RE: Older and Larger Dommes (Full Version)

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atursvcMaam -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (2/18/2008 3:03:20 AM)


ORIGINAL: SweetDommes

It would be nice to find someone like the posters who want someone larger - but like others, too many times we get "oh ... you're BBW" and then they vanish.  And it's not like we hide it at all ... I mean, you can tell from my pic here that I'm not a 'stick figure', and Holly's nice and curvy too (shown in the pics on the personals side).  It seems like every time we find someone, they turn flakey on us, or stupid, or stubborn, or some combination of brainless/witless/gutless ... On this site and others we have the same problem. 

And of course, judging from the posts on this thread, it seems to be only the much older subs and much younger subs who like BBW - with the exception of the ones already taken *grumble* [;)]  For our preferences, we want someone within a few years of us ... so where are all the single guys about your age out there who feel like you do, RP?

awww, i feel old here.  i will keep my aged eyes open for You, if You wish, Ma'am.

SweetDommes -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (2/18/2008 4:15:55 AM)

*winces at being called "ma'am" twice so early in the morning*  
I do prefer Miss, please.

At any rate, I'm just a bit discouraged at the moment.  The boy that we are currently talking to seems to be a- reluctant to share a picture of himself (according to him, his digital camera broke and he has to wait until his tax return to get one ...) and b- reluctant to talk to Holly (I can't, for the life of me, get both of them online at the same time for more than a few seconds).  

We have had multiples in the past few weeks who just haven't replied at all, despite things on their profiles like "would love to chat" and "will respond to anyone who writes" etc.  (I have a growing list of those whom I had better not catch complaining about people not replying LOL)  Honestly, the only thing I can think of that would make them not reply at all is because of our size - most who do reply with a "no thanks" it's because of our zoo or living out in the boondocks, or that we are poly.  I have no problem with that - but you know that the ones who are not interested because of how we look are just too fucking ashamed of how shallow they are to admit it ... I do understand preferences, as we have stated ours clearly - but be a man about it and say so, you know?

atursvcMaam -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (2/18/2008 5:46:03 AM)

Dear Miss Karen,   my apologies for bringing on an early morning wince. 

SweetDommes -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (2/18/2008 6:02:35 AM)

Eh, technically for me, it's late night LOL  I'm nocturnal - and it's a fairly common occurrance, particularly for those who don't know me well.  It's a weird aversion, but I've always hated being called "ma'am"

Mezrem -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (2/18/2008 6:15:13 AM)

The woman who brought me into the lifestyle years ago was a wonderful person who happened to also be a large person a good number of years older then I. While she and I no longer talk as much as we once did, I still value every lesson I learned from her.

To those who discount some one for thier age and size... I am sorry for you. You may be passing up a truly special person who has so much to offer.

Just my two cents.

ItalianSMistress -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (2/18/2008 7:50:12 AM)



I have an admitted Cougar fetish. I love older/mature women. It's that air of confidence and...I'm not sure how to describe it. That feeling that comes through subtle, in looks and words, that they can wrap you up 'round their finger and unspool you at their leisure, and my aren't you cute when you try to resist? That's darling, here's a cookie.

*drifts a bit, smiling*

I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

OMG I have not looked at this thread until now, but this made Me crack up!  A morning laugh is always, always a good thing!
Anyway, I dont have much to say about the topic, its been over played.  Bottom line for any topic to do with this is, some like it, some dont, both have that right. Its not something we control, it just happens, so deal with it [;)]

pheramoneslave -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/4/2008 7:10:52 PM)

Love you older larger women.

steffie -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/4/2008 9:00:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: lunamor

What is it that attracts you to them... er, to us?

As a woman gets older and wiser, she gets better in so many ways. 

The more she understands about life, the greater her confidence in herself, the sexier she becomes. 

The Domme has got to be smarter than me.  That's a prerequisite, if she wants me to follow her - and keep me in line.  For me, it all starts with mental control.  And older women definitely have the experience and maturity advantage over young women.  They've seen more.  They know more.  They usually have a pretty good idea of exactly what they want.  Which cuts through a lot of games and bull----.

I once had a Domme that was 7 years older than myself and 100 pounds heavier.  She had so much knowledge about so many things, i just loved to hear her talk about art history, music... her observations, perceptions and conversation were priceless.  And, it made my heart go pitter-pat when she would pick me up and started throwing me around on the bed!

The size thing is probably something that some women get uptight about.  And they shouldn't.  Being physically more powerful works wonderfully to your advantage.

Dnomyar -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/5/2008 5:50:43 AM)

Mmmm I love large woman but what am I to do. There are none here older than me.

aidan -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/5/2008 8:25:35 AM)


ORIGINAL: steffie
I once had a Domme that was 7 years older than myself and 100 pounds heavier.  She had so much knowledge about so many things, i just loved to hear her talk about art history, music... her observations, perceptions and conversation were priceless.  And, it made my heart go pitter-pat when she would pick me up and started throwing me around on the bed!

The size thing is probably something that some women get uptight about.  And they shouldn't.  Being physically more powerful works wonderfully to your advantage.

A-fuckin'-men. Mistress is much bigger and more powerfully built than me, and when She exerts that strength advantage I just melt into a sexy submissive puddle. Being tossed and pushed around the bed, *purrrrrr*...

And then just laying and talking with Her about philsophy and history and comics and absorbing all the stuff She knows, *le sigh*.

I feel kinda sorry for the other guys who don't appreciate the older and larger Dommes. You're missin' out, boy-howdy.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/5/2008 8:30:25 AM)



Mmmm I love large woman but what am I to do. There are none here older than me.

Awww sweetie!  I loves me some old guy, never fear!

When they bring me cake and coffee, especially....

abqowner -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/5/2008 8:32:40 AM)

I really love how the thread is phrased - not "old and large" but "older and larger"!  Ha!  Fine diplomacy there.

Certainly I qualify for both terms, and I'm not the least apologetic.  I'm quite happy with me!  Normally I find that either people think the height / weight thing is a turn on, as they enjoy a feeling of physical domination, or they just don't care.  Good slaves just want to be owned.  If they DO really have a problem / hang up / insistance / opinion about physical appearance, IMNSHO, they're not slaves so there's no sense in wasting time with them anyway.

MistressLena2 -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/5/2008 9:50:17 AM)

I appreciate the fact that there are submissive men and women out there that can appreciate the older, wiser, BBW Domme...we definately know what we want from life, our subs, and everything else in between.  We are proud of who we are, and where we came from, to be that Woman.  My hat goes off to all of you subby's out there, that admire us!

lateralist1 -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/5/2008 10:03:26 AM)

Older and larger than whom?
I'm older and larger than lots of women.
I'm also younger and smaller than lots of women.
I like tall, dark and handsome men with nice small rounded arses chest hair.
I've met a few from here but I didn't like them as people. However each one taught me something.
Physical appearance has nothing whatsoever to do with personality.
Do correct me if you think I'm wrong.
The only really true comment I have read is that a larger person who keeps themselves fit is healthier than a thin person who doesn't.
Larger people who don't keep themselves fit are more prone to heart disease, diabetes etc. True or false? If it was true would all the BBW's on here try to lose some weight and get fitter.
Now there I go again being difficult and nasty.
I'm actually trying to lose weight and to get fitter.
I am not trying to lose my curves because I like them.

ShaktiSama -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (5/5/2008 11:44:17 AM)


A-fuckin'-men. Mistress is much bigger and more powerfully built than me, and when She exerts that strength advantage I just melt into a sexy submissive puddle.

Mmmm-hmmm.   A very sexy submissive puddle.  Yum yum.

sub2divine -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (3/1/2009 7:59:51 PM)

Older and larger. [:D] Yes and YES!!!

hardbodysub -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (3/1/2009 8:27:34 PM)

Older and larger don't have to go together, you know. It's two different issues entirely.

I do admit, that as one ages, there is a tendency (at least in the U.S.) for people to put on weight. But just take a look at the young people in this country, and you'll see that a LOT of them are large as well.

ShaktiSama -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (3/1/2009 9:40:17 PM)

*giggles* What an opportune moment for this thread to resurface.

aidan -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (3/1/2009 10:00:39 PM)

I know I love'm *squeezes Mistress* ^__^

Freyathelady -> RE: Older and Larger Dommes (3/2/2009 7:19:48 AM)

This thread made me incredibly happy.  Although I am young and thin myself.  I am aware that many women in the country (USA) are treated poorly because of their age and/or weight and it's just not fair.  (There's really no way to win either.  Being young and thin doesn't save you.  I've been put down because I don't have a large enough bust).  In the BDSM comunity if any where, women should be able to be what they want to be.  After all, she's the domme.  She's not there to please you.  You're there to please here.  Your mistress should be the most beautifule thing to you whatever she looks like because she is your mistress and her power is the glamor that makes her shine in your eyes.  I'm glad to see that there are many people who agree and who haven't been brainwashed by the unfair standards of the vanilla comunity. 

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