RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (Full Version)

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Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/18/2006 11:37:20 PM)

A couple of things here.

First, the idea that we shouldn't do anything until we have a "perfect understanding of exactly how the climate works" is essentially the same thing as saying that we shouldn't do a goddamned thing at all.  We're never going to have a perfect understanding of how the climate works because human beings don't have perfect understanding.  But we have a very good idea, despite the smoke and red herrings raised by people who are usually lobbyists for energy companies (or their useful idiots), that greenhouse gases contribute to global warming, and that unchecked global warming isn't in our social or economic interest.

Second, what "harsh, anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist polices" are you talking about?  It's time to show your cards.  There are some very good pro-capitalistic things that we could be doing (and should be doing), but we don't, because the Administration is beholden to corporations that are trying to extract that last egg from the golden goose before it's time to turn out the lights.  Like a carbon tax.  That's not "anti-capitalistic" because it would REPLACE other taxes.  It would merely bring the market forces, which are currently out of whack because of insane subsidies, back into line to reflect the true costs of carbon emission.

Or how about a fuel-inefficiency tax on automobiles?  Same deal--it would merely REPLACE existing taxes, but, again, would make the price of inefficient automobiles reflect their true cost to the country as a whole.

What are YOUR ideas?  So far you started out by ridiculing the problem, then you accused people of crypto-Communism, and you've also suggested that we shouldn't do anything because supposedly we don't really know what's happening.  It's not too persuasive, Firmhand.



What I don't agree with is the agenda and focus of most of the people who wish to therefore impose harsh, anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist polices to achieve that goal. 

First, such methods in the long run will backfire.

Second, such methods won't be as effective as market-based methods, and will also cause as much, if not more disruption to the social environment than a few more years of "gas production".

Third, I think that it is hubris on the part of many to think that we now, finally, have a perfect understanding of exactly how climate works.  We barely have an understanding of how weather works!

Zensee -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 3:07:59 AM)





"Global climate patterns stretching back 740,000 years have been confirmed by a three-kilometre-long ice core drilled from the Antarctic, Nature reports."

"Initial tests on gas trapped in the ice core show that current carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are higher than they have been in 440,000 years."

Stick that in your volcano and smoke it.

Welllll .....

A couple of things.

It wasn't me that talked about "volcanos" so, I'll politely decline to "smoke it", thank you very much.

This is exactly the type of attitude that I was talking about in my post above.

I'm a skeptic.  The more someone tries to pound something into me, force me to accept it, the more that there is a feeling of "hey, you gotta believe this" I get, the more I tend to resist.

I've found over my life that when "everyone knows" something, there is a good chance that it isn't true, and I have to go through a pretty detailed and lengthy process before I'll accept their facts and beliefs.

I tend to be very much of a believer in critical thinking, and not much of a trusting person in what I read in the media, either good or bad about a subject. 

The BBC in particular, is a source that I'm skeptical of, for good reason, as it is a self-identified "progressive" partisan institution.

And a critical reading of that particular article doesn't really lead one to any kind of solid belief that it has much to do with global warming.  It's not a scientific paper.  It doesn't give any details that can tell you much of anything, or place it into any kind of framework.  It does, however, reinforce your belief of "global warming" if you are already so disposed to that belief.

Tell ya what I read from the article:

Over the last 400,000 years, generally the world is a much colder place.  Occasionally there are "warm spells" that generally last about 10,000 years (which is about how long our current "warm spell" has lasted), but because of similar planetary orbits, our current "warm spell" seems to be similiar to one about 400,000 years ago. In fact, what the article says is:

That warm spell lasted a whopping 28,000 years - so ours probably will, too.

"The next ice age is not imminent," said Dr Wolff, "and greenhouse warming makes it even less likely - despite what The Day After Tomorrow says."

Of course, this is all couched in weasal words (as it should be): "probably" and "likely"

I might theorize that if it wasn't due to "man's intervention" that the next ice age is just around the corner.  That it is simply the increase in CO2 that is preventing the next ice age.

But there simply isn't enough hard data in the article to make any kind of judgement.  It's a reporter's take on some information, strained through a non-technical mind, for entertainment and reading by non-technical people, and allows you to read into it whatever your prejudices already are.

Take that and smoke it.  [:)]


I posted that for general information, not to offend you. As you ably pointed out, you hadn't raised the volcano issue, so why take my contribution personally?

And I have to wonder just what sort of apparently offensive attitude I displayed by posting a link to an interesting, factual article. I thought you were the champion of sober debate.

I post one fact and you try to overwhelm it with more than a dozen, mostly distracting tangents. It’s like fighting a hydra on steroids. The irony being, any substantive points you make usually get lost in your inventive theorising, especially about the nefarious motives of anyone with the gall to disagree with you.


philosophy -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 8:14:28 AM)

"Yes many, but not all, of the studies that purport to debunk global warming are funded by those who have an agenda. But what makes you think that those studies that support global warming don’t also have an agenda?"

......ok, what agenda? Are you suggesting that the vast majority of scientists who feel the evidence supports a higher-than-ever-recorded human impact on global climate got together and decided to bring down industrial society? Just because, as you have admitted, the nay-sayers have an agenda it doesn't necessarily follow that all their opponents have one too....unless by agenda you mean someone who merely reports the evidence. 

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 1:52:16 PM)



"Global climate patterns stretching back 740,000 years have been confirmed by a three-kilometre-long ice core drilled from the Antarctic, Nature reports."

"Initial tests on gas trapped in the ice core show that current carbon dioxide (CO2) levels are higher than they have been in 440,000 years."

Stick that in your volcano and smoke it.



I posted that for general information, not to offend you. As you ably pointed out, you hadn't raised the volcano issue, so why take my contribution personally?

And I have to wonder just what sort of apparently offensive attitude I displayed by posting a link to an interesting, factual article. I thought you were the champion of sober debate.

I post one fact and you try to overwhelm it with more than a dozen, mostly distracting tangents. It’s like fighting a hydra on steroids. The irony being, any substantive points you make usually get lost in your inventive theorising, especially about the nefarious motives of anyone with the gall to disagree with you.


I wasn't particularly offended, nor do I think my reply was offensive.

1.  You (perhaps inadvertently) responded to me according to the little notification on the bottom right of the post.

2.  "Stick that in your volcano and smoke it."  is a challenging statement, if I ever saw one.

The "attitude" I was talking about was one of "see, here are the facts, global warming is proven!" when in reality there was not much in the way of facts that supported a position of global warming.  Indications, yes, but as a general entertainment article, nothing of substance.

Yet it seemed to me as if you were using this article to prove your point.  And if that article is the depth of "proof" required to convince anyone of global warming then ... it is unconvincing - by itself - unless someone is already pre-disposed to belief on the subject.

I think that's basically what I pointed out.  If you took offense, then I apologize.  I was actually having fun, and was posting a little tongue in cheek (hence the smile on the concluding sentence where I mirrored your "volcano" comment).


Archer -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 2:39:34 PM)

3 quick questions that apply to the science of Global Warming.

1. The Polar Icecaps are receeding on Mars just as they are on Earth, Explain how gloabal warming on both planets can be happpening without Human interfereance on Mars being a factor.

2. (kinda actually answers #1) Scientists have confirmed that the sun is actually burning hotter than it was in the recent past.
   Please determine what part of the measured temperature changes on the Earth are due to greenhouse gases and what part         are due to the Sun's increased output of energy.

3. The Increase in temperatures measured in Urban areas has also been measured over the past 100 years and attributed to         Urban Sprawl. Please account for the changes in recorded temperatures at measuring stations in areas, that 100 years ago
   were small towns and development has now surounded the stations used to record the data trends.

Now before going all nuts and saying I'm trying to disprove global warming etc. I do believe that we humans have certainly had an effect, my argument is scientificly when someone presents findings that effect the measured trend then it is always been considered good science to account for the variables, not ignore them. I am not saying we have no effect I am saying the effect attributed to greenhouse gases is over stated because not all the non greenhouse gas variables have been taken into account.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 2:51:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

First, the idea that we shouldn't do anything until we have a "perfect understanding of exactly how the climate works" is essentially the same thing as saying that we shouldn't do a goddamned thing at all.  We're never going to have a perfect understanding of how the climate works because human beings don't have perfect understanding.  But we have a very good idea, despite the smoke and red herrings raised by people who are usually lobbyists for energy companies (or their useful idiots), that greenhouse gases contribute to global warming, and that unchecked global warming isn't in our social or economic interest.

Second, what "harsh, anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist polices" are you talking about?  It's time to show your cards.  There are some very good pro-capitalistic things that we could be doing (and should be doing), but we don't, because the Administration is beholden to corporations that are trying to extract that last egg from the golden goose before it's time to turn out the lights.  Like a carbon tax.  That's not "anti-capitalistic" because it would REPLACE other taxes.  It would merely bring the market forces, which are currently out of whack because of insane subsidies, back into line to reflect the true costs of carbon emission.

Or how about a fuel-inefficiency tax on automobiles?  Same deal--it would merely REPLACE existing taxes, but, again, would make the price of inefficient automobiles reflect their true cost to the country as a whole.

What are YOUR ideas?  So far you started out by ridiculing the problem, then you accused people of crypto-Communism, and you've also suggested that we shouldn't do anything because supposedly we don't really know what's happening.  It's not too persuasive, Firmhand.



What I don't agree with is the agenda and focus of most of the people who wish to therefore impose harsh, anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist polices to achieve that goal. 

First, such methods in the long run will backfire.

Second, such methods won't be as effective as market-based methods, and will also cause as much, if not more disruption to the social environment than a few more years of "gas production".

Third, I think that it is hubris on the part of many to think that we now, finally, have a perfect understanding of exactly how climate works.  We barely have an understanding of how weather works!

1.  First, the idea that we shouldn't do anything until we have a "perfect understanding of exactly how the climate works" is essentially the same thing as saying that we shouldn't do a goddamned thing at all.  We're never going to have a perfect understanding of how the climate works because human beings don't have perfect understanding.

I don't think I said that we have to wait until we have a perfect idea.  I don't think we have a "perfect idea" about anything, but must work with imcomplete data.

And I think I did say that I believe that mankind is contributing to increased hothouse gases, and that we should take action to reduce it.

How you get to " essentially the same thing as saying that we shouldn't do a goddamned thing at all" from that is the problem I see.  Many "global warmers" seem to be closed to discussion about means, processes and facts. 

How many times has "science" thought it had the answer about something ... and it was later found to be incomplete or inaccurate?  "True believers" of global warming are closed-minded, not open to discussion, and seem to believe that we know everything we need to know.

They stifle discussion.  They stifle the greater search for a more complete understanding.  That was my point.


2.  despite the smoke and red herrings raised by people who are usually lobbyists for energy companies (or their useful idiots), that greenhouse gases contribute to global warming,

corporations that are trying to extract that last egg from the golden goose before it's time to turn out the lights.

Examples of attacking people who should be part of the discussion.  Insulting even.  You already HAVE ALL the answers ... why waste any time or effort continuing to engage in a search for better understanding?

Hey, all the people who don't agree with you are insincere.  They are fools, and greedy sons-bitches anyway! String em up!

Yeah ... they are heretics who question the one true faith.


3.  Second, what "harsh, anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist polices" are you talking about?

uh ... let's see ....
a.  Like a carbon tax.  That's not "anti-capitalistic" because it would REPLACE other taxes.

b. Or how about a fuel-inefficiency tax on automobiles?

What's interesting is what these specific two choices says about where your head is, LaM.

The two options you give are both ones that must be forced onto people against their will, by a government - "harsh, anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist polices".

As an indication of your underlying beliefs, this is exactly what I am talking about what is wrong with many of the "early adopter", "true believers" of global warming.

Taxes are negative reinforcment (and btw, I find it interesting that you define capitalism as the ability to tax something or someone).  I'm a believer, generally, in positive reinforcement.  Instead of punishing someone for behavior you wish to change, why not reward behavior you wish to encourage?

Instead of taxing big vehicles out of existence, why not have positive enhancements for small vehicles?  You know, maybe tax-breaks for them. 

Just the same thing, backwards, you may say, and you may be right.  But the philosopy and attitude behind it makes a world of difference.  Your way wants to force and coerce people "for their own good".  A free-market, non-statist way encourages, and gives the freedom of choice to the individual.

I can remember, back after Carter's reign of ineptitude, when tax credits and breaks were given to people who installed home insulation and energy improvements.  The result?  A new industry, massive insulation work, and a lot of reduced energy costs. 

Let me tell you what you'll likely get when you attempt to force people to do something.  You may get occasional compliance, and depending on the severity and likelihood of punishment, you may even get a lot of people to knuckle under to you.

But lets look at three examples of the type of laws you want to pass:

1.  55 mile an hour speed limit.
2.  Prohibition
3.  Outlawing marihuana

How are those things working out?  Why such problems with each of those?

My solutions?  Dunno, I'm not a politician (thank god).  I gave my idea of what was likely to work early in this thread ("Tragedy of the Commons" again), but instead of even looking at that, all the "true believers" simply ridiculed it.  Basically because their philosophical out look is ... ready for this? ... "anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist".


I suspect that "your side" will continue to belittle any solution that doesn't involve trashing capitalism and the US, and continue to claim utter moral rectitude on the issue, and there isn't a lot I can do to change that, other than point out the agenda behind it.

I think capitalism is the way to solve the problem.  You think capitalism is the problem.


meatcleaver -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 3:38:59 PM)



2. (kinda actually answers #1) Scientists have confirmed that the sun is actually burning hotter than it was in the recent past.

The sun is at the height of its cycle. I'm probably showing my ignorance here but if I remember a little from my astronomy lessons from waaaay back there are several solar cycles, one every eleven years and one something like a thousand years and the sun is currently at the peak of both of them. Can't remember enough to speak coherently about them but as far as I'm aware these cycles have been factored into the equations and there is still an unexplained gap that can only be filled with human activity.

Marc2b -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 3:51:28 PM)


......ok, what agenda?

Socialism. Communism. Totalitarianism. Power. Money. Ego. To name just a few.

Are you suggesting that the vast majority of scientists who feel the evidence supports a higher-than-ever-recorded human impact on global climate got together and decided to bring down industrial society? Just because, as you have admitted, the nay-sayers have an agenda it doesn't necessarily follow that all their opponents have one too....unless by agenda you mean someone who merely reports the evidence.

There are very few independently wealthy scientists – they have to get their funding from someone be it a government, a corporation, a university, a think tank, or some "reformist" organization. If you are so willing to believe that a corporation will twist the facts for their purposes, what makes you think these other entities won’t? Also, reporting the evidence doesn’t mean the evidence is being correctly interpreted.

meatcleaver -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 3:59:11 PM)

We are busily tapping our fingers waiting for capitalists to come up with alternative solutions to other group's proposals but they don't come up with anything credible not show any inclination to do so. They have vacated the field and given the the play to their opponents, that is their problem.

Green taxes and the purchasing of green licences are the only realistic solution on the table at the moment because there doesn't seem to be any wonder technology on the horizon. Companies should be made to bid for licences to pollute and if they go over their allocation they should be heavily penalised, this will make companies cost conscious and give them an incentive to reduce energy use. Green taxes should be used so consumers pay the full costs of their life style such as flights etc. and cars which are at the moment heavily subsidized by the general tax payer. Monies collected should then be reinvested into repairing and maintaining the environemnt and investing in alternative energies and more fule efficent transport systems a modern country needs.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 4:13:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

Green taxes and the purchasing of green licences are the only realistic solution on the table at the moment because there doesn't seem to be any wonder technology on the horizon. Companies should be made to bid for licences to pollute and if they go over their allocation they should be heavily penalised, this will make companies cost conscious and give them an incentive to reduce energy use. Green taxes should be used so consumers pay the full costs of their life style such as flights etc. and cars which are at the moment heavily subsidized by the general tax payer. Monies collected should then be reinvested into repairing and maintaining the environemnt and investing in alternative energies and more fule efficent transport systems a modern country needs.

It seems like you're comments in bold are talking about one of the very methods first proposed in "The Tragedy of the Commons".  These are "capitalistic solutions".  Sorry to disappoint you, but it wasn't the "environmentalist" that came up with those methods of social and economic control.

Seems like the "capitalist" have been tapping our fingers for years waiting for the "greens" to come up with alternate solutions.


BitchMistress4 -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 4:22:33 PM)

Here's a $1 bill, FirmhandKY, go masturbate.

philosophy -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 4:26:11 PM) ask what makes me think that a university doesn't twist facts to fit an agenda.......firstly, there has to be an agenda. All you have done is pick a few buzz words and call them an argument. What does a socialist have to gain from losing industrial society? Sod all, to be honest.....socialism tends to make its base in industrial groups. However, oil companies have a clear and obvious thing to lose from a green agenda. So, i say again, how come the vast majority of scientists support the idea of a man-made effect on global warming? What, specifically, do they have to gain from destroying the industrial base? (This is, i assume, what you fear a green agenda actually means). Your list of words signally failed to answer this question.
i feel you see a conspiracy where none exists. Basically, in my opinion, there is a large group of people (scientists) who look at the evidence base and come up with a consensus on what it means. There is a smaller, but more powerful group, whose interests are not served by paying attention to what the bigger group of people say. So, they pay people to lie about the evidence, and some people buy into it.
Your list of words, "Socialism. Communism. Totalitarianism. Power. Money. Ego.", simply doesn't constitute an agenda. It's just a list of words describing people you don't like.

Zensee -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 5:38:09 PM)



Seems like the "capitalist" have been tapping our fingers for years waiting for the "greens" to come up with alternate solutions.

When have you had time for tapping your fingers? Seems to me that you capitalists have been too busy greasing palms twisting arms convincing everyone that there is no problem OR if there is a problem it isn't a big problem OR if it is a big problem it is caused by volcanos OR that an excess CO2 is actually good for us OR that there aren't a host of other toxins and toxic practices that accompany the production of industrial sourced CO2 OR that the solutions are worse than the problem AND are actually secret agendas of the evil commies and tree huggers to destroy the freeworld, democracy and America(tm)...

Your capacity for the absurd is almost admirable.


Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:02:21 PM)

The misinformation that you people spread is absolutely unbelievable.  The polar ice on Mars is seasonal.  It recedes in the spring and summer, and is reformed during the winter.  Maybe you read an article in the summer about how "Mars is melting," misunderstood it, and thought that it meant global warming is taking place on Mars too?



1. The Polar Icecaps are receeding on Mars just as they are on Earth, Explain how gloabal warming on both planets can be happpening without Human interfereance on Mars being a factor.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:07:40 PM)

I'm going to respond to each one of these points singly to emphasize how abysmally ill-informed they are.

I answered this canard back in July.  Did you read the link I cited then?  Evidently not.  Well, here it is again.



2. (kinda actually answers #1) Scientists have confirmed that the sun is actually burning hotter than it was in the recent past.
  Please determine what part of the measured temperature changes on the Earth are due to greenhouse gases and what part         are due to the Sun's increased output of energy.

Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:08:59 PM)

I answered this one, too (back in August):

You never responded.



3. The Increase in temperatures measured in Urban areas has also been measured over the past 100 years and attributed to         Urban Sprawl. Please account for the changes in recorded temperatures at measuring stations in areas, that 100 years ago
  were small towns and development has now surounded the stations used to record the data trends.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:13:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

The misinformation that you people spread is absolutely unbelievable.  The polar ice on Mars is seasonal.  It recedes in the spring and summer, and is reformed during the winter.  Maybe you read an article in the summer about how "Mars is melting," misunderstood it, and thought that it meant global warming is taking place on Mars too?



1. The Polar Icecaps are receeding on Mars just as they are on Earth, Explain how gloabal warming on both planets can be happpening without Human interfereance on Mars being a factor.

MOC Observes Changes in the South Polar Cap: Evidence for Recent Climate Change on Mars
MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-297, 6 December 2001


    The residual martian south polar cap is changing. The fact that it is changing suggests that Mars may have major, global climate changes that are occurring on the same time scales as Earth's most recent climate shifts, including the last Ice Age.


    These new observations indicate that the south polar residual cap is not permanent. It is disappearing, a little bit more each southern spring and summer season. At the present rate, a layer 3 m thick can be completely eroded away in a few tens of martian years. Since each layer is equivalent to about 1% of the mass of the present atmosphere (which is 95% carbon dioxide), if sufficient carbon dioxide is buried in the south polar cap, the mass of the atmosphere could double in a few hundred to a thousand Mars years. That could lead to profound changes in the environment.

FirmKY  [:D]

Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:20:28 PM)



2.  despite the smoke and red herrings raised by people who are usually lobbyists for energy companies (or their useful idiots), that greenhouse gases contribute to global warming,

corporations that are trying to extract that last egg from the golden goose before it's time to turn out the lights.

Examples of attacking people who should be part of the discussion.  Insulting even.  You already HAVE ALL the answers ... why waste any time or effort continuing to engage in a search for better understanding?

Hey, all the people who don't agree with you are insincere.  They are fools, and greedy sons-bitches anyway! String em up!

Yeah ... they are heretics who question the one true faith.

Yeah, that's nice "please don't persecute me" rhetoric, but in fact what I said is true.  Look at the people who publicly deny global warming and find out whom they represent or who funded their studies.  USUALLY, it's an energy company.  That's not a matter of opinion.


3.  Second, what "harsh, anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist polices" are you talking about?

uh ... let's see ....

a.  Like a carbon tax.  That's not "anti-capitalistic" because it would REPLACE other taxes.

b. Or how about a fuel-inefficiency tax on automobiles?

What's interesting is what these specific two choices says about where your head is, LaM.

The two options you give are both ones that must be forced onto people against their will, by a government - "harsh, anti-free, anti-capitalistic, statist polices".

As an indication of your underlying beliefs, this is exactly what I am talking about what is wrong with many of the "early adopter", "true believers" of global warming.

Taxes are negative reinforcment (and btw, I find it interesting that you define capitalism as the ability to tax something or someone).  I'm a believer, generally, in positive reinforcement.  Instead of punishing someone for behavior you wish to change, why not reward behavior you wish to encourage?

Instead of taxing big vehicles out of existence, why not have positive enhancements for small vehicles?  You know, maybe tax-breaks for them. 

You really don't see that a TAX on inefficient vehicles amounts to a TAX-BREAK on efficient vehicles if, as I emphasized, total receipts are not to change?  The terminology that I use seems to disturb you (mainly because it challenges your laissez-faire convictions), but in economic terms I am saying something that even you'd have to accept, if only you'd see through the limitations of the ideology you keep repeating.

Capitalism isn't taxing people; capitalism is relying on a fair market to yield maximum efficiency.  What's wrong now is that the market isn't fair.  That isn't capitalism.  Taxes that force people to pay commensurately for the economic harm they cause only RESTORE capitalism.


But lets look at three examples of the type of laws you want to pass:

1.  55 mile an hour speed limit.
2.  Prohibition
3.  Outlawing marihuana

I didn't say I want to pass any of those laws, and in fact I'd oppose Nos. 2 and 3.  (No. 1 will be irrelevant when we finally convert to automobiles that don't use fossil fuels.)  What's the point of arguing against something I never said?  It's absurd.

I'd add another tax, by the way: a tax on the use of non-replenishable resources.  Or call it a tax-break for sustainable development.  Whatever terminology floats your boat.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:22:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

Here's a $1 bill, FirmhandKY, go masturbate.

Welcome to the boards BM4.  [sm=wave.gif]

I'm often amazed at the depth of intelligent conversation and penetrating wit that some posters show.  [:D]

Or is it that British humour that I don't get?

No, wait a minute ... maybe you are displaying the trait that you care so much about, and mention on your profile ...

Looking for friends only.
please be respectful.

PS ... hmmm ... maybe you are just trying to live up to your name?  BitchMistress? [:D]

mnottertail -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:23:04 PM)

Well this is far afield, and so is the idea of the thread.

I am not as intellectually ensconsed in debating as Lam and KY and some of you others here, but heres the gig for me.

You wipe your ass when you shit, don't you?  Why bother, shit goes away, don't it?  We don't insofar as I know, have Julius Caesars shit floating the fuckin Mississippi.......

Yes, people dirty shit up.  People should have a little self-conciousness and try to clean up as much of what they shit up as they can....................

If you don't-------------somebody will, and oh, fuck yeah, technology will take us out of it, or god will intervene.........something---
but nosegays didn't stop the black plague, they only stopped the stink.

Perfuming shit does not change its nature.

Even if I don't like a one of you motherfuckers (for emphasis) not for individual disparagement, none of us owns the world,  and you leave something to the children of the world.......some tangible, and some intangible.............we can instill  a better sense  of our wonderment than we had or have by realizing that we are not the center of the world but very important in its conception and its pitiful and mundane daily commerce.

John Brown, Harpers Ferry---2006

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