RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (Full Version)

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Zinja2007 -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/29/2006 5:45:38 PM)

Sweetie, you woulnt need to afford it, if  you've found your loving female  dominate to partner with longterm.  I hope you do one day.  I am sorry that pros are the only source of bdsm play you're able to secure right now, but at least you can get some play though.  albeit, you pay a fee.   But dont let the "paying" get to you, believe me - - dominate women who do it for a living DO love playing in a scene (professionally or NOT!!).  Ever hear of Dommespace.  ;)

MisPandora -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/29/2006 5:49:30 PM)



You don't seem to be looking for a DOMINANT WOMAN, you seem to be looking for a Mistress.  Mistress' can be DOMINANT WOMEN but most of them are Professional's.  You say you want casual encounters and make a point of saying you don't want a 24/7 relationship...thats the difference.  ENCOUNTERS cost money for the most part, RELATIONSHIPS cost time, energy, effort.  Define what you want and look for that.

Ms Loren

Huh?  Where'd you come up with that definition?

ineedotk -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/29/2006 11:21:05 PM)

EbonyFtshGoddess, I must say you are very hot, and I love you profile.  I'd pay you without being asked to.

MistressStchWich -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/29/2006 11:28:49 PM)

I am sure there are untold numbers of people in your life or even strangers in the vanilla world who would be happy to boss you around for free...they are called parents, siblings, employers, government bodies, law enforcement officer, judges....shall I continue the list?.....I don't know of any other way to get it for free unless you invest the time and effort into building a relationship that includes such fun.

justinca200 -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/29/2006 11:36:16 PM)

i'm not seeking encounters as such , but as said in i seek a relationship , which i understand takes time and effort and energy, and alot of them are just in for the money ,as we all know , paper makes the world go round, so where does one set  a price for this too happen, if someone spends alot of time and encounters do cost money , how much money should one take??,if spending thousands for nothing , then one is being used wouldnt you think??????? or are all the mistresses afraid of finding someone special and not willing to take that chance??. for a relationship, becuase there are some who seek have a relationship to fill there void in there life, and others just seek to have encounters.

LadyLockdown -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/29/2006 11:44:06 PM)

what statement did you mangle to come up with the demi-belief :

"are all the mistresses afraid of finding someone special and not willing to take that chance??."

Far too often we try to script or pigeon hole or generalize...if you have concerns about specific persons, you must direct your inquiry to them, if you are asking for a count of hands, I for one am seeking a cuckold slave that really is...and that requires a romantic involvement on his part, anything less is just and over extended date. 

EbonyFtshGoddess -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 12:46:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: ineedotk

EbonyFtshGoddess, I must say you are very hot, and I love you profile.  I'd pay you without being asked to.

i'm not a pro domme. although i've been getting a lot of requests & emails for sessions here lately. maybe i'm in the wrong business- time to give up mortgage banking and start beating people's arses for a living. [sm=whip.gif]

your compliments are well taken however.

mons -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 2:11:16 AM)

i will just say simlpy it is not true

MistressMaamNH -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 3:35:54 AM)

When you date vanilla, what's the going rate for a burger and fries...a handjob?
If you want to stop paying for "domination" and being left "unsatisfied", first of all..figure out exactly what it is you want to submit....your mind or your dick. Next, do join a local munch-it's the best place to meet people who genuinely live the lifestyle....somehow, I get the feeling you won't ever get that far--it takes too much bloodflow above the neck to be very successful in following directions. 

ORIGINAL: womenrule

               I really enjoy being dominated by a women but honestly is something I cant afford. Looks to me that its a fetish just for rich old guys, some mistresses ask for 300 an hour some even 500, come on !! thats a week salary and we dont even have sex.


BeachMystress -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 7:32:35 AM)

Where are you looking that you're finding women who charge for Domination? Max Fisch? The back of your local dirty magazine? Have you bothered to get out and go to a munch and meet women who live Dominance as a lifestyle? While I do know a few ProDomme, few of them go to munches. Since very few male subs go to munches, it is a worthless venue for pros to use for referrals and they don't get paid to go. The ones who DO go are also lifestyle Domme.

As was mentioned though, what you seek pretty much means only a proDomme would be interested in you. What do you offer a non pro? Your body? I have news for you, we have dozens of men offering us that. You don't offer a relationship or anything we'd want. You're losing out to men who want to spend their day off carrying our shopping bags around the mall and drive us around or who want to have a deep connection with their Domme.

Why don't you rethink what you want from the lifestyle and decide if you do have something worthwhile to offer a woman besides money. If you do, check out and to find munches and events in your area.

MisPandora -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 7:39:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: BeachMystress

Where are you looking that you're finding women who charge for Domination? Max Fisch? The back of your local dirty magazine? Have you bothered to get out and go to a munch and meet women who live Dominance as a lifestyle? While I do know a few ProDomme, few of them go to munches. Since very few male subs go to munches, it is a worthless venue for pros to use for referrals and they don't get paid to go. The ones who DO go are also lifestyle Domme.

In defense of the guys on CM, it's sad, but some of them are running into hordes of women who are trolling here as fin-doms, or women who don't really come out with the fact that they're a pro in their profile here and then pop it on them in response to an email of introduction.

LaTigresse -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 7:48:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: MisPandora

In defense of the guys on CM, it's sad, but some of them are running into hordes of women who are trolling here as fin-doms, or women who don't really come out with the fact that they're a pro in their profile here and then pop it on them in response to an email of introduction.

That is sad on so many levels. First, being an observer of human nature I am not surprised, a sad statement. Secondly, that the few men that are honestly looking for something that is so important to them to be treated like that is cruel and irresponsible. Thirdly, it gives the men a terrible opinion of all pro's regardless of wether or not they deserve it based upon their own behaviour.

BeachMystress -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 8:16:53 AM)


ORIGINAL: MisPandora

In defense of the guys on CM, it's sad, but some of them are running into hordes of women who are trolling here as fin-doms, or women who don't really come out with the fact that they're a pro in their profile here and then pop it on them in response to an email of introduction.

That is beyond sad! I do not have any respect for a pro (or someone who claims to be pro) who has to resort to such subterfuge to find clients!

MisPandora -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 8:21:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse


ORIGINAL: MisPandora

In defense of the guys on CM, it's sad, but some of them are running into hordes of women who are trolling here as fin-doms, or women who don't really come out with the fact that they're a pro in their profile here and then pop it on them in response to an email of introduction.

That is sad on so many levels. First, being an observer of human nature I am not surprised, a sad statement. Secondly, that the few men that are honestly looking for something that is so important to them to be treated like that is cruel and irresponsible. Thirdly, it gives the men a terrible opinion of all pro's regardless of wether or not they deserve it based upon their own behaviour.

And most aren't what we'd term the classical pro domina of the DDI-scale type woman.  These seem to be the fly by night chicks who realized that they could make a buck off of beating some ass in their basement or converted garage.  Two of my former boys used to forward me copies of the inquiries they'd receive here and it was astounding.  (Granted, they were slutty stud-trolls and probably deserved to get hit on LOL)

DivaDuchess -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 9:28:04 AM)

WOW ... your profile screams 'TAKE MY CASH' ... I would look beyond the Pro Domme and find yourself someone looking for something 'deeper' even if just occasional.  The monthly supply or weekly supply of a fettish ... there are those out there looking for that.  Good luck to you.

Saint -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 9:46:17 AM)

I understand the context the OP is coming from. If you are going to go to a Pro though, then  you should expect to pay their prices. Its a business and sex shouldnt be expected at all.

That being said, why is it that the majority of Dommes I meet who are not a Pro, no sooner meet you, than their hand is in your wallet? All I want is a relationship with someone who is respectful, who is driven in their life to better themselves. I am busting my chops to eat healthier, to work out, to not smoke anymore, to get a career going so that I can have more in my life. I am doing all that and sacrificing a great deal to get there. And yet, the need to submit is strong. So why should I want someone who is not willing to sacrifice as much in their life? Why should I want to do all these things for someone, if their lifes ambition is to get promoted another 25 cents per hour at CostCo? I dont want anyones money, I dont want to ride in anyones slipstream, but I sure as hell want someone who is a success story in their life. I want to submit to a strong woman who is Dominant in all areas of her life, not just those areas involving what money I can bring her or what things I can buy for her. I want someone who has drive and ambition and doesnt want me for the money I can bring them. If I have to sacrifice and sacrifice and work hard, shouldnt the person I submit to also have to sacrifice as well? I hate to say this and I am going to get flamed for all this, but from where I come from, a woman who uses her sex to get everything she wants is known as a gold digger and will never accomplish anything beyond stealing from hardworking men.

Najakcharmer -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 5:45:37 PM)


That being said, why is it that the majority of Dommes I meet who are not a Pro, no sooner meet you, than their hand is in your wallet?

Possibly because you've attracted some gold digger types.  Also possibly because the overall infrastructure of this society as a whole tends to keep men in the higher income brackets and women in the lower income brackets.  There are exceptions to the rule, and this isn't an excuse for a woman not to seek to better herself to the level of her personal ambition and ability.  But overall there does tend to be a social expectation of ":man as primary breadwinner", and women are taught that a man's interest in them and respect for them is measured at least in part by what they are willing to spend on her.


All I want is a relationship with someone who is respectful, who is driven in their life to better themselves. I am busting my chops to eat healthier, to work out, to not smoke anymore, to get a career going so that I can have more in my life. I am doing all that and sacrificing a great deal to get there. And yet, the need to submit is strong. So why should I want someone who is not willing to sacrifice as much in their life? Why should I want to do all these things for someone, if their lifes ambition is to get promoted another 25 cents per hour at CostCo?

So you are basically seeking a female partner who is in your income bracket and social/professional bracket or higher.  There's nothing wrong with having those standards, though it will tend to statistically limit your choice of partners rather significantly.

On the fitness thing, I concur.  I would have a very hard time living with a partner who was not committed to maintaining his health and fitness.  It's a hard enough job looking out for mine without bad influences in my life.  LOL


I dont want anyones money, I dont want to ride in anyones slipstream, but I sure as hell want someone who is a success story in their life. I want to submit to a strong woman who is Dominant in all areas of her life, not just those areas involving what money I can bring her or what things I can buy for her.

What is a success story?  One of my colleagues lives (literally) in a hut and makes a fairly small salary as the primary on site researcher in a national park, but he is one of the most eminent and respected people in the world in his field.  In fact in many ways his name is synonymous with the field itself.  I would call him a success story from my point of view.  You might not, if your values are based on financial rather than academic achievement. 

Cultural and media messages bombarding us from childhood lead women to expect a man to be the primary provider.  The measure of the love and regard he has for her is in part what he brings home to support the household.  This expectation may be not only cultural, but may well have some roots in our biology and evolution.  Fighting against those deeply ingrained expectations is definitely a brisk swim upstream.

I can understand where you're coming from, but personally I would be turned off in very short order by a man who was unwilling to share what he had.  I am willing to share what I have; if that sentiment is not returned, then it's obvious that he doesn't value or appreciate me and the relationship is not worth pursuing.  I don't think I'm a gold digger.  I've only had one sub/partner in my life who made more than I did, and income has never been one of my criteria for a relationship other than "please be basically self supporting".  I don't judge men based on their income, so it would annoy me to date someone who judged me for my financial success (which is small to moderate) rather than my academic success  in a specialty field (which is respectable).  I would drop such a person like a hot potato if they expected me to change my career goals to pursue more money and less obscure science, because I care a lot more about the latter than the former.  Life is too short to let some man trash my niftiest career opportunities because he thinks I'd be a more worthy person if I brought home a bigger paycheck.  [:'(]

I used to be quite adamant about wanting to pay for everything because I was the Domme, but after a bad experience or two I found that I preferred that the dynamic of showing that you value and appreciate the other person by spending money on them works best for me when it goes both ways.  The actual dollar value doesn't matter, but I like to have that dynamic expressed and for it to go both ways so that we are both showing we value each other by small gifts, going out to dinner, etc.  It feels wrong for me personally at this point not to have that dynamic going both ways, and I would definitely drop a relationship where that wasn't working.

MistressChloes -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 6:13:08 PM)

If you go to a Pro Domme, what do you expect??  Do you expect her time to be free??    Myself, even as a lifestyle Domme, require regular tributes.   Its a "gift" for taking up My valuable time.

draba -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 7:26:16 PM)

Dud, I have not looked at your profile, but you should not judge pro-dommes in such a negative way. My Mistress is a pro. After a few sessions, she relized that I did not make a lot of money and had a service I could offer since I am a professional horticulturist. And even then, it is not about the work I do for her. Of course I garden for her and in exchange recieve session time. But when I am real busy and do not have time to work, I still recieve sessions. Some are bonuses and tips, others are what the hell lets have a session (no strings attached) The bottom line, take care of Mistress and she will take care of you. I please mine with gardens and she takes me to her dungeon to please her again. When I need a change, she arranges for me to go help one of her friends for session time.
Be careful what you say about Mistress', especially when you are asking them to whip you.

GirlofTruth -> RE: Why Mistresses are all just about money ! (9/30/2006 8:09:09 PM)

"If you go to a Pro Domme, what do you expect??  Do you expect her time to be free??    Myself, even as a lifestyle Domme, require regular tributes.   Its a "gift" for taking up My valuable time." are in total self-denial about being a whore.



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