RE: Your Dom's Name (Full Version)

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AquaticSub -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/26/2006 5:45:54 AM)

I almost always use his name. He doesn't really like the idea of being titled. During scenes he is occasionally "master" and "sir" but these are only during scenes, or when we are joking around.

perverseangelic -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/26/2006 11:43:21 AM)

Forgot to add.

One of the reasons we don't do "Sir" is that we're invovled in a medieval recreation group (SCA) where the title of "Sir" is earned when one becomes a knight (chivalry/fighting prowess/service to the kingdom/etc). He doesn't quite feel right using the title when he's not there yet.

amuzingtoyou -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/26/2006 2:26:58 PM)

I don't really feel comfy calling him by first name. I do in public. We use alot of affectionate pet names, sweetie, honey, sugarbutt, etc...and when in private i call him Master or Daddy..usually Daddy.

charismagirrl -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/26/2006 5:49:04 PM)

i've never called my Daddy anything but Daddy (except for maybe 2x when he was teaching me something and i was told to call him Master and it sounded soooo odd).

When we first met i wouldn't refer to him as anything, always leaving his name out and refering to him just as You. (i wasn't going to just call him Daddy unless i felt that he would be my Daddy and then i didn't want to pick up the bad habit of calling him by his first name)

Even in public i call him Daddy, just in some places it's more quietly than others. When we're with family i simply go to him or seek out eye contact to get his attention so i don't slip up.

When i am speaking of him to vanilla ppl or ppl who don't know i refer to him by name, but if he calls and i am in their company i still usually refer to him as Daddy.

RedSavageSlave -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/26/2006 6:34:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: ownedandcollared

When you are talking to Him/Her, do you ever refer to them by their name? Does that just FEEL wrong to you, or are you comfy with it?

When I play with most doms.. their name happens to be my safeword.. because I will never call them that during a "scene" unless it was a call for help.. and much easier to remember than calling out a color.

spanklette -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/26/2006 6:59:02 PM)

I always call Him "Daddy". He calls me "little girl". When I talk about Him to others I call Him by His given name, but that's taken a while to get used to. It jusr feels so impersonal to use His name. If He says my real name, I always feel the urge to look behind me for the person He's talking to. I suppose it would be different if we had started out vanilla.

bigdaninwi -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/26/2006 8:26:39 PM)

Sugarbutt?  Who calls you Sugarbutt?  Starfish, BlueStar, Lovelieness, Girl, My Baby..they all work..

Kiss My Baby

afeathr -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/26/2006 9:57:50 PM)

I mostly use "Sir," even in public.  I get looks, and some think that I was a "military brat."  LOL  In private I use his name, occasionally, but it's mostly Sir or Sweetie.  From him, I am "Heart of my Heart" (which I LOVE), Heart, Slut, Little girl, Little one, Wench or my Sweetie...dependent on the situation.  When he uses my real name, because I hear it so irregularly now, it throws me off.... LOL

Mavis -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/27/2006 1:17:11 PM)

i always call Hubby by His given name,  Mr, or daddy-Baby, or Sir.  Master i always call Master, except in public, when i'll use Sir.

This weekend, daughter was introducing Master around her workplace. When she introduced me as her mother, most would turn to Master and say "So this must be your dad!"   she replied, "oh no..  Dad stayed home, that's moms friend.. we all mostly call him Sir." 

What was funny was that most of her work crew already knew about our unusual family, but it was kinda funny to see Him blush, she forgot to warn Him she'd outted the family at work.

Hercuckslave -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/28/2006 8:43:46 PM)

it feels really weird for me to call her by her name.  If we are in scene or a community environment, its always Mistress or Ma'am.  in the 'nilla world its usually "hon".

M's m

BitaTruble -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/28/2006 9:11:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: ownedandcollared

When you are talking to Him/Her, do you ever refer to them by their name? Does that just FEEL wrong to you, or are you comfy with it?

Sure, not as often as I babe him though  .. and I'm quite comfortable doing so.  It's one of the ways he knows I'm talking to him and not the computer. [;)]

I do use his given name of Michael whereas everyone else uses his nickname of Mike. At BDSM events or whenever he has me in high protocol, it's either Sir or Master and most often on message boards I refer to him as.. Himself which makes him chuckle and is the reason I do it. Once in a great while I'll call him Daddy.

He most often calls me little girl followed closely by babe and only calls me by name on the rarest of occasions and that's usually, but not always when I'm in some sort of trouble. In fact, when I hear him calling my name, I tend to move extra fast to get to his side because it's so rare to hear it. If he says my full name, that's an EEK, what did I do and I'm on my knees almost before I've arrived in front of him. ::chuckles::


armorfati -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/29/2006 6:08:17 AM)

Calling him Master makes me sound like I'm being a smartass and he's not big on Sir so I call him by his name.

badkittyamy -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/29/2006 9:07:44 AM)

I call my Lady by her name, Kat she dislikes most titles and we both think Mistress Kat sounds ridiculous though it looks lovely. I call Her Ma'am at times but She thinks that one makes Her sound old. That is why i say my Lady, though again this is rarely used because I'm allowed to address Her by Her real name.
Our dynamics are a bit different because She is my Domme and girlfriend, She is also a swinger and married. Her husband is in the army so generally while in public at Her house we have to play no touchies we're just friends we swear.

krys -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/29/2006 9:32:15 AM)

I refer to him by what is most appropriate at the time.  Master, his name or, when Im really lucky, "Oh god, oh God, Oh God!!!!"  I am comfortable with all of them.

sophia37 -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/29/2006 2:05:01 PM)

My favorite is oooh Baby mode. lol 

Emperor1956 -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/29/2006 2:30:27 PM)

Hmmm.  I call her girl, or miss, or darling, or her name.  In referring to her to others I use "my girl" or sometimes her name, or if they don't get it otherwise "my submissive."    She calls Me Sir, hon or honey or sunshine (which I've grown to love).  I know she uses My name with her friends and husband, because sometimes I'll get an inquiry about "how's XXXX doing?" or "Are you spending Friday night with XXXX?"

I used to want her to call Me "Reason for living" but that's just so hard to refer to in a phone call *smirk*


patina -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/30/2006 5:26:43 PM)

I had a Previous Master who wanted me to call him Sir in public and Master in private.  I have a new one now that I will be calling Daddy in private and his name in public and in my family presence his name. 
He does not really desire to be called Master, except on special occasions.  He expect Sir when he is being serious or giving instructions.

JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/30/2006 7:58:08 PM)

I use to call my late Master "Daddy" ....he perferred me calling him Daddy as did I....

velvetears -> RE: Your Dom's Name (9/30/2006 10:49:35 PM)

No one in my life presently but i called my ex Master except when in public, then i had to address him as Sir.  When i was around his family or mine i called him by name - i was always afried i would slip and say Master. He once had me accompany him to a convention where he registered me as his daughter (to save money) so the whole weekend i jokingly referred to him as Daddy lol.... i don't think he liked that term cause it made him feel old lol. 

In future relationships i would prefer to never use the term Master again. Sir would be the tit;e i would feel most confy with. 

cherishableslave -> RE: Your Dom's Name (10/1/2006 9:57:26 AM)

 i also ways call my Master, Daddy, or Baby, Honey. If i am in trouble i will always call Him Sir. Mostly i call him Daddy though, in public i call him Babe, Honey, i am never to call Him Sir in public.

                                                            Sincerely Ryboom's Lil girl

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