RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 5:56:37 AM)

I don't get it, I offered to beat the shit out of you many times, and was willing to give you my addy and any thing else you want, and you already know my name, but I get a pass, and DrDeath intrigues you here?

How fuckin' lame and girlie is that?


sleazybutterfly -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 5:59:28 AM)

I know you were very excited about this new relationship you were having.  I know more than anyone how that can cloud your judgement in things.  You are a very smart woman, and I think since you are questioning, you already know the answer to what you asked.

To go someplace across country where you don't know someones info, is way too dangerous.  If he does happen to give it to you now, I would for sure check him out due to the fact it could be fake info on him. 

Plenty of men will trick you (you know this) and use your trust and want of them against you. 

Be safe and careful

edited because I didn't read the other responses...

I am glad you made the right choice Susan, and I wish you the very best, hun

KatyLied -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 5:59:50 AM)

Is it wrong that this thread makes me think of John Edward Robinson

Seawolf3465 -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:07:49 AM)

Being in the Travel industry even though a Airline ticket is NON REFUNDABLE, Usually if you Cancel the ticket prior to travel a penalty will be taken off the ticket and a residual amount will be able to be used on another flight to whatever destination that airline flies.  The penalty that they will charge you is anywhere from 25.00 to 150.00 for the ticket.  Then you can use the balance, you are losing some of the balance BUT you will have your life and not be out entirely.  Call the airline directly to ask them about this, and keep your paperwork that gives the locator number etc.  They will usually also tell you that the balance of the ticket has to be used within ONE YEAR.  However.. some of the airlines are changing and the One year can either be from the original ticket date.. OR the ORIGINAL travel date.  Make sure to ask and just put it towards a ticket to see someone that is honest. 

spankmepink11 -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:17:27 AM)

Susan....if it helps, i think you did the right thing.   This person expected you to trust him implicitly when he apparently felt like he could not trust you with his most basic information.  Major red flag. 

Maybe you should check to see if you could transfer both your hotel and flight reservations and just go somewhere you've always wanted to go.  (if thats an option)

Good Luck, and be proud that you  followed your instincts, stuck to your guns,  and displayed common sense.

SusanofO -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:18:20 AM)

I'm gonna call the airline right now. Thanks for the info. He could be an angel, he could be the devil. If he's gonna be the latter, I should at least shoud be abel to let somene know who I am with, should I end up in pieces in a barrel somewhere. This shouldn't take a genius to understand. This ain't gonna happen to me twice. Thanks for the ear. I am gonna call the airline.

- Susan 

BBBTBW -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:18:23 AM)


I haven't read all the posts here but I am going to reiterate what others have said.  YOU have the RIGHT to protect yourself, YOU have the RIGHT to have basic information.  BUT I will tell you right now, even if he coughs up the information, I wouldn't go.  YOU shouldn't have to force someone to allow you to protect yourself.

I for one enjoy reading your posts here and would like to continue reading them.  This situation gives me the impression I might not and that makes me sad.  You offer very good advice to people, you seem to be a very strong woman, pull that strength and your sound sense out and use that to solve your dilemma.  You already know the answer to your question. 

SusanofO -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:26:47 AM)


- Susan

swtrayn -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:33:25 AM)



In addition........Regardless of MY trust in them...........I don't wish to meet anyone who doesn't trust ME with basic information.

I couldn't agree more!

I have been reading this thread, and Susan, there isn't  much more advice that I can give that these great people have not already done. But, I will say, if it doesn't feel right in your gut, it probably isn't.

Don't put yourself, even your life at risk for the amount of that plane ticket.

You have the right to feel safe!


BreatheinToMe -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:33:51 AM)

Congrats on responding to your gut!  It is sooo easy to be mesmerized by the onset of the first meet. I have been there too! We tend to rationalize his/her excuses. Look past the tops of the red flags. We seem to think of their side, but not our own.
With posting this dilemma, not only did it help you decide not to endanger yourself, but you offered other newbie's the strength to question themselves, or their similar situation.  Who knows if he was a maimer, a psychotic, or just someone that would spend 2 or more years of your life with untruths and lies. Consider yourself lucky, for now, and reclaiming whatever time and heartache it might have taken for you to see what kind of a mess he/she really was.
Now, when I ask for a drivers license, it isn't even an issue, whoever it is I am talking to, is eager to PUT ME AT EASE.
Now as far as the plane ticket, if it's not a city that you would want to visit on your own for a trip, use the ticket for something else fun.  But, you did good! In several ways....:)  

mnottertail -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:36:31 AM)



Is it wrong that this thread makes me think of John Edward Robinson

There seems to be a Sixth Sense quality to it, yes.

LOL, Katie, great minds think alike.


SusanofO -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:39:35 AM)

If he ever reads this, I hope he knows I was:

1) Up half the night crying and agonizing over it because he's "been so nice to me so far" and

2) Really I did want to go and

3) It was a very hard decision for me to make, and I almost talked myself put of it.

Bottom line, I always tery to listen to my intuition. Maybe I am completely wrong - maybe he is candidate for sainthood.
Guess I'll never know. His loss as well. 

- Susan 

KatyLied -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:41:10 AM)

I think it's sad for anyone to be confronted with the fact that person they've been spending time trying to build something with is misrepresenting himself.  It's another case of game playing that we see so often.  It brings out, fullforce, the cynic in me.  Hence the Slavemaster reference.  But it does make you wonder about the manipulation at work.

SusanofO -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:50:13 AM)

He looks totally legit. Maybe he is. Apparently he isn't willing to give me what I need to find out. I can't help but wonder why. If that makes me weird or not "submissive enough" or some other such BS, fine. Better I find out sooner, rather than later. And if he doesn't like the way I think, then he can tell himself the same thing.

- Susan

KatyLied -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:54:44 AM)

If he's not willing to impart pertinent information on the eve of meeting in real time I would question how legit he is.  Signs point the other way.

lateralist1 -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:58:23 AM)

I would have gone and if he turned up I would have looked him straight in the eye and then kicked him in the balls lol.
We all live and learn.
I'm very sorry it happened and I hope it doesn't put you off the lifestyle.
I hate to say this but I don't think it's a Dom thing I think it's a man thing.
The more experienced I get the more I realise that a lot of men do not appreciate what a woman has to offer sub or Dom. So as I wish my mum had told me, keep your hand on your halfpenny, until you know for sure.
He was either married and couldn't get away for any length of time or too mean to pay for his fun.
Probably both.
I could tell you some wonderful tales lol.
Perhaps I'll start with the one who said his wife knew all about me but wouldn't let me get into her car because of the blonde hairs.
Oh he donated the pack of condoms he had bought, to me, as he no longer had any need of them. I think she must have been coming home soon.
I must admit though he had class it was a lovely hotel.
Chin-up we live and learn.

juliaoceania -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:58:46 AM)



I did once try to Google his number and came up with nothing. I didn't ask for his driver's license number (someone recommended I ask for his license plate number on his car(guess I said driver's license, I meant plate), because he was picking me up at the airport. I was debating doing that, but at this point, I probably would have asked for that, too. He has managed to completely freak me out with his unwillingness to meet me halfway in this instance - and so be it. His choice, although I'd really love to know the whole story about why - this just makes no sense to me, really, and it does stike me as domineering, and not very safety conscious (I mean concerned for my safety). But I am finished negotoiating for my own safety.

The not looking at him thing was something he asked if I was willing to do, not forced upon me, but it was a wee bit extreme, maybe, for a first meet thing. I dunno. I did agree to it.

He said he's had trouble with "female stalkers". I said:  "Well then - don't give me this information - and see how much I stalk you."

Hell my ex-Domnant beat the holy crap ot of me last fall - and he already knows that. He said well, my prosecuting my ex-Dominant (which my sister, who is an attonrey, made me do, I wasn't initially going to prosecute and made the msitake of telling her what happened. She threatened to tell my father, unless I took him to court. He got a $500 fine - no jail time.)

Anyway, this guy I've been e-mailing and phoning, and was supposed to visit on Monday, said that this "Proves I am already "litigious". Well. Maybe he'd be tempted to be "litigious", too, if someone threw him backwards down a flight of stairs, and tried to break his ribs, by kicking him repeartedly.  If "litigious" isn't going to be a problem for him, then he doesn't have anything to worry about, right?

This is complete bullshit, IMO.
He should know enough to know that asking for this basic information is advice in every piece of safety precautionary advice I've ever read for submissives. He did tell me he had two friends I could call, but that doesn't strike me as half as reliable method for gauging safety, frankly. And he didn't offfer until I broght this up. I mean, let's face it, none of of this onfo is fool-proof. He seems to be telling me to "just trust him"  - Well hey - why can't he "just trust me" instead, maybe?

I've known him about yes, 9-10- weeks. We've chatted and talked on the phone, and e-mailed. He was nice. I am not totally paranoid - but I am not an idiot. I am sure he considers me totally unreasonable - but that's his pride talking, if he does.

Because I am a nice person, he shall remain nameless (and I'd prefer if anyone knows his name, or what he says is his name, anyway, that they not mention it, for his sake). I am just such an idiot.  

All I ever asked for was his last name and street address. I am out $250. I also put a deposit on a week at a motel. I fully expected to get this info, too, before I left. I cancelled my trip. He wrote me this morning, and he is still unwilling to part with this very basic information.

Perhaps he feels insulted because we did share a "connection" of sorts, he was planning things for us to do, etc.  But - I am sorry. I am not going there. I should have known better - I should have insisted on this information a whole lot sooner.

I need to take a nap. I am so depressed about this. Thanks for the ear, everyone who wrote - I appreciate the ear and advice.


I would not cross the street to meet him if he brought up my abuse as an excuse not to give me his name.

Susan, Sinergy not only gave me all his info, including his driver's license number, but he insisted I have two safe calls, and he came to me.. I did not go to him.. when we met. He encouraged me to investigate him too btw. You have had a stalker and an abuser in one year. You are the one that should be worried, this guy does not have your interest at heart 

Edited to add, I am so glad you decided to make this boundary for yourself

SusanofO -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 6:59:03 AM)

You're right. He knows about both those things. When he did that, I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. He also kind of made fun of the fact I was even asking. I decided right then, and also when he did not answer me directly (both happened early this this morning), that I wasn't going to go.

He knows I have a plane ticket, and he also knows I registered at the motel. He has my first and last name, and my home address. He did a lot to think up fun stuff for us to do, and I was really getting enthused. He knew that as well. He also knows that I've spent far more money on this venture than he had, so far. 

He just acted like I'd asked for something way out of line when I asked for this information, and then told me about his past female stalkers (again). We are not compatible. His loss (although I am not sure he'd see it that way. But I have ceased to care, really).

No way am I gonna stalk this guy - and for sure I'm not now (not that I ever was). Besides, is that really my problem? The whole past two days just had a weird feel to it, for me. I wasn't asking for the moon, and I was reasonable when I asked for it. I was polite yet direct.

- Susan

BOUNTYHUNTER -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 7:08:28 AM)

People are misrepresenting then self all over this world.ITS pays to be very safe with your life.I always say when the hair on the back of your neck rise or chill bumps get bigger stop slow down and ask yourself if the is the correct thing to do.IF you are still interested then give it some time or even spend a couple of hundred dollars on a back ground check, I have done this in the past and if I feel a need I would do it again..Most private investigators will do this for a couple of hundred bucks,a price well spent in my humble opinion...bounty

MasterFireMaam -> RE: Please help me - Re: Non-disclosure; understandable? Or manipulation? (3/8/2007 7:10:14 AM)

This person is going back on their word. To me, that says "untrustworthy". Yes, they are manipulating you. This isn't necessarily a bad thing UNLESS it's creating a red flag about your safety, as this is. I don't think it's unreasonable at all to expect a potential partner to follow through with their word. They are not. Thus, I don't see that it's unreasonable that you stand up for your boundary about honesty. Tell them you're not coming if he doesn't do what he agreed to do. Yes, this might very well piss him off enough that he ends the relationship. You'll have to decide if you're willing to sell your sense of safety for the promise of a relationship with him.

Contact the airline and see if the ticket can be put towards another ticket at some point. They'll probably charge you a fee, but...

Master Fire

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