RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (Full Version)

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ShiftedJewel -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 8:08:27 AM)

Youtalkingtome, I think we all truly appreciate what you are saying and most will agree completely. I think this thread was started as a way to break the tension from so many other more serious threads about "search criteria", we are simply having fun here. I personally don't really want to see a search option for long hair versus bald and although I do appreciate pretty feet it isn't a priority for me. Like you I love collarme just the way it is. I think they do a wonderful job especially considering how overwhelming it must be even during the best times. Please just join in the fun.... my favorite bumpersticker in the whole world........ Don't take life so seriously, you'll never get out of it alive.


painworthy -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 8:11:10 AM)

i have a thing for a full head of hair, too, it's called a comb. i never use it, i'll easily part with it cheap.(puns may or may not be intended)

i might be slightly follically challenged, but i got a nice car. Shouldn't we add that criterion? (no, that's not an alien from the planet criteria) i'm sure there'd be something that i could provide you to pull on, Maam.

And, ever since i was a little boy, i've heeded my mother's advice and always wear clean underwear, just in case i get injured and have to go to the hospital and have my undies exposed. That should count for something. i wonder what they'll think of first when they spy my silk panties, do you suppose it will be "Wow, look at how clean that man's lady's panties are!"

ShiftedJewel -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 8:17:28 AM)


i wonder what they'll think of first when they spy my silk panties, do you suppose it will be "Wow, look at how clean that man's lady's panties are!"

I would imagine instead they would try everything to revive you to find out where you got them instead! lmao


Youtalkingtome -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 8:40:19 AM)

ShiftedJewel, I thought this was a very serious thread.
But if it isn't then I apoligize for being so serious.
I am a very serious man.But I can have fun.
I didn't think this was a fun thread.
I love to have fun!!!!!

GreyStorm -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 8:48:26 AM)

I'd like a search option for cheese.

If the person likes cheese and if so, what kind.

Do they use it in play or just for eating.

LadyAngelika -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 9:32:53 AM)


I think this is a very bad idea!!!
From spending years looking for someone on the internet personals vanilla and BDSM.
People are to shallow and to picky.One should be picky about important things for a long term relationship.But these minor shallow things shouldn't matter for a long term relatioinship.If you want a short term meaning less fling by all means be as shallow as you want.

First of all Youtalkingtome, AAkasha started this thread in jest, as a response to the ridiculous threads started where people were complaining about weight. Most of us regulars here know that it's tongue-in-cheek.

However, that being said, when I talk about requiring a man to have a certain level of intellect, I am actually thinking of things to last long term. I can only keep the ball gag in daft boy for so long ;)

- LA

CitizenCane -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 9:51:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika

And I have a requirement for Wechsler Scales IQ test of at least 140. Could we add a criteria for that?


- LA

Do you have any idea how degrading it is to be seen as a 'brain object'? I'm a whole person, dammit!

Archer -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 10:06:14 AM)

Hey now

Some of us after being exposed to bad combovers during childhood, decided that when the hairline even started to recede even a little, it was all being shaved off, LOL

Much more dignity in being a cueball than in a bad combover.

LadyAngelika -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 10:10:13 AM)


ORIGINAL: CitizenCane

ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika
And I have a requirement for Wechsler Scales IQ test of at least 140. Could we add a criteria for that?


- LA

Do you have any idea how degrading it is to be seen as a 'brain object'? I'm a whole person, dammit!

Them's the breaks baby ;) Either put out the intellectually stimulating conversation or get out ;)

- LA

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 11:16:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: ScooterTrash
As long as we're fantasizing, let's add some criteria for a sex drive scale....never-sometimes-occasionally-usually-always-constantly-& WOW (if it isn't sore, we aren't done)[/size]

I'm down with this one Scooter, M

SweetDommes -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 1:07:33 PM)



Hey now

Some of us after being exposed to bad combovers during childhood, decided that when the hairline even started to recede even a little, it was all being shaved off, LOL

Much more dignity in being a cueball than in a bad combover.

Oh hell yeah ... my uncle has like 5 hairs that he's still trying to use to cover up the huge glaring bald-spot *shudders* I much prefer bald over that ... although overall, I'm with Akasha and I want hair to PULL!!!!!

Archer -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 1:53:33 PM)

Yeah but we'd just end up butting heads, LOL

unbrokenhouseboy -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 1:54:04 PM)

okay........i got the point...and i made a mess of myself in my posting about the weight thing..but i did go back and change it..

i do try to behave...i have repented my way.
and as to the hair thing?...or fingers or even something else discussed to be of certain length...
and i have seen an ad asking for "it" to be a certain length....
i give up and i surrender.
Ladies have an advantage i am sorry...
i plead ignorance and mercy.
what really bothers why...many advertise for rich men....
now to me this is isn't something you can take with you ,..doing that 6 x 6 x 3.....
we all go some time...and you aren't taking money with you....
it's nice while you are here..sure it is....even i admit it.....hell i gave my 1st Ms $50k because She was my She...
so now i am back to small monies..but oh well.....

everyone have a wonderful day....
and i do apologize for my weight post...i did change everything...


unbrokenhouseboy -> RE: Why not add (4/10/2005 3:07:43 PM)

i do wish to ask though please?
if i am wrong for asking for a minimum height so i feel comvortable with someone..if i add weight so i feel comfy...
if i am so wrong..?
why is it okay that Ladies ask for young, rich, tall, handsome dudes?
i do not see too many willing to talk to someone short, poor, and not a looker.....
i do not understand two sets of's okay Ladies can do it but guys can't?
i thought fair is fair...for all.
20's and 30's guys
rich guys
tall guys
good looking guys.

but i cannot fairly seek a Lady about 5'7", around 180 to 200lbs, someone fairly nice to look at.
us guys, one is going to look at us, while we are digging Your flower or veggie garden. or changing bedding, or doing dishes,...all You see is our back anyway.
and even if i am sitting by Her on the floor,,,all You see is the top of our heads.....not our face..and where does tall come into this? sitting on the floor has no difference to tall.
or handsome.....
maybe rich does,..since a lot of Ladies have their hands out and purse open. i had 'a' Lady tell me She wanted someone to pay for a $100k house for Her. and "I" gave my 1st Ms $50k...

so yes, i fail to understand..please...
i cannot rightly ask for 5'7", 180 lbs, and semi pretty.....but Ladies can ask for rich, handsome, tall, and flat bellies.

i am sorry......where are the double sets of rules fair???

no more soap box.
thank You.
i'm sorry.

Youtalkingtome -> RE: Why not add "full head of hair" to search criteria? (4/10/2005 4:35:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: LadyAngelika


I think this is a very bad idea!!!
From spending years looking for someone on the internet personals vanilla and BDSM.
People are to shallow and to picky.One should be picky about important things for a long term relationship.But these minor shallow things shouldn't matter for a long term relatioinship.If you want a short term meaning less fling by all means be as shallow as you want.

First of all Youtalkingtome, AAkasha started this thread in jest, as a response to the ridiculous threads started where people were complaining about weight. Most of us regulars here know that it's tongue-in-cheek.

However, that being said, when I talk about requiring a man to have a certain level of intellect, I am actually thinking of things to last long term. I can only keep the ball gag in daft boy for so long ;)

- LA

I all ready apoligized.And I take things at face value.There is a forum for humor.
So I made a mistake because this wasn't in the humor forum.

AAkasha -> RE: Why not add (4/10/2005 7:02:28 PM)


ORIGINAL: unbrokenhouseboy

i do wish to ask though please?
if i am wrong for asking for a minimum height so i feel comvortable with someone..if i add weight so i feel comfy...
if i am so wrong..?
why is it okay that Ladies ask for young, rich, tall, handsome dudes?
i do not see too many willing to talk to someone short, poor, and not a looker.....
i do not understand two sets of's okay Ladies can do it but guys can't?
i thought fair is fair...for all.
20's and 30's guys
rich guys
tall guys
good looking guys.

but i cannot fairly seek a Lady about 5'7", around 180 to 200lbs, someone fairly nice to look at.
us guys, one is going to look at us, while we are digging Your flower or veggie garden. or changing bedding, or doing dishes,...all You see is our back anyway.
and even if i am sitting by Her on the floor,,,all You see is the top of our heads.....not our face..and where does tall come into this? sitting on the floor has no difference to tall.
or handsome.....
maybe rich does,..since a lot of Ladies have their hands out and purse open. i had 'a' Lady tell me She wanted someone to pay for a $100k house for Her. and "I" gave my 1st Ms $50k...

so yes, i fail to understand..please...
i cannot rightly ask for 5'7", 180 lbs, and semi pretty.....but Ladies can ask for rich, handsome, tall, and flat bellies.

i am sorry......where are the double sets of rules fair???

no more soap box.
thank You.
i'm sorry.

Everyone has preferences for physical appearance whether they admit it or not. It's the "look" that you are programmed to have your eyes wander to in a crowded room. But a funny thing happens when you "fall" for someone based on their personality and deeper traits -- quite often, you find yourself physically attracted to them. Suddenly, they become your "ideal." This happens to a lot of couples.

Not all femdoms are looking for a rich man. You keep bringing that up. But there are some femdoms that are into financial slavery (or they call it something else) or they simply *do* want to be supported or at least share in the income. You also have to be realistic; your profile states that you are 51. If you are looking for a life partner for the rest of your life, a woman who is younger might want to have a family. A woman closer to your age might need someone to support her because of whatever financial situation she is in. These realities cannot be ignored.

Instead of dwelling on what you don't have, start focussing more on what traits you have to offer that make you unique and attractive to a femdom.

You state this:
"us guys, one is going to look at us, while we are digging Your flower or veggie garden. or changing bedding, or doing dishes,...all You see is our back anyway.
and even if i am sitting by Her on the floor,,,all You see is the top of our heads.....not our face..and where does tall come into this? sitting on the floor has no difference to tall.
or handsome....."

This is a situation you have created in your head that is your fantasy. You might think she should care nothing about you other than the top of your head or doing her chores. That's what *your* fantasy is. What does the potential femdom want? It might be nothing like that, she might want a best friend, a lover, a dance partner, a gentleman caller. Femdoms in your fantasies may have those "simple, basic requirements" for a slave, but I doubt many really have it so simple. The reality is, they want/need a lot more than that.

You have to work a lot harder than simply being "available."


unbrokenhouseboy -> RE: Why not add (4/10/2005 8:00:50 PM)

This is a situation you have created in your head that is your fantasy. You might think she should care nothing about you other than the top of your head or doing her chores. That's what *your* fantasy is. What does the potential femdom want? It might be nothing like that, she might want a best friend, a lover, a dance partner, a gentleman caller. Femdoms in your fantasies may have those "simple, basic requirements" for a slave, but I doubt many really have it so simple. The reality is, they want/need a lot more than that.

You have to work a lot harder than simply being "available."

actually no Ma'am..this is from a re3al life where i served once...
i was always away from Her more than i was ever close to Her. no Ma'am no fantasy...FACT Ma'am.
i seldom ever was close to Her face to face, and when i was, it was very short is real life to me. please understand.
i do not DO fantasy..i am too real so "I" have had many dommes say i am worth their time because of it.
i don't do sex fantasy..i don't do play fantasy..i dont do fantasy..i am real i am told i cannot be worked with.
no no Ma'am.
want or need more You say? maybe some day i will find out. but so far, i am told so far to keep my butt busy and they dont have time for idleness..

i can but hope You are correct...
thank You Ma'am.


SweetDommes -> RE: Why not add (4/10/2005 8:09:19 PM)

unbroken, while that may have been your experience in the past, that isn't the norm in our experience of talking to various people in various places.

Another thing that might be hurting your chances is the air of desparation that I get from your postings - I'm sure that you don't intend to come across that way, but that is how I am reading you. I have seen a lot of submissive guys who give off this vibe and it doesn't matter age, looks, income, other talents - it's an instant turn off ... I don't even want to talk to guys who come across this way, and I know lots of other Dominants who feel the same way. I do realize that the search is difficult (and for the record, it isn't only difficult for submissives), but becoming desparate is going to make people turn around and walk away.

unbrokenhouseboy -> RE: Why not add (4/10/2005 11:50:50 PM)


thank You..i do not know how things..come across,,i am just one used-to being forthright and open and honest...

i apologize if i up set anyone...

thank You


AAkasha -> RE: Why not add (4/11/2005 10:30:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: unbrokenhouseboy


thank You..i do not know how things..come across,,i am just one used-to being forthright and open and honest...

i apologize if i up set anyone...

thank You


But if that is your honesty view (and as SweetDommes pointed out, it comes across as desperate) then you are going to have a very hard time to find a partner. Because really what you are saying is you are not picky, you really just want your dream fulfilled, and you will do anything for the person and expect nothing in return even (who could turn that down, right?)

The problem is, you are basically saying you will submit to anyone. Or almost anyone.

Most femdoms (I won't say all, but I really do mean *most*) want to dominate a man who wants to submit to *them*. Not a man who wants to submit to *anyone*.

Does that make sense?


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