RE: pro dommes on here (Full Version)

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MySweetSubmssive -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 6:48:57 PM)


MistressSassy66 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 6:50:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: MsKatHouston

Didn't answer my question...

and I really don't think the guys I have met on this site are like that...if so they put up a damn good act. 

I thank the good Lord the submissives I have met in person from CM are not like "all"  the rest of the men here.
Damn...I'm sorry I'm starting to sound like them.Bad Mistress  [sm=ofcourse.gif]

trannysub007 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 6:56:46 PM)

naughtynick and HBGMaleSub are the reasons i am thankful this evening that i am a submissive gay man. you guys make sub str8 men seem like idiots. i serve a pro Dom and His Wife on the weekends. i don't give them money, but like a good slave, i take care of the yard, clean the house, go shopping and do other chores. In exchange, they teach me about the lifestyle and allow me to experience my submission. Things need to be done in a dungeon and i do them. Regular clients often have a choice of donating a toy for the dungeon, doing chores or paying a tribute. Some people in other areas of life barter services while some pay for them. What's the difference, really? (And, HBG, they have a federal tax ID #. They pay small business taxes.)
   your problem seems to be a lack of knowledge, basing all your future experiences in your past, maybe your mother grounded you and now you hate women, but are cursed with being a str8 submissive. Well, imho, neither one of you has a submissive demeanor in your posts, and nick, your profile is unattractive.  Maybe try to be respectful, polite, and SUBMISSIVE in your profile. Doesn't mean you let people walk over you. But the spirit of your profile almost demands that people turn you down and treat you rudely. When you learn to post appropriately, maybe you'll have women interested in you. 
i actually get a lot of e-mails, but that's because i'm weird/interesting/intriguing.  Maybe there's not a whole lot interesting about submissive straight men. Maybe that's the real problem.
   Or, just go vanilla. Maybe that's more your speed.
    Respectfully submitted, happy-to-be-a-trannyfag

MistressSassy66 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:01:21 PM)



I stand corrected.....

"I know my viewpoints may make you uncomfortable but sometimes the truth can do that.................. "

Well I for one am so uncomfortable...ohhhh look at Me shake.....I am so worried about what you think....LOL
Like you have that kind of power...I think I'm gonna pee My pants laughing....

Okay...I learned today that men can be bitter.Actually I already knew that butt it sounded good.

Sticks and stones may break My bones,but whips and chains excite Me [sm=crop.gif]

you guys crack Me up...lmao

LTRsubNW -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:01:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: naughtynick


ORIGINAL: MsKatHouston

Well all I can say is I am very glad there are many other men in the world who don't have such a negative view of women.  Again, why is it you are here?

There are a lot of men who think the same as me. But pussy power stops that. Instead you have men denying it because they want to make a good impression on women and tell women what they want to hear lol.

Son, allow to explain a few things to you (I'd encourage you to grab a pen and take notes):

1)  In about 20 years you'll either have a distinctly different opinion of things (all things), or based on the nominal amount of psychology I took years ago, I suspect you'll be playing drop the soap with a guy who looks like a linebacker, but wants to call you "Angelina".

2)  You are to some degree correct, the power of pussy (even if only evidenced by your clear and unabating frustration at currently lacking a good source for some) is overwhelming, not only when you have none, but all the more when it's barely inches away from you.  I swear to God, if I had one of my own, I'd wake up every morning thinking I'd just won the lottery and never leave the house.  It is true...they got it and until that changes, you're right, they can call each and every one of the shots.

and 3)  If you don't change both your approach as well as your existing belief systems soon, so long as they have the pussy (see #2 above if there's any questions as to who's going to control your access to same), I'd venture a guess you're a fairly unlikely candidate for getting any, any time soon.

(That's pretty much all I have to say on the subject)

naughtynick -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:04:54 PM)


ORIGINAL: trannysub007

naughtynick and HBGMaleSub are the reasons i am thankful this evening that i am a submissive gay man. you guys make sub str8 men seem like idiots. i serve a pro Dom and His Wife on the weekends. i don't give them money, but like a good slave, i take care of the yard, clean the house, go shopping and do other chores. In exchange, they teach me about the lifestyle and allow me to experience my submission. Things need to be done in a dungeon and i do them. Regular clients often have a choice of donating a toy for the dungeon, doing chores or paying a tribute. Some people in other areas of life barter services while some pay for them. What's the difference, really? (And, HBG, they have a federal tax ID #. They pay small business taxes.)
  your problem seems to be a lack of knowledge, basing all your future experiences in your past, maybe your mother grounded you and now you hate women, but are cursed with being a str8 submissive. Well, imho, neither one of you has a submissive demeanor in your posts, and nick, your profile is unattractive.  Maybe try to be respectful, polite, and SUBMISSIVE in your profile. Doesn't mean you let people walk over you. But the spirit of your profile almost demands that people turn you down and treat you rudely. When you learn to post appropriately, maybe you'll have women interested in you. 
i actually get a lot of e-mails, but that's because i'm weird/interesting/intriguing.  Maybe there's not a whole lot interesting about submissive straight men. Maybe that's the real problem.
  Or, just go vanilla. Maybe that's more your speed.

   Respectfully submitted, happy-to-be-a-trannyfag

Oh yes and it's not being a idiot giving up most of your life or spare time doing other things for people to get sexual satisfaction. Life is precious and you only get one chance.

MySweetSubmssive -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:07:44 PM)


Um.  He's submissive and also a realist.  I've never seen this person post before, but what he's said is very respectable.  What do you think a submissive should be like?

trannysub007 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:15:21 PM)

nick, sweetie ... i personally do not 'do' this for sexual satisfaction. And certainly do not do it during all my spare time. One Saturday afternoon a month is certainly less time than a lot of people spend gambling their money away.  And, again, imo, doing something you enjoy is not being an idiot.  Posting that women are all whores and complaining that you dont have one is.
By the way, your pic isn't clear, but i think you're cute. [;)]

naughtynick -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:24:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: trannysub007

nick, sweetie ... i personally do not 'do' this for sexual satisfaction. And certainly do not do it during all my spare time. One Saturday afternoon a month is certainly less time than a lot of people spend gambling their money away.  And, again, imo, doing something you enjoy is not being an idiot.  Posting that women are all whores and complaining that you dont have one is.
By the way, your pic isn't clear, but i think you're cute. [;)]

Thanks, I wish I was gay because men are simple. Unfortunately I'm not, even if I wanted to be. When did I say that all women are whores by the way? It's not my problem that I dont say what women want to hear. I just say the truth. Do women tell us what we want to hear? Saying things like "all men think with their dicks", or "all men are jerks is not exactly what men want to hear but I hear it day in and day out.

MstrssScarlet -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:25:57 PM)

NINASHARP makes an excellent point.  Because I get clients with a wide variety of tastes (and never any toys of their own), I spend a lot of the money I make on new floggers, bondage equipment, cuffs, collars, canes, crops, whips, sounds, etc., etc.  There's also the ever expanding wardrobe for the crossdressers and those into forced fem.  AND...because I am very careful about cleanliness, there are expenses for cleaning supplies, latex gloves, condoms, etc.  I'm a pro domme because I love my job - it certainly doesn't pay the rent.
Mistress Scarlet

trannysub007 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:26:25 PM)

Thank You, MySweetSubmissive.  

MistressSassy66 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:36:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: MstrssScarlet

NINASHARP makes an excellent point.  Because I get clients with a wide variety of tastes (and never any toys of their own), I spend a lot of the money I make on new floggers, bondage equipment, cuffs, collars, canes, crops, whips, sounds, etc., etc.  There's also the ever expanding wardrobe for the crossdressers and those into forced fem.  AND...because I am very careful about cleanliness, there are expenses for cleaning supplies, latex gloves, condoms, etc.  I'm a pro domme because I love my job - it certainly doesn't pay the rent.
Mistress Scarlet

Amen to that.
That is exactly the way I think.I guess they are right when they say its not a real job
I never had so much fun at a job so this cant be a real job...Right? For Me already having a live in slave girl its an extension of My way of living...and it certainly doesnt pay the rent,but provides some excellent toys to play with and has made My life very fulfilled.I have been blessed to have met so many wonderfully submissive "worms" here.

trannysub007 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:36:55 PM)

nick, i posted 'whores' to lump together all the nasty things you said about women, more specifically Pro-Dommes.  Maybe it was HGB who used whore or prostitute. In any case,  the words are not even as important as the spirit in which they are delivered.  Do you actually feel you are a submissive?  Just for fun, why not post something that reeks of your submission?  And by reeks, i do not mean anything derogatory. i mean, try to post something respectful, that a truly submissive man would post in order to prove his submission. And no, you dont have to prove anything to me. i am just curious, since 97.964% of the things you have posted has been anything but respectful and submissive.  If you have time, please give it a try.

MstrssScarlet -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:40:19 PM)

Oh by the way, while we're adding up the cost of being a pro domme, let's not forget that everyone likes to see a well dressed domme in complete fetish attire.  Do you have even a clue as to how expensive that is?   I sure as hell do.
I would highly recommend you take some of the tips that have been offered to you, but unfortunatley I'm quite sure you won't.
Mistress Scarlet 

MySweetSubmssive -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 7:55:36 PM)

Reading the hostility in some of these posts has made me reflect on posts that I have written while jaded or equally hostile.  Sometimes it seems on these threads that everyone is complaining about everyone, and that lots of sincere people are looking without finding (Why can't I find a real sub/dom/slave/master?).  I wonder about posts of mine lamenting how "submissive men suck" or that there are "no good submissives,"  when what I mean to express is that the majority of men who get in touch with me aren't close to what I want. While I'm perfectly happy to upbraid people who I think are out of line, I wonder about how my crappitude affects submissives who are reading and who I might find cool.  I know, too, that if someone emails me on a bad day and they haven't been thoughtful about reading my profile and responding, I'm liable to respond badly. 

I think this is a gentle "mea culpa," a recognition that while I find the posts of nick and HB disheartening, that I have something in common with them.  (end INFP un-rant)

Trannysub, you are welcome.

Jasmyn -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 9:10:36 PM)

Nick please never come to New Zealand

naughtynick -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 9:14:47 PM)



Nick please never come to New Zealand

I dont want to. Australia is better :-)

naughtynick -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 9:23:54 PM)

All I have done is stated the facts of what men go through. Just because I am saying the wrong things women do to men, I am straight away labeled as a misogynist. I find this hilarious. But than again this has been happening for the past 50 odd years. Men are seen as second class citizens and only women are allowed to complain.Women whine about men all the time and they are never labeled as misandrist because of it. Just like that other thread ages ago called "no mistress does not want" or something. Whats wrong with a man having his view?

Owned1 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 9:28:59 PM)

Hmmmm one wonders why certain people cannot find what makes them happy, could it be they are simply unhappy people.  In order to find someone you need to have something to offer,  nick do you have anything to offer other than your negative thoughts?  I dont think they will get you far.

Take sometime to relook at what you are seeking, take a trip away from the computer, find some local groups and go and visit people in the flesh.  However I would strongly suggest a huge attitude adjustment first.  Even reading your profile you come across as very negative. 

If you apply for a job would your resume read with all the things you cannot/will not do and what expectations you have as to what the job will give you?  A well written profile should read the same, positive giving others some insight to the you you are willing to share. 

Good luck in your search


trannysub007 -> RE: pro dommes on here (9/7/2006 9:29:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: naughtynick



Nick please never come to New Zealand

I dont want to. Australia is better :-)

Well, it's not really submissive, but it's less rude than other posts you've made.

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