RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (Full Version)

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Iskander -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 9:27:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: FelinePersuasion
twue is making fun of people who think their way is the ONLY way to do things.

ORIGINAL: mistoferin

You mean like people who think using the word 'twue' is the ONLY way to deal with the 'true preachers'? [sm=ofcourse.gif]


FelinePersuasion -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/13/2006 10:28:41 PM)


ScooterTrash -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 4:34:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

True is a four letter word....but that doesn't make it a BAD word.

This is "True". From what I have seen, it is usually those who don't deal well with absolutes, any type of conformity &/or of course definitions, that have issues with the word. I've been a nonconformist for my entire life, but some structure is necessary no matter what path you choose to follow, without it anarchy would prevail. For some however, they aren't happy thinking outside of the box, they attempt to destroy it and not be confined by any restrictions because "no way" is their way. To allow anyone to dictate or define what they do, or who they are, is considered as a threat to their perceived reality. Thus, “true” or “real” does not exist to them and anyone implying that there is such a concept, immediately becomes the opposition and whether they are right or wrong becomes irrelevant. Because of this, it appears some people will nearly fight to fit in, but if you agree that they fit, they will once again fight because you are confining them to a set criteria. I've lost my tolerance for this and for those on-line with this mindset, I have discovered that the block button makes them fit much the threads are much shorter and more enlightening.

LaTigresse -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 5:44:02 AM)

Ahhh, but the problem lies in the moment you start deciding who decides what the true structure all the true followers really truely is. And I think that the true problem here is that you have alot of really decent but truely stubborn yet intelligent people with truely different perspectives wanting to push their perception of the one true way on everyone else. Then you get right back to the true beginning. It is a truely never ending circle of true madness. One I find truely preposterious for the true simple fact that it really truely does not matter at all except to our true selves and our one true one.....or onessssss. Outside of that, it is truely irrelevant.

Iskander -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 5:58:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Ahhh, but the problem lies in the moment you start deciding who decides what the true structure all the true followers really truely is........... Outside of that, it is truely irrelevant.

Surely everyone decides for themselves, and knowing that, all other opinions are just that.. opinions, irrelevant in the personal scale of things...

And we all know, opinions are like [sm=moon.gif]ssholes, everyone has one and everyone thinks their own doesn't stink... [sm=smile.gif]

(I've been dying to use that smiley since the day i saw it)

LaTigresse -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 6:07:48 AM)

I just LOVE that saying! My dad used to say it all the time, of course he was usually being assy when he said it. I inherited such endearing traits from him..........[:D]

spankmepink11 -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 6:57:57 AM)




ORIGINAL: spankmepink11

I always thought i had a decent sense of humour, but must admit, a major pet peeve of mine is adults using baby talk...sorry...just me...

Talking (well, typing) like Elmer Fudd, and talking (typing) like a baby are two different things.

Please make a note of this.


 Elmer Fudd's all the same, unless in the context of a comedy sketch, it still annoys the hell out of me.  But hey....i'm entitled to my opinion.
Please make note of that...[:)]

juliaoceania -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 8:08:48 AM)

Plato's Republic... what is Truth... I do not think they ever came to s satisfactory conclusion... and if they can't, I am certainly not going to burden you with my truth. I certainly believe many many things are true that I cannot prove as such, so I let them go.....

After all it is only a message board... it is not like it really matters a whole hell of a lot, not to mention everyone else's truth stops at my Daddy's front door... his is the only one I care about

ownedgirlie -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 8:14:26 AM)

I don't think the subject is specifically about what is considered true; It is about mocking and otherwise making fun of those who use the word.  Personally, I don't understand the mindset.  What likely began as making a point about "one true way" appears to have turned into an elitism of sorts.  For those who believe "true" types are also elitist, fine, but to reciprocate in mockery does not bode well, in my opinion, and after seeing it over and over again, it just seems silly to me.

mistoferin -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 8:41:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: ownedgirlie

I don't think the subject is specifically about what is considered true; It is about mocking and otherwise making fun of those who use the word.  Personally, I don't understand the mindset.  What likely began as making a point about "one true way" appears to have turned into an elitism of sorts.  For those who believe "true" types are also elitist, fine, but to reciprocate in mockery does not bode well, in my opinion, and after seeing it over and over again, it just seems silly to me.

Dead spot on. Not to mention that mocking others views in such a manner....even if the view you are mocking is a "true" way just as elitist as the person professing the "true" way view. It says, hey I'm superior to you because I am less rigid and open minded.....pffffffffttttt.

In the thread that is being most often brought up here....not one person on that thread ever said "My way is the "true" way and the "only" way and if you don't agree you're not "real". Actually, over and over again everyone was invited and encouraged to present their definitions and differing viewpoints. But the mocking started and continued and the "mockers" couldn't see the irony in that by belittling and mocking they were trying to come across as "superior".
Well how is that any less elitist?

juliaoceania -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 8:43:10 AM)

You know owned, I just do not agree with you, I think people have the right to decide the content of their own posts within the terms of service. They can snipe (and they have surely done that to me lately), they can snark (seen a lot of that pointed at my Daddy too), as long as they are within the terms of service I really have nothing much to say about it.

I think this elitism thing is in the minds of those who worry about such things.... there is only one elite on this board in my life... my Daddy. I like the words of many that post here, you included, but I do not feel I have the right to "norm" people into the behavior I want from them. That includes using the word "twue" or starting threads pointed at what other people say on this board.

You have a problem with one form of normalizing our social behavior (the term twue), but think that threads designed to attack one or two posters for their posting behavior are just fine? I tend to agree with darkinshadows on this one... both are the same behavior... and yet you slapped one person on the back for it and deride others for the same thing.

I have developed a pet peeve on this board.... someone telling me what the content of my post should be.. well I am likely not to listen to them. They do not "dom" my writing. Using "twue" is not an insult. Talking about politics in my posts is not going to negatively impact what happens here. If people do not like what I have to say they can snark me (and they DO, I just do not create entire threads to point it out) or they can ignore me. I really do not care which... but I can tell you, I will write what I like within the terms of service. The only one that has veto over my posting habits is my Daddy.

So people can snipe at the number of posts I have by creating threads about it

Or try to tell me not to "beat a dead horse" in my debates

Or tell me it bugs them that I type like Elmer Fudd

All I have to say is if my behavior bugs them so much on a message board that is THEIR problem.. not mine

rant over

mistoferin -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:10:43 AM)

Talk about snipy and snarky.

You seem to have no problem telling people when you don't agree with their behavior or that their views are wrong....IN YOUR OPINION....but oh heaven forbid if someone else makes such an expression of their thoughts.

If you want to snipe and snark at it head on julia....don't sideswipe at me in other posts. Better yet, don't disguise it with your usual brand of sugar coating or even qualify it with "in my opinion" or "that's just me, I could be wrong". Come on....tell me how you really feel.

juliaoceania -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:17:37 AM)

 it is not a problem for me mistoferin, I do not control the content of your posts... I am not trying to.

mistoferin -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:22:20 AM)

Well then I am glad for you julia that you have recovered so quickly from the problem that you obviously had just a few moments ago.

agirl -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:25:08 AM)

There's an amount of uninformed notions, sniping and in-joking etc  in many threads.......the word *twue* is the least of it.

It makes the boards amusing , for me....... Seeing some bashed with the word *twue* doesn't give me any sleepless nights..........LOL


mnottertail -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:30:07 AM)

General reply to ANYONE who takes ANYTHING out here with any seriousness.

See? Why the fuck would anyone take some personal umbrage at anything written on this site?
It is so REAL and TRUE and goddammit you just FEEL and it is a LIFE and the core of your SOUL.

Fuck that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This shit should be fun as well  as fulfilling or get the fuck out.

People slinging dictionaries out here like a bunch of fuckin' Jehovahs Witnesses, for fucks sake. 

Sorry it don't vibrate somebodies piss flaps at the right sonic wavelength that people talk like Elmer Fudd...........

Your opinion has been expressed and ignored as ALL opinions are out here, don't feel unique abou it.

Don't try to change the world people, just learn to give better blowjobs.

Think Globally, but blow locally, K?


adaddysgirl -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:32:01 AM)


ORIGINAL: spankmepink11

Elmer Fudd's all the same, unless in the context of a comedy sketch, it still annoys the hell out of me.  But hey....i'm entitled to my opinion.
Please make note of that...[:)]

AMEN sister!  [sm=applause.gif]   lol
BTW....i asked you a question on another thread (the sub vs slave one)....if you ever get back around that way...

juliaoceania -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:34:53 AM)

I said I had a pet peeve about people telling me what I can or should post within the terms of service.

I also said this

All I have to say is if my behavior bugs them so much on a message board that is THEIR problem.. not mine 

The same would go for me, true, if I am bothered by you it would be my problem. I am not bothered by you, but at the same time I am not allowing anyone here to control the content of my posts, for one it would disappoint my Daddy if I allowed my emotional states to be altered by anyone on the internet or my posts to be controlled by others... believe me, his opinion is 10 thousand times more valuable than anyone here.

We do not know each other, and you are probably a very nice person mistoferin, I am not insulting you.. I have been guilty of some of the same things that you are doing here in my life, and may unthinkingly do it again, we are all a little elitist, have our pet people, stick up for our friends if we think someone is huring their feelings... it does not make you a bad person to do such, but you are doing the same thing you accuse others of. Those people you are attacking, well maybe they know each other in the real world, maybe they are friends, maybe they are sticking up for each other too? Just a thought...

Iskander -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:36:38 AM)


ORIGINAL: juliaoceania
All I have to say is if my behavior bugs them so much on a message board that is THEIR problem.. not mine

This line got me thinking, I think it's an attitude most if not all people have had on fora at one time or another, I know I have... What would society be like if we always had this attitude while going through life? Do we in fact? Or is it just that it's safer to do from behind a screen?
Do we burp loudly in a crowded restaurant, cut in on queues at the bank?
Is it because trolls etc have dragged all net communication down to their level, is it because it's a form of release where the only thing hurt is peoples pride? (surely a good thing?) Perhaps it's because society teaches us that competition is good, that it doesn't matter how many people you have to kick off the ladder to get to the top as long as you get there?
When ya think about it isn't it a fucked attitude?
I love clashing minds over stuff, heck, I'll play devils advocate, I'll take the piss out of myself, anything to have a stimulating conversation, with an open mind anyway.. But I'm starting to wonder if they still exist..

Ahhh superhighway roadrage.. ya gotta love it... Well for me it's more a love/hate relationship..


angelic -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/14/2006 9:39:38 AM)

i have not read all the replies, so forgive me if this has already been said; however, those that use the word "twue" (egads that about did me in, typing that word) come across, imo, as brainless simpletons, who have lost (or never had) the ability to speak properly.  The sad thing is those that use that term, are probably at least of average intelligence, just trying to get attention.  Very much like a child that acts out in order to get attention, be it good or bad attention... it's sole purpose is for attention and nothing more.  Most certainly, they do not wish to appear intelligent.

(i am not yet completely awake, and am hoping that made sense).

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