on the other hand, is a belief.
Now, which of these two stances do the atheists adopt towards God, and which do the religious sorts adopt?
Show your working out.

And yet the elf could be sitting right there, with a pogo stick, laughing at you because you don't see him and your statement of fact is faceless. But, then, you don't let that sort of thing bother you, do you?

Nnanji -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 6:07:08 PM)









If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no God.

So that would also apply if I were to alter that to

"If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there are no pogo-sticking elves in my street" ...?

I'm taking it, then, that you don't agree with the alteration? I can't replace 'belief in God' with 'belief in pogo-sticking elves'? Why not?

sure I dont have a problem with that said the way using my statement, my point still stands, its as senseless with elves as it is with God, its not what objet you insert its purely the contradiction of your statement so you should avoid changing the argument to a strawman as it appears you are attempting to do.

to be perfectly clear

If you lack belief you have no legitimately expressable opinion yet at the very same time you express an opinion that in fact is a belief, a belief there is no elf.

You have nowhere else to go RO. You see, G o d...IS the ultimate strawman. He was invented whole cloth, out of thin air to justify power, human violence, murder, subjugation and prejudice. The religious affairs built around [god] has also proven to be quite profitable. I mean come on man...I could buy ($$) absolution ?

What a sad, desolate view of life. No wonder you spend so much time under a tin foil hat. Of course, I assume, those "people" who set the president...any president...straight on what they may or may not do are a party to all of that ultimate straw man.

WickedsDesire -> RE: Modern Contemporary Atheist Mythology (8/11/2017 6:09:41 PM)

there is no you monster so shut your fungi trap - your iq what 20 fungal infections you must stink

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