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RE: Agressive Males? - 12/9/2017 9:01:58 PM   

Posts: 1349
Joined: 12/28/2013
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ORIGINAL: cloverodella

In this snippet of your reply, you are accurate on one single point, which may be the only true thing you've said about my posts, bolded for emphasis:


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles

how about checking out your; "where I didn't attack you at all", hmmm it seems you made this non-insult in that non-offensive post; "(here's a totally! new! concept!) take no for no", nope, no insult there.

I just reread my posts on this thread, and nowhere did I say "yes means yes". While I do believe it is more or less the logical equivalent of "no mans no", I wasn't talking about giving consent in my reply, because the OP was about men being aggressive, chasing women, and the line of sexual harassment. So nothing you've said to or about me has been in response to my actual reply to the OP.

Since you have a hard time distinguishing insults, now I'll provide one: Absolutely everything you've said about me has been a giant straw man erected out of the shit you find when you pull all these snappy comebacks outta your ass.

Your relationship to reason, "thinking out", and "logical conclusions" reminds me of the greatest love story of 1999: When Dunning met Kruger.
No where? I guess you must have missed post 78 where you said:

ORIGINAL: cloverodella
As to the "yes means yes, no means no" thing, I've been saying that, if not in this thread, than I did in his inane consent posts.

(in reply to cloverodella)
Profile   Post #: 201
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/9/2017 9:16:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: BitaTruble


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
I tend to apologize on a fairly regular basis.

Apologies seem best served rare. Pehaps a bit more thought would be helpful?

I hope you will allow this to be a teaching moment.

Telling me to “try to get on board” when you changed trains and pulled in an outside thread from which to quote was a gaslight.

A simple link to that quote and I would not have to “try to get on board”. I would have had a tool to succeed and instead I felt belittled and dumb because I could not find that quote anywhere even after reading three times through the thread.

It wasted my time and given how quickly my eyes give out, it was also a waste of a limited resource which could have been spent in more productive fashion than the seeking of phantoms.

For those reasons, I do feel an apology is appropriate.
Let me see if I can help you out.
At post#78 Cloverodella said this:

ORIGINAL: cloverodella
As to the "yes means yes, no means no" thing, I've been saying that, if not in this thread, than I did in his inane consent posts.

At post#83 you said this:

ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

ORIGINAL: cloverodella
As to the "yes means yes, no means no" thing, I've been saying that, if not in this thread, than I did in his inane consent posts.

Thank you for the clarification, Clover.

Which I assumed meant that you understood that at least in this thread that Cloverodella was the originator of the quote. As for where it might have originated, outside of this thread, I don't know. Perhaps Cloverodella, is better a person to inform you on that subject and you might ask her.

Also, I was unaware of "leaving you in the lurch" and only wish you had informed me earlier of your difficulties but that being said, I do apologize for any difficulties I may have caused you.

Yes means yes was posted by you in number 72 with the quote marks already in place. My post #76 was me telling you that I did not find those words on this thread. In other words, I did my homework first.

My search for the quote came after post 72. Post 72 is what prompted my search and subsequently my post 76 as I could not find that quote at that time.

You telling me to try to get on board was the insult in post 83 and came after I finally had the facts and truth from Clover and well after I had already wasted time and resources on the phantom search.

That is the actual order of events here as anyone can read should they so desire.

I did ask you where the quote came from at the time I posted. I asked for clarification in 76. Clarification was not until post 78 after the search, and after the confusion of attribution.

You did not mention in 72 it was from another thread, did not link to another thread and I would not have gone searching on this thread for that quote if I had but known.

I offered a teaching moment. It appears you have rejected that and are still putting the fault on me despite the clear time stamps.

I cannot with a clear conscience accept an apology from someone who doesn’t understand why it is actually due. You indicated that you wished I had informed you early. I informed you in my very first post. Not sure how someone is supposed to ask for something earlier than the first time they post on a thread.

I still feel that I have been insulted and that insult has now been compounded by the attempt to help me. Getting belittled a second time is not at all helpful.

Thank you anyway.
I beg your pardon, both Clover and myself pointed out to you where this Quote came from, if you don't want to believe us fine but don't try to say that you weren't told in fact you even thanked Clover for telling you and now your acting all hurt, because we didn't tell you, Please.

(in reply to BitaTruble)
Profile   Post #: 202
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/9/2017 9:30:56 PM   

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ORIGINAL: longwayhome


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: longwayhome

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
Once again why do you feel you have the right to decide how others should want to be treated? If a woman wants the man to be an "aggressor" what right do you have to tell her that she is wrong?

I don't but that would be in the context of a woman clearly negotiating that with a man, perhaps in the context of a BDSM relationship. I made that point in one of the car-crash consent threads.
Again, if that is what a woman wants why would you tell her she has to negotiiate it?

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
It would be quite inappropriate for a man to take up a position as an aggressor as a general approach to all women. Indeed any man who did so, without being absolutely sure that the woman specifically wanted that sort of relationship, would more than likely be guilty of harassing the woman in question.
Again, with the "aggressor" thing, if you don't like the word replace it with something you like, how about "taking the lead"? Are you really advocating that the man should ask upfront whether he should take the lead or whether she would like to?

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
You know fine well that your initial comment about males being aggressors was a general one and not a specific one.
Yes, I do.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
You are just twisting what you said in the OP to backtrack from that position.
Actually I said that was the way I was raised and in the OP I did not say whether that is still my opinion or not.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
That would be the position you never held because when pressed you claim never to have had any such position or claimed any such thing.
I don't believe anyone has ever actually bothered to ask me what my position is, which I find interesting because it seems everyone seems to think they know my position.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
Why not just have the courage of your convictions?
Just because no one has ever bothered to ask me what my position is, does not mean that I don't have "courage of my convictions".

Really? Such a well thought out and reasoned response, how did you ever manage to come up with it? I sure hope you didn't strain your brain.

(in reply to longwayhome)
Profile   Post #: 203
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 2:31:08 AM   

Posts: 1035
Joined: 1/9/2008
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ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: longwayhome


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: longwayhome

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
Once again why do you feel you have the right to decide how others should want to be treated? If a woman wants the man to be an "aggressor" what right do you have to tell her that she is wrong?

I don't but that would be in the context of a woman clearly negotiating that with a man, perhaps in the context of a BDSM relationship. I made that point in one of the car-crash consent threads.
Again, if that is what a woman wants why would you tell her she has to negotiiate it?

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
It would be quite inappropriate for a man to take up a position as an aggressor as a general approach to all women. Indeed any man who did so, without being absolutely sure that the woman specifically wanted that sort of relationship, would more than likely be guilty of harassing the woman in question.
Again, with the "aggressor" thing, if you don't like the word replace it with something you like, how about "taking the lead"? Are you really advocating that the man should ask upfront whether he should take the lead or whether she would like to?

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
You know fine well that your initial comment about males being aggressors was a general one and not a specific one.
Yes, I do.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
You are just twisting what you said in the OP to backtrack from that position.
Actually I said that was the way I was raised and in the OP I did not say whether that is still my opinion or not.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
That would be the position you never held because when pressed you claim never to have had any such position or claimed any such thing.
I don't believe anyone has ever actually bothered to ask me what my position is, which I find interesting because it seems everyone seems to think they know my position.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
Why not just have the courage of your convictions?
Just because no one has ever bothered to ask me what my position is, does not mean that I don't have "courage of my convictions".

Really? Such a well thought out and reasoned response, how did you ever manage to come up with it? I sure hope you didn't strain your brain.

It's succinct and accurate.

Nuff said.

(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 204
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 2:32:54 AM   

Posts: 3901
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ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: needlesandpins

Side stepper! I call bullshit. You see, you knew exactly what YOU were accusing me of, no-one else thought any such thing, only YOU in your twisted horrid mind. You see, as I said before, your mind is the one in the gutter to go there first by accusing Clover. I was defending her, and I was saying that NO ADULT IN THEIR RIGHT MIND HERE ON AN ADULT BDSM SITE would have gone where your depraved mind went. That isn't me giving the impression of being for anything other than against your uncalled for abuse towards another member. You're side stepping by trying to twist your own words WEAK! 'Gives the impression you are for it'- really? You seriously think that is so very different from saying 'It gives the impression you are on their side' grow the fuck up silly man. It's the same damn thing. Give the impression to whom? ONLY YOU WITH YOUR MIND IN THE GUTTER! Or what else am I supposed to understand by it? As the abuse victim are you saying that I was giving the impression I was for the abuse inflicted on me. Because if I'm getting so wrong, step up and explain yourself. What exactly am I giving the impression I'm for? What in your sick head even leads you there down in that gutter.

Funny how I'm supposed to take your 'That's not what I meant', when you know full well that it all amounts to the same thing, but when what I've written in my reply to Bounty is explained as generic, and can't possibly be aimed at him personally seeing as he's had no part in the discussion, yet you insist I have to apologise for something I never did. I show you this, I tell you I AM INSULTED BY THIS. YOU ARE BEING OFFENSIVE WITH THIS, but you are still too weak ass to say sorry! I told you you lied when you accused me of saying horrid things about children, I asked you to prove what I'd said, step up yourself, but you failed, because you're too weak ass to do it. It would mean you would have to say sorry, but you can't, too damn weak.

I notice you also side stepped the request to explain exactly how it's my mind in the gutter, but that your mind isn't.

I'm exceptionally self aware, and I know my faults. I'll throw out just as much as is thrown at me when faced with someone like you. What I will never do though is lower myself to your level by insinuating that an abuse victim would ever be 'for it', whatever twisted little spin you want to put on that. Think you're clever with it all you like, but you're just sick.


It seems that Sidestepper is calling foul, let's go to the video tape:

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
Hi Sidestepper, Several times now you have stated that I have accused of you of being on "the side of paedophiles" and that is why you are so upset, can't get your mind out of the gutter and why you can't stop with your pretty much nonstop abuse. Okay, show me where you think I said you were on "the side of paedophiles" and I will apologize to you and not something like you might giving the impression that you are for it but that I actually said you are on ""the side of paedophiles" and yes I will apologize. Put up or shut up.
Yes, it appears that Sidestepper doesn't have a leg to stand on, Milesnmiles didn't not actually say she was on "the side of paedophiles" as Sidestepper has repeatedly accused him of but he merely said that with her actions she might give that "impression" and even that was only one time.

Again, because you are the side stepper. You manipulate everything to worm your way out of everything, because you are weak.

Hypocritical bullshitter!

It's what you implied, and I've told you how I've taken it, what that means to me, but you're too much of a dick to even see that. You are so intent on trying to be right that you fail to even acknowledge that you have deeply insulted an abuse victim. You stupid petty man.

Again, call me side stepper all you like, but you still haven't done ANYTHING I've asked you to, Even to explain exactly what being 'for it' is supposed to mean in your sick head, because I'm right, and if i wasn't you'd explain yourself, but you can't. MR SIDE STEPPER

You're full of shit!

You are appalling.



I deserved better. Not than you, but from you.

(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 205
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 3:18:08 AM   

Posts: 196
Joined: 11/28/2007
From: NYC
Status: offline

You folks realize 'stache boy is probably jerking off in a corner contentedly because you're all feeding the troll? The best way to deny him any pleasure is to stop providing him with replies; ie, putting the retard on block.
When his 15 seconds, rather than minutes, of fame or more appropriately; flame, evaporate, he'll have no choice but to fade out of the feed.


Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting..."Wow! What a ride!

(in reply to needlesandpins)
Profile   Post #: 206
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 5:28:57 AM   

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ORIGINAL: longwayhome


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: longwayhome


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: longwayhome

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
Once again why do you feel you have the right to decide how others should want to be treated? If a woman wants the man to be an "aggressor" what right do you have to tell her that she is wrong?

I don't but that would be in the context of a woman clearly negotiating that with a man, perhaps in the context of a BDSM relationship. I made that point in one of the car-crash consent threads.
Again, if that is what a woman wants why would you tell her she has to negotiiate it?

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
It would be quite inappropriate for a man to take up a position as an aggressor as a general approach to all women. Indeed any man who did so, without being absolutely sure that the woman specifically wanted that sort of relationship, would more than likely be guilty of harassing the woman in question.
Again, with the "aggressor" thing, if you don't like the word replace it with something you like, how about "taking the lead"? Are you really advocating that the man should ask upfront whether he should take the lead or whether she would like to?

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
You know fine well that your initial comment about males being aggressors was a general one and not a specific one.
Yes, I do.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
You are just twisting what you said in the OP to backtrack from that position.
Actually I said that was the way I was raised and in the OP I did not say whether that is still my opinion or not.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
That would be the position you never held because when pressed you claim never to have had any such position or claimed any such thing.
I don't believe anyone has ever actually bothered to ask me what my position is, which I find interesting because it seems everyone seems to think they know my position.

ORIGINAL: longwayhome
Why not just have the courage of your convictions?
Just because no one has ever bothered to ask me what my position is, does not mean that I don't have "courage of my convictions".

Really? Such a well thought out and reasoned response, how did you ever manage to come up with it? I sure hope you didn't strain your brain.

It's succinct and accurate.

Nuff said.
Succinct, perhaps.
Accurate? The only thing accurate about it is that it shows what you're full of, because it came out of you not me.

(in reply to longwayhome)
Profile   Post #: 207
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 5:34:03 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Shandirra
You folks realize 'stache boy is probably jerking off in a corner contentedly because you're all feeding the troll? The best way to deny him any pleasure is to stop providing him with replies; ie, putting the retard on block.
When his 15 seconds, rather than minutes, of fame or more appropriately; flame, evaporate, he'll have no choice but to fade out of the feed.
Well, will you look at this. Another poster that does not have the ability to think or reason and somehow believes insults will somehow cover over that fact.

(in reply to Shandirra)
Profile   Post #: 208
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 11:22:59 AM   

Posts: 133
Joined: 8/8/2013
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Hey, Needles, let's make a pact to quit the thread. Mr. Strawman McGaslight lacks any ability to comprehend and process the simplest of information, which is why he keeps pointing to a spot of text as if it proves anything and parroting any words or concepts thrown at him.

(in reply to needlesandpins)
Profile   Post #: 209
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 11:48:23 AM   

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ORIGINAL: cloverodella

Hey, Needles, let's make a pact to quit the thread. Mr. Strawman McGaslight lacks any ability to comprehend and process the simplest of information, which is why he keeps pointing to a spot of text as if it proves anything and parroting any words or concepts thrown at him.

Run, ladies. Go towards the light and don't look back. Get out while you still can.


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to cloverodella)
Profile   Post #: 210
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 6:40:55 PM   

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ORIGINAL: cloverodella

Hey, Needles, let's make a pact to quit the thread. Mr. Strawman McGaslight lacks any ability to comprehend and process the simplest of information, which is why he keeps pointing to a spot of text as if it proves anything and parroting any words or concepts thrown at him.

That's fine and probably a good thing, seeing as Sidestepper seems to be on the verge of apoplexy and you seem to have burnt out and have lost the ability to come up with anything to say but insults.

(in reply to cloverodella)
Profile   Post #: 211
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 6:42:36 PM   

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ORIGINAL: cloverodella

Hey, Needles, let's make a pact to quit the thread. Mr. Strawman McGaslight lacks any ability to comprehend and process the simplest of information, which is why he keeps pointing to a spot of text as if it proves anything and parroting any words or concepts thrown at him.

Run, ladies. Go towards the light and don't look back. Get out while you still can.

And then there is Froggy who it seems long ago lost the ability to post anything insults.

(in reply to WhoreMods)
Profile   Post #: 212
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/10/2017 7:32:20 PM   

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Just for you Miles!


(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 213
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/13/2017 7:08:00 AM   

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Just for you Miles!
Well, I guess you consider that a well thought out comment on the OP, I don't but now we know what you think is a well thought out comment on the OP.

(in reply to NoirMetal)
Profile   Post #: 214
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/13/2017 7:26:04 AM   

Posts: 40310
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What would help is a well thought out OP.


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 215
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/13/2017 10:49:28 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

What would help is a well thought out OP.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 216
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/13/2017 3:38:45 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


There’s not a woman on earth who hasn’t been threatened for saying no. We’re lucky if it stops with threats.


The worst, the absolute worst, that I've ever felt, on those few occasions when I've said 'no' to a woman who's pressured me, is awkward and embarrassed. It doesn't compare.

I've said it many times before and I'll say it again: I'd love to treat a woman as a goddess and there's something inside me that's hardwired to see them as a sex that way - but I'm still frigging glad I got born as a man and not a woman.


(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 217
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/15/2017 8:41:48 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

What would help is a well thought out OP.

Honestly, if you don't like the OP then you don't have to participate in the thread or better yet come up with your own "well thought out" OP and start your own thread and stop being a troll.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
Profile   Post #: 218
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/15/2017 8:43:18 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Wayward5oul

ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

What would help is a well thought out OP.

And I'll you the same thing I told Lucylastic, if you don't like the OP then you don't have to participate in the thread or better yet come up with your own "well thought out" OP and start your own thread and stop being a troll.

(in reply to Wayward5oul)
Profile   Post #: 219
RE: Agressive Males? - 12/15/2017 8:57:48 PM   

Posts: 40310
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ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

What would help is a well thought out OP.

Honestly, if you don't like the OP then you don't have to participate in the thread or better yet come up with your own "well thought out" OP and start your own thread and stop being a troll.

It could have been a great thread
deep and interesting.
It wasnt.
Im not sure why you think that posting a thread entitles you to only positive comments.
It doesnt

PS the only time i have commented so far is to other peoples comments, not yours, you have argued with almost ALL the responses to you personally, and pretend everyone else is wrong but you.

But you cant understand that a well thought out OP helps against criticism.... you are 3 for 3
I with treat your advice with all the respect it deserves.

(in reply to Milesnmiles)
Profile   Post #: 220
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