RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (Full Version)

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bellagio344 -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/12/2005 2:26:53 PM)

to truly be a submissive, to truly submit to another almost by definition you would have "no limits" in regard to this situation.

ProtagonistLily -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/13/2005 7:54:38 PM)


to truly be a submissive, to truly submit to another almost by definition you would have "no limits" in regard to this situation.

Really?? Interesting. Could you expand on this please?

Apparently I've been faking it all these years.....


BlkTallFullfig -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/15/2005 12:21:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: dark~angel
What if He has that. What if He can see it... gets medical opinions... has that backing, but the sub/slave/kajira doesnt see it that way?

Wow Angel,
I've never thought of that side of things...
What a horrible and desperate situation to find oneself in. M

nella -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/15/2005 12:29:48 AM)

one do not need to be no limits to truly submit, but if somone want to be no limit, let them, it is their life they are risking.

stormsfate -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/15/2005 4:32:19 PM)

Oh no....please...not the death thread again ::sigh::

best regards,

CitizenCane -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/16/2005 8:41:43 PM)

I don't think there's any universal, hard-and-fast rule about where people will squick. The military has plenty of people prepared to die on general principle- sometimes even for causes they don't believe in. Some people can be trained to do almost anything on command if you find the right motivator. It's a little simplistic to call them mentally ill. Is a soldier's patriotism heroism or stupidity? How is it different from a submissive's personal dedication to obeying a Master? Just as some soldiers will balk at a certain level of risk, or a certain level of moral violation, so with submissives. We can wish a good set of moral imperitives on both groups, but it's absurd to believe there aren't no-limits subs and no-limits soldiers.

Citizen Cane

Gemeni -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/17/2005 8:58:02 AM)

It's just bragging.

I usually get past this with about 85% by just mentioning my plan for keeping a slave in diapers 24/7 for the first month.

Funny how fast they DO find a limit when that gets mentioned!

domtimothy46176 -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/17/2005 9:02:44 AM)

I'm of the belief that there are, indeed, those who, for whatever personal reasons, don't feel the need to invoke limits. I have yet to meet one of these foks in a situation where I was free to explore this, but I do believe they are a theoretical possibility.

Mercnbeth -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/17/2005 9:57:35 AM)


domtimothy: I have yet to meet one of these foks in a situation where I was free to explore this


Gemeni: It's just bragging.
I usually get past this with about 85% by just mentioning my plan for keeping a slave in diapers 24/7 for the first month.


My response to those that claim they have "no limits" is to give me 10 minutes. I guarantee that I will find one.


It's interesting watching this thread and seeing challenges such as these. Having a "no limits" submissive or slave doesn't mean that person has no limits. It's an indication and display of trust. When I see that notation I don't see it as a challenge - I see it as someone seeking or is currently owned by someone who has their complete trust.

beth is MY "no limits" slave. As I've previously posted, the reality is she does have limits - MINE! Those limits would include not allowing someone to use her who would see "no limits" as a personal challenge. What dominance is needed to prove that point? Is there "glory" in the process of breaking a person?

In all our physical encounters, some that people perceive as "heavy" or "edge" I have NEVER struck beth full strength. It is the same philosophy I had in casual play before beth. I didn't see the need for safe words because I knew the person I was with, she trusted me, and hearing her use her safe word, wasn't a session goal.

A person, without mental incapacity, who identifies themselves as "no limits" is seeking a trusting partner. They want to give up control. They want confidence. They are not seeking someone who can prove they are not really "no limits".

btw - Gemini, I know people who don't see your challenge as outside limits, but I'm curious. Who would do the changing? Or would it be one diaper for the entire 30 days? In that case, would they be isolated from your residence or would that smell be a turn on?

Gemeni -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/17/2005 10:30:29 AM)


Ok,I was using the diaper anaolgy as an example of a pretty common hard limit. I've done similar things and yes I had to be the "caretaker". This is pretty much a methodology of taking away a physical control from someone.

It's done prety much the same way you would with any incontinent person,with frequent changes etc......making sure there are no dangers with skin problems or infections. As far as smell? I'm difficult to squick.

As far as WHY I would do it?

I do enjoy control at levels like this,and a person who could go there for me. I pretty much use it as a "filter" to get rid of do me bottoms. It works VERY well.

darkinshadows -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/17/2005 2:41:52 PM)


beth is MY "no limits" slave. As I've previously posted, the reality is she does have limits - MINE! Those limits would include not allowing someone to use her who would see "no limits" as a personal challenge. What dominance is needed to prove that point? Is there "glory" in the process of breaking a person?

In all our physical encounters, some that people perceive as "heavy" or "edge" I have NEVER struck beth full strength. It is the same philosophy I had in casual play before beth. I didn't see the need for safe words because I knew the person I was with, she trusted me, and hearing her use her safe word, wasn't a session goal.

A person, without mental incapacity, who identifies themselves as "no limits" is seeking a trusting partner. They want to give up control. They want confidence. They are not seeking someone who can prove they are not really "no limits".

Whilst I understand your point, I think my worry is what the actually statement implies.
I, myself, would be considered a 'no limits' as I belong to Demon. And I can understand that beth is understood by Yourself as such as well. But what concerns me is the amount of 'no limit 'slaves that exist who are not owned, or proclaim to not want a steady or serious relationship. Or the Dominants who want 'no limit' slaves/subs but who look for only a play partner. Too me, that strikes a red flag. It's like a person who calls themself a 'Master' without 'owning' or calling oneself a 'slave' without being 'owned'...
Just a personal opinion of mine.

Mercnbeth -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/17/2005 5:33:42 PM)


Or the Dominants who want 'no limit' slaves/subs but who look for only a play partner. Too me, that strikes a red flag. It's like a person who calls themself a 'Master' without 'owning' or calling oneself a 'slave' without being 'owned'...
Just a personal opinion of mine.

Agree with all you say. Take my comment in the context that when I see "no-limit" I interpret it as one seeking "no-doubt", or ultimate trust. I don't see anything wrong with that ambition. My comment was directed at those who see it as a challenge in casual play.

wetrope -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/18/2005 10:53:02 AM)

Well i'v never met a sub or slave who hasnt cried out with a safe word.

FemLesSlave -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/19/2005 9:25:41 PM)

I am one of those no limits kind of slave.

I would not post this on a want ad. The 'no limits' part is specific to my owner only. I spent a long time earning my owner's collar. During that time, she was evaluating me, but I was evaluating her. Little by little she took me down and earned my trust. Not in one giant leap, but in small incremental steps.

My owner and I have a very similar set of ethics. I also know beyond any shadow of a doubt that she would never purposely harm me in any way.

Now, after all of this time, I can say I have "no limits." But that is only with my owner. And there is nothing that my owner could ask me for that I would not give. This is a lot. It is all I have.

But those dudes who get on here and without even knowing the person go on about "no limits?"

They are truly whacked. Some day, someone will take them up on their offer and then maybe they'll get a clue. [&:]

Mercnbeth -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/20/2005 6:32:26 AM)

Entry error - see next post....

Mercnbeth -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/20/2005 6:58:23 AM)


Well i'v never met a sub or slave who hasnt cried out with a safe word.

NO offense is intending by these comments.

To me, this statement says more about you than any slave/sub. The first picture that I got in my mind was the end of the session was determined by the sub crying out her safe word. If that was your common goal with sub then I can understand having and obtaining that goal 100% of the time. A safe word is like using a brick wall at the end of a drag race instead of using a parachute to slow down gradually. If every scene I had ended with an unintended safe word I'd work on my technique.

I be interested in knowing a few things to better understand. I guess the first thing is, do you see this as a problem? Do you think you were "out of control" or was submissive not ready for your intensity? How long did you know them prior to play? How much communication transpired between you? How long, or was there, any long term relationship between you and the submissive? Were you happy with the outcome?

Was the sub crying out her safe-word the goal of your session?

krazij9 -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/31/2005 3:09:02 PM)

I believe it means they will not insist on any rules other than the Dom look after their health and safety. It means a true submissive, not one who will have all kinds of rules, conditions, and stipulations on their submission.

perverseangelic -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/31/2005 3:54:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: wetrope

Well i'v never met a sub or slave who hasnt cried out with a safe word.

That is just as telling of the dominants in question as it is of the submissives.

THe ONLY time I used a safeword was when a previous (eventuallya busive) partner began to beat me while he was incredibly angry. It scared me so much I safeworded.

First and only time. This does not reflect on me so much as on him.

heh. Merc said that too ;) Didn't get as far as his post when I wrote mine, guess it struck several chords.

perverseangelic -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/31/2005 3:55:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: krazij9

I believe it means they will not insist on any rules other than the Dom look after their health and safety. It means a true submissive, not one who will have all kinds of rules, conditions, and stipulations on their submission.

Stipulations like "I will not harm others" or "I will not violate someone's informed consent"? I think you're taking a too-simplistic view of this.

Alexander -> RE: NO Limits Subs and Slaves (3/31/2005 5:02:23 PM)

this may be slightly off topic but this talk of safe words leads me to something Ive been thinking about concerning sadism.

Its always bothered me just a tinge when people say in profiles or in talk, "I'm a sadist" with that little bit of pride. For me I know I Have a sadist inside me but it's not something I feel should be lauded. I wonder if other dominant types can confirm this experience.. many times I've experienced that violence coming out and have had to safe word myself, internally. That urge to really hurt someone, true sadism, is something I believe, and its only opinion, we control more then release, or at least should. I think this needs an example.

I was directing 3 men I barely knew in the room of a woman I knew well. They had walked in on us during a party, non bdsm related. What they walked in on was definitly bdsm related. I talked them through what they could do. Knew the girl and knew what she wanted. But while I was having a turn, something happened and I was no longer striking with care, simply violence and some sort of loathing of humanity that I normally maintain within a snide or sarcastic aire. The girl was strong. I doubt I could have done worse to her then she was ready for. She said through grit teeth, both in gratitude and by way of explaining to the somewhat shocked onlookers. Alex is just a sadist. She sounded like it was a compliment. I stopped. What was coming out of me was not admirable no matter how submissive or willing the girl was. It was not desireable or good. It was a part of human nature I think we all have that must be carefully maintained.

So , maybe to try to reflect this back on the subject. Maybe what we should worry about isn't no limit subs but no limit doms. (well no duh Alex.)

Alex.-still restating the obvious

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