RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (Full Version)

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MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/9/2023 7:05:07 AM)

I have no idea what this thread is about.

Every time I think I know. The OP changes it.

It has become an Alice in Wonderland skit.

BTW, it's foggy outside

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/10/2023 5:45:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01
This is a violation of the sacred unwritten rule.

Interesting how the new rebel is straight, white, and Christian

Because the new normal is Satanic, ten kinds of queer, and racist against whites

What is the thread about? It's about the Global Warming scam. You're going to go into debt as a society giving endless trillions to your billionaire green energy investor masters, you're going to eat ze bugs, and you'll own nothing and LIKE it - if you know what's good for you

Repeat after me - "weather isn't climate unless it's a heat wave"

Good zombie. Have a worm

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/10/2023 6:04:21 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01
This is a violation of the sacred unwritten rule.

Interesting how the new rebel is straight, white, and Christian

Because the new normal is Satanic, ten kinds of queer, and racist against whites

What is the thread about? It's about the Global Warming scam. You're going to go into debt as a society giving endless trillions to your billionaire green energy investor masters, you're going to eat ze bugs, and you'll own nothing and LIKE it - if you know what's good for you

Repeat after me - "weather isn't climate unless it's a heat wave"

Good zombie. Have a worm

Well, I believe we have been over this. I am no scientist. The scientists say the planet is warming, there fore impacting the climate. That can mean it will get cooler in places, wetter in places, warmer in places, dryer in places. Many changes to the weather patterns.

We have already seen the sea level rise.

NASA's site goes into the nth degree fo detail on this. (And they ARE scientists)

No NASA is not part of some woke left wing conspiracy. They are observing what is going on, and reporting on it.

You choose to believe your right wing masters and parrot what they say. I choose to listen to the climate scientists who do this for a living.

So, you continue to:
1. Deny the actual science from climate scientists
2. Shout out weather reports you believe refute the scoence.

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/10/2023 9:10:30 AM)

Lol science. Uh huh. Bosco doesn't like science. Or scientists. Or anything his master's tell him not to like. Climate change is real. I e seen changes here in my lifetime.

But the area keeps growing. Regardless of sinkholes. Regardless of the climate. Regardless of all the damn traffic.

Denying climate change means not having to think about what to do to solve the issue, or the money it may take. It's the money, always the money. The US pays most of everything we get involved in. That's our place in the world. We have probably sent a higher dollar amount of aid to Ukraine than any other country. The only country that may have invested more than us is Ukraine itself. And when they win, it will be us providing more aid for them to rebuild. Stronger & better than ever. Because if we don't do it, either it won't get done fast enough or another country might do it, and neither of those options are good for us.

So the US would have to foot the great majority of the bill. That could mean somebody has to pay a bit more in taxes for that.

Republicans know this, so they are not gonna budge on admitting climate change is real.

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/10/2023 9:41:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: blnymph

Just to make clear what you are speculating about: the Ob-Irtysh, Lena and Yenissei rivers are among the 10 longest on earth - Mississippi+Missouri-style!
The Soviet plans calculated not with sticks of dynamite but about 250 nuclear explosions to divert them. Maybe a little brain exercise and maybe assisted by some math teacher: Can you calculate how many bottles or barrels would be required to drain and fill one Mississippi river into, or three of them?

Honestly, you deserve the best teachers.

Just to make clear, I have no reason to give a fuck. You completely misunderstand what I'm saying, and then go on with your WoT drivel about totally useless and irrelevant things. I can't explain humor to you.

You also misunderstand the US military. They like to blow shit up. And if nobody's shooting at them, even better. Failure isn't something they consider at that level. If the first attempt doesn't quite work right, they recalculate and try again, probably with more dynamite this time.

I don't need to do any brain exercises, you just need to know that your reading comprehension needs to improve. At no point did I say anything about drying any rivers up. I mean, eventually maybe, but since that wasn't something I said, it isn't the immediate goal. The water could be sent in bottles, barrels, tankers, maybe a hose that goes all the way to the Middle East? It could still be moved elsewhere. Then if there's more water, the process could be done as many times as necessary.

So yeah, reply to the words actually on the screen. Or don't. Whatever.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/10/2023 7:17:10 PM)

It seems warm outside today (since we are supposed to post weather reports here)

blnymph -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/11/2023 12:35:06 AM)



Just to make clear, I have no reason to give a fuck. You completely misunderstand what I'm saying, and then go on with your WoT drivel about totally useless and irrelevant things. I can't explain humor to you.

I would not try to explain humour to you or anyone - my guess is that your humour and my satire by realism are not a match.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/11/2023 8:30:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: blnymph



Just to make clear, I have no reason to give a fuck. You completely misunderstand what I'm saying, and then go on with your WoT drivel about totally useless and irrelevant things. I can't explain humor to you.

I would not try to explain humour to you or anyone - my guess is that your humour and my satire by realism are not a match.

Humor, satire, realism, weather... Dr. BoscoX, world renowned Climate Scientist says the planet is not warming, because it was cold in Jarbidge.
It was warm today here.

Does this thread really have a point???
OP: The planet is not warming because my right wing masters told me so
ME: The climate Scientists say it is warming and has been for many years now
OP: Well it's cold in some places
Everyone else: Posting weather reports
ME: OK What is this thread about?
OP: Its about this massive climate hoax!

Reminds me of a repeating story I leanred as a kid.
It goes:

Life. What's life?
A magazine.
Where can I buy it?
All over.
How much?
Twenty-five cents.
But I only have a dime.
That's life.

What's life?
A magazine.
Where can I buy it?
All over.
How much?
Twenty-five cents.
But I only have a dime.
That's life.

What's life?
A magazine.
Where can I buy it?
All over.
How much?
Twenty-five cents.
But I only have a dime.
That's life.

Oh and it gets a foggy here in the morning!

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/11/2023 8:51:49 PM)

K, if that's what you've seen here, I need to rethink my opinion of you.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/11/2023 8:56:59 PM)



K, if that's what you've seen here, I need to rethink my opinion of you.

Not sure I know what your opinion is.

What do you see in this thread other han what I have summarized? Is there some grat wisdom or critical thought that I am missing?

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/11/2023 9:23:32 PM)

No no. Respond to all of it, not just the parts you think you can score points with.

Our humor is likely different, as our cultures are. Add to that, it can be difficult for humor to shine through with the written word without knowing the author's personality, or having some sense or warning that humor is intended. I suppose emojis help with that for some.

But there is really no benefit in attacking someone else for things they haven't said, when there is so much they do say.

So now that you've chosen to make an ass of yourself, it's your ness to clean up.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/12/2023 4:47:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: blnymph



Just to make clear, I have no reason to give a fuck. You completely misunderstand what I'm saying, and then go on with your WoT drivel about totally useless and irrelevant things. I can't explain humor to you.

I would not try to explain humour to you or anyone - my guess is that your humour and my satire by realism are not a match.

blNymph.. First of all, I hope and I expect that I speak on behalf of all posters on here that we welcome you here (or re-welcome you from the old days. Believe me, we need more posters)

Secondly, I believe a particular post you made, to be honest was hard for me to understand your point.
But more importantly, you badly misstated and mischaracterized JVoV's post, and in effect, created a most ridiculous strawman argument and attributed it to him.

None of us like to be misquoted. We can all give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was unintentional.
Keep in mind, you also appeared to mock him WHILE referring to your own mischaracterization of his words.

When he called you out on it, you provided no apology, but rather attributed the whole thing to incompatibility of communication style.

I think (hope) we are all ready to put this behind us, but as JVoV said.... "This is your mess." I think an apology for and an acknowledgement of your actions would go a long way toward cleaning it up

My .02.


JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/13/2023 4:52:52 AM)

Oh hey. You know who believes climate change is real?

"Climate change is the biggest threat that humanity faces this century, except for AI" - Elon Musk to Rolling Stone in 2018.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/13/2023 8:17:35 AM)



Oh hey. You know who believes climate change is real?

"Climate change is the biggest threat that humanity faces this century, except for AI" - Elon Musk to Rolling Stone in 2018.

And BTW... The leading man, both putting $$$ into the hands of the CCP AND receiving $$$ from the CCP?

Well, that would be Elon Musk.

Oh and the person, whose company is STILL censoring extreme MAGA voices on Twitter, you guessed it Elon Musk.

Of course it is his company, and no one has any first amendment right to tweet. But he is supposed to be the hero of free speech!

I actually admire Elon Musk and what he has accomplished, especially as someone who suffers from Asperger's

The fact is... Elon Musk is a hero for himself, and for China. But he is a brillaint visionary entrepreneur. However, I think Twitter was definitely NOT a good fit for his talents.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/13/2023 8:42:55 AM)

OK... Back to the stated topic (per the OP)

<looking outside> It is warm and sunny today

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/14/2023 6:51:14 AM)

It's impossible to have any meaningful conversation about climate change without mentioning the weather, as a drastic change in a place's normal & expected weather may be indicative of climate change.

But snow in Jarhead isn't as odd as if snow were being reported in Miami. Ah, Miami. One of the most endangered cities on this continent. Likely to be under water this century due to climate change. Apparently, glaciers melting in Greenland make this stuff called water, which goes into the ocean. And somebody put Miami right by one of those things.

I didn't even know Al Gore made a sequel to his movie, but I can watch it OnDemand. It's just really hard to add Al Gore to any list of demands I might have though.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/14/2023 9:02:21 AM)


It's impossible to have any meaningful conversation about climate change without mentioning the weather, as a drastic change in a place's normal & expected weather may be indicative of climate change.

Actually that is not true. Climate scientists have meaningful conversations about climate change without even mentioning the weather.

But since none of us are climate scientists. And climate scientists have said that no singular weather event can be attributed to climate.

And none of us are qualified to say exactly WHAT groups of weather events are attributed to climate, we are merely reporting on weather and guessing.

All I can do is quote the climate scientists, and they rarely discuss weather events.

BoscoX -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/14/2023 8:14:36 PM)

CBS segment highlights how adding bugs to the food system 'could be a game-changer' to fight climate change

Climate change activists have promoted eating insects as a solution to a greener environment

JVoV -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/14/2023 10:29:53 PM)

Yeah, ok. No reason for me to continue commenting on this thread. All yours.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Where Did Our Glorious Wonderful Global Warming Go (5/15/2023 7:53:10 PM)



CBS segment highlights how adding bugs to the food system 'could be a game-changer' to fight climate change

Climate change activists have promoted eating insects as a solution to a greener environment

I am sure a lot of things would help to slow climate change. That doesn't mean they are the right thing to do.

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