RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (Full Version)

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Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:33:57 PM)

That's been dealt with already:



MOC Observes Changes in the South Polar Cap: Evidence for Recent Climate Change on Mars

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:40:59 PM)



Why not go back over and read my words slowly? 

Take time to consider my point of view, rather than simply trying your best to attempt to "score points" off of me?

One of the most difficult things to do is suspend your own beliefs, and open your mind to the possibilities of someone else's position having some merit, even if you think they are way out in "left field".

It seems like, whenever we have a discussion it goes like this:

FH:  The price of coffee is $2.35 a pound in my local market.

LaM: That's BS!  I bought coffee yesterday and it was almost $5.00 a pound!

FH:  uhh ... that's not in my local market, LaM.  When I bought it, it was less than that.

LaM:  You don't know what you're talking about FH!  Coffee comes from South America, dammit!

FH:  Yes, I know it does, LaM.  What's that got to do with the price in my local market?

LaM: You don't see the connection?  The greedy capitalist are raping the local growers!  American imperialism at work!  It should be $10 a pound!

FH:  Well ... OK LaM.  Why don't we just agree to disagree about the price of coffee?

LaM:  I bet your religious beliefs get in the way, too!  I've got a 10 inch dick, and restrict myself to a single orgasm daily!  That's my religion!

FH: *sighs*


Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:44:42 PM)

You realize that this is bullshit, right?

Edited to add: But it's typical of the way you argue and argue and argue.  When you find that you can't respond to what someone is saying, you just invent some caricature.  It's a lot easier to respond to those caricatures.



FH:  The price of coffee is $2.35 a pound in my local market.

LaM: That's BS!  I bought coffee yesterday and it was almost $5.00 a pound!

FH:  uhh ... that's not in my local market, LaM.  When I bought it, it was less than that.

LaM:  You don't know what you're talking about FH!  Coffee comes from South America, dammit!

FH:  Yes, I know it does, LaM.  What's that got to do with the price in my local market?

LaM: You don't see the connection?  The greedy capitalist are raping the local growers!  American imperialism at work!  It should be $10 a pound!

FH:  Well ... OK LaM.  Why don't we just agree to disagree about the price of coffee?

LaM:  I bet your religious beliefs get in the way, too!  I've got a 10 inch dick, and restrict myself to a single orgasm daily!  That's my religion!

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:49:40 PM)


You always seem to miss the point. 

I'm willing to go to your last substantive post to me, where you "missed the point' in almost every respect.  But it will take twice or three times as long to point out your errors and mis-understanding than I really wish to expend on it.

Tell me this LaM - do you think "capitalism" is a good thing, or a bad thing?


Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:51:55 PM)

Frankly, Firmhand, I don't think you understand what capitalism is.  But I'm not going to prolong this discussion, and have you continually complain that I "missed" the allegedly brilliant "points" you keep making--and since you don't want to continue this either, let's give this up.



Tell me this LaM - do you think "capitalism" is a good thing, or a bad thing?

LTRsubNW -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 6:53:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

Frankly, Firmhand, I don't think you understand what capitalism is.  But I'm not going to prolong this discussion, and have you continually complain that I "missed" the allegedly brilliant "points" you keep making--and since you don't want to continue this either, let's give this up.

(Fortunately for all of us, I'm the only one in all of CM that continually makes brilliant points)

It's actually a gift....I don't even know how I do it myself half the time.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 7:02:53 PM)



(Fortunately for all of us, I'm the only one in all of CM that continually makes brilliant points)

It's actually a gift....I don't even know how I do it myself half the time.


You do often have some rather interesting take on things LTR, even if I don't always agree.


DrgnLdyCatherine -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 7:12:38 PM)

Not that I have any faith in the media... but I found this article to be pretty interesting. 


WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 /PRNewswire/ -- Lord Monckton, Viscount of Brenchley, has sent an open letter to Senators Rockefeller (D-WV) and Snowe (R-Maine) in response to their recent open letter telling the CEO of ExxonMobil to cease funding climate-skeptic scientists.

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Copyright 2006 PR Newswire. All Rights Reserved.

[Mod Note:  Please don't paste copyrighted articles here in their entirety.]

BitchMistress4 -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 8:29:41 PM)

Firmhand, quite frankly I'm struggling to care what is said on your glowing appraisal of capitalism thread since you're in a zone of self-righteous pomposity that irritates me.

You seem to judge everything by it's financial value and apply that ethos to a (somewhat basic) political ideology and expect people to step back in awe of the shocking revelation 'Capitalism works'.

So I'll leave you to keep congratulating yourself and stepping back in self-admiration after each carefully-worded post you type.

I still think you get a boner over money.

(How far would your capitalist society get without the labour that produces the goods that puts the money in the pocket of the Capitalist?  Capitalism is not the reason societies succeed - hard work is.  Not that a Capitalist ever does any.)

Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 8:38:28 PM)

Yeah, this one always gets me.  The scientists are all just manipulating their data in order to secure research grants!  Jim Hansen of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies has been one of the most vocal scientists in the world about global warming.  Of course, he could NEVER find a job ANYWHERE if he didn't cook his data...


ORIGINAL: philosophy

Are you suggesting that the vast majority of scientists who feel the evidence supports a higher-than-ever-recorded human impact on global climate got together and decided to bring down industrial society?

Marc2b -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 9:54:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

Here's a $1 bill, FirmhandKY, go masturbate.

Hey!  How come he gets paid to whack off?  Nobody ever paid me to whack off!  I've always had to do it for free! 

But if you're paying, I'll do it for 75 cents.

Now that's capitalism!

Marc2b -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 11:23:46 PM)

quote: ask what makes me think that a university doesn't twist facts to fit an agenda.......firstly, there has to be an agenda. All you have done is pick a few buzz words and call them an argument. What does a socialist have to gain from losing industrial society? Sod all, to be honest.....socialism tends to make its base in industrial groups. However, oil companies have a clear and obvious thing to lose from a green agenda. So, i say again, how come the vast majority of scientists support the idea of a man-made effect on global warming? What, specifically, do they have to gain from destroying the industrial base? (This is, i assume, what you fear a green agenda actually means). Your list of words signally failed to answer this question.
i feel you see a conspiracy where none exists. Basically, in my opinion, there is a large group of people (scientists) who look at the evidence base and come up with a consensus on what it means. There is a smaller, but more powerful group, whose interests are not served by paying attention to what the bigger group of people say. So, they pay people to lie about the evidence, and some people buy into it.
Your list of words, "Socialism. Communism. Totalitarianism. Power. Money. Ego.", simply doesn't constitute an agenda. It's just a list of words describing people you don't like.

"When the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduce to the quest for power."
– Alston Chase
That’s because the agenda (which in this case is "saving" the planet) is just a facade. Do you think Al Gore’s concerns about global warming are entirely altruistic? Or might he have elective office in mind? How many concerned citizens give him money so he can save us from global warming. Fear is the most common tactic of those seeking power (and power is so satisfying to the ego).

You are only half right in your assumption on what I think a green agenda actually means. There is indeed a small lunatic fringe of radical greens that want to destroy industrial society. Fortunately, they have confined themselves to burning ski resorts and SUV dealerships. Even more fortunately, they haven’t killed anyone – yet.

Most "greens," I believe are decent people with genuine concerns but their concerns are based upon fear and biased information being fed to them by those who seek to acquire money and power with their contributions and their votes.

I don’t doubt that there are altruistic scientists out there but scientist are human, They want to advance their careers, they want to secure that grant, they want to get published, they want to hear praise from their colleges, they want to prove other colleges wrong. Sometimes it’s not so much the evidence they gather but how they present that evidence – or how others interpret it.

I believe that you and others on this thread have fallen into (or at least, gotten a leg caught in) what I call the ideological trap. The ideology seals itself off from outside feedback. Facts which support the ideology are accepted while facts that don’t are dismissed, and those who dissent from the ideology are vilified (if the ideology gains actual power, much worse happens to them).

This is (I’m repeating myself again) my concern with the global warming "debate." I see it as just another ideology whose purpose is to scare people into giving power to others. The outside covering may be different but in substance it serves the same purpose as fear of terrorists, fear of the Christian right, fear of the secular humanist, etc.

As I said before, I do not doubt that six billion human beings don’t have an impact on the climate (an I am not against a clean environment) I just don’t see any reason to panic about it since the climate is going to change anyway wether or not we have an impact on it. And I see no reason not to question what others are trying to spoon feed me. What does scare me is that others get so riled up about it.

meatcleaver -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 11:31:37 PM)



It seems like you're comments in bold are talking about one of the very methods first proposed in "The Tragedy of the Commons".  These are "capitalistic solutions".  Sorry to disappoint you, but it wasn't the "environmentalist" that came up with those methods of social and economic control.

Seems like the "capitalist" have been tapping our fingers for years waiting for the "greens" to come up with alternate solutions.

How strange that only yesterday many  companies in Europe were squealing like a pig because of proposals to meaningfully impose such taxes and companies were stammering and wanting alternative solutions. Personaly I would impose controls on them but when I look at the idea of buying options it seems a good idea, especially if the options are few in number and the bidding gets high. The first time I remember capitalists proposing taxes but there you go but I am a little sceptical it's a conversion on the way to Damascus. I'm a little sceptical about enforcement thinking about it as well, companies already pollute and are rarely brought to book.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 11:34:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

Firmhand, quite frankly I'm struggling to care what is said ...

If you don't care ...

Why read?
Why respond?

As an aside, if you are struggling, perhaps a refresher ESL course may be helpful?


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

 ... on your glowing appraisal of capitalism thread since you're in a zone of self-righteous pomposity that irritates me.

No, the ESL course probably won't help any.  It seems to be that comprehension is the issue.

My post 46:

Capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the others.


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

You seem to judge everything by it's financial value and

If this is your conclusion, based on the words I've written in this thread (or any other thread, btw) you definitely have that comprehension problem.

Cite me anything where I've judged "everything by it's financial value", my dear.  Ya can't. 

No, what you've done is what so many do.  You have this "idea" in your head (a stereotype) and when you see certain words, you react emotionally to them without any ability or desire to glean the actual thoughts and concepts around those words. 

You then react and post based on that stereotype, not the reality of what was said.


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

... apply that ethos to a (somewhat basic) political ideology and expect people to step back in awe of the shocking revelation 'Capitalism works'.

Unfortunately, many posters here have a belief that capitalism doesn't work.  I'd guess that you would also agree that capitalism "works", based on your own words. If so, then stick around, and you'll find out how few of the "power posters" will agree with you.


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

So I'll leave you to keep congratulating yourself and stepping back in self-admiration after each carefully-worded post you type.

Get over yourself.  Your snide remarks aren't impressive - they are pedestrian. You aren't successful in "putting me in my place" in that manner.  But, you're welcome to continue to try.  [:D]


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

I still think you get a boner over money.

You know you want me.  [:D]  [sm=banana.gif]


ORIGINAL: BitchMistress4

(How far would your capitalist society get without the labour that produces the goods that puts the money in the pocket of the Capitalist?  Capitalism is not the reason societies succeed - hard work is.  Not that a Capitalist ever does any.)

Hard work guarantees nothing. 

However, the most precious "capital" to a capitalist should be "human capital". 


Lordandmaster -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/19/2006 11:43:21 PM)

I'm just curious--who's been "spoon feeding" you information about global warming?  Most useful information about global warming is so arcane that you have to wade through pages of technical studies to get to it.  Most people don't read about ice cores while they take their morning crap or whatever.

Anyway, I'm only asking who these evil misguided people are who spoon feed the public about global warming.  I'm not going to get back into the debate over global warming itself, because I don't want to have to explain things like why volcanoes don't emit more carbon than human beings.



As I said before, I do not doubt that six billion human beings don’t have an impact on the climate (an I am not against a clean environment) I just don’t see any reason to panic about it since the climate is going to change anyway wether or not we have an impact on it. And I see no reason not to question what others are trying to spoon feed me. What does scare me is that others get so riled up about it.

thompsonx -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/20/2006 8:54:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterKalif

meatcleaver, analyzing what you write, you would love living in rural the cute little towns, with no walmarts or large chains....where people still buy at their corner markets mostly...look it up online hehehehe.

That sounds very inviting but do they have the bulldog there?

thompsonx -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/20/2006 9:00:53 AM)





ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

That's the same GM that trashed the electric car because their buddies in the oil industry didn't want Americans to have it, right?

Score one for the "corporations can't handle environmental problems if they're left to their own devices" column.



GM is supposed to be coming out with a plug-in hybrid shortly.

No exactly, while they did scrap the EV1, there was some merit to it. The EV1 was entirely electric, and as such had a very short range. Notice that no other major car company has a purely electric solution. This new car will be a hybrid which mean you have unlimited range, with the same benefits the EV1 had in that you can still select to charge it in between trips to further reduce gas consumption for charging the batteries.
I do think the plug-in hybrid will work for everyone, where as the EV1 was only practical as an in town second car.

So, if no other major car company even tried a concept like the purely electric car, I really don't see how the car company that at least made some effort is to lose points.

GM is not the only american car company to make a dedicated electric car.  I own a 1981 ford fairmont station wagon that was made in the factory as an all electric car. Range 60 miles  top speed 75mph.

thompsonx -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/20/2006 9:12:09 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver


ORIGINAL: losttreasure


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver

We can say yes it is no it isn't until the cows come home. Hunter gatherers trade but I'm trying to figure out where capitalism fits into their collective life style.

Again, capitalism advocates private ownership and control of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services versus community or state ownership in a socialist or communist system.

I'm not exactly sure how you visualize "hunter gatherers", so let's see if these metaphorical examples help you...

Capitalism as an ideology was formulated in the 18th century. If you look at rural European communities throughout the medieval era, while a smallholder might own land or might be a tenant, very few were in the cash economy so very few could speculate. They traded what they had for what they needed. For them trade had nothing to do with accumulating or speculating with capital, they had very little incentive in exploiting their neighbours because in lean years rural communities had to depend on each other. In fact the reason peasants got a bad name was because the educated merchants and growing educated classes who recorded life, saw them as feckless because they only worked for and consumed according to their needs. Something I can imagine is frowned on in the US in the same way it was frowned upong by medieval merchants as it does not create a profit, however, it does preserve the habitat on which the peasants lived. Though the idea of capitalism even if not formulated into an ideology goes way back. Archimedes (I think it was him) bought up all the olive presses in his region and so gained a monopoly on olive oil so he could control the price. Now one point of view might say he was being enterprizing, another point of view might say he was exploitative.

Karl Marx said “Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish, you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.”

I would prefer to teach a man to fish but then I don't believe capitalism or Christianity. I really do believe in the dignity of the individual and do not use the ideology of the individual as a reason to exploit my fellow humans. Yes, I have to make compromises because I live in a capitalist world but I don't have to believe in the crap it pedals as human dignity. If human dignity means exploiting my fellow human beings and destroying human habitat, I don't want it.

I think you may have missqouted Marx ....I think it was:
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for today.
Teach a man how to fish and he will spend the rest of his life in a rowboat with a sixpack.[;)]

thompsonx -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/20/2006 9:16:06 AM)



edited because I decided not to be a smartass right now.


Thankyou we all appreciate that.

meatcleaver -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/20/2006 9:32:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: thompsonx

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for today.
Teach a man how to fish and he will spend the rest of his life in a rowboat with a sixpack.[;)]

I think you're right thompson!  Marxism always lacked good PR.

Now who wouldn't exchange life in a boat with a six pack for eight hours making widgets in a factory?

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