RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (Full Version)

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vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 8:10:55 AM)


Wrong. By your definition, the Jordanian annexation is a war crime. I realise you're not all that bright, but you can't point to rule of law when the law isn't applied equally.

It is a manifest fact of history that there is inequity in the application of the rules of law, but that does not trouble the powerful from proclaiming there is a "rule of law" in support of everything they do. Why are you so ignorant?

PeonForHer -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 8:12:58 AM)


Arguing that the conflict is a religious one gets the cause-effect chain back-to-front, about as diametrically wrong as it's possible to be - though who would expect less of Bosco and A'ness?

And ... cue those experts on the Koran, citing all the relevant bloodthirsty bits. And that long list of nasty things that Muslims have done, again. We know how this goes, Tweak ....

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 12:11:46 PM)




Arguing that the conflict is a religious one gets the cause-effect chain back-to-front, about as diametrically wrong as it's possible to be - though who would expect less of Bosco and A'ness?

And ... cue those experts on the Koran, citing all the relevant bloodthirsty bits. And that long list of nasty things that Muslims have done, again. We know how this goes, Tweak ....

Citing the Koran, facts and history, vs pure mindless ad hominems...

In any given debate, there is no question who the leftists are

Danemora -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 12:16:45 PM)

When did calling folks "trash," disgnosing them as "literally insane" when you have no professional/educational credentials to do so, repeating "howler" like its the only word known, and reducing anyone you dont agree with to suffering from "cartoonish delusions" become proper debate etiquette, Bosco? You really are not the best example of it, so you are the absolute last person to say anything about anyone else's debate style.

And with you being rabidly anti-Muslim....there is no debating that can be done with you anyway.

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 2:51:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Danemora

When did calling folks "trash," disgnosing them as "literally insane" when you have no professional/educational credentials to do so, repeating "howler" like its the only word known, and reducing anyone you dont agree with to suffering from "cartoonish delusions" become proper debate etiquette, Bosco? You really are not the best example of it, so you are the absolute last person to say anything about anyone else's debate style.

And with you being rabidly anti-Muslim....there is no debating that can be done with you anyway.

All trash like you have are PURE fallacy bs

That's the difference

Sure, I call you morons what you are, but I also post facts

Note the leftists above howling because I post Koranic verses and I discuss history and other facts - how unfair, right [:D]

PeonForHer -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 3:19:37 PM)


Wrong. By your definition, the Jordanian annexation is a war crime. I realise you're not all that bright, but you can't point to rule of law when the law isn't applied equally.

Awareness please try to understand before one of us dies. The reason why the rule of law isn't applied equally is exactly why we have to insist on it being adhered to.

PeonForHer -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 3:24:07 PM)


Citing the Koran, facts and history, vs pure mindless ad hominems...

Since you don't know how cause and effect work, none of your facts and history - even if correct, which they usually aren't - aren't relevant anyway. And you keep using that phrase 'ad hominem' without knowing what it means. However,


In any given debate, there is no question who the leftists are

... I won't argue with that.

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 7:25:16 PM)




Citing the Koran, facts and history, vs pure mindless ad hominems...

Since you don't know how cause and effect work, none of your facts and history - even if correct, which they usually aren't - aren't relevant anyway. And you keep using that phrase 'ad hominem' without knowing what it means. However,


In any given debate, there is no question who the leftists are

... I won't argue with that.

Another pure ad hominem - practically all leftists can do

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/15/2017 8:38:28 PM)





“We” being the west, idiot...[:D]

Now keep howling without touching what I wrote. It is entertaining!

The major tragic battles were fought against the Turks by Ansac troops and the failed British naval support at Galopoli. They hardly constitute the forces of the "West." Furthermore you neglect to credit the terror assaults of the Arabs against the Turks. They were hardly part of the West, and you ignore that the betrayal of the Arabs by the British is a major source of the current kerfuffle in the region. The British were warned by Coronal Lawrence, weren't they? All of that is relevant to the uprising of the Arabs which began in the 1920s. Your ignorance and facile commentary of the history highlights your mental vacancy and makes it impossible for anyone to respond to what your meanings are. Like I said of you: intellectual roadkill. Your "meanings" are empty.

Now you are just howling to hear yourself howl. A lot of assertions that have very little to do with the discussion, just you proving you need to have it both ways. Muslims are helpless primitive backward idiots, victims of Western powers (your first point) but Western powers had nothing to do with their defeat and the dissolution of their empire (your second point)

Which is all just pure mindless howling

Had the Ottomans not met a superior force, only Allah knows to what extent they would be a typical radical Islamic state, but it is certain that it would exist on a massive scale and that human rights under their rule would almost certainly be crushed

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/16/2017 3:47:39 AM)

Western Powers yes, separately, but Not the West collectively. You are unfortunately ignorant of the role played by Turk avarice for the lands of the Russian Empire then in disarray. The Turks fatally split their forces sending half into the unmanageable terrain to the north. Rivalry between the princes of Istanbul played an enormously important role in the demise of their Empire. It is not permissible to make even a passably convincing argument from such a flawed base of knowledge. I would suggest you study the political and military tactics employed by the Turks and the errors they made before giving so much credit to the West. Ottoman incompetence was legendary and justified reference to Turkey as the "weak man" of the German/Hungarian alliance.

You simply cannot sustain your debate positions by repeated insults to your opponents. Debate requires some level of comprehension of the underlying forces in the issue at hand. Ignorance of history is your main failing. You simply cannot cover it up by repeated ad hom attacks. The Ottoman Empire was self-destructive in 1917.

tweakabelle -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/16/2017 4:25:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: Awareness


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle
Which part of "events elsewhere are completely irrelevant to any determination of Israeli culpability" is too difficult for you to understand? The question is whether the Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem is legal or illegal under international law. It matters not an iota what happens elsewhere. The question is whether Israeli actions are criminal or not.
Wrong. By your definition, the Jordanian annexation is a war crime. I realise you're not all that bright, but you can't point to rule of law when the law isn't applied equally.

It seems to have escaped your attention that this thread is about the status of Jerusalem, and Israel's illegal annexation of East Jerusalem. What happens elsewhere is irrelevant. Here's some background to help you familiarise yourself with the issue at hand as you have given no indication that you know anything at all about it:
"During the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel occupied East Jerusalem, a part of the West Bank, from Jordan. On June 27, 1967, Israel unilaterally extended its law and jurisdiction to East Jerusalem and some of the surrounding area, incorporating about 70 square kilometers of territory into the Jerusalem Municipality. Although at the time Israel informed the United Nations that its measures constituted administrative and municipal integration rather than annexation, later rulings by the Israeli Supreme Court indicated that East Jerusalem had become part of Israel. In 1980, Israel passed the Jerusalem Law as part of its Basic Law, which declared Jerusalem the "complete and united" capital of Israel. In other words, Israel purported to annex East Jerusalem.[22][23][24] The annexation was declared null and void by UNSC Resolutions 252, 267, 271, 298, 465, 476[25] and 478.[26]"

Please note the UNSC's declaration of Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem as "null and void". That is the current legal status of East Jerusalem, under Israeli occupation, in international law. Whether you like or dislike, accept or reject this fact is about as irrelevant as anything can be. Your ill informed and biased rants matter not an iota - the legal status of Jerusalem has been decided and will remain so until all the concerned parties come to an agreement to change it. It is not the prerogative of a US President to unilaterally alter this status (see below).


Also, firing rockets into a civilian area is also a war crime - so the Arabs calling themselves 'Palestinians' are a group of war criminals. Don't bleat about international law - a concept you CLEARLY do not understand - when your entire concept of the law is something that only applies to Israel.

For once you are correct. Firing rockets into civilian areas is a war crime and all those who do it deserve to be dealt with severely after being given a fair trial, no matter who does it or why.

However the second part of your claim is incorrect. Only those Palestinians who commit these acts are war criminals, not all Palestinians as your post wrongly asserts.

Of course by the very same token those Israelis - members of the IDF - who fire missiles heavy artillery and aerial bombardment into Palestinian civilian areas are just as guilty of war crimes as members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad and deserve to dealt with in exactly the same manner. Given your repeated complaints about one sided applications of the law, your one sided insistence that only Palestinians are war criminals tells us more about the blatant hypocrisy of your rabid anti-Palestinian racism than making any point with legal merit, no matter how tenuous or accidental.

As is very clear from the above, I believe both sides have their war criminals. I see both sides as steeped in the blood of innocents and neither has any claim to moral superiority in this regard, as I have repeatedly and consistently posted on these boards. Each is as bad as the other.

However Trump's idiotic recognition of Israel's illegal annexation of East Jerusalem places the US in a position whereby it is explicitly rewarding war criminals for their war crimes. This is not something any other US president has been prepared to do, for obvious reasons. It was a rash act by an ignorant and arrogant President who doesn't seem to have any understanding of the issues involved, or perhaps couldn't care less. One immediate effect is that it has eliminated the US from any peace broking role. How anyone can claim this has brought a peaceful resolution of the conflict any closer is beyond me.

The rest of your post degenerates into racial smears and abusive trash and deserves to be scornfully dismissed as such. You ought to be aware that those who defend the Israeli regime that enforces apartheid on the West Bank automatically forego any right to criticise others for alleged racism. All your racial smears achieve is to highlight the blatant hypocrisy and rampant racism that permeates your post and your worldview, such as it is.

tweakabelle -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/16/2017 4:53:30 AM)



Western Powers yes, separately, but Not the West collectively. You are unfortunately ignorant of the role played by Turk avarice for the lands of the Russian Empire then in disarray. The Turks fatally split their forces sending half into the unmanageable terrain to the north. Rivalry between the princes of Istanbul played an enormously important role in the demise of their Empire. It is not permissible to make even a passably convincing argument from such a flawed base of knowledge. I would suggest you study the political and military tactics employed by the Turks and the errors they made before giving so much credit to the West. Ottoman incompetence was legendary and justified reference to Turkey as the "weak man" of the German/Hungarian alliance.

You simply cannot sustain your debate positions by repeated insults to your opponents. Debate requires some level of comprehension of the underlying forces in the issue at hand. Ignorance of history is your main failing. You simply cannot cover it up by repeated ad hom attacks. The Ottoman Empire was self-destructive in 1917.

It is an interesting and relevant fact that in the last 150 or so years, there isn't a single Arab/Muslim country that has not been either invaded, conquered colonised and/or ruled by Western Powers at one time or another.

This is true for the entire arc of Arab/Muslim countries ranging from Morocco at the extreme west across North Africa through Arabia and the Middle East to Iran/Pakistan/Afghanistan at the east.

During the same period, not one Western country was invaded conquered colonised or ruled by foreign Arab/Muslim powers.

This pattern continues today where we find Western militaries active in multiple Arab/Muslim countries but not a single Arab/Muslim army active anywhere in the West. One can only imagine how much damage this continual humiliation has wreaked on the Arab/Muslim psyche and body politic. When we ponder the causes of the rise of Islamist extremism, this is surely one factor that needs serious consideration.

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 4:29:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle



Western Powers yes, separately, but Not the West collectively. You are unfortunately ignorant of the role played by Turk avarice for the lands of the Russian Empire then in disarray. The Turks fatally split their forces sending half into the unmanageable terrain to the north. Rivalry between the princes of Istanbul played an enormously important role in the demise of their Empire. It is not permissible to make even a passably convincing argument from such a flawed base of knowledge. I would suggest you study the political and military tactics employed by the Turks and the errors they made before giving so much credit to the West. Ottoman incompetence was legendary and justified reference to Turkey as the "weak man" of the German/Hungarian alliance.

You simply cannot sustain your debate positions by repeated insults to your opponents. Debate requires some level of comprehension of the underlying forces in the issue at hand. Ignorance of history is your main failing. You simply cannot cover it up by repeated ad hom attacks. The Ottoman Empire was self-destructive in 1917.

It is an interesting and relevant fact that in the last 150 or so years, there isn't a single Arab/Muslim country that has not been either invaded, conquered colonised and/or ruled by Western Powers at one time or another.

This is true for the entire arc of Arab/Muslim countries ranging from Morocco at the extreme west across North Africa through Arabia and the Middle East to Iran/Pakistan/Afghanistan at the east.

During the same period, not one Western country was invaded conquered colonised or ruled by foreign Arab/Muslim powers.

This pattern continues today where we find Western militaries active in multiple Arab/Muslim countries but not a single Arab/Muslim army active anywhere in the West. One can only imagine how much damage this continual humiliation has wreaked on the Arab/Muslim psyche and body politic. When we ponder the causes of the rise of Islamist extremism, this is surely one factor that needs serious consideration.

The validity of your point is beyond question. I think. However the idea that major historical events might have impact upon the personal psychology and motivation of marginalized individuals enough to lead them to take self-destructive action against far larger and massively more powerful groups, states, etc. is probably too sophisticated a connection. So, the alarmists fall back upon such nuttery as blaming lines in an ancient book and the behavior of some long dead "prophet" for the current "war on the West." Bosco and his friends really need to move beyond the silly idea that the seeds of Islam's hatred for modernity are in the nature of their religion. That is such a simplistic good guys/bad guys scenario of the GW Bush catechism . . . repeatable but unsupportable.

Awareness -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 10:33:56 AM)




The Arabs have hated the Jews for thousands of years. Mohammed spoke about how good it was to kill Jews over a thousand years ago. You are an uninformed fucking moron and a liar.

Making shit up again, A'ness. Have you no shame?
The Hadith are eloquent on the subject. You either don't know what you're talking about or you're a liar.

Awareness -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 10:36:38 AM)




Wrong. By your definition, the Jordanian annexation is a war crime. I realise you're not all that bright, but you can't point to rule of law when the law isn't applied equally.

It is a manifest fact of history that there is inequity in the application of the rules of law, but that does not trouble the powerful from proclaiming there is a "rule of law" in support of everything they do. Why are you so ignorant?
You're retarded. You and the other terrorism apologists are arguing for the rule of law to be applied to Israel, but not to the Arab terrorists, then complain that it's always been that way.

You're puncturing your own argument, you fucking dipshit.

Awareness -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 10:38:24 AM)




Wrong. By your definition, the Jordanian annexation is a war crime. I realise you're not all that bright, but you can't point to rule of law when the law isn't applied equally.

Awareness please try to understand before one of us dies. The reason why the rule of law isn't applied equally is exactly why we have to insist on it being adhered to.
Oh Peon, you poor sad, naive little motherfucker.

The rule of law is a construct used to manage human groups. I'm pointing out that it's only being applied to Israel and your response to that is to insist it needs to be adhered to - but you keep making exceptions for Arab terrorists.

Peon who did you blow to get your degree? It's painfully obvious that you're intellectually incompetent.

Awareness -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 10:55:11 AM)


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle
It seems to have escaped your attention that this thread is about the status of Jerusalem, and Israel's illegal annexation of East Jerusalem. What happens elsewhere is irrelevant.
Wrong. Given the illegal 1948 annexation by Jordan and the failure of the international community to rectify the situation according to "international law"which you claimed exists - Israel is quite within its rights to take back the illegally annexed territory by force.

That's like claiming if someone invades your country you're not entitled to take back the territory they've stolen because that would be "a war crime".

In other words, this is just howling anti-semitic madness from the usual Jew-hating socialists.



Also, firing rockets into a civilian area is also a war crime - so the Arabs calling themselves 'Palestinians' are a group of war criminals. Don't bleat about international law - a concept you CLEARLY do not understand - when your entire concept of the law is something that only applies to Israel.

For once you are correct. Firing rockets into civilian areas is a war crime and all those who do it deserve to be dealt with severely after being given a fair trial, no matter who does it or why.

However the second part of your claim is incorrect. Only those Palestinians who commit these acts are war criminals, not all Palestinians as your post wrongly asserts.
The Palestinian population are hiding and giving sanctuary to these war criminals, making them accessories to this war crime.


Of course by the very same token those Israelis - members of the IDF - who fire missiles heavy artillery and aerial bombardment into Palestinian civilian areas are just as guilty of war crimes as members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad and deserve to dealt with in exactly the same manner.
I agree, provided they're not responding to military action from members of Hamas who are using their own population as human shields. The use of civilians as human shields IS a war crime and Israel has EVERY RIGHT to return fire. The blame falls upon Hamas for using their own population as human shields, NOT the Israelis for defending themselves.


Given your repeated complaints about one sided applications of the law, your one sided insistence that only Palestinians are war criminals tells us more about the blatant hypocrisy of your rabid anti-Palestinian racism than making any point with legal merit, no matter how tenuous or accidental.
There is no Palestinian race. The Arab invaders are just Arabs. War crimes from either side should be punished and I have no reason to believe that individual Israeli commanders are perfect human beings who always do the right thing. Your anti-semitism sees you justify every action by Arab terrorists to a degree which marks you as an appalling human being full of hatred for the Jews.


As is very clear from the above, I believe both sides have their war criminals. I see both sides as steeped in the blood of innocents and neither has any claim to moral superiority in this regard, as I have repeatedly and consistently posted on these boards. Each is as bad as the other.
I've never seen you express that sentiment. You consistently defend the right of Arabs to engage in terrorism.

Need I remind you that when the UN announced the partition plan, the Arabs rose up en masse to slaughter the Jews. You want to talk about hatred and war crimes, start with that one.


However Trump's idiotic recognition of Israel's illegal annexation of East Jerusalem places the US in a position whereby it is explicitly rewarding war criminals for their war crimes.
This is nonsense. Jerusalem has been the spiritual and literal home of the Jews for thousands of years. The idea that a Judaic-copy cult can somehow lay claim to it and then expect that claim to be recognised is ludicrous. It also makes a complete mockery of the fact that the Muslims want Jersualem for religious reasons, NOT because they want a place to live.

Israel is a tiny nation surrounded by large, aggressive Jew-hating Arab countries. Much of Israel is infertile desert. There is absolutely no reason to try and claim Israeli territory except to justify an ongoing war of extermination. Arab nations kept trying this and got their asses kicked. They've now resorted to terrorism and the fiction of "the occupation of Palestine" to justify an ongoing genocidal religious war.

If you don't realise it's a religious war, then you're just ignorant and nothing will help you.


The rest of your post degenerates into racial smears and abusive trash and deserves to be scornfully dismissed as such.
The Palestinians are not a race, they're Arab terrorists. Islamic extremists focused upon killing Jews. Pretending otherwise is supporting terrorism.


You ought to be aware that those who defend the Israeli regime that enforces apartheid on the West Bank automatically forego any right to criticise others for alleged racism. All your racial smears achieve is to highlight the blatant hypocrisy and rampant racism that permeates your post and your worldview, such as it is.
You ought to be aware that defending genocidal terrorism means you automatically forego any right to criticise others who point out your racism.

Awareness -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 11:01:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle
It is an interesting and relevant fact that in the last 150 or so years, there isn't a single Arab/Muslim country that has not been either invaded, conquered colonised and/or ruled by Western Powers at one time or another.

This is true for the entire arc of Arab/Muslim countries ranging from Morocco at the extreme west across North Africa through Arabia and the Middle East to Iran/Pakistan/Afghanistan at the east.

During the same period, not one Western country was invaded conquered colonised or ruled by foreign Arab/Muslim powers.
Western societies have been wise enough to kick the shit out of them when they try. What you're essentially pointing out is that Islam is a dangerous cult which civilised societies actively manage to prevent it from carrying out its mission to convert or subjugate non-Muslims. (A command given by Mohammed himself).


This pattern continues today where we find Western militaries active in multiple Arab/Muslim countries but not a single Arab/Muslim army active anywhere in the West. One can only imagine how much damage this continual humiliation has wreaked on the Arab/Muslim psyche and body politic. When we ponder the causes of the rise of Islamist extremism, this is surely one factor that needs serious consideration.
It's of a lesser significance than the sheer reality that Islam teaches Muslims to convert or conquer. That is the constant overriding driving force behind their dreams of Empire.

They built barbaric, women-subjugating, gay-killing, theocratic empires for a thousand years and the West has had enough and refuses to let them do it again. Why on earth would you find this surprising?

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 11:29:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: Awareness




Wrong. By your definition, the Jordanian annexation is a war crime. I realise you're not all that bright, but you can't point to rule of law when the law isn't applied equally.

It is a manifest fact of history that there is inequity in the application of the rules of law, but that does not trouble the powerful from proclaiming there is a "rule of law" in support of everything they do. Why are you so ignorant?
You're retarded. You and the other terrorism apologists are arguing for the rule of law to be applied to Israel, but not to the Arab terrorists, then complain that it's always been that way.

You're puncturing your own argument, you fucking dipshit.

Where did you ever see me defend Arab terrorists? My apology was to the Aborigines of Australia, the Native Americans driven to Reservations , First People of Canada whose fishing grounds were invaded, and Indigenous Peoples of South and Central America who had their cultures, land, and ways of life destroyed by the White Man's Rules of Law. We can especially note the horrors of the Western European colonization of West Africa and the TransAtlantic slave trade.

Arabs were not the exclusive victims of a Rule of Law they had no say in formulating.

Empty your shit for brains and try to understand that the last hundred years of Anti-Colonialism have been the root of blowback against the West, not some religious verses nor some commentary on a long gone Prophet. Did the Hadith mention the fact that while at Messina the Prophet had a sweet alliance with three tribes of Israeli who assisted him against his foes?

And is the Hadith without Muslim critics? No it isn't? So, what makes you such an expert on the scattered writings? Why should I believe the mutterings of a pompous lamebrain and not the critical scholars?

Read what I wrote, asshole. Did I say It is a manifest fact of Muslim history that there is inequity in the application of the rules of law? God almighty, learn to read for meaning. I said and I stand by the manifest fact that the Rule of Law has been administered unjustly in history. The Rule of Law has been an aid to them that had the greatest fire power.

Please, Lord, send us some people with knowledge and intelligence to this Forum. Brother A'ness is a poor choice.

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 11:31:44 AM)


They built barbaric, women-subjugating, gay-killing, theocratic empires for a thousand years and the West has had enough and refuses to let them do it again. Why on earth would you find this surprising?

The West did the same at one time or another.

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