RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (Full Version)

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PeonForHer -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/6/2018 5:27:04 AM)


The seeds for the 1979 Khomeini revolution and today's Iran were sown during the CIA led coup that installed the Shah and nurtured during the reign of the Shah.

That balls-up was a British/US partnership - with, for once, the British far more at the helm than was previously assumed, so it's been more latterly revealed. Whatever, though, I wouldn't argue with the view it led to a lot of the horrifying mess that exists in and around Iran today.

MasterDrakk -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/6/2018 5:33:38 AM)

We wants our bangers and gas.

PeonForHer -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/6/2018 5:56:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterDrakk

We wants our bangers and gas.

Indeedy. However, we should be careful where this line of thinking might take us. I mean, it's much more likely that things in Iran went sour because of what it says in the Koran rather than some piffling little thing like two foreign powers installing the repressive government of their choice in your country entirely for self-interested reasons.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/6/2018 11:32:28 AM)



Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

The bottom line is.... This entire thread is whining about a HuffPo article that says Trump is heating up a feud via Twitter with Iran. I am sure all the snowflakes are up in arms about it. The same snowflakes who were oblivious to the massive gift to Iran that the Bush Admin gave them which created this mess in the first place.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 8:38:43 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

The bottom line is.... This entire thread is whining about a HuffPo article that says Trump is heating up a feud via Twitter with Iran. I am sure all the snowflakes are up in arms about it. The same snowflakes who were oblivious to the massive gift to Iran that the Bush Admin gave them which created this mess in the first place.

Here is who sided with a Terroristic Iranian Government, and was the father of their whole nuclear program.


BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 10:12:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

The bottom line is.... This entire thread is whining about a HuffPo article that says Trump is heating up a feud via Twitter with Iran. I am sure all the snowflakes are up in arms about it. The same snowflakes who were oblivious to the massive gift to Iran that the Bush Admin gave them which created this mess in the first place.

Here is who sided with a Terroristic Iranian Government, and was the father of their whole nuclear program.


By that bit of curious "logic" you have to agree that Obama and ISIS are one and the same

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 10:23:04 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Apparently HuffPo thinks that President Trump should be gifting the terrorist Muslim overlords of Tehran billions in cash just like Obama did, as they continue to wage jihad in other countries and even persecute their own people

The HuffPo propaganda headline:

Donald Trump Heats Up Feud With Iran By Praising Anti-Government Protests

His crime, according to their article?

"... Trump tweeted Friday that the Iranian government should respect its people’s rights to express themselves."

Who thinks this will end well for the Iranian people, in the immediate future? Iran was once a very moderate state, and even women had basic freedoms there - before Jimmy Carter.

The bottom line is.... This entire thread is whining about a HuffPo article that says Trump is heating up a feud via Twitter with Iran. I am sure all the snowflakes are up in arms about it. The same snowflakes who were oblivious to the massive gift to Iran that the Bush Admin gave them which created this mess in the first place.

Here is who sided with a Terroristic Iranian Government, and was the father of their whole nuclear program.


By that bit of curious "logic" you have to agree that Obama and ISIS are one and the same

No. Bush created that too... Al Bagdhadi was a former POW in Bushs war. The stupid "surge" involved paying off massive amounts of money to Sunni "Awakenig Councils". Many of the former members of those councils joined ISIS when the U.S. money dried up, and theyy saw that the Shia still controlled parliamennt.

MasterDrakk -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 10:23:48 AM)

There is no logic in your logic, demented rightist howler.

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 10:52:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

No. Bush created that too... Al Bagdhadi was a former POW in Bushs war. The stupid "surge" involved paying off massive amounts of money to Sunni "Awakenig Councils". Many of the former members of those councils joined ISIS when the U.S. money dried up, and theyy saw that the Shia still controlled parliamennt.

You are literally living in a cartoonish fantasy [:D]

ISIS wasn't a thing during the Bush years

Leftists claimed that Iraq was unwinnable, fiercely resisted the Bush surge (which was a massive success), that the Obama administration tried to take credit for

And then team Obama gifted Iraq and Syria to ISIS, on a silver platter

You keep claiming that Cheney gave Iran nukes in your insanity... Let's hear some of the actual wisdom from the former Vice President, rather than your baseless and meaningless empty-headed howling:

Cheney: Iran Deal Did Not Begin With Bush Administration

A prevailing media narrative is that while Republicans have pitched a fit over Barack Obama’s negotiated deal with Iran over that country’s nuclear program, the seeds of such a deal were sown by the previous administration.

“Nine years ago, President George W. Bush agreed to join Europeans at the negotiating table with Iran,” wrote the New York Times's Alan Rappeport in July. Rappeport also quoted former Bush State Department official Philip Zelikow: “It’s conceptually a deep irony because this diplomatic outreach was originally designed and engineered by President Bush.” Zack Beauchamp at said the same thing in a headline reading, “The Iran deal began with George W. Bush."

But that’s not true, says Bush’s vice president, Dick Cheney. In an interview with THE WEEKLY STANDARD, Cheney dismissed the idea that what the Bush administration pursued led to the current deal. “I can’t believe we would ever have agreed to what Obama has agreed to,” he said.

“Our objective always was that the Iranians would have no nuclear weapons. That was the Obama objective when they started,” Cheney said. The problem, he explained, was that the Obama administration did not stick to this objective.

“One of the things that Obama has done with the agreement that he has reached is that it basically legitimizes Iran to go forward with enrichment capability. That’s a major break with what has been the traditional practice of the [non-proliferation treaty],” Cheney said. “And also, I think there’s some six UN Security Council resolutions dealing with the Iranian nuclear program that got wiped out by virtue of that provision with this agreement.”

In Exceptional, Cheney’s new book co-authored by his daughter Liz Cheney, the former vice president outlines how the Bush administration made efforts in its second term both to ramp up economic sanctions against Iran as well as to consider diplomatic talks to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.

The Cheneys give credit to Stuart Levey, an undersecretary of the Treasury, for reinvigorating the idea of economic sanctions in 2005 and 2006, when the widely held belief was that Iran had been “sanctioned out.” Levey, they write, devised new ways to block economic activity by meeting with CEOs of international banks and impressing on them the reality of what business with Iran meant: money flowing directly to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and a regime that was the leading state sponsor of terror.

On the diplomatic side, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced in May 2006 that the United States would be willing to pursue multilateral talks with European allies and Iran. “To underscore our commitment to a diplomatic solution and to enhance the prospects for success, as soon as Iran fully and verifiably suspends its enrichment and reprocessing activities, the United States will come to the table with our EU-3 colleagues and meet with Iran's representatives,” said Rice.

Ultimately and unsurprisingly, the Iranians rejected the enrichment requirement and the negotiations never materialized. Is it fair to say this initial effort to negotiate started the process that got us to the current deal?

“I’m trying to recall, now, exactly what the transaction was. It actually was with our European friends, primarily. They were eager to pursue some kind of discussions,” Cheney said. “I’d have to go back and check the record for specific details. My recollection in part was that the Europeans were interested in having talks in order to avoid a situation where military force was used to deal with the Iranian threat, so there was an effort in the closing stages of our administration.”

But the Obama administration, the Cheneys argue in their book, took a “different approach,” one that presupposed the United States had been the roadblock to any agreement with Iran. Instead of recognizing, as presidents had done in the past, that relations with the Islamic Republic were marred by decades of Iranian aggression toward the U.S., Obama argued there were simply “serious differences” between the two nations.

“In this view, there wasn’t any moral distinction between the way America and Iran had operated on the world stage, there were just matters on which we seriously didn’t agree,” the Cheneys write.

Exceptional, which was released Tuesday, is part a history of the United States as a global superpower, part an excoriation of the Obama administration’s foreign and national security policies, and part a diagnosis for how the U.S. can regain its role as leader of the free world. The Cheneys adopt the concept introduced by Charles Krauthammer of history’s “hinge points,” whereby critical, challenging moments in American history have been met by “great men.”

“We are living at another hinge point of history and require a president equal to this moment,” write the Cheneys, who note the external threats to American security and hegemony. “We must choose wisely.”


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 3:41:50 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

No. Bush created that too... Al Bagdhadi was a former POW in Bushs war. The stupid "surge" involved paying off massive amounts of money to Sunni "Awakenig Councils". Many of the former members of those councils joined ISIS when the U.S. money dried up, and theyy saw that the Shia still controlled parliamennt.

You are literally living in a cartoonish fantasy [:D]

ISIS wasn't a thing during the Bush years

Leftists claimed that Iraq was unwinnable, fiercely resisted the Bush surge (which was a massive success), that the Obama administration tried to take credit for

And then team Obama gifted Iraq and Syria to ISIS, on a silver platter

You keep claiming that Cheney gave Iran nukes in your insanity... Let's hear some of the actual wisdom from the former Vice President, rather than your baseless and meaningless empty-headed howling:

Cheney: Iran Deal Did Not Begin With Bush Administration

A prevailing media narrative is that while Republicans have pitched a fit over Barack Obama’s negotiated deal with Iran over that country’s nuclear program, the seeds of such a deal were sown by the previous administration.

“Nine years ago, President George W. Bush agreed to join Europeans at the negotiating table with Iran,” wrote the New York Times's Alan Rappeport in July. Rappeport also quoted former Bush State Department official Philip Zelikow: “It’s conceptually a deep irony because this diplomatic outreach was originally designed and engineered by President Bush.” Zack Beauchamp at said the same thing in a headline reading, “The Iran deal began with George W. Bush."

But that’s not true, says Bush’s vice president, Dick Cheney. In an interview with THE WEEKLY STANDARD, Cheney dismissed the idea that what the Bush administration pursued led to the current deal. “I can’t believe we would ever have agreed to what Obama has agreed to,” he said.

“Our objective always was that the Iranians would have no nuclear weapons. That was the Obama objective when they started,” Cheney said. The problem, he explained, was that the Obama administration did not stick to this objective.

“One of the things that Obama has done with the agreement that he has reached is that it basically legitimizes Iran to go forward with enrichment capability. That’s a major break with what has been the traditional practice of the [non-proliferation treaty],” Cheney said. “And also, I think there’s some six UN Security Council resolutions dealing with the Iranian nuclear program that got wiped out by virtue of that provision with this agreement.”

In Exceptional, Cheney’s new book co-authored by his daughter Liz Cheney, the former vice president outlines how the Bush administration made efforts in its second term both to ramp up economic sanctions against Iran as well as to consider diplomatic talks to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.

The Cheneys give credit to Stuart Levey, an undersecretary of the Treasury, for reinvigorating the idea of economic sanctions in 2005 and 2006, when the widely held belief was that Iran had been “sanctioned out.” Levey, they write, devised new ways to block economic activity by meeting with CEOs of international banks and impressing on them the reality of what business with Iran meant: money flowing directly to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and a regime that was the leading state sponsor of terror.

On the diplomatic side, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced in May 2006 that the United States would be willing to pursue multilateral talks with European allies and Iran. “To underscore our commitment to a diplomatic solution and to enhance the prospects for success, as soon as Iran fully and verifiably suspends its enrichment and reprocessing activities, the United States will come to the table with our EU-3 colleagues and meet with Iran's representatives,” said Rice.

Ultimately and unsurprisingly, the Iranians rejected the enrichment requirement and the negotiations never materialized. Is it fair to say this initial effort to negotiate started the process that got us to the current deal?

“I’m trying to recall, now, exactly what the transaction was. It actually was with our European friends, primarily. They were eager to pursue some kind of discussions,” Cheney said. “I’d have to go back and check the record for specific details. My recollection in part was that the Europeans were interested in having talks in order to avoid a situation where military force was used to deal with the Iranian threat, so there was an effort in the closing stages of our administration.”

But the Obama administration, the Cheneys argue in their book, took a “different approach,” one that presupposed the United States had been the roadblock to any agreement with Iran. Instead of recognizing, as presidents had done in the past, that relations with the Islamic Republic were marred by decades of Iranian aggression toward the U.S., Obama argued there were simply “serious differences” between the two nations.

“In this view, there wasn’t any moral distinction between the way America and Iran had operated on the world stage, there were just matters on which we seriously didn’t agree,” the Cheneys write.

Exceptional, which was released Tuesday, is part a history of the United States as a global superpower, part an excoriation of the Obama administration’s foreign and national security policies, and part a diagnosis for how the U.S. can regain its role as leader of the free world. The Cheneys adopt the concept introduced by Charles Krauthammer of history’s “hinge points,” whereby critical, challenging moments in American history have been met by “great men.”

“We are living at another hinge point of history and require a president equal to this moment,” write the Cheneys, who note the external threats to American security and hegemony. “We must choose wisely.”



You are now down to quoting a weekly standard article that quotes.... The Cheneys!

The only people on this earth with less credibility than trump.

I absolutely LOVE this part:

But the Obama administration, the Cheneys argue in their book, took a “different approach,” one that presupposed the United States had been the roadblock to any agreement with Iran. Instead of recognizing, as presidents had done in the past, that relations with the Islamic Republic were marred by decades of Iranian aggression toward the U.S., Obama argued there were simply “serious differences” between the two nations.

“In this view, there wasn’t any moral distinction between the way America and Iran had operated on the world stage, there were just matters on which we seriously didn’t agree,” the Cheneys write.

He manages to leave out the part where he was selling oil services to Iran, nuclear technology to them (via their subsidiary, Oriental Oil Kish), and generally boosting their economy, all through secret Halliburton subsidiaries in the UK and the Cayman Islands to bypass US sanctions, ALL while publicly lobbying AGAINST sanctions on Iran.

Oh... but it was Obama that took a "different approach"!

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a load of horseshit.

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 3:49:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

He manages to leave out the part where he was selling oil services to Iran, nuclear technology to them (via their subsidiary, Oriental Oil Kish), and generally boosting their economy, all through secret Halliburton subsidiaries in the UK and the Cayman Islands to bypass US sanctions, ALL while publicly lobbying AGAINST sanctions on Iran.

That only happened in your cartoonish delusions though

Doesn't count for anything in the real world [;)]

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 3:52:59 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

He manages to leave out the part where he was selling oil services to Iran, nuclear technology to them (via their subsidiary, Oriental Oil Kish), and generally boosting their economy, all through secret Halliburton subsidiaries in the UK and the Cayman Islands to bypass US sanctions, ALL while publicly lobbying AGAINST sanctions on Iran.

That only happened in your cartoonish delusions though

Doesn't count for anything in the real world [;)]

Sorry... BoscoX. It is well known and documented. Look it up. Unfortunately it is all real.

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 4:10:58 PM)

SURE it is

We all believe you, too [:D]

Lucylastic -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 4:12:33 PM)

Cheney and the weekly standard
Thats desperation

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 4:20:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Cheney and the weekly standard
Thats desperation

I know! OMG!!!!

In all seriousness. I would trust Trump over the Cheneys.

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 4:26:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Cheney and the weekly standard
Thats desperation

Love how you losers howl about credibility, while relying on "If you like your doctor" Barack, the New York Times (which was forced to apologize for going off the leftist trash rails during the campaign...) Or Jeff Bezos and his Amazon Post's unnamed anonymous sources.

Or HuffPo!

"Hillary is inevitable"


Tell us again Barack - the jobs aren't coming back, right?!!!


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 4:31:47 PM)




ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Cheney and the weekly standard
Thats desperation

Love how you losers howl about credibility, while relying on "If you like your doctor" Barack, the New York Times (which was forced to apologize for going off the leftist trash rails during the campaign...) Or Jeff Bezos and his Amazon Post's unnamed anonymous sources.

Or HuffPo!

"Hillary is inevitable"


Tell us again Barack - the jobs aren't coming back, right?!!!


We already found out who the unnamed Anonymous source was.. Steve Bannon. And he was in a position to know what he was talking about. So you can stop blaming WaPo :)

BoscoX -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 5:01:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01




ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Cheney and the weekly standard
Thats desperation

Love how you losers howl about credibility, while relying on "If you like your doctor" Barack, the New York Times (which was forced to apologize for going off the leftist trash rails during the campaign...) Or Jeff Bezos and his Amazon Post's unnamed anonymous sources.

Or HuffPo!

"Hillary is inevitable"


Tell us again Barack - the jobs aren't coming back, right?!!!


We already found out who the unnamed Anonymous source was.. Steve Bannon. And he was in a position to know what he was talking about. So you can stop blaming WaPo :)

I doubt there wast a source for half the red meat they threw you howlers

Made it up as they went along. The President is still presiding after all

According to your sources it cannot be

Just like the global warming hoax. No more winter by now, kids these days don't know what snow is

Lucylastic -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 5:03:39 PM)

Fox News Research: Trump’s First Year in Office Worst For Job Growth Since 2010
Average Monthly #Job Gains
-by year

•2017: 171,000
•2016: 187,000
•2015: 226,000
•2014: 250,000
•2013: 192,000
•2012: 179,000
•2011: 174,000
•2010: 88,000



Lucylastic -> RE: HuffPo Howlers Side With Terroristic Iranian Government (1/7/2018 5:23:20 PM)

oh fuck, the idiot is confused about weather and global warming,

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