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age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 11:45:56 AM   

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it seems i nthe many replies that i have gotten the greater concern for many is age apparance and financial security of the indicvidual . to this many add their outside the lifestyle activites that often are many and then sum it up with seeking 24/7 cuffed collared and always on leash.

I am 51 years old andentered this lifestyle from the day i was born as my mother was her fathers slave and so i was brought up in it. I have never imagined as some havetold me that it is a blended change between life and vanella but then i come from a school were switch is defined as undecided and submissive is a slve who has set limits cause they can not fully comitt to being owned . Oh hay i realise the fact that i shall get a ton of flack for those comments but is it not realytrue that the lifestyle is like pragancy you either are or are not .

I have had my grammer corrected and told to find better ways of adressing what i wish to say and give nsuggestions of alt wording this all from slaves or submissives seeking full time controle and domination but neverthe respect of sir accept only rarley

there are those who state this or that and then in conversation explaine how 24/7 r/l total controle is conditional

we all are here for the same reason and that is to meet and explore things with others in this life style to what ever degree

why can people not be honest in their deffinations of what they say. How hard is ti to say in a profile seeking to hsear as much of a comittment as my vanella life will allow me as long as one meets the apperance , age , grameratical , financial , educational, social , home size, has the rght car and can afford me the great vanella lifestyle.

This is not true to all but to many this applies . i can not for the life of me understand how a person who adds them self to ones messinger and is upset by a comment that is said can not have the deciancy to say please remove me as apposed to not reply when even directley asked that very thing

there are those who are serrious and passionate abouth this lifestyle who like me can no longer understand how things like the goriean concept of do not talk till after you have asked permission can exist

there is a reality to this and the game that is played by many that applies to me for there are things i have left out of my profile or nrglected to mention for my own reasons but in that i have not misslead anyone to their detrament . It is true i am a caretaker of a rooming house in ottawa canada but also it is true that i own three of them in this city as well as several others in the local area.

it is true also that i seek to find aperson who can be best discribed as a slave to shear my life with . What i seek is one who is serrious in this not playing as all to many are

feel free to comment here or to me directley on any comments i have made here that you agree with or feel are incorrect as maybe there is a thing i am missing in this

i am at yahoo .com under baddestca or icq # 344403023
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 12:46:38 PM   

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Welcome baddestca
Get use to that kind of treatment as there are many online watered down Lifestylers on here whom really havent a clue of the real Alternate Lifestyle and what it is and are just in a stage of discovery as I call it and really only want to enhance their sex life in a Vanilla world by using only certain parts of what Our Lifestyle conciders the * norm* and they as a Top or bottom whom only touches here and there things of interest concider unnormal and weird or crazy.
I to am a third generational BDSMer and Polymer and I have even seen with in the past 6 months real life get togethers of these kind of folks to form what they call New Guard Munchies where they only allow a certain age to enter and only those whom are totally part tiime players with Alternates. LOL All I can do is laugh My head off and Im sure when You read these words will also have a good laugh. Again welcome baddestca and know that on here I am concidered the Wicked Witch of the East,North,South and West because of what most on here concider XTRM views but are only actually whats naturally found with in OUR NORMAL ALTERNATE LIFESTYLE. So says a Alpha Sadist Poly BBBW Lady and Mistress of 45 years.

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 1:23:31 PM   

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thank you for your responce t omy post first of all secondley what the hell is the matter with people in this lifestyle that are real about it have they all gone and vanished into the wood leaving ti to be rearranged by others who are members of popularity groups and swarm newbies entering this lifestyle with what they have determined it to be instead of what it is in fact about .

Submission is the surender of ones self to the desires of another totaly based on limits set forth by the submissive so i am told is what it means now

Not so long ago submission was the unconditional surendr of a slvae to her master with out limits based on the knowlage and truast that they would not go past what had been discussed till it was ableto be done with greater understanding of its content in the desire to grow as a slave but not simpley refused out of hand as not possible

but hay i am old so this is back in a time when there were masters and slaves and obediance was given fully but this comes from a member of a long line of slave owners going back to my great ancester James Johnstone Pettigrew who owned slaves before the cival war or Thomas Pettigrew who while living in scottland had slave there so the family history in this is very long

The best reply ofthe day tome was the one asking who could i expect a person listed as all times cuffed and caged to expect one could live in such a manner . Wonder why they listed it in their profile

This life was based on trust understanding and knowlage not a strange collection of half read misconceptions by fictional charactors like Carl Talbot of an ideal situation that the goriean lifestyle is . I have had people tel lme this has existed for years before that and they are right it al so had another name and that was BDSM

The concepts set forth in the earilest writtings have never changed with reguards to this lifestyle and are still quoted in parets by places like castle realms and others but called other things rather then bdsm

such is life and thanks to you Mistress Dread for your welcome

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 2:47:34 PM   

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From: Washington
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Hi baddestca,
I have no argument with the content of what you have said but i need to tell you it was very hard to read. May i suggest you proof read and spell check before posting. I'm not sure what kind of slaves your ancestors owned--was it D/s style consensual slavery or forced slavery? There is a huge difference in my mind, and i would hate to see the two confused.



"Without goals you become what you were. With goals you become what you wish." .

"You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts"--Alan Greenspan

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 3:29:34 PM   

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Everyone has preferences, and for some people those include age, appearance, financial security. So long as no one tries to impose their personal preferences on anyone else, I don't see it as a problem. So, I'm not everyone's cup of tea? That's ok with me; it simply narrows the field and makes it easier to find someone who IS compatible.

People have "lifestyle" preferences too. (My personal preference is to avoid the word lifestyle when referring to bdsm, because i have LIFE, not a lifestyle; I'm more than just a collection of kinks.) There's nothing wrong with wanting to "submit" only in a sexual situation, for example. It's just another preference. It's not better or worse than wanting to live 24/7 naked except for a collar and cuffs.

I think you'll have difficulty getting people to agree to the definitions of the terms. "Submissive", for example, is an adjective not a noun, yet people here use it as a noun with regularity. When we morph the meaning of words to suit our purposes it leads to difficulties in communication more often than not. Personally, I always suggest spelling out how YOU use the words at the beginning of the interaction, and coming to some kind of agreement of what the terms mean for the individuals trying to communicate.

Bottom line, there is NO One True Way. We're not all cast from the same mold, nor do I think we should try to be. We all need to find what works for us personally, and understand that that may change over time and with experience. It's not a matter of making everyone fit into little labelled boxes, I don't think. What we really need to do is to learn to communicate our personal needs/wants more clearly so that we don't end up in situations like you're describing.

Realize that other people's paradigms are just as valid as yours, and don't expect everyone to want the same things that you do. Ultimately, it will make things easier for you, as it will weed out the incompatible folks more readily.

-- Sherri

< Message edited by SherriA -- 4/16/2004 6:31:16 PM >


-- Sherri

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 3:33:36 PM   

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on here I am concidered the Wicked Witch of the East,North,South and West because of what most on here concider XTRM views but are only actually whats naturally found with in OUR NORMAL ALTERNATE LIFESTYLE.

Personally, I don't consider you anything of the kind. I simply disagree with a lot of your assertions, because they don't work *for me*. That doesn't make you wrong, or evil. It just makes you different from me.

So long as you try to impose your personal paradigm on others (for instance, calling what you do "our normal alternate lifestyle" when there IS no "norm"), you're likely to run into disagreement.

-- Sherri


-- Sherri

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 4:32:57 PM   

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Since the interduction of Oneline and computers baddestca
The roleplay fantasy world of Adults has exploded and because
the same gamers whom do not have a clue about real life have
filtrated Our Lifestyle online and in order for Us whom are Lifers to keep the Rules Regulations and Proticals in place The Oldies had no choice but to put these types of part time players into a new definition about 8 years ago now and thats Useing sum of Our Own definitions but in a different way and there are now added meanings to what sumone uses online and what is used in real life. First off You have the BDSMers and cuckholds and then the Old Guards and for now will include the TVs and like in this group of the experianced with {[15 or more years of experianced and commited on a 24/7 basis being called Lords and Ladys or Grand Masters/Mistresses and senservslaves}]\{[the 10 to 15 year Lifestylers are now called Master/Mistress and slaves}]\ {[the 5 to 10 year Lifestylers are now called Dom/Dommes and slutslave}]\ {[the 0 to 5 year Lifestylers are now called Tops and Bottoms and sluts}] The Part timers that are either part time in real life or on line are now simply known as the D/s group and are Dominants and submissives with sum of their time spent in the Vanilla world as Vanillas. being submissive means they choose on a daily basis what they will practice with in the Lifestyle and what they will not and the same goes for the Dominants whom are also a part of this practice. Those whom are commited to the Lifestyle full time are just that and slaves give of their selfs one time and are commited to that for all time with the One they give their selfs to being the One whom makes the choices in their lifes at that point from then on. I know this might seem strange for Those of Us whom have more then 20 years of experiance in Our World but for those whom are not a part of the Online Frenzy and do not know how the new generation of Lifestylers have come online and watered down Our Beliefs it is very hard to get in the facts as They have been for hundreds of years and which sum even refuse to admit to Our exsistance befor the 40s but of which I have posted sum facts within the CollarMe forum to tempt in My small One person crusade to keep sum of what We are Really about in real life Here FOR ALL THE NEWBIES. giggles Welcome again Brother to the OUT CROUD!hehe there are even new style munchies that are being formed that do not allow anyone of the Old Guard in or anyone that is over 30 because of Our Old Alternate Lifestyle beliefs if You can beleive that!!!

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 4:54:53 PM   

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What You are saying is nice in the world as it is today and does water down the way things within the tightly run and knit Societys of Kink Have always been till computers, but for those of Us whom have been a part of secrete societies of Alternate Living for over 30 years and whom have had the goverment investigate Us because of Our Alternate Lifestyle practices within Our Closed Societys befor Our Lifestyles of today became a Open book and the fantasy is sumthing that evey the lay person online can experiance in thier minds to feel what sumthing that has gone against Society and not accepted for ever and that those of Our Lifestyle when found out have been even run out of Their Own towns and Homes for such Living not to mention put in Jail, Beat Up, Lost Jobs and even their Childrens custody taken away, when You put Your watered down version of Our Lifestyle on here yes sum of Us will take offence to your views and stand up for what We beleive in and tempts to keep it as it has always been because We are the ones whom fought for Our rights to have it when it was NOT in vogue and even admitting that You had any association with Our Groups or Membership ment that Your House could be bugged and Phone Tapped and every action from the time You walked out Your home till You returned watched and Your assetts frozen, and the loss of Your income and Job as I said those of the LIFESTYLE today and in the past 10 years or so of it need to have a better understanding of what it meant 20years ago and more to be a part of what You so graciously get to practice here in the wide open now here on the world wide web. And dont think that You are not being watched in your being a member here even on Collar Me because to think that Your practice even part time with in sumthing that is still concidered illigal in many states can still land You in a jail House. Im currious besides My self just how many other Lifestylers have been a part of a Munchies meeting thats been raided and put in jail for practicing sumthing concider by the Scociety to be against the law? How many of You as Lifestylers have payed the aultimate prices by losing Your job or YOUR Home when You were forced out of a City by its residents, or Lost Your job when it was brought to light that You are a Alternate Lifestyler?/ It is obvious that there are many reasons why there are so many whom are part timers of OUR lIFESTYLE and I totally understand sherri your [point as you understand it but what if tomorrow the rules again changed and all of a suddent it again was against the law every where to do what it is that We do? Would you be the one whom walked away from YOUR Lifestyle and not practice it any more saying oh hhh it was just a part time fling of a thing for Me or would You be on the front picket lines and in the jail houses protesting sumones right to do what they want as a concensual Adult and communicate with others of Us with in Our Societies that are tight knit and hold true to Our rules regulations and proticals? Hell three quarters of those here online whom proclaim to be of the Lifestyle do not even know what a hankie code is much less what a hankie is LOL!

(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 5:08:42 PM   

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In the early 70s sherri there was a well known case
where a gurl of 18 was put in a mental institution because
she had peirced her ears and during that time it was beleived
that such a practice was evil within the religious communities.
There was a Mans books that in the mid 60s was bannned for 20
years because His books contained a World where slavery was
practiced in a sci fi nature and in another world even, but because
the books even tho were a fantasy were about Masters and Mistresses
and slaves and slavery in a world that this Life was lived this Mans life work was banned from being published in this country and he was investigated by the goverment and even called a comunist at one point for even having such ideas in his mind and to put them down on paper as well. These times are not so long ago sherri. Gay Men whom came home from protecting this country came home to being murdered on the streets of their own living and city because they happen to fall in love with sumone of the same sex and they too were institutionalized for such. Today sherri your SM practice is still concidered a practice that can land you inside a insane asilyem in many states where Masocistic and Sadistic practices are still out lawed and all it takes is one person to report you and yours to the police for them to come a knockin. I am NOT in the mood to spell check any thing tonite so you all have no choice but to read My miss spellings....... concider your self lucky to know one of My Personal Weaknesses and yep I got em!

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 5:57:49 PM   

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i have done 5 years in california state for practices of unatural sex acts being Bdsm in 79 on till 84 when i was released from a mental pahacility there for these beliefes i lost all due to that but i never lost hope and a beliefe in that i have held to be true all my life.
Upon my rerlease in 84 i was again arrested in a raid threee days after my release for unatural sex acts being oral sex on a lady and got another year suspended based on i leave my job my home and the states so i moved to canada . In 1995 i was arrested again for care controle direction and influance over another as she wore a collare andwas aslvae that was mine i got 5 years and released in 2000 after serving every dsay if that sentance. The sub was taken to phsy care and convinced she was misused and tought to accept a more conventinal way of life with in a year of her release she comitted suicide i was charged with contributingto her death and sued loosing al again and starting over it is now 2004 and tyhings are not much better in this life for me as aresult of thepast . The fact my moterh in 1953 was her fathers slave has caused many attacks on my sanity that legaly haveto be and have been proven faulse . Now in canada thereis a new law that applies to persons diagnosed as psychopaths all who are know to be involved i nthis life style are eligable to this law which is proved by an apparent callious disreguard for the saftey and well being of another sadist look out . Those who cause ort allow pain and sufferingto inflicted upon them self i guessthe Calvinests should run and the law is very clear in both canada and the states the trading sale and ownership of a person defined in law as a slave is a manditory life sentance to those concerned . A slave contract anyone ever hear of one of those or a registry of slaves with tital and ownership

it is like the question asked by socity ingeneral who in their right mind would submitt to the total controle involving degradation and what is legaly defined as abuse the answer only hose forced into it or mentaly ill and the laws are moveing that way to be stronger in inforcing that beliefe to controle those less desireable elements of socity. Oh excuse me do not take offance i speak not of yous alone iam also in that list as is poly relationships that are not discuised and hidden so as not to be bigamy

to answer one questin of my ancestory simpley put i ask you this under law inthe sates being hams law it made the owning of slaves legal it had nothing to do with rightsof others butinstead with the desire for cheap labour to suceed in a strong econamy . i ask you is it wrongto keep one against their will if the law says you are allowed to ? Beforeyou answer that check into what indentured slavery is and you shal see that for years before the cival war persons were taken as indentured slaves to pay of debt also legal is it any less rightto ownone thatway or to have one surender to another .

Personaly i do not believe in holding one against their wil any more thant any onew of you believe in punishing one who does not do what they are told to orserves badley so against their will they are by violance stil forced into the desires of another out of fear realy what is the differance .

Many say they would never hold one against their will or force them to do a thing against their wil by the use of violance when you punish as a lesson your sub/slave so they shall not offend in thatway again and so as to correct their behaviour then what is that

(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 6:56:50 PM   

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I'm not sure where you get your "facts" from Dread, but I'd be interested in seeing citations for these claims.

I had my ears pierced in the early 70's. So did pretty much everyone girl I knew at the time. My mother had hers pierces in the late 50's or early 60's. It wasn't illegal then, and it's not illegal now, afaik.

Gay and lesbian people are still attacked by bigots. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

I'll direct you to the DSM-IV TR regarding your assertion that you can be institutionalized for SM practices. Sadism and masochism are no only considered paraphilias if they interfer with your ability to function or cause significant stress in your life. And frankly, if they interfere to the extent that you can't live life as part of society as it exists, then I'd agree that there are issues that you nmight eed to deal with.

In all but 3 states (last I checked, it could have changed slightly since then), you can not consent to assault. What I do is already illegal, so I'm not sure what your point was here either.

I'm not sure what your point with all of this was...

BTW, it's Sherri, not sherri. I checked my birth certificate to make sure, and yep, it's definitely capitalized.

-- Sherri


-- Sherri

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 7:01:44 PM   

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what if tomorrow the rules again changed and all of a suddent it again was against the law every where to do what it is that We do? Would you be the one whom walked away from YOUR Lifestyle and not practice it any more saying oh hhh it was just a part time fling of a thing for Me or would You be on the front picket lines and in the jail houses protesting sumones right to do what they want as a concensual Adult and communicate with others of Us with in Our Societies that are tight knit and hold true to Our rules regulations and proticals?

Um...SM is already illegal pretty much everywhere, and I'm still doing it. Just ftr, I was doing SM long before I ever turned on a computer. But so what if I hadn't been? How does that invalidate what I'm doing TODAY?

I'm missing your point here, if there was on in there.


Hell three quarters of those here online whom proclaim to be of the Lifestyle do not even know what a hankie code is much less what a hankie is

The hankie code actually originated with the gay community, and was "borrowed" by the SM community. It's not used much these days, so it doesn't seem unusual that people wouldn't know about it. Personally, I'd have to have mightly big pockets to flag all my interests. I don't really see the point. *shrug*

-- Sherri


-- Sherri

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 8:34:22 PM   

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sum how I knew baddestca
that you had been where I
and so many others have.
(asks if I can give baddestca
a kiss and hugg)~smiles~
sherri you never will get it.

(in reply to SherriA)
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 8:41:20 PM   

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From: Washington
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The hankie code actually originated with the gay community, and was "borrowed" by the SM community. It's not used much these days, so it doesn't seem unusual that people wouldn't know about it. Personally, I'd have to have mightly big pockets to flag all my interests. I don't really see the point. *shrug*

That must be like the jelly bracelets the kids wear these days that a lot of schools are outlawing.



"Without goals you become what you were. With goals you become what you wish." .

"You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts"--Alan Greenspan

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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 8:47:50 PM   

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sherri you never will get it

No, I likely won't "get" what it is that floats your boat, Dread, because I can rarely understand what it is that you're trying to say. Not for lack of trying, I assure you. While I have no interest in living my life the way you live yours, I'm always open to seeing new ways of doing things. However, when people are judgemental and disparaging of other's preferences, it doesn't really encourage me to learn more.

-- Sherri


-- Sherri

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

(in reply to MistressDREAD)
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 9:27:11 PM   

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it is simpley beyond words as to how i feel after reading many of the post here for the past 12 or so hours i have been on line doing this. duringthistime i have heard every excuse and name calling one couldf ind based on pettyness that is beyond words.

In the not so far away past the purpose of the comunity was to bring people together for growth in that aspect we believed in and who many if not all had been introduced into from birth . this was a family then of those seeking knowlage of the life we love to live.

it was opened to all who imbrased the ideals we did and done much in secreat. forthe protection of the general group. .

today it seems that it is a colection of factions seeking to change the very basics of what the lifestyle is about by incoperating into it many things that never were there in an attempt to not apparentley have to fight to survive as we did . i know many of you think yep so what it was a long time ago but in reality it isstill going today were those of the old school and party are pushed to the back in a beliefe system that they created
and faught to mantaine and find legitimicy for .

I read of poly not being able to succeed as it is doomed out of jealiousley for a start . what a pile of it . Many think that it is a thing it is not such as they do with BDSM and are equaly unsure of their self and their desires as to what they are about .

The reason things today do not work is not because they can not but instead because they are unable to as aresult of the participants not haveing any clue as to what they are about them self or what they seek . Second to this they do not ahve the time on their agenda to maintaine such a high maintance lifestyle as they are to busy doing things otehr then supporting that lifestyel .

I know many family of multiple wife in Utah that have existed for years as jsut that a family based only o nthe desire of those involvedto maintaine it above al else and dedicatethere energy into it not into arguing it into nothing over petty jealiousley that is they were sure of them self in the beginning would never of occured .

The same is to be said i nthe BDSM life style instead of MASTERS MISTRESS seeking to maintaine the order of and structure of the group as a whole and preserve it many as i have seen here seek to argue points to the end neglecting to do things they should in daily maintance of their lifestyle .

it is not about the individual and their ability to create change but instead the preservation of a lifestlye

Many in this it seems here as an example are to fast to judge grammer then to question a point relivant to the life today such as persicution of the beliefes and things that could be doe so as to prevent further persicution

Ther eis not a single part of the BDSM lifestyle that today is legal in all places in Canada and the states and further most oftheconcepts involveing the
term slave and finding one are rued as criminal conspirecy almost any were

There are some who will read this and understand that there are believe it or not real slave out there seeking masters and live in fear of whatt hey are s they can not be so openley . For ou sbs and switches out there reading this how many of you wouldstandup and be ounted for what you claime you are if it was to your detrament to do so or like the apostile denie it to save them self. Can even understadn the reasoning for that but what of the oes who can not out of convieance denie who and what they are and have to live in secret is this fearto them when those hwo change sides as fast as they do masters will not stand up buti nstead say fromtheir vast knowlage this is best .

There are many cites on line that deal with this subject such as castle realms who provide a great deal of information to the courious things like the church of hat ever that sells ordinations by mail as to the means to collar a person . Thy do not though have anything in the areas of telling simple things to masters such as it is our place to if a sub is for what ever reason not suitable for us to seek to find one for whom she would be . instead many so called men of honour say the bitch was not serrtious rather then say they were not skilled in what she saught and lacked the dpeth of understanding or ablility to determin weather she was suited to them or not instead placing their failure as a master on the sub /slave

if a sub /slave is comitted to her master how then can she fail other then through his misunderstanding . You may challange this but if one has no say in what they do how can they fail they can not . Oh right by the inability of them to preform as the master chose for them is the general consencies . But ifhe was truley what he claimed would he not see the limits she had from general conversation and avoide asking her out of respect . In that way not allowing the event of failure to even occure . cant go there right cause it challanges not only the masters ability to even be a master but his gudgement as well.

Wake up what is called for the greater part masters are little more then bullies forcing their wil on others with no reguard for what they ( te sub /slave ) wish seek or feel ad yers if they had intigrety honour and respect the ywould not of had that same for poly relationships . Same for here all is out for what they wish for them for the greater part with some acceptions . In thisthey seek notto inrich the slave butinstead to convert her to their wishes

(in reply to SherriA)
Profile   Post #: 16
RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 9:30:13 PM   

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forgot to mention one thing here (hug Dread ) further to all of that when thingswerethe way they were intended ther was not a question in the slaves mind of other then desire now it is one of protection and fear of abuse and being a floor mat ho how farthings have come from the intigrety honour and understanding and comapssion of the past .

(in reply to proudsub)
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 9:43:48 PM   

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I think there is a lot more to the story of why you were imprisoned baddestca. That is just my feeling. But I believe that I am right.
My feeling on this lifestyle is that done right it can be a most uplifting way to live. Done wrong and it can be a nightmare for some.

(in reply to SherriA)
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/16/2004 9:58:39 PM   

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Change and growth are GOOD things, baddestca. We can improve what comes next without belittling what came before. Just because we don't do things the way you seem to think they should be done, doesn't mean that we're dishonouring your traditions. It's simply OUR way of living OUR lives in the way that's right for US. We all have that right, and that responsibility.

Close-minded people who try to make everyone into their own image do more damage than good, imnsho. Don't expect everyone to be like you, or to want the things you want. Try opening up your mind to other possibilities, even if they're not right for you, without belittling them and perhaps people will do the same for you. No one owes you anything just because you claim that you've been doing wiitwd for 50+ years and that you were convicted for crimes related to your lifestyle choices. Maybe it's true, or maybe it's more cyber bullshit. We don't know one way or the other.

I'd bet that you'd find this a much more supportive and helpful community if you didn't spend so much time chastizing the rest of us because we don't do things the "right" way and suggesting that your way is the only "true" way.

As for me, I've managed to do MY thing in public and private venues in Canada and the US without ending up in jail. *shrug* I'll continue to do so, in a way that suits me. I have no obligation to people who came before me to follow in their footsteps if they don't fit my (tiny little size 5.5) feet.

-- Sherri

< Message edited by SherriA -- 4/17/2004 1:00:56 AM >


-- Sherri

Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.

(in reply to baddestca)
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RE: age and sincerity - 4/17/2004 1:48:06 AM   

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you arerightthere is more to it then what i have stated but what that is simpley is that some of us fight openley to preserve what we feel is true and as a result come under the cloaer scrutiny of legal things then others who hide in the dark corners. to be vocal and public in this life style is an error for any who d oso if it flys in the face of the norm were they are and legal sanctions will and are taken against them

Sherri you areright also you ow no obligation to those who came befroe you in any way for they did nothing traditions are what they are and should not as you make clear be upheld. All should just go their own way and do what isright for them seeking self gratification nothing else

you have wored in canada legaly i take it on private and public venues never breakingthe law in any way shape or form. Although a fast check of canadian criminal code clearley defines ofering ones self for ludeness as prostitution ans prostitution is illegal in the offering legaly anyone who offers you for ludeness u nder the law is guilty of prostitution care and controle direction or influance and to take a person legaly across an international boundry or state line for imoral purposes which bdsm is defined as is called what legay it is a violation of the man act or what is called white slavery and any one prosicuted is eligable to life inprisionment

i do agree wit hboth of you in this laws are less inforced then before unless you temd to get in their face as i had about it and figh tfor rights the system was not ready to grant

when i did that i knew what i did and i accepted responcability for those actions legaly and moraly i do not regret it or feel soem one else was to blame i stated it as a fact clearley that it can hgappen to anyone and wit h the changes in the law it will not get better but worse

there are things we ca nnot mention in profiles as they are illegal and have criminal actions atributed to them no matter howwiling the other is it changes nothing they are illegal

you speak of owing nothing to those who came before you . interesting for were would your beliefes be and what would you do if you were not among many now. they like in all things created for us that we enjoy now weather itr be cival rights laws or rights and in that we in fact owe our continued existance and liberties to them for that . cause with out their first steps then we could not take the ones we do now

you aree rightthings change and in this case from people seeking honestley to further the lifestyle to those seeking only to play in it you use terms now like collared cuffed and caged always that is unlawfull confinement in any state or provance if persued
hat you call kink others call illegal.

i have read post here of amny speaking of posers who come here as one thing and are another males posing as females to find weakness or get off in soem manner all of this is not the traditions i believe in or grew up with these are things that change and lack of obligation to the traditions has given the lifestyle

fldomcouple made a clear point of gamers and left as a result of it how many others are chased out of this lifestyle by those who choose to play at it and pose as something they are not

remember i have been here for two days and all i have spoken of has occured here in that time accept for personal thngs i have stated .

this is treaditions that one wishes to embrace were people defraud others in who and what they are seek things of others that htey never intend to atain but instead use them like so much crap to fil their selfish needs . but thati s ok as long as they have a justicfication to do so. the exploitation of any one by missrepresenting them self is not correct in any lifestyle but according to many posts here it is well ok you know how it is.

tkake the gorean lifestyle based on a set of books by an auther of less literary skill then l ron hubbert but imbraced as the traditions of this lifestyle by many . HAY they are fiction remember same as L ron Hubberts but i forget that is the bases of the church of scientoligy aas held in high an esteem as the bible by some christions.

you are right in that all have the right to follow what they believe in this life style and grow in it for that is how it all started . but should this be at the expence of others rights to enjoy safley this lifesstyle with out exploitation or abuse at the hands of many for their gain. i do not bleieve that this is right and correct behaviour for persons of honour and intigretry rspect and truth when the whole bases of the relationships created are based on those aspects as well as truth and honesty.

So simple question for you all do you fele that persons should in this lifestyle act with respect honesty truth and intigrety or simpley be allowed to in thename of secxual gratification exploit lie misslead and abuse . be very carefull in your answer though for one is the way things are now and one is the way they were before

myself i chooseto say what i believe and i appricate you doingthe same forthat is our right but old school was based on respect not exploitation ,, trust not misleading , honour not abuse of others today that has changed sadley

(in reply to SherriA)
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