RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (Full Version)

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LaTigresse -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 11:58:25 AM)


ORIGINAL: LuckyAlbatross


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse
It had me laughing so hard I snorted water out my nose. Not a pretty site. Rather painful actually.

Would we call that a silver shower?

Since I have no cold or congestion I believe that would be a good description. [:D]

adaddysgirl -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 12:01:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

True is a four letter word....but that doesn't make it a BAD word. Actually I think it's a rather good word. I am really annoyed how so many make a mockery of it here. I think all this "twue" crap is pretty immature....and all of the other "w" speak too.. Personally, after looking at the definition of true, I know that I would not be involved with anyone on a serious level if I felt they did not have the characteristics associated with the word. Steadfast, loyal, honest, just, truthful, ideal, essential, consistent. I don't understand how those are bad things to be. Granted, what rings true for me may not ring true for you.....but the word actually has some least for me.

i hate it too.  i mean, the first time i saw it, when someone called themself a 'true' something, and 'twue' was used back, i did get a chuckle out of it.  But the next 50 posts using 'w' in all the words was really just plain annoying....and childish  [:'(]
BTW....i have a great sense of humor too!   And that's TRUE!   [sm=lol.gif][sm=lol.gif][sm=lol.gif]

darkinshadows -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 12:03:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin


ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

 the whole 'picking on others' notion.

And you just hit it. There are some here who use it in a humorous context....but there are others here that use it as a weapon to put others down. I have an issue with the latter.

Erin - it does not matter.  Having an issue with it is letting it have some effect on you and so you give it and those who do it control.  It is no different to those who have an issue about those they deem 'fake'.... or 'pro dommes' or no amount of negative posts we get.
People use humour to belittle others.  They always have and it will continue to do so.  Doesn't make it right, but doesn;t mean you have to let it effect you either...  other people see it - notice it. -  If you do, so do others... that is always something to reach out and grasp....
Peace and Rapture

CreativeDominant -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 12:15:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin


ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

 the whole 'picking on others' notion.

And you just hit it. There are some here who use it in a humorous context....but there are others here that use it as a weapon to put others down. I have an issue with the latter.

You know erin, I agree with you quite often.  This is one of those times when I do not.

It is not that I disagree with you that there are times when people use the term to belittle others.  They do.  LeI haven't been here as long as you and so may have missed a huge portion of what led up to the straw breaking you but a majority of the times that I have seen it used is after someone of the "One True Way" philosophy has made a statement belittling and condescending of others. Sort of a tit-for-tat statement. Is it the most grown-up way to argue?  Probably not.  Is it humorous?  If taken in the proper context, it can be.  I take it in the context that Mn ottertail mentioned:  an oblique reference to the "twuly gweat hunter", Elmer Fudd.  The thread in which I've noted it most recently was a compilation of posts after someone asked that oft-asked question "are people real or true on this site"?

As for having an issue with those who use it to mock people vs. those who use it in a humorous manner...~shrugs~...perhaps some of those who use it to mock have done all the intelligent arguing they are going to do with the "true"s among us (note that I am using the quotes to signify a "One True Way-er" vs someone who falls into the definition of true as set forth in the dictionary and put up by you) that this is all they have left.  It might be mocking and condescending ...even a form of a flame...but perhaps its better than someone coming out and stating "You "true" whatevers are so full of feces that it's beginning to ooze out of your eyes and every statement out of your mouth is so repugnant that the words themselves smell as bad as your breath, making the air around here twice unbearable". 

Iskander -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 1:00:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Emperor1956

"Twue" is an inside joke (I know, I'm one of the first to use it around here).  If you don't get it, you don't know who The Impressive Clergyman was.  If it offends you so much you need to post about it, you are clueless and you probably have very little sense of humor.  Big surprise.

I will leave the debate over "true" as a descriptor, but I will say that those that "get it" (holly, julia, katy, MisPandora) are as usual right, and the others...well...breeding does tell.


A horse walks into a bar and the barman asks him, "why the long face?"  Oh? you've heard it already?!
So you're trying to tell me there's jokes that don't get old and stale? [sm=whoa.gif]

*walks off wondering what breeding has to do with the price of gags*


Emperor1956 -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 1:00:58 PM)


Ron says:  There should be NO doubt in ANYONES mind that I do it to sound like ELMER FUDD. . . . 

release the elephant hide slave

LOL!   be vewwy vewwy qwiet... we're hunting....EWEPHWANTS!

mnottertail -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 1:10:15 PM)

Heh Heh Heh....

I wiww git chou yet you cwazy wabbit!!!!!

I'm dwiving in my Caw,
Twuwn on the wadio,
I'm puwwing you a wittow cwosew..........

You just say no..............

Wobbin Wiwwiams and Ewmew Fudd pwoductions.

twicehappy -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 1:11:35 PM)



Somehow you've come to the conclusion (wrongly) that I was speaking directly to you in my post here.  I was referring to many posts made in those and other threads --

And just as apparently you missed one of the crowd  on the thread about definitions that i did start, opening a profile naming herself the twuestofthetwue for the sole purpose of slaming me and mine, along with several others who used the term twue along with so many  similar terms that the mods eliminated 2 entire pages of posts, warned those involved and we (Scooter, Jewel and i) received about 3 apologies apiece from several of the subs/slaves involved  

KatyLied -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 1:58:31 PM)

I didn't realize 2 pages of that thread thread disappeared.  But I noticed someone paraphrasing, in this very thread, some of the offensive things.  Interesting.

mistoferin -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 2:18:20 PM)



I didn't realize 2 pages of that thread thread disappeared.  But I noticed someone paraphrasing, in this very thread, some of the offensive things.  Interesting.

Yes Katy, that would have been me. I paraphrased it because I thought it was a prime example of what I am talking about here. Not the people who use the term humorously, such as yourself...but as in that example, used it to slam and belittle someone. That example was actually most likely the turning point for me. Up to that point, to be honest, I had not given alot of thought as to how offensively it could be used....that particular example showed exactly how low some will take it though.

Mavis -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 2:47:08 PM)

i missed the definitions thread...  but wanted to help out the Elmer Fuddians a bit.

There is a way to select "Elmer Fudd" as the default language for google results..  the following link will only show an example, not re-set Y/you default language.

To actually make the selection,  click on "Language Tools"  near "Preferences"
or if Y/you have the Fuddian google up..  click on "Wanguage Toows" near "Pweferences".

Notes, there is also a Klingon version.  Google people have  too much time on their hands.  Should send them invites to CM.

Sinergy -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 3:17:12 PM)


ORIGINAL: twicehappy


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

True is a four letter word....but that doesn't make it a BAD word. Actually I think it's a rather good word. I am really annoyed how so many make a mockery of it here. I think all this "twue" crap is pretty immature....and all of the other "w" speak too..

Adults who baby talk drive me batty. It just sounds silly and immature.

Hello A/all,

I find it amusing.  I have heard Jay Leno use baby talk on his show.  Any number of other comedians do it as well.  Most of the words which Monkeyboy makes up in his speeches qualify in my mind as "baby talk."

However, I am not one to allow what other people do or how they express themselves to alter my emotional state or drive me anywhere.

Just me, could be wrong, etc.


spankmepink11 -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 3:25:44 PM)

I always thought i had a decent sense of humour, but must admit, a major pet peeve of mine is adults using baby talk...sorry...just me...

Sinergy -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 3:30:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: spankmepink11

I always thought i had a decent sense of humour, but must admit, a major pet peeve of mine is adults using baby talk...sorry...just me...

Talking (well, typing) like Elmer Fudd, and talking (typing) like a baby are two different things.

Please make a note of this.


juliaoceania -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 3:34:23 PM)

I still love Bugs and Elmer Fudd... I still laugh at this show... certainly I have never claimed to be completely "adult" as this would be boring and not very much fun. I guess that is why I can worship Ren and Stimpy because my Daddy tells me to, but that is just me, who cares if Im wrong

swtnsparkling -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 4:38:08 PM)

Quick reply

Talking (typing) Like Elmer Fudd just to be silly is one thing and it is quite funny- but the majority of this type of  Fudd talk (typing) that was done on some posts were  not  done  for fun it was applied as a put down to belittle others on purpose
That IMO is not humor

juliaoceania -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 4:53:29 PM)

Well I would not know swtnsparkling, I have never used twue in that manner, I have always used it as a joke in my posts... and we really do not know the motives of other people that use it in their posts and whether they are laughing at themselves or others to lighten the mood and not take things so seriously.... it's all in whether you look at the glass as half empty or half full

Sinergy -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 5:03:52 PM)


ORIGINAL: swtnsparkling

Quick reply

Talking (typing) Like Elmer Fudd just to be silly is one thing and it is quite funny- but the majority of this type of  Fudd talk (typing) that was done on some posts were  not  done  for fun it was applied as a put down to belittle others on purpose
That IMO is not humor

Hello A/all,

I agree that it is your opinion that belittling other people using Elmer Fudd talking/typing is not humor.  I do not recall the case number of the laws upholding the right of people to belittle or ridiculed people, but it was fairly clear that a person has the right to insult and make fun of other people even if the person being belittled and ridiculed fails to understand the joke. 

The court found that attempting to silence people's attempts at poking fun at people was a form of censorship and voted to protect the right of freedom of speech.

I would like to point out that it is your opinion as to what the poster's intentions were in talking/typing like Elmer Fudd on these and other threads. 

Just me, could be wrong, but there you go.


swtnsparkling -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 5:05:19 PM)


and we really do not know the motives of other people that use it in their posts and whether they are laughing at themselves or others to lighten the mood and not take things so seriously....

the motive was clear when the fudd speak was done on the other post- thus  2 pages were deleted.

swtnsparkling -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 5:08:00 PM)


I do not recall the case number of the laws upholding the right of people to belittle or ridiculed people,

You Don't? 


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