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Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 7/13/2024 7:00:04 PM   

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Apparently, Trump was grazed by the bullet, on his ear and went to the hospital to get checked out. The Secret Service shot and killed the alleged sniper. All of this information is coming in live, so not much is known yet.
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 7/15/2024 7:43:03 AM   

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A federal judge kicked out the indictment in Florida over the documents thing. Something about how the special prosecuttor wasn't called for by Congress or something.

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 7/24/2024 2:49:44 AM   

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Shit aim then?
That must have been some pair of shoes?

< Message edited by wickedsdesires -- 7/24/2024 2:51:26 AM >

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 7/31/2024 4:24:10 PM   

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would not have happened if he got locked up properly in time

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 8/15/2024 8:54:12 PM   

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All Democrats have are Stalinist show trials and other forms of lawfare, stuffing ballot boxes, censorship, assassination attempts, lies, hoaxes, propaganda...

And helicoptering Treasury dollars in the hope of purchasing votes from the stupid

Because no one can afford the results of their policies. Forever wars, inflation, crime, fentanyl overdose epidemic, all of it.


Thought Criminal

(in reply to blnymph)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 8/17/2024 1:49:11 AM   

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The guy that made the assassination attempt on Trump was a registered Republican and a good reason to increase spending on mental health.

The forever wars? You mean the ones started by George Dubbya Bush, with no real definition of victory? Any war against a Muslim extremist faction or an Arab country is going to be a 'forecer war', just ask Israel. The extremists know that all they have to do is outlast the support of an ADHD American popilus.
Once coffins of American troops start arriving at Dover, American support starts dwindling. To be fair, our goals in Afghanistan shifted time and again, but that war was lost by Trump. Trump negotiated the end of the war, but not while he was in charge to actually oversee it, and of course he didn't leave an instruction manual for Biden on how US withdrawal should go.

But sure, let's talk about bribes. The last two Republican presidents both issues stimulus checks to the American people and cut taxes for the ultra wealthy. That seems like more of a direct bribe than Obama or Biden trying to fix stuff. Oh, and why did the Republican presidents have to issue stimulus checks? Mostly cuz they screwed up the economy really bad. I don't see current inflation as a direct result to anything Biden has done and honestly, Congress hasn't done much at all this term.

Inflation since Biden took office has been the natural result of coming out of the pandemic, along with corporate greed and wars we really have nothing to do with. Even if you don't believe in climate change, the security risks that Russian and OPEC pose to the American way of life should be enough reason to look into renewable energy sources.

Obama never started a war. Neither has Biden, yet. Trump didn't either, though we were always worried. The last wars were started by Dubbya, a Republican. Granted, this was in response to 9/11, so something had to get blowed up good, but the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan lasted far too long and I'm not sure how much of a victory we can really claim in either.

But the intent of this thread wasn't partisan at all. I really don't think an assassination attempt on a former US president should be allowed. The Secret Service fucked up and a Congressional committee should be formed to find out how that happened. But since the Republicans have majority in the House and Trump was the intended victim, it leads me to believe that Trump himself doesn't want answers, or already has them and knows making them public would make him look bad. I seem to recall President Clinton bombing Iraq after Saddam tried something on George HW Bush.

Of course, I'm not suggesting Trump was the mastermind of some evil plot to boost his poll numbers with the assassination attempt. It's far more likely that the campaign moved equipment at the venue last minute, without giving the Secret Service enough warning.

Aside from the actual shooting, what I find most absurd is that Trump took his shoes off for the rally. I kinda doubt that's something Nikki Haley or Kamala Harris ever did. Maybe after he loses the election, Trump can start an onlyfans for his feet. Lots of money in that, I hear.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/1/2024 1:39:50 AM   

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Amazingly, nobody here seems.phased that a gunman waited for Trump at his golf course in Florida. The Secret Service got him before he could do anything.

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/11/2024 8:04:02 PM   

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Was it because he cheats at golf and the rapes, and pedo children do not matter?

Paul Pelosi hammer attack?

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/14/2024 5:06:12 AM   

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The political violence in this country is disturbing. It's terrorism, plain and simple. There are plenty of acceptable ways to voice your opinion, without resorting to illegal activities. Or using hateful rhetoric.
There are causes I agree with and believe in, but the methods used are unacceptable. Meanwhil, there are causes I am vehemently against, but respect the organiAtion's practices.

(in reply to wickedsdesires)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/14/2024 8:56:37 AM   

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The political violence in this country is disturbing.

I think social media has had a hand in it. It's absolutely acceptable to eviscerate to attack someone that doesn't agree with you and it's spread to Tik Tok and Youtube. Now, there are videos showing removing someone's political signs from their private property. Celebrities screaming about candidates.

You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to tell me what mine should be.

Just like the woman that screamed at me that my marriage was wrong. You don't like it, so don't do it. I'm happy, why is that wrong?


Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world. ~ Marilyn Monroe

The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/20/2024 7:54:57 AM   

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This may be the first election I remember anyone talking about tampons. Apparently, you're not supposed to tie two of them together to make nunchucks.

(in reply to OsideGirl)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/20/2024 12:24:42 PM   

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From: United States
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This may be the first election I remember anyone talking about tampons. Apparently, you're not supposed to tie two of them together to make nunchucks.

I'm definitely going to try that!!!


Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world. ~ Marilyn Monroe

The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/20/2024 5:09:12 PM   

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All Democrats have are Stalinist show trials and other forms of lawfare, stuffing ballot boxes, censorship, assassination attempts, lies, hoaxes, propaganda...

And helicoptering Treasury dollars in the hope of purchasing votes from the stupid

Actually, sadly many Democrats have woke liberalism. They wouldn't know how to do Stalinist show trials, (Have you ever seen a Stalinist Show Trial? Do you even know what you are talking about?) lawfare, stuffing ballot boxes, assassination attempts lies (ok maybe a few), hoaxes, or propaganda, But they do helicopter Treasury dollars in the hope of purchasing votes from the stupid (not nearly as much as Republicans do , but they do)


Because no one can afford the results of their policies. Forever wars, inflation, crime, fentanyl overdose epidemic, all of it.

Forever wars was ALWAYS a Republican policy, until Trump replaced it with weakness, personal gain, and massive appeasement and kowtowing to our enemies.

Inflation is not a policy. Thanks to the current Administration's policy, the US Economy is the best in the world. (MUCH lower inflation than anywhere else)

Crime is not a policy. HOWVER woke liberals and the local and state levels basically enable it and allow it! - DEFINITELY Democrats here.

Fentanyl has been an issue since Republican-led Big Pharma promoted opioid prescriptions. When that dried up, it sprung up the market for black market Fentanyl with ingredients from CHina, and brewed my Mexican Cartels.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/20/2024 5:16:08 PM   

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Apparently, Trump was grazed by the bullet, on his ear and went to the hospital to get checked out. The Secret Service shot and killed the alleged sniper. All of this information is coming in live, so not much is known yet.


(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/21/2024 6:36:39 PM   

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Standard MO to try distracting from the actual topic when you have nothing to add, Bosco.

Inflation was expected after the pandemic and Joe Biden probably did the best possible to manage it. I certainly haven't heard of any actual plans from any Republicans.

I think Trump is trying to make a new version of putt-putt, replacing windmills with snipers.

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/23/2024 10:55:16 AM   

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This may be the first election I remember anyone talking about tampons. Apparently, you're not supposed to tie two of them together to make nunchucks.

I'm definitely going to try that!!!

I don't think they would make effective nunchucks.... But those plastic applicators!

Back in the 1980's, I worked as a reservation supervisor for a long since defunct airline. I went in the supply closet to see if there were any spare headsets for one of my staff. I reached up on a high shelf and accidentally knocked over a box FULL of the plastic tampon applicators (I don't think they exist any more? I do not know for sure)

The box turned over and about 50 of these things landed on my head. To be honest, I felt lucky to have remained conscious.

(in reply to OsideGirl)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 10/25/2024 7:38:16 PM   

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Dude. I was 8. They were awesome!
I.also used my mom's red finger nail polish to make the action figures I didn't like all bloody.

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 11/5/2024 7:33:18 AM   

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Somebody tried to assassinate Trump

Just the once? Missed another one didn't I? Must be a weekly thing for the American's. Will we be seeing some more hangings and Insurrections this week? How about lynchings - not really sure how those work?

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 11/10/2024 3:06:31 PM   

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The feds have exposed a murder for hire plot against Trump involving Iran. At least 2 NY citizens have been arrested.

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 11/11/2024 7:19:39 AM   

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3 times now! I can barely keep up. He was extraordinary lucky the first two times. I don't think I will count the 3rd one as death threats and the likes for Presidents and Democrats number in 1000s a year. Its an American thing I believe.

The first 2 assassination attempts were from registered republicans, so I heard.

On a positive note at least I am not witnessing the death and carnage that went with January 2020 insurrection - 10 dead 200 law enforcement injured. Then you have other attacks such as Nancy Pelosi husband.

I am surprised not to hear the republicans whining about voter fraud in this one.

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