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cuddleheart50 -> Yogurt (8/29/2006 9:15:51 AM)

Is there any health benefits to eating yogurt everyday?

Rule -> RE: Yogurt (8/29/2006 9:57:52 AM)

I am chronically ill. I consume between three and four litres of plain low fat yoghurt per day. Have been doing so for about fifteen years. There are no health benefits, but when I deviate from my trial and error yoghurt diet I usually have to suffer. Supplements: vitamin C and salt. I also eat some other products, but not many.

MissyRane -> RE: Yogurt (8/29/2006 12:59:50 PM)

um you get calcium..just like from milk and other things?................but then I can only do it for a little amount of time because I'm not  supposed to use dairy products..so I guess I can say it makes me sick every once in a while lol..but yeh I guess it's..if anything then it's calcium.....and then of course if it's with fibers then  I guess you get this..stuff from fibers and so on and so on but plain yogurt I don't think it does anything at all..

sub4hire -> RE: Yogurt (8/29/2006 1:19:48 PM)

My stomach was damaged year's ago.  Severly damaged.  I had a real hard time digesting anything for a whole lot of year's after. 
I ate loads of yogurt and applesauce.  Yogurt has active cultures in it.  It did help me.
However, yogurt is not much more than a sugar laced...nothing.
Yes, it is made from milk and it does have calcium..but for those using it as a breakfast, well they need to learn a bit more about nutrition.

Although milk of various animals has been used for yogurt production in various parts of the world, most of the industrialized yogurt production uses cow's milk. Whole milk, partially skimmed milk, skim milk or cream may be used. In order to ensure the development of the yogurt culture the following criteria for the raw milk must be met:
  • low bacteria count
  • free from antibiotics, sanitizing chemicals, mastitis milk, colostrum, and rancid milk
  • no contamination by bacteriophages

Other yogurt ingredients may include some or all of the following:
Other Dairy Products: concentrated skim milk, nonfat dry milk, whey, lactose. These products are often used to increase the nonfat solids content
Sweeteners: glucose or sucrose, high-intensity sweeteners (e.g. aspartame)
Stabilizers: gelatin, carboxymethyl cellulose, locust bean Guar, alginates, carrageenans, whey protein concentrate
Fruit Preparations: including natural and artificial flavouring, colour


MissyRane -> RE: Yogurt (8/29/2006 1:29:31 PM)

ahhhhh yes now I remember what I keep thinking when eating yogurt I somehow always bother reading what's in it and it says  something like  living ABgerms..or something don't know the english word lol  so I keep thinking *IT'S ALIVEEEEEEEEEE*  and I end up erm..playing with it[:)][:)][:)]

MistressWolfen -> RE: Yogurt (8/29/2006 2:59:41 PM)

Yes, there is some research to support it's health benefits; or rather, the benefits of the little critters that make it lactobacillus fermentum bacterium. Below is one of the links to a "light" read on it

babygurl4daddy -> RE: Yogurt (8/30/2006 12:02:51 AM)

it actually prevents and helps to heal canker sores - i had one from stress i believe and the bacteria in yogurt seems to "kill off" the sore.  also, if you have a prob with cankers, use soothe and seal - its expensive - but it works like a liquid bandage in the mouth. if the sore is on the tongue, that may be a different story because it is hard to dry the tongue before applying.

besides, its fun to have daddy feed me yogurt !! tips the spoon up at the end of every bite :P

FangsNfeet -> RE: Yogurt (8/30/2006 8:33:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuddleheart50

Is there any health benefits to eating yogurt everyday?

As long as it has protien, fat, carbs, and is cultured, then the answer would be yes. However, to much of anything is bad for you.

Protien is good for you muscles, fat is a necessity, carbs for energy, and the cultures will put extra good bacteria into your stomach for easier digestion. Also remember that yogurt is a dairy product. Calcium is good for your bones. One of the last things I think you are wanting to deal with is osteoperosis.

I find that real yougurt made from goats milk at health stores is better for me. 

KatyLied -> RE: Yogurt (8/30/2006 8:37:59 PM)

Stay away from the strawberry - ya know, the crushed beetle thingy.

FangsNfeet -> RE: Yogurt (8/30/2006 8:48:49 PM)



Stay away from the strawberry - ya know, the crushed beetle thingy.

I thought that only pretained to Jello. I didn't know they used the beetles to also color yogurt. Either way, I don't have a problem eating beetles. They are a good source of protien and I like most of my foods cruchy anyways.

formenteralady -> RE: Yogurt (8/30/2006 9:50:36 PM)

the culture in yogurt is actualy good for your digestive track...Idon't eat it however because I'm a vegetarian and geltin is basicly hoves..and Kosher Yogurt is hard to find in the part of the country I live in.

mnottertail -> RE: Yogurt (8/30/2006 9:56:07 PM)

hooves, I think. 

I might as well ask this, 'cause I am already an asshole, I am pretty sure--
how might yogurt never be kosher unless a rabbi don't get paid? And further how is this different than catholosism?


Sunshine119 -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 12:20:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: formenteralady

the culture in yogurt is actualy good for your digestive track...Idon't eat it however because I'm a vegetarian and geltin is basicly hoves..and Kosher Yogurt is hard to find in the part of the country I live in.

I've been a vegetarian for 36 years and always check the contents of yougurt containers.  Generally, only the non-fat yogurts enhance the density with gelatin.  Most products, especially those with live cultures do not contain gelatin.

As for kosher gelatin, you do know that is created from hooves as well, don't you?  And while we are on dairy products (I'm ovo-lacto), Vitamin D3 added to milk comes from fish.

As to the benefits of yogurt?  It is great when taking an antibiotic.  Keeps all the good germs in our stomachs and keeps the runs away!


cuddleheart50 -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 12:26:00 PM)



Stay away from the strawberry - ya know, the crushed beetle thingy.

What bettle thingy???

sub4hire -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 1:48:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: mnottertail

hooves, I think. 

I might as well ask this, 'cause I am already an asshole, I am pretty sure--
how might yogurt never be kosher unless a rabbi don't get paid? And further how is this different than catholosism?


Yep, gelatin is made of horse hooves.  It all goes back to what the FDA and the whole beetle food coloring in yogurt thread.  Off topic if anyone cares to read it.  If I recall it didn't have much info in it other than a link to the thread the news did about the fact yogurt is colored with beetles.  It is not food coloring.

The only difference in Kosher food versus regular food is it is regulated by a Rabbi.
At Kosher plants they also have to shut down every certain period of time.  I used to know, but no longer do the exact time frame.  Where a regular plant may go a month before shutting down..a Kosher one may shut down once a day.
Something along those lines anyway.
A Rabbi is paid big money to bless the food in different phases of the process.

Beyond that, there is not a lot of difference. 

KatyLied -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 2:18:40 PM)

Red food coloing carmine:


FangsNfeet -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 3:28:21 PM)

I perfer just good old natural yogurt with no tampering. Creamy, non pasterized, and cold is all I ask. If and when I want flavor, I'll add the berries, nuts, and such myself.

LaTigresse -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 3:36:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: FangsNfeet

I perfer just good old natural yogurt with no tampering. Creamy, non pasterized, and cold is all I ask. If and when I want flavor, I'll add the berries, nuts, and such myself.

Ditto. I only buy Stoneyfields Farms organic. It has all the good stuff and none of the bad, like sugar!

insilhouette -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 3:52:47 PM)

Yogurt is the proverbial shit in that it contains acidophilus which, for us ladies, is essential to replenish our natural bacteria when we're taking antibiotics.  Acidophilus = no yeast infection.

It's also delicious though as someone of Greek descent I'm partial to the Greek sort of yogurt which tend to be thicker and cream-.. and yeah, this is starting to sound obscene.  At any rate I'm not sure of the exact difference but my grandmother would make it homemade and I know it involved being in a bowl with like.. cheesecloth and sitting out for a day or so.  When it was ready she would toss in some walnuts, cut strawberries and honey and I swear it had to be ambrosia.

Now I shall wait for my endorsement contract from the Yogurt Council.

LaTigresse -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 7:06:03 PM)

Yummmmm, my favourite is the yogurt (must be plain european style not that blob of crap common in the US) with fresh raspberries and some chopped raw pecans. Heaven!

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