RE: pro dommes on here (Full Version)

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WildnWicked -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 5:20:08 AM)

So much for me making friends here. I am going to make a really HUGE sweeping statement about women. If it does not apply let it fly.. ok?

With no scientific study done I am going to estimate that 99% of women have prostituted themself at some time or another. (hold on.. let me explain).

Ever had sex with someone for any other reason than expression of love, physical gratification or reproduction? Meaning, have you ever used sex within a relationship to get what you wanted? Did you want them to stop bugging you about having sex? (screw him and he will finally shut up! Damn! There.. happy now?) Did you ever in your life use sex to pacify a partner or put them in a better mood to get what you wanted? (I want to go out and if I have sex with him it will put him in a better mood and there won't be a fight). Ever done anything sexual to get any kind of payoff  (emotional, mental, financial -directly or indirectly, etc).

I think if most women really looked at their past they can see where at some time in their life they have had sex in exchange for something. Maybe it wasn't a spoken agreement, but more like a conscious or subconscious manipulation of a situation.

Most men have paid through the nose for sex. Sex workers at least have a flat fee. Dates can drain your wallet dry on a CHANCE of getting laid! How many diamonds does a husband have to buy before the wife finally puts out? How many dinners does he have to go to at his in-laws before he gets a "thank you" blowjob? How many times has the man known the wife/gf wants to go out and has set up the relationship to where she knows to bang him and he won't give her shit about going out?

Sex is exchanged for more than just money. It is a payoff either way you look at it.

To the gentleman that is looking down on women who are sex workers, you have a right to your opinion. But, your rights end at the tip of your nose. To sit there and degrade a portion of the CM online population is rude and considered very bad form. Expressing your opinions when they can be demeaning to others present takes tact and class. You could have gotten the same point across without being hurtful and just outright rude to others here.

Take your profile for instance. You made a similar statement twice in two different ways:


Just dont expect me to suck up your ass to get you interested just because you are a domme/woman.

You have to earn respect to get respect out of me. I am sick of the endless amount of women on here with superiority complexes. Enough of the shitty attitudes. I will respect you if you respect me. How about giving a guy a chance past the profile or email for a start.

Accept me for who I am. Dont expect Fabio or Elvis to come running to you, like it seems on here. You are not above me, I am equal to you so stop dreaming.

And then you said:


I am just a normal guy with kinks. I dont want to meet anyone straight away and I dont want to jump in a bondage session with someone straight away. This takes time and trust. I am not interested in a cyber session either but I enjoy discussing BDSM in a clear manner with the right people. Just because I am a male it doesnt mean I'm a sleaze.

Please no bullshit. I am not interested in people from overseas and I am not interested in men.

The second statement said just about the same thing the first statement said but in a way that was less offensive and more easier to accept. The first statement wouldn't even get you on my friends list let alone be someone I would consider playing with. Simply for the fact that you sound angry, jaded and to be blunt.. damaged goods. I don't have the time or inclination to clean up some other Dominants mess that they made of you. (remember, this is the perception you are giving off).

I wouldn't expect you to ...what did you say?? ....suck up your ass to get you interested just because you are a domme/woman ..  most Dominants expect some form of pleasant demeanor and a sincere desire on the bottom's part to please simply because it is in their nature to do so. So, don't "suck up my ass" because I am a Dominant and/or a Female, do so because it is inside you to be pleasing until given a reason to be otherwise. Respect above and beyond basic human respect IS earned, I agree. But you aren't even giving that much to anyone here.

marieToo -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 6:23:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: WildnWicked
Ever had sex with someone for any other reason than expression of love, physical gratification or reproduction?

No.  Ive had sex when I didnt feel like it, but I would indeed consider it an "expression of love", in the sense that we do things all the time for someone we may love, that we may not neccesarily feel like doing. This happens alot in marriages;  the examples spread out far and wide in such a relationship, not just sexually.


Meaning, have you ever used sex within a relationship to get what you wanted?



Did you ever in your life use sex to pacify a partner or put them in a better mood to get what you wanted? (I want to go out and if I have sex with him it will put him in a better mood and there won't be a fight).

Yes, if I gave my ex husband sex when he wanted it and yes he would be in a better mood.  The same way we're all in a better mood when we get what we want. Though I cant say I ever did this so that he would take me out without an argument.  Im sure he went shopping with me many times when he didnt feel like it  We do and  tolerate things for loved ones all the time in relationships.  I wouldnt call this prostitution.


Ever done anything sexual to get any kind of payoff  (emotional, mental, financial -directly or indirectly, etc).



I think if most women really looked at their past they can see where at some time in their life they have had sex in exchange for something. Maybe it wasn't a spoken agreement, but more like a conscious or subconscious manipulation of a situation.

I think actually you make a well-articulated point stating that there are a myriad of 'reasons' that we may have sex with someone other than sheer desire.  I personally, do not see this as prostitution. 


Most men have paid through the nose for sex. Sex workers at least have a flat fee. Dates can drain your wallet dry on a CHANCE of getting laid!

Taking your lover or potential lover on a dinner date is not the same as paying for sex, or gambling for the possibility of it.  Especially today, when most women can simply buy their own dinner if they wanted to.  I cant speak for other women out there, but dinner or lack thereof, is not a determining factor of whether or not I consider being sexually intimate with someone.  To suggest that (and Im not saying thats what you did) would be an insult to women in general and to men in general.  I can name at least 5 men off the top of my head that would gladly have my dinner company and pick up the tab,  knowing that our night isnt going to end in sex.


How many diamonds does a husband have to buy before the wife finally puts out?How many dinners does he have to go to at his in-laws before he gets a "thank you" blowjob? How many times has the man known the wife/gf wants to go out and has set up the relationship to where she knows to bang him and he won't give her shit about going out?

All of the above, I would consider dysfunctional on some level, for different reasons.  But I still cant get with this being called prostituion.


Sex is exchanged for more than just money. It is a payoff either way you look at it.

If I were a prostitute, I'd probably agree with this.  But Im not, so I dont.  

I take no position on pro domming negative or positive.  Nor do I take a position on whether or not prostituion is wrong.  I do however believe that if one is a prostitute one should simply own it, rather than justify it.  



MsKatHouston -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 9:08:38 AM)


I guess it will, women get too angry when the truth is told about them

What truth was it that you told that applies to all women?  You come across angry and bitter and more importantly, rude and judgmental, making sweeping generalizations.  Oh well, at least it is useful to know where you are coming from.  Be well.

MisPandora -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 9:11:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: makeaslave

I should clarify what I stated, It seems that women that list themself as bi, tend to be ladies actually looking for a relationship or at least a play partner, where as women who are listed as straight tend to be pros, I was just wondering if there was a corolation.

PS: I'm not that guy listed in the one reply:)

Is this more aberrant nonsense falling out of your "experienced" mind's eye? 

MstrssScarlet -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 11:15:29 AM)

naughtynick, as someone has already pointed out I do NOT accept everyone who happens to have enough money or skills to tribute.  I actually check their profiles, talk to them (in person no less!) and then decide if they're someone I want to take on or not.  I never approach anyone, I let them approach me.  It is clearly stated on my profile that I am a pro domme (and bi as well!)  I really don't think you have to worry about any pro dommes approaching you.  One look at your profile and I would turn you down flat whether I were pro or not. 
Mistress Scarlet

MstrssScarlet -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 11:19:25 AM)

Did I remember to mention that a LOT of people who approach me are college age?  So much for that age difference problem.
Mistress Scarlet

NINASHARP -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 2:20:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: MstrssScarlet

naughtynick, as someone has already pointed out I do NOT accept everyone who happens to have enough money or skills to tribute.  I actually check their profiles, talk to them (in person no less!) and then decide if they're someone I want to take on or not.  I never approach anyone, I let them approach me.  It is clearly stated on my profile that I am a pro domme (and bi as well!)  I really don't think you have to worry about any pro dommes approaching you.  One look at your profile and I would turn you down flat whether I were pro or not. 
Mistress Scarlet

I am sorry I just have to chime in here.. I was a prodomme for many years, and I don't mean to name drop but I was trained how to go pro, by a beautiful Mistress (Mir) who is well known in the scene. She is over 50 now and still going strong.  In respect to her, I decided that one of my first rules of thumb was to never take on a sub who had ever served her.  Submissives who frequent Prodommes are sometimes looking for the flavor of the month, and she warned me of this early on and not to expect many repeats. So I would ask all new subs during a first meeting interview, who they served before, if Mir's name ever came up, I would decline them out of respect.  Not that she asked me to, I just felt that it was a way to show my respect to her for all she had done for me.  I did not see everyone who corresponded with me, there were many reasons that I turned down different submissives, but that was one of my biggest reasons.

And as far as prostitution, I had sex with three people in my life.  One I married (& divorced) the other was my former Master of 6 years, and the other is the former Master, now sub whom I have lived with for the last 7 years. I felt love for all of these men and never felt that I gave them sex, because they would give me anything besides a few orgasms. 

I don't understand why anyone who complains about Prodommes must complain at all. I would understand if they had experienced a bad session with a prodomme who hurt them nonconsensually, and then wanted to vent about it, but to just say all pro's are whores, etc, it just doesn't matter, if you don't wish to use their service why bother with all this shit slinging about them? I just don't get it.


MsKatHouston -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 2:35:54 PM)


if you don't wish to use their service why bother with all this shit slinging about them? I just don't get it.

Neither do most of us...pros or not. 

orfunboi -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 3:02:33 PM)

No list that i am aware off. Your right about the angry part...we seem to have a couple angry boys on here. Thank the Goddess they go away when ya click to the next message. [8D]


ORIGINAL: Seawolf3465

The boy sounds very angry on his profile!  I am not a Pro and I also have that posted on my profile here on this site.  I also have comments in my profile that I feel that Pros serve a great need in this lifestyle.  It is a personal choice to pay one or not to pay.  I play for the love of it however with that profile that he has I would hit the delete button since I FEEL that there is far too much anger in the profile.  Also I don't get my boys off, nor do I allow anyone to get me off.  I keep it simple in real time as well.  I have heard somewhere that there is some sort of a LIST on this site somewhere or something connected, I am wondering if you landed yourself on it.  Or is that just a myth, anyone?

MstrssPassion -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 3:06:48 PM)

there is/was/are blacklists all over the place

not a myth

orfunboi -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 3:07:38 PM)

[sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif]

ORIGINAL: WildnWicked

So much for me making friends here. I am going to make a really HUGE sweeping statement about women. If it does not apply let it fly.. ok?

With no scientific study done I am going to estimate that 99% of women have prostituted themself at some time or another. (hold on.. let me explain).

Ever had sex with someone for any other reason than expression of love, physical gratification or reproduction? Meaning, have you ever used sex within a relationship to get what you wanted? Did you want them to stop bugging you about having sex? (screw him and he will finally shut up! Damn! There.. happy now?) Did you ever in your life use sex to pacify a partner or put them in a better mood to get what you wanted? (I want to go out and if I have sex with him it will put him in a better mood and there won't be a fight). Ever done anything sexual to get any kind of payoff  (emotional, mental, financial -directly or indirectly, etc).

I think if most women really looked at their past they can see where at some time in their life they have had sex in exchange for something. Maybe it wasn't a spoken agreement, but more like a conscious or subconscious manipulation of a situation.

Most men have paid through the nose for sex. Sex workers at least have a flat fee. Dates can drain your wallet dry on a CHANCE of getting laid! How many diamonds does a husband have to buy before the wife finally puts out? How many dinners does he have to go to at his in-laws before he gets a "thank you" blowjob? How many times has the man known the wife/gf wants to go out and has set up the relationship to where she knows to bang him and he won't give her shit about going out?

Sex is exchanged for more than just money. It is a payoff either way you look at it.

To the gentleman that is looking down on women who are sex workers, you have a right to your opinion. But, your rights end at the tip of your nose. To sit there and degrade a portion of the CM online population is rude and considered very bad form. Expressing your opinions when they can be demeaning to others present takes tact and class. You could have gotten the same point across without being hurtful and just outright rude to others here.

Take your profile for instance. You made a similar statement twice in two different ways:


Just dont expect me to suck up your ass to get you interested just because you are a domme/woman.

You have to earn respect to get respect out of me. I am sick of the endless amount of women on here with superiority complexes. Enough of the shitty attitudes. I will respect you if you respect me. How about giving a guy a chance past the profile or email for a start.

Accept me for who I am. Dont expect Fabio or Elvis to come running to you, like it seems on here. You are not above me, I am equal to you so stop dreaming.

And then you said:


I am just a normal guy with kinks. I dont want to meet anyone straight away and I dont want to jump in a bondage session with someone straight away. This takes time and trust. I am not interested in a cyber session either but I enjoy discussing BDSM in a clear manner with the right people. Just because I am a male it doesnt mean I'm a sleaze.

Please no bullshit. I am not interested in people from overseas and I am not interested in men.

The second statement said just about the same thing the first statement said but in a way that was less offensive and more easier to accept. The first statement wouldn't even get you on my friends list let alone be someone I would consider playing with. Simply for the fact that you sound angry, jaded and to be blunt.. damaged goods. I don't have the time or inclination to clean up some other Dominants mess that they made of you. (remember, this is the perception you are giving off).

I wouldn't expect you to ...what did you say?? ....suck up your ass to get you interested just because you are a domme/woman ..  most Dominants expect some form of pleasant demeanor and a sincere desire on the bottom's part to please simply because it is in their nature to do so. So, don't "suck up my ass" because I am a Dominant and/or a Female, do so because it is inside you to be pleasing until given a reason to be otherwise. Respect above and beyond basic human respect IS earned, I agree. But you aren't even giving that much to anyone here.

[sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif] [sm=applause.gif]

MistressSassy66 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 3:20:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: naughtynick


ORIGINAL: DameDeviante

I get such a kick out of males who bitch about ProDommes. I bet they would be offended if I bitched about them calling themselves Professional Plummers, or Golfers, or whatever they are that they charge a fee for a service that is in demand by people. Why are males so threatened by Women who deserve to be paid for a great service seemingly (my opinion, only) because there isn't sex involved in the exchange? I do have many males who are glad there is no sex involved because they feel bad enough that they cannot share BDSM with their partner, wife, girlfriend or otherwise. Get over it!

How about getting a real job, you might get respect from people than. You cant be a Pro Domme forever. Once you get all wrinkled and old, how will you be earning money? Oh let me guess the government will be paying you? Too bad you have no proper work experience to keep going. You are pretty much well doomed once your looks go from age. is  great example of an arsehole.
A real job....lmao....Do you have any idea how much work it is to be a Pro.
I happen to know of at least one Pro who is in Her 60's is that too old?
She has problems walking and She still has those who serve.So what does age have to do with it?

When you young man get all old and wrinkled and are in your 70's
I bet you'll be getting money from the government too...its called Social Sercurity.
(That is if it still exists then)

Did you know you can own your own business and pay into your own retirement?

I think you could learn a couple things about Respect from a Pro.

naughtynick -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 3:39:06 PM)

Lol do you blame me for showing anger by the way women are on here? I have been contacting women on sites such as this for a couple of years. I never used to think this way about about it but now I do. Thats why I have my profile this way. I have approached many women in a polite and respectable manner for a long time and I always get the same result in the end. I either get ignored or just a sorry email because women expect more than just the average looking guy that is not a sleaze. So why cant I be bitter? I get the exact same result as I do when I am nice anyway. Women are bitter to men right from the start, even if the man puts on a kind impression at the start.

We are all labeled as potential sleaze or rapist in the first place anyway. Thats bitter within its self. Most men are not good enough for every woman on here, its ridiculous. Thats why you see the same women on here for months or years and they get offers daily or weekly. If a male got offers daily or weekly, he wouldnt stay on this site for long.

Women are too picky and it makes us males frustrated. I think the average looking male would feel lucky if he got as much attention as the below average looking female does in here. Do you blame me being bitter? I think women need to change their attitudes in here more than anything not so much men. If females got it how us males have it, they would be complaining more than me. But than again, due to the fact that women have it a lot better than men, they still find something to complain about. But when a male complains, due to the fact that he has it a lot worse than women, women never think it should be justified. I think women would go nuts if they didnt get any attention at all from males. Most males dont get attention at all from sites such as this but we have to live with it. Only the super duper males get attention and the below average looking women still get luck.

I think most women in here have too high expectations. I see my self as an average looking guy. I am not ugly but I am not what you call hot. Even average looking women reject the average looking men. Than men lower their standards to get a better chance and the below average looking women even reject the average looking men. I really dont know what the above average looking women expect in here. I think women in here and in any personals site on the net have egos bigger than their brains. Women seem to think just because they have a vagina, their own standard of them self is worth more than someone who doesnt have a vagina.

If you are a male in a site such as this, you are practically a second class citizen. Thats what makes me bitter. If only men got treated fair, I wouldnt be bitter the first place. I am sick of bending over backwards and trying to be as nice as I can when I dont get the favor returned.

MstrssPassion -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 3:43:04 PM)


MistressSassy66 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 4:05:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: MstrssPassion


I second that.

And have to add...
Perhaps if you had a better attitude towards Women you would have better luck...
Hows that saying go...Catch more flys with honey than vinager....

naughtynick -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 4:12:44 PM)

ummm NO. What do you think made me bitter the first place? Do you think I just all became bitter for the fun of it? I used to have a better attitude towards women on here but I never got the favor returned so I think that gives me a right to be bitter. Do you agree? If you are nice to someone and you get ignored or get bitter treatment in return, would you keep a smile on your face?

I have been extra nice to women on sites such as this for the past couple of years but I never get the favor returned.

MistressSassy66 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 4:37:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: naughtynick

ummm NO. What do you think made me bitter the first place? Do you think I just all became bitter for the fun of it? I used to have a better attitude towards women on here but I never got the favor returned so I think that gives me a right to be bitter. Do you agree? If you are nice to someone and you get ignored or get bitter treatment in return, would you keep a smile on your face?

I have been extra nice to women on sites such as this for the past couple of years but I never get the favor returned.

One favor not being returned does not make it right to judge all people.
I would indeed keep on smiling why would I let them win by giving in.
What is "extra nice"?

I read your accept others as long as they.....sounds like on your terms only,thats not being very open minded,IMO.

I give respect before I get it...seems to have worked so far....maybe you should try it.Again IMO,Respect should be a common courtesy not a special right for the selected few who agree with you.

I respect the fact you have a negative outlook towards Women....I dont really care why you dont.I was infact raped,but yet I dont judge every man I meet with the attitude they are going to act the same way or do the same thing.

I wish you best of luck....I have a feeling you'll need it.
And no I dont think I am better than you,just better at some things than you are.
Like giving birth...etc.

MstrssScarlet -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 4:57:30 PM)

ummm NO. What do you think made me bitter the first place? Do you think I just all became bitter for the fun of it? I used to have a better attitude towards women on here but I never got the favor returned so I think that gives me a right to be bitter. Do you agree? If you are nice to someone and you get ignored or get bitter treatment in return, would you keep a smile on your face?

Gee nick, you used the word "bitter" 4 times in this little snippet alone!  Are you trying to tell us something???  Like the fact that you're bitter about women in general perhaps?  What's attractive about THAT? 
Mistress Scarlet

MsKatHouston -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 5:16:12 PM)


Women are bitter to men right from the start, even if the man puts on a kind impression at the start

I'm not.  Many women are not.  Sweeping generalization with no room for others who do not fit your mold. 


Thats why you see the same women on here for months or years and they get offers daily or weekly

or to read the forums and interact with others.


Only the super duper males get attention and the below average looking women still get luck.

Well of the many men on here I speak with regularly, they will be pleased to know they are above average.  Of course, if I am corresponding with them regularly, they are.  Nothing to do with looks though...


 used to have a better attitude towards women on here but I never got the favor returned so I think that gives me a right to be bitter. Do you agree?

No.  I have not been treated well by every man I have ever encountered in life and that does not mean I equate a few bad experiences with every man in existance. 

Why are you on this site?  If you hate women, you hate women on this site and we are all terrible.  Why would you subject yourself to us horrible creatures?  If it is to find someone, maybe you should try an attitude adjustment.  Nothing too taxing...just some basic, common courtesy might be in order. 

LTRsubNW -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 5:23:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: MstrssScarlet

ummm NO. What do you think made me bitter the first place?

I actually haven't a clue, but I sense a burning desire in you to spill all.

Do you think I just all became bitter for the fun of it?

I couldn't imagine.  Have you found it to be fun thus far?

I used to have a better attitude towards women on here but I never got the favor returned so I think that gives me a right to be bitter. Do you agree?

No.  Not any more than I would agree that a company with horrid employees is the fault of the employees (and I would know...I own and run two very successful businesses), indeed, I would submit without porportion that if someone has employees that don't cut the mustard (or knows people that "don't return the favor"), someone should look in the mirror.

If you are nice to someone and you get ignored or get bitter treatment in return, would you keep a smile on your face?

Always, but that's just me (I prefer to piss them off with their own venom...not my own).

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