RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (Full Version)

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vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 11:41:28 AM)


The rule of law is a construct used to manage human groups. I'm pointing out that it's only being applied to Israel and your response to that is to insist it needs to be adhered to - but you keep making exceptions for Arab terrorists.

You are either a misguided idiot, A'ness, or an apologist for historical white power. . . . . to manage human groups when there are not enough guns and whips, do you mean?

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 11:43:50 AM)


susie -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 3:31:01 PM)






Every time a childish little howler troll like you screams that someone's a Nazi, because you have no real arguments?

A thread dies.

Any thread that provides space and serious consideration for an historical fallacy like: Muslims have been slaughtering everyone in their path for a thousand years deserves a painful, torturous death. You repeat this piece of imperialistic religious propaganda like it were a demonstrable truth and not some mini mental bumper sticker you learned in Catholic school. Christianity was way more brutal than Islam during its military expansions but you choose to ignore that simple fact of history. How inconvenient for you and your anti-Islamic propaganda and how simple minded your argument has been, and how fall down comical your presentation has been. Give us the data to support your bullshit propaganda or shut the fuck up.

Islam is very new, compared to Hinduism and Buddhism and Judaism and practically every other ism in the Middle East and Africa and everywhere else Muslims have invaded

Christians recently thrived in the lands Muslims have taken, living peacefully alongside all of the other groups who once lived there

Now, many of these places are literally 99% Muslim, everyone else is suddenly gone

What happened to everyone else who used to live there, before Mohammad and his commands to slaughter those they encounter

It's no mystery what happened. In fact it is well documented, for anyone who cares to do a little research

Tell us about the history of the Muslim slave trade, vincent? Bet you love that part of their bloody history. How extensive it was, how they seized millions of innocents as slaves from Africa to Europe and beyond. Tell us about their massive castratoriums, where untold numbers of their slaves lost their testicles, and indeed their lives. And how the only thing that has ever stopped Muslims from all of the evil they love to commit has been superior force

It's right there in the history books. Hundreds of millions slaughtered by the Muslim cult, and counting

Why do you pretend to ignore reality

Perhaps you should read what you post Boscock

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 5:50:08 PM)

Tears of Jihad

These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad.

Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died. Estimates of this collateral damage vary. The renowned missionary David Livingstone estimated that for every slave who reached a plantation, five others were killed in the initial raid or died of illness and privation on the forced march.[Woman’s Presbyterian Board of Missions, David Livingstone, p. 62, 1888] Those who were left behind were the very young, the weak, the sick and the old. These soon died since the main providers had been killed or enslaved. So, for 25 million slaves delivered to the market, we have an estimated death of about 120 million people. Islam ran the wholesale slave trade in Africa.
120 million Africans

The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10] . A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad. So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have:
60 million Christians

Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million Hindus killed in the total jihad against India. [Koenard Elst, Negationism in India, Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34.] The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the Hindus.”
80 million Hindus

Buddhists do not keep up with the history of war. Keep in mind that in jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam) everyone else had to convert or die. Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million. [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.] 10 million Buddhists

Oddly enough there were not enough Jews killed in jihad to significantly affect the totals of the Great Annihilation. The jihad in Arabia was 100 percent effective, but the numbers were in the thousands, not millions. After that, the Jews submitted and became the dhimmis (servants and second class citizens) of Islam and did not have geographic political power.

This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.

ThatDizzyChick -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 6:13:02 PM)

Well duh!

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/19/2017 9:27:37 PM)


Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died.

Bosco and friends in the copied article can't decide whether they wish to inform us about the number of slaves or the number of deaths.

And so what! There is no case here to be made that Muslims were more notorious slavers and killers than other religious/political groups, except by omission and by the darkness of ancient history.

Slavery began with the development of agricultural societies in the Neolithic Era circa 11000 years ago. The history of Islam occupies only a small fraction of that period. Less than 13% of the time of agricultural history. And yet our Islamophobes would have us believe that no greater mayhem was created by any but Islam. They focus their estimates upon the actions of the Muslims who did not even exist until recently in the long history of slavery and have no accounts from other times and other groups.

And then we are supposed to buy the proposition that there is something inherent in the nature of Islam that makes it particularly more ruthless than other tribes, and, more egregiously, we are to believe that this 14 Century political/theological group genome carried over the germ of jihad with unrelenting intensity until this very day. Unmitigated nonsense. You made your conclusion and are now busily gathering unsupportable evidence in which you wallow like frightened house flies stuck in the horseshit of history on this topic, little men.

tweakabelle -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 2:31:03 AM)




Also, firing rockets into a civilian area is also a war crime - so the Arabs calling themselves 'Palestinians' are a group of war criminals. Don't bleat about international law - a concept you CLEARLY do not understand - when your entire concept of the law is something that only applies to Israel.

For once you are correct. Firing rockets into civilian areas is a war crime and all those who do it deserve to be dealt with severely after being given a fair trial, no matter who does it or why.

However the second part of your claim is incorrect. Only those Palestinians who commit these acts are war criminals, not all Palestinians as your post wrongly asserts.

The Palestinian population are hiding and giving sanctuary to these war criminals, making them accessories to this war crime.

This is an absurd and ridiculous claim. However if solely for the purpose of this discussion we grant it credibility, then by the very same token, the entire Israeli population are also war criminals as they give sanctuary to the war criminals of the IDF, who locate their military bases and HQ in the middle of civilian areas (as so most of the militaries of countries throughout the world).

Mercifully the claim is nonsense, otherwise we end up with half the world's population being war criminals, an utterly absurd proposition


Of course by the very same token those Israelis - members of the IDF - who fire missiles heavy artillery and aerial bombardment into Palestinian civilian areas are just as guilty of war crimes as members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad and deserve to dealt with in exactly the same manner.

I agree, provided they're not responding to military action from members of Hamas who are using their own population as human shields. The use of civilians as human shields IS a war crime and Israel has EVERY RIGHT to return fire. The blame falls upon Hamas for using their own population as human shields, NOT the Israelis for defending themselves.

I'm glad we agree that the IDF is guilty of war crimes. The list of those crimes is extensive and lengthy.

However the claim that IDF war crimes are justifiable in response to attacks from Palestinians is palpable nonsense legally and by every other reasonable standard. The IDF is completely and solely responsible for its own actions, as indeed any army or for that matter any adult is legally responsible for their own actions.

It's not really a smart move for Israeli apologists to point the finger at others for using human shields. The reason for this is pretty straightforward - the IDF itself often uses Palestinians as human shields, as reported by multiple independent media and bodies such as Amnesty Human Rights Watch, Save the Children, the Israeli human rights group B'tselem and numerous others. Israeli courts have convicted and sentenced IDF members for using Palestinian kids as human shields. (Source) But there's no need to rely on these reports, you can see for yourself. There's a wealth of videos on You Tube showing the IDF using Palestinian kids as human shields. Here's a few for your perusal:

No side in this conflict has a monopoly on human rights abuses or war crimes. It is difficult to think of a single crime the Israelis have accused Palestinian groups of being responsible for that the Israelis themselves have not committed, usually on a far more devastating scale with vastly greater loss of innocent lives.

tweakabelle -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 3:06:17 AM)


ORIGINAL: Awareness

In other words, this is just howling anti-semitic madness from the usual Jew-hating socialists. [snip]

Your anti-semitism sees you justify every action by Arab terrorists to a degree which marks you as an appalling human being full of hatred for the Jews. [snip]
You consistently defend the right of Arabs to engage in terrorism. [snip]
You ought to be aware that defending genocidal terrorism means you automatically forego any right to criticise others who point out your racism.

We all know that personal abuse is one of your trademark tactics but this kind of odious repulsive smear is beyond offensive.

I defy you to produce a single statement of mine that is either "anti-Semitic" "Jew-hating" or where I "consistently defend the right of Arabs to engage in terrorism". You won't be able to as I have never in my life uttered an anti-Semitic or Jew-hating statement nor have I ever defended anyone's "right" to engage in terrorism anywhere.

On the other hand, you will be able to find statements from me condemning all of the above. These accusations are false and malicious, beneath contempt. They say a lot more about you than me.

It is sad that apologists for the amoral Israeli regime that practices ethnic cleansing and apartheid as well as turning war crimes into a daily routine occurance resort to such malignant smears. This tells us that Israel's own supporters don't believe that the truth supports their cause. If they did, why do they consistently fail to rely on the truth, preferring character assassination and abuse to truth fact and rational argument?

So produce the evidence. Put up or shut up.

tweakabelle -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 4:37:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: Awareness


ORIGINAL: tweakabelle

However Trump's idiotic recognition of Israel's illegal annexation of East Jerusalem places the US in a position whereby it is explicitly rewarding war criminals for their war crimes.
This is nonsense. Jerusalem has been the spiritual and literal home of the Jews for thousands of years. The idea that a Judaic-copy cult can somehow lay claim to it and then expect that claim to be recognised is ludicrous. It also makes a complete mockery of the fact that the Muslims want Jersualem for religious reasons, NOT because they want a place to live.

Israel is a tiny nation surrounded by large, aggressive Jew-hating Arab countries. Much of Israel is infertile desert. There is absolutely no reason to try and claim Israeli territory except to justify an ongoing war of extermination. Arab nations kept trying this and got their asses kicked. They've now resorted to terrorism and the fiction of "the occupation of Palestine" to justify an ongoing genocidal religious war.

If you don't realise it's a religious war, then you're just ignorant and nothing will help you.

Your post is rather confusing - accurately reflecting your understanding of Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Is it a war of "extermination", or is it a "religious war" or is it because Palestinians want "a place to live"? As you seem to conclude it's a religious war I am going to go with that idiotic assertion. Those proposing the "religious war"/Islamaic expansion thesis have some difficult questions to answer.

For instance, why does the conflict pre-date the existence of militant Islamist groups such as AQ and IS by about half a century?

Or why is it that no one, not even the Israelis themselves, saw it as a religious war until it became politically expedient and fashionable to do so in the post 9/11 world? If there is no occupation of Palestine, as A'ness asserts, why does the Israeli Govt refer to the West Bank as the Occupied Territories? Why is the West Bank's status as an "Occupied Territory" recognised by practically every Govt in the world?

Or why is it that Palestinian Christians (c7-10% of Palestinians) were just as ruthlessly ethnically cleansed from their traditional homelands as Palestinian Muslims? Why is it that Palestinian Christians are still being ethnically cleansed, discriminated against, their human rights trashed, and killed off by the IDF just like their Muslim fellow country people? If Judaism/Christianity is at war with Islam, why are Palestinian Christians given the same appalling treatment as the Palestinian Muslims?

Or why is it that Israel, from its founding in 1947 until the rise of the Right at the end of the last century, was proudly a secular State? How does a secular State get itself embroiled in a religious war?

These are just a few of the ticklish questions the religious thesis needs to explain coherently. There are many many more ...

The alternative explanation - that the conflict is about colonialism, land and self determination - has rational, coherent and consistent explanations for all the historical events that followed the creation of Israel - whose existence gained international recognition by a majority 1948 vote in the very non-Christian UN - while the religious war explanation cannot offer credible answers to the above (and other) questions?

This conflict is at heart about land who owns it, who lives there, who benefits from the wealth of the land and its produce, and whose culture it supports ... much the same as most conflicts.

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 5:12:09 AM)




Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died.

Bosco and friends in the copied article can't decide whether they wish to inform us about the number of slaves or the number of deaths.

And so what! There is no case here to be made that Muslims were more notorious slavers and killers than other religious/political groups, except by omission and by the darkness of ancient history.

Slavery began with the development of agricultural societies in the Neolithic Era circa 11000 years ago. The history of Islam occupies only a small fraction of that period. Less than 13% of the time of agricultural history. And yet our Islamophobes would have us believe that no greater mayhem was created by any but Islam. They focus their estimates upon the actions of the Muslims who did not even exist until recently in the long history of slavery and have no accounts from other times and other groups.

And then we are supposed to buy the proposition that there is something inherent in the nature of Islam that makes it particularly more ruthless than other tribes, and, more egregiously, we are to believe that this 14 Century political/theological group genome carried over the germ of jihad with unrelenting intensity until this very day. Unmitigated nonsense. You made your conclusion and are now busily gathering unsupportable evidence in which you wallow like frightened house flies stuck in the horseshit of history on this topic, little men.

The only thing that stops them is superior force. Their historic mass slaughter is well documented by their own hand. The Koran commands it. Study their history according to them and understand how and why they revel in mass slaughter

The streets of Paris today:


Those soldiers aren't on armed patrol on account of the Amish

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 5:19:30 AM)

Thank a Muslim


PeonForHer -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 11:22:09 AM)


Their historic mass slaughter is well documented by their own hand. The Koran commands it. Study their history according to them and understand how and why they revel in mass slaughter

Bosco, you are the one fixed point in changing times.

WhoreMods -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 11:28:05 AM)




Their historic mass slaughter is well documented by their own hand. The Koran commands it. Study their history according to them and understand how and why they revel in mass slaughter

Bosco, you are the one fixed point in changing times.

You're thinking of the photo of a couple of squaddies posed in front of the eiffel tower he's been claiming is a snapshot of Paris now for eighteen months or so?

susie -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 12:09:22 PM)


I guess the UK need to worry about the outcome of the UN vote on Thursday. Taking names WTF how childish can your president get?

A post from the Daily Mail UK today.

On Monday, Britain's UN ambassador joined allies in voting for a motion condemning the change, which flouts international doctrine on the Middle East.

The US vetoed the resolution in New York, and ahead of another vote on Thursday US ambassador Nikki Haley has warned 'the President and US take this vote personally'.

Another vote on a similar motion is due tomorrow and Ms Haley said the US was 'taking names' of its opponents.

Read more:
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DaddySatyr -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 12:28:53 PM)




I guess the UK need to worry about the outcome of the UN vote on Thursday. Taking names WTF how childish can your president get?

A post from the Daily Mail UK today.

On Monday, Britain's UN ambassador joined allies in voting for a motion condemning the change, which flouts international doctrine on the Middle East.

The US vetoed the resolution in New York, and ahead of another vote on Thursday US ambassador Nikki Haley has warned 'the President and US take this vote personally'.

Another vote on a similar motion is due tomorrow and Ms Haley said the US was 'taking names' of its opponents.

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I wonder what remnants of colonialism remain in the UK (and the rest of Europe) that they feel so entitled they believe they have the right to tell any other sovereign nation what they can and can't do?

This doesn't put anyone at risk except for Israelis and Americans. WTF does the rest of the world care?

WhoreMods -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 1:17:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I wonder what remnants of colonialism remain in the UK (and the rest of Europe) that they feel so entitled they believe they have the right to tell any other sovereign nation what they can and can't do?

Are you for real?
You people have spent the last sixty years telling sovereign nations what to do, and replacing their governments if they don't do as they're told. You seriously think that you're in a position to act butthurt because the unelected scrotum in the white house is bitching about people who didn't vote for him refusing to gratefully kiss his sagging arse?
The fact that you can come out with that with a straight face, and then bitch about "entitlement" is so beyond irony it beggars belief.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 1:36:25 PM)




ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I wonder what remnants of colonialism remain in the UK (and the rest of Europe) that they feel so entitled they believe they have the right to tell any other sovereign nation what they can and can't do?

Are you for real?
You people have spent the last sixty years telling sovereign nations what to do, and replacing their governments if they don't do as they're told. You seriously think that you're in a position to act butthurt because the unelected scrotum in the white house is bitching about people who didn't vote for him refusing to gratefully kiss his sagging arse?
The fact that you can come out with that with a straight face, and then bitch about "entitlement" is so beyond irony it beggars belief.

I'm on record (many times) here espousing my isolationist beliefs.

What that means is two things:

1) Yes, I'm for real


B) My admonishing the rest of the imperialistic governments in the world doesn't mean I support my country, doing the same thing. The equivalency doesn't exist. Had you asked that question, I would have answered. There's no reason to assign a view to me which I do not hold (other than erecting a straw man).

P.S.: I almost never have a "straight face". I tend to smile ... a lot; especially when people on the interwebz imagine they know anything about me.

susie -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 1:40:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr




I guess the UK need to worry about the outcome of the UN vote on Thursday. Taking names WTF how childish can your president get?

A post from the Daily Mail UK today.

On Monday, Britain's UN ambassador joined allies in voting for a motion condemning the change, which flouts international doctrine on the Middle East.

The US vetoed the resolution in New York, and ahead of another vote on Thursday US ambassador Nikki Haley has warned 'the President and US take this vote personally'.

Another vote on a similar motion is due tomorrow and Ms Haley said the US was 'taking names' of its opponents.

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I wonder what remnants of colonialism remain in the UK (and the rest of Europe) that they feel so entitled they believe they have the right to tell any other sovereign nation what they can and can't do?

This doesn't put anyone at risk except for Israelis and Americans. WTF does the rest of the world care?

It is not just about the UK. If you read it properly, it is the UN. If you are not sure what means it is the United Nations.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 1:44:08 PM)


It is not just about the UK. If you read it properly, it is the UN. If you are not sure what means it is the United Nations.

Perhaps it's you who should read more carefully?


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr
I wonder what remnants of colonialism remain in the UK (and the rest of Europe) ...

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/20/2017 1:53:20 PM)






Thomas Sowell [Thomas Sowell, Race and Culture, BasicBooks, 1994, p. 188] estimates that 11 million slaves were shipped across the Atlantic and 14 million were sent to the Islamic nations of North Africa and the Middle East. For every slave captured many others died.

Bosco and friends in the copied article can't decide whether they wish to inform us about the number of slaves or the number of deaths.

And so what! There is no case here to be made that Muslims were more notorious slavers and killers than other religious/political groups, except by omission and by the darkness of ancient history.

Slavery began with the development of agricultural societies in the Neolithic Era circa 11000 years ago. The history of Islam occupies only a small fraction of that period. Less than 13% of the time of agricultural history. And yet our Islamophobes would have us believe that no greater mayhem was created by any but Islam. They focus their estimates upon the actions of the Muslims who did not even exist until recently in the long history of slavery and have no accounts from other times and other groups.

And then we are supposed to buy the proposition that there is something inherent in the nature of Islam that makes it particularly more ruthless than other tribes, and, more egregiously, we are to believe that this 14 Century political/theological group genome carried over the germ of jihad with unrelenting intensity until this very day. Unmitigated nonsense. You made your conclusion and are now busily gathering unsupportable evidence in which you wallow like frightened house flies stuck in the horseshit of history on this topic, little men.

The only thing that stops them is superior force. Their historic mass slaughter is well documented by their own hand. The Koran commands it. Study their history according to them and understand how and why they revel in mass slaughter

The streets of Paris today:


Those soldiers aren't on armed patrol on account of the Amish

That's true but far outside the hitters' box. The Amish did not endure a long, humiliating time with their faces in the North African sand like the Algerians and Moroccans under the French Boot. The days of brutal Western colonialism are over and the price is being paid. Politicians in the West for their own selfish electoral purposes refuse to acknowledge the historical blame. You would think the defeats in Vietnam would have been a serious wake up alarm.

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