HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (Full Version)

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BoscoX -> HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 7:12:26 AM)

Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 7:19:07 AM)



Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

Did you read the article? Looks pretty factual and bland. Where did they say that sided with the Iranian Government? Where did they say that Trump did anything wrong?

Please quote/cite from the article. I am not seeing it. Is there a link to something else??? They are posting Trump's tweets verbatim (which I have to agree with in this case).

Oh, and please cite from this article where HuffPo takes the editorial stance of "gifting billions of dollars in cash to Iran".


BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 7:54:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

Did you read the article? Looks pretty factual and bland. Where did they say that sided with the Iranian Government? Where did they say that Trump did anything wrong?

Please quote/cite from the article. I am not seeing it. Is there a link to something else??? They are posting Trump's tweets verbatim (which I have to agree with in this case).

Oh, and please cite from this article where HuffPo takes the editorial stance of "gifting billions of dollars in cash to Iran".


It's tedious having to break such things down to toddler level for you, and even then you just can't grasp simple basic things

But here's a clue for you anyway - look at the headline for a start. It's "just" Donald Trump who "has a feud" with Obama's jihadi buds?

Never mind that everyone with a mind is concerned about what the Iranian government does to its own citizens, and how they involve themselves in armed jihad in many foreign lands... That they are building nuclear bombs and working to acquire missile systems, while leading the rest of the Muslim world in chants of "Death to Israel" and Death to America"

It's just one mean man, starting a feud with the poor innocent duly elected poor old kindly grandfatherly deeply religious peaceful souls of Iran...

And nothing to do with them, or the things they do. Nobody else in the world is concerned about the Iranian government's behavior...

And you buy into it, don't you

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 8:00:11 AM)


Far more balanced coverage of the protests in Iran from the BBC:

Iran protests: Telegram and Instagram restricted

Iran has moved to restrict social media networks that have been used to organise three days of anti-establishment protests.

The restrictions on messaging app Telegram and photo sharing app Instagram are "temporary", state news agency Irib reported.

The decision was taken "to maintain tranquillity and security of society", a source was quoted as saying.

The protests have been the biggest show of dissent since huge rallies in 2009.

They began in the north-east as an outcry against economic hardship and rising prices, but turned political in many places, with slogans chanted against Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, President Hassan Rouhani and Iran's interventionist foreign policy in the region.

After violence flared in many places on Saturday, it is unclear how many demonstrations are occurring on Sunday.

Why are these social networks being restricted?
In a tightly controlled media environment, much of the information about the demonstrations has emerged via social media, and platforms like Telegram and Instagram have been used extensively by protesters.

Telegram in particular is very popular in Iran, with more than 50% of the country's 80m population said to be active on the app.

The company's CEO Pavel Durov tweeted that Iranian authorities took action after his company refused to shut down "peacefully protesting channels"...

...Where will the protests lead?
Analysis by Kasra Naji, BBC Persian

There is widespread and seething discontent in Iran where repression is pervasive and economic hardship is getting worse - one BBC Persian investigation has found that on average Iranians have become 15% poorer in the past 10 years.

Protests have remained confined to relatively small pockets of mostly young male demonstrators who are demanding the overthrow of the clerical regime.

They have spread even to small towns throughout the country and have the potential to grow in size.

But there is no obvious leadership. Opposition figures have long been silenced or sent into exile.


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 8:47:17 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

Did you read the article? Looks pretty factual and bland. Where did they say that sided with the Iranian Government? Where did they say that Trump did anything wrong?

Please quote/cite from the article. I am not seeing it. Is there a link to something else??? They are posting Trump's tweets verbatim (which I have to agree with in this case).

Oh, and please cite from this article where HuffPo takes the editorial stance of "gifting billions of dollars in cash to Iran".


It's tedious having to break such things down to toddler level for you, and even then you just can't grasp simple basic things

But here's a clue for you anyway - look at the headline for a start. It's "just" Donald Trump who "has a feud" with Obama's jihadi buds?

Never mind that everyone with a mind is concerned about what the Iranian government does to its own citizens, and how they involve themselves in armed jihad in many foreign lands... That they are building nuclear bombs and working to acquire missile systems, while leading the rest of the Muslim world in chants of "Death to Israel" and Death to America"

It's just one mean man, starting a feud with the poor innocent duly elected poor old kindly grandfatherly deeply religious peaceful souls of Iran...

And nothing to do with them, or the things they do. Nobody else in the world is concerned about the Iranian government's behavior...

And you buy into it, don't you

So... it is from the headline:

1. You have read HuffPo's editorial stance of gifting billions of dollars to Iran
2. HuffPo is saying that they approve of Iran's behavior and believes the rest of the world does as well
A. In Civil Rights
B. Terrorism
3. HuffPo is claiming that all elections in Iran are fair and democratic
4. HuffPo sees Iranian leadership has kindly, grandfatherly, and deeply religious
5. HuffPo is claiming that Trump started a feud with Iran, when it clearly says Trump Heated Up a feud with Iran

That is SOME headline!

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 9:00:38 AM)

Being a good rabid ideological leftist, what does that headline scream at you

Tell us honestly. What is that dog whistle sound you hear... (Crazy Lucy would call it a "pig whistle" but in the spirit of the holidays I am giving you a break [;)])

Imperialist demonic white Christian colonialist bastards at it again, right

Bushitler war for oil round two, right

They expect normal, rational people to accept that the situation in Iran can be reduced down to just a "Trump feud"?

And that the president of the United States shall not voice his concerns about massive, sustained human right violations there?


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 9:11:39 AM)



Being a good rabid ideological leftist, what does that headline scream at you

Tell us honestly. What is that dog whistle sound you hear... (Crazy Lucy would call it a "pig whistle" but in the spirit of the holidays I am giving you a break [;)])

Imperialist demonic white Christian colonialist bastards at it again, right

Bushitler war for oil round two, right

They expect normal, rational people to accept that the situation in Iran can be reduced down to just a "Trump feud"?

And that the president of the United States shall not voice his concerns about massive, sustained human right violations there?


I have no idea. Not being an ideologue at all, gives me a purely factual perspective. If I were to "read anything in between the lines", I would say that HuffPo is not trivializing the horrible behavior of Iran, but rather is subtly mocking the President for attempting to improve the situation via his twitter feed.

Just a guess.

WhoreMods -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 9:23:47 AM)


Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

What, he's supporting anti government protests that would be the work of anti-democratic liberal Nazis if they were taking place in the 'States?

MrRodgers -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 9:29:43 AM)

Nothing to see here, just yet more ridiculous partisan spin.

heavyblinker -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 10:01:35 AM)

Bosco you fucking moron.

The article isn't about Trump being on the wrong side, it's about Trump taking sides in the first place-- aggravating conflicts, making tense situations worse.
They are blasting his incompetence, not supporting Iran OR the fucking protesters.

I honestly don't think you have managed to correctly interpret any article that you have ever posted, barring the RWNJ ones that are sufficiently dumbed down for their low-IQ readership (you).

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 10:11:58 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

Did you read the article? Looks pretty factual and bland. Where did they say that sided with the Iranian Government? Where did they say that Trump did anything wrong?

Please quote/cite from the article. I am not seeing it. Is there a link to something else??? They are posting Trump's tweets verbatim (which I have to agree with in this case).

Oh, and please cite from this article where HuffPo takes the editorial stance of "gifting billions of dollars in cash to Iran".


It's tedious having to break such things down to toddler level for you, and even then you just can't grasp simple basic things

But here's a clue for you anyway - look at the headline for a start. It's "just" Donald Trump who "has a feud" with Obama's jihadi buds?

Never mind that everyone with a mind is concerned about what the Iranian government does to its own citizens, and how they involve themselves in armed jihad in many foreign lands... That they are building nuclear bombs and working to acquire missile systems, while leading the rest of the Muslim world in chants of "Death to Israel" and Death to America"

It's just one mean man, starting a feud with the poor innocent duly elected poor old kindly grandfatherly deeply religious peaceful souls of Iran...

And nothing to do with them, or the things they do. Nobody else in the world is concerned about the Iranian government's behavior...

And you buy into it, don't you

So... it is from the headline:

1. You have read HuffPo's editorial stance of gifting billions of dollars to Iran
2. HuffPo is saying that they approve of Iran's behavior and believes the rest of the world does as well
A. In Civil Rights
B. Terrorism
3. HuffPo is claiming that all elections in Iran are fair and democratic
4. HuffPo sees Iranian leadership has kindly, grandfatherly, and deeply religious
5. HuffPo is claiming that Trump started a feud with Iran, when it clearly says Trump Heated Up a feud with Iran

That is SOME headline!

Just a note...

I would say...


1. HuffPo's editorial stance of gifting billions of dollars to Iran
2. HuffPo is saying that they approve of Iran's behavior and believes the rest of the world does as well
A. In Civil Rights
B. Terrorism
3. HuffPo is claiming that all elections in Iran are fair and democratic
4. HuffPo sees Iranian leadership has kindly, grandfatherly, and deeply religious
5. HuffPo is claiming that Trump started a feud with Iran, when it clearly says Trump Heated Up a feud with Iran

from an article headline, is the absolute definition and epitome of...


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 10:22:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: heavyblinker

Bosco you fucking moron.

The article isn't about Trump being on the wrong side, it's about Trump taking sides in the first place-- aggravating conflicts, making tense situations worse.
They are blasting his incompetence, not supporting Iran OR the fucking protesters.

I honestly don't think you have managed to correctly interpret any article that you have ever posted, barring the RWNJ ones that are sufficiently dumbed down for their low-IQ readership (you).

Personally I would definitely want my President to take sides with Iran. I would want him to oppose them in the clearest of terms. (Just not like a teenager on a twitter account.)

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 10:31:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

Personally I would definitely want my President to take sides with Iran.

You mean doing things like paying Iranian despots to take Americans as hostages, and things like that, right

Donald Trump is right: Obama did pay Iran $1.7 billion in cash

Yes. Donald Trump is right on this one.

The Obama administration allowed $1.7 billion in cash to go to Iran earlier this year. The money, however, was a settlement of a decades-old legal claim between the two countries. An initial payment of $400 million was handed over on Jan. 17, the same day Iran’s government agreed to release four American prisoners.

Obama administration officials had initially denied the two transactions were linked. But later, officials acknowledged the U.S. had withheld the cash to pressure Iran to move forward with the releases and guarantee the Americans were allowed to leave Iran.


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 10:39:51 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

Personally I would definitely want my President to take sides with Iran.

You mean doing things like paying Iranian despots to take Americans as hostages, and things like that, right

Donald Trump is right: Obama did pay Iran $1.7 billion in cash

Yes. Donald Trump is right on this one.

The Obama administration allowed $1.7 billion in cash to go to Iran earlier this year. The money, however, was a settlement of a decades-old legal claim between the two countries. An initial payment of $400 million was handed over on Jan. 17, the same day Iran’s government agreed to release four American prisoners.

Obama administration officials had initially denied the two transactions were linked. But later, officials acknowledged the U.S. had withheld the cash to pressure Iran to move forward with the releases and guarantee the Americans were allowed to leave Iran.


More like ensuring Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapon after his predecessor allowed Iran to divert billions annually from their conflict with Iraq, directly into their nuclear program, which grew exponentially under his administration.

The Imams in Iran have a picture of GWB in their mosques and thank him daily for making this current deal in Iran necessary (including the 1.7 you mention).

Just saying

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 10:50:49 AM)

Iranians love George Bush... Insane howler troll much? [:D]

In typical howler cartoonish imaginations, Bush freeing the people of Iraq is always going to be among the worst things that could possibly ever happen because of their deepest fear, he could be seen as a hero for liberating so many million people who were so savagely brutalized by Saddam Hussein and his boys

In their constant panic and hysteria, the real world totally escapes them...

Beside allowing Iran to obtain nukes (his agreement was nothing more than a temporary suspension of Iran's nuclear program), Obama's deal included all kinds of other giveaways to his terrorist friends:

Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaways

By dropping charges against major arms targets, the administration infuriated Justice Department officials — and undermined its own counterproliferation task forces.

When President Barack Obama announced the “one-time gesture” of releasing Iranian-born prisoners who “were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses” last year, his administration presented the move as a modest trade-off for the greater good of the Iran nuclear agreement and Tehran’s pledge to free five Americans.

“Iran had a significantly higher number of individuals, of course, at the beginning of this negotiation that they would have liked to have seen released,” one senior Obama administration official told reporters in a background briefing arranged by the White House, adding that “we were able to winnow that down to these seven individuals, six of whom are Iranian-Americans.”

But Obama, the senior official and other administration representatives weren’t telling the whole story on Jan. 17, 2016, in their highly choreographed rollout of the prisoner swap and simultaneous implementation of the six-party nuclear deal, according to a POLITICO investigation.

In his Sunday morning address to the American people, Obama portrayed the seven men he freed as “civilians.” The senior official described them as businessmen convicted of or awaiting trial for mere “sanctions-related offenses, violations of the trade embargo.”

In reality, some of them were accused by Obama’s own Justice Department of posing threats to national security. Three allegedly were part of an illegal procurement network supplying Iran with U.S.-made microelectronics with applications in surface-to-air and cruise missiles like the kind Tehran test-fired recently, prompting a still-escalating exchange of threats with the Trump administration. Another was serving an eight-year sentence for conspiring to supply Iran with satellite technology and hardware. As part of the deal, U.S. officials even dropped their demand for $10 million that a jury said the aerospace engineer illegally received from Tehran.

And in a series of unpublicized court filings, the Justice Department dropped charges and international arrest warrants against 14 other men, all of them fugitives. The administration didn’t disclose their names or what they were accused of doing, noting only in an unattributed, 152-word statement about the swap that the U.S. “also removed any Interpol red notices and dismissed any charges against 14 Iranians for whom it was assessed that extradition requests were unlikely to be successful.”

Three of the fugitives allegedly sought to lease Boeing aircraft for an Iranian airline that authorities say had supported Hezbollah, the U.S.-designated terrorist organization. A fourth, Behrouz Dolatzadeh, was charged with conspiring to buy thousands of U.S.-made assault rifles and illegally import them into Iran.

A fifth, Amin Ravan, was charged with smuggling U.S. military antennas to Hong Kong and Singapore for use in Iran. U.S. authorities also believe he was part of a procurement network providing Iran with high-tech components for an especially deadly type of IED used by Shiite militias to kill hundreds of American troops in Iraq.

The biggest fish, though, was Seyed Abolfazl Shahab Jamili, who had been charged with being part of a conspiracy that from 2005 to 2012 procured thousands of parts with nuclear applications for Iran via China. That included hundreds of U.S.-made sensors for the uranium enrichment centrifuges in Iran whose progress had prompted the nuclear deal talks in the first place.


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 11:35:37 AM)



Iranians love George Bush... Insane howler troll much? [:D]

I wish it was insane howler trolling. Unfortunately it is sad reality, which made the Iran deal necessary.

JVoV -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 6:42:31 PM)

When I wanna fight about the dumb shit Trump says on Twitter, I can just do it on Twitter.

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 6:53:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Iranians love George Bush... Insane howler troll much? [:D]

I wish it was insane howler trolling. Unfortunately it is sad reality, which made the Iran deal necessary.

As the world watches, the Imams and the Revolutionary Guard are preparing to fill mass, unmarked graves with protestors; just like 2009, with impunity. President Trump strongly opposes the Iranian regime that Barack Obama sucked up to.

Obama even allowed the Iranian-sponsored terror group Hezbollah to sell $200 million in cocaine annually in American cities to facilitate your beloved Iranian nuclear deal. Multiple DEA agents speaking anonymously to Politico confirmed that Obama spent eight years derailing a multi-agency investigation targeting Hezbollah, in order to facilitate his disastrous nuclear deal.

It's right there in black and white, Obama allowed Hezbollah to operate a multi-billion dollar cocaine distribution and money laundering scheme inside the USA to “soften up” Iran for nuclear talks. Every time the DEA attempted to take action against Hezbollah, the Obama administration threw up roadblocks. Obama let Hezbollah establish itself as an organized crime operation on American soil, so that he could score what he viewed as a “foreign policy win” with Iran.

I posted a link to the Politico article above, read it and judge for yourself how awesome Obama's nuclear deal with his iron-fisted Iranian friends was.

It is Obama whose portraits adorn the mosques and halls of fascist power in Iran

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (12/31/2017 7:48:11 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Iranians love George Bush... Insane howler troll much? [:D]

I wish it was insane howler trolling. Unfortunately it is sad reality, which made the Iran deal necessary.

As the world watches, the Imams and the Revolutionary Guard are preparing to fill mass, unmarked graves with protestors; just like 2009, with impunity. President Trump strongly opposes the Iranian regime that Barack Obama sucked up to.

Obama even allowed the Iranian-sponsored terror group Hezbollah to sell $200 million in cocaine annually in American cities to facilitate your beloved Iranian nuclear deal. Multiple DEA agents speaking anonymously to Politico confirmed that Obama spent eight years derailing a multi-agency investigation targeting Hezbollah, in order to facilitate his disastrous nuclear deal.

It's right there in black and white, Obama allowed Hezbollah to operate a multi-billion dollar cocaine distribution and money laundering scheme inside the USA to “soften up” Iran for nuclear talks. Every time the DEA attempted to take action against Hezbollah, the Obama administration threw up roadblocks. Obama let Hezbollah establish itself as an organized crime operation on American soil, so that he could score what he viewed as a “foreign policy win” with Iran.

I posted a link to the Politico article above, read it and judge for yourself how awesome Obama's nuclear deal with his iron-fisted Iranian friends was.

All true, and all because the only other choice was a nuclear armed Iran. That's why every morning at prayers, they Iranian leaders say: مرسي George W. Bush

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/1/2018 7:22:36 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

All true, and all because the only other choice was a nuclear armed Iran. That's why every morning at prayers, they Iranian leaders say: مرسي George W. Bush

Only in your cartoonish delusions though.

In the real world, W was so extremely tough on rogue nations developing WMDs that little ninny leftist snowflakes like you cried all the time

Called him Bushitler... Many of you, perhaps even most of you even claimed that we had no right to decide who cannot have nukes etc

And Obama went on a global apology tour afterward

Say it with me - "caved"

Obama 'Caved' on Inspections, Now Iran Is Developing a Nuclear Weapon

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