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RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 9:13:56 AM   

Posts: 1283
Joined: 4/6/2006
From: Boston area, Massachusetts
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ORIGINAL: liks2plzlf

I have traveled the county extensivly and see mostly white men doing construction. Although when in Philly it was mostly African Americans. The summer I spent in Montana it was almost exclusively whtes.I believe it has a lot to to do with the part of the country you are in

there is a HUGE HUGE surplus of mexicans in CO doing construction. their trafficker said "you can thank 9\11 for diverting security/funding from the boarder" [paraphrased]


"lets just say he's a few prawns short of a galaxy"

(in reply to liks2plzlf)
Profile   Post #: 41
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 9:48:38 AM   

Posts: 2596
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ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

i dont buy the theory that immegration is a bonus to the country.

if 12-20 million had citizenship- all social programs would be in peril.

SSI, SSDI, heating assistence, food stamps, medicare, medicaid.  all of that cost money.
IMO- amnesty would bankrupt some of the states. as there would be no way to PAY for all the new comers-

You seem to be making the assumption that first there are between twelve and twenty million illegal aliens in this did you arrive at that particular figure?
The second assumption you are making is that  all of your alleged twelve to twenty million will automatically be on some sort of government assistance.
How and by what process have you arrived at this conclusion?

The govts number is 12 million.  CNNs number is 20 million.
These two sources have always been the most reliable in some peoples opinions, just not mine.
If I remember correctly did'nt CNN tell us that Gore had won....and the government told us that sodamned insane had weapons of mass deception?
I am curious as to how CNN and the government arrived at these figures.

I stand by my statement that on the state level- budgets that are already strained- will become VERY strained should amnesty occur.
So you are sticking with your assumption that all of the illegal aliens will be on public assistance?  How did you arrive at this conclusion?

This is not fair to the folks on these programs- that have been here all their lives.
Both the government and CNN have a long history of being fair?

Therefore states will cut programs, severely limit them, or perhaps grandfather in...meaning if you are on xyz program now- you can stay; but no new ppl.

Case in point- Drs who accept medicare.  Many DRs can't accept medicare as payments do not cover their costs. So the "are not accepting new patients".
If by "cover their costs" you mean he will only be making a quarter of a million this year,after taxes, that does cause me a great deal of consternation.  Who will be left to buy junque bonds and time shares?

A family with 22 children is going to put a strain on teh system.
Are you talking about the Kennedy's?

There was a story last month about a 12 year old kid that died because an infection that was in his tooth spread to his brain. The reason it was allowed to happen was because Medicaid refused to cover the simple $85 extraction. And the difficulty in finding a dentist that would accept medicaid for payment and wasn't booked for months.

There is a serious problem with our healthcare system. And illegal immigrants is only going to make the problem much, much worse.

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 42
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 10:20:58 AM   

Posts: 23322
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ORIGINAL: cyberdude611


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy


ORIGINAL: thompsonx


ORIGINAL: pahunkboy

i dont buy the theory that immegration is a bonus to the country.

if 12-20 million had citizenship- all social programs would be in peril.

SSI, SSDI, heating assistence, food stamps, medicare, medicaid.  all of that cost money.
IMO- amnesty would bankrupt some of the states. as there would be no way to PAY for all the new comers-

You seem to be making the assumption that first there are between twelve and twenty million illegal aliens in this did you arrive at that particular figure?
The second assumption you are making is that  all of your alleged twelve to twenty million will automatically be on some sort of government assistance.
How and by what process have you arrived at this conclusion?

The govts number is 12 million.  CNNs number is 20 million.
These two sources have always been the most reliable in some peoples opinions, just not mine.
If I remember correctly did'nt CNN tell us that Gore had won....and the government told us that sodamned insane had weapons of mass deception?
I am curious as to how CNN and the government arrived at these figures.

I stand by my statement that on the state level- budgets that are already strained- will become VERY strained should amnesty occur.
So you are sticking with your assumption that all of the illegal aliens will be on public assistance?  How did you arrive at this conclusion?

This is not fair to the folks on these programs- that have been here all their lives.
Both the government and CNN have a long history of being fair?

Therefore states will cut programs, severely limit them, or perhaps grandfather in...meaning if you are on xyz program now- you can stay; but no new ppl.

Case in point- Drs who accept medicare.  Many DRs can't accept medicare as payments do not cover their costs. So the "are not accepting new patients".
If by "cover their costs" you mean he will only be making a quarter of a million this year,after taxes, that does cause me a great deal of consternation.  Who will be left to buy junque bonds and time shares?

A family with 22 children is going to put a strain on teh system.
Are you talking about the Kennedy's?

There was a story last month about a 12 year old kid that died because an infection that was in his tooth spread to his brain. The reason it was allowed to happen was because Medicaid refused to cover the simple $85 extraction. And the difficulty in finding a dentist that would accept medicaid for payment and wasn't booked for months.

There is a serious problem with our healthcare system. And illegal immigrants is only going to make the problem much, much worse.

It would appear that the problem is with the system and not with the victims of the system.

(in reply to cyberdude611)
Profile   Post #: 43
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 2:48:10 PM   

Posts: 3251
Status: offline

Here in southern california apples are going for about a buck to a buck and a quarter a pound.  A large golden delicious will weigh between a pound and a pound and a quarter, so that puts them in the check out line at over a buck apiece.  The grocery chains advertise them as being on special at ten pounds for ten dollars.  Lettuce is about .70 cents a head.

While there are some like me who have both the space and time to garden the overwhelming majority of the population is stuck in traffic on the 405 for four hours a day just to get back and forth to work.

Hello Thompson…..  

I have ‘’Granny Smith’’ and ‘’Red Delicious apples’’ in my store right now at eighty-nine cents a pound. You can get three average sized ones in a plastic sack for a buck-twelve {I still think we’re being raped on them}. I guess if you picked out the biggest most expensive variety of apples you could find some that were a dollar a pop……but I don’t sell them and I’ve been here nearly ten years and I don’t have anyone asking for them.  

I also have a combination of seven apple /plum trees on my property that need very little watering. They produce so many apples/plums that I can’t give them all away. And the only work involved is picking them up off the ground and the occasional pruning. I also have so many wild blackberries briars that I let folks I know in town come onto my property when I’m not there and pick till their heart’s content.  

In this little town……it’s nothing like the jones mentality in California where people in the neighborhoods actually compete for the greenest lawn. Here lots folks actually have gardens on a side plot in their front yards. We’re seeing more and more homes like this all the time.  

Four hours a day in traffic to come home to a side by side, crapy, pre-fab-walled 900k tract home with super high property taxes, just for a little good year-around weather and what some deem as a ''unique'' cultural experience – Really… No thanks, Thompson, I think I’d rather move to Michigan, purchase a 40k house, face some cold winter/spring weather and drive ten minutes to work at radio shack.


Who among us would have ever thought that three bux a gallon for gasoline was a deal.
You say that everyone would make their own fuel if it were easy...making diesel is easier than making jello and at a cost that is below fifty cents a gallon yet how many people do you know (besides me) who make their own fuel?

I know three folks in town who claim to actually make their own diesel. And I know a whole network of folks who’ve converted their diesel vehicles over to the veggie/fryer oil mode. I also know the fellow {quite well} who does most of the conversions. But for the record, I’d have to do some research myself before I would believe that statement you’ve made regards Diesel /jello. I think going to the nursery and purchasing some fruit trees /packs of seeds and watering them/working in the garden is about as easy as it gets.  

Normally I would have never posted in this thread {as I have posted many times in past related threads}…….but when I see these arguments crafted that basically say the country is going to fall flat on its face without illegal aliens, I just have to call bullshit.

- R

< Message edited by UtopianRanger -- 3/30/2007 2:51:26 PM >


"If you are going to win any battle, you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do... the body is never tired if the mind is not tired."

-General George S. Patton

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 44
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 3:18:11 PM   

Posts: 18104
Joined: 1/27/2006
From: New Hampshire
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ORIGINAL: orfunboi

i got this in an email the other day and it pretty much sums up my opinion on ILLEGAL immegration....

"Recently large  demonstrations have taken place across the country 
protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of
>illegal immigration.
>Certain people are  angry that the US might protect its own borders, might
>make it harder to  sneak into this country and, once here, to stay
>Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.
>Let's say I break into your house.
>Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you  insist that I
>But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed  the dishes and did the
>laundry and swept the floors.
>I've done all the things you don't like to do.
>I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your  house).
>According to the protesters:
>You are Required to  let me stay in your house
>You are Required to  add me to your family's insurance plan
>You are Required to  Educate my kids
>You are Required to  Provide other benefits to me and to my family
>(my husband will do all of your  yard work because he is also hard-working
>and honest, except for that  breaking in part).
>If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who
>will picket your house carrying signs  that proclaim my RIGHT to be there.
>It's only fair, after all,  because you have a nicer house than I do, and
>I'm just trying to  better myself.
>I'm a hard-working and honest, person,  except for well, you know, I did
>break into your  house.
>And what  a deal it is for me!!!
>I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep,
>and there is nothing you can do about  it without being accused of cold,
>uncaring, selfish, prejudiced, and  bigoted behavior.
>Oh yeah, I DEMAND that you to learn MY  LANGUAGE!!! so you can communicate
>with me.

orfunboi, if we get to that point then it'll be time to start shooting.
Any Congressman or Senator who votes for any of that crap needs to be voted out of office, maybe they could get a job with Circuit City!
In about a month I'll be able to buy 5 pounds of tomatoes for $4 from local farmers and roadside stands.
I don't mind buying lettuce and tomatoes in the summertime when I can buy them  from local growers.
We should have peaches pretty soon too.
I just buy fruits and vegetables in the summer.
The only thing I buy from the supermarket the rest of the year is bananas, potatos and onions and carrots.

(in reply to orfunboi)
Profile   Post #: 45
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 6:01:40 PM   

Posts: 1145
Joined: 4/6/2005
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The movie was okay.  I had to watch it for class, but I fell asleep in the middle of it.  However, I agree with its points.  People will either complain that products are too expensive or bitch that illegals are taking their jobs for less money so their shit isn't so expensive.  I do believe that illegal immigrants are the new scapegoats.   I resent that my tax money was spent to build a big ugly wall that has done next to nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigrants.  I mean really?  A wall?  What are we....five? I wish they would deport the minute men. I wish that instead of directing hostility towards people who are simply persuing a better life people would boycott and protest the companies that are notorious for taking advantage of illegal immigrants and the American public.  


"No one will ever win the battle of the sexes; there's too much fraternizing with the enemy. "
--Henry A. Kissinger

(in reply to popeye1250)
Profile   Post #: 46
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 6:10:52 PM   

Posts: 23322
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You have to admit you live a bit closer to the apple source than I do.
The book you need to read for the biodiesel is called
"From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank" by Tikel...You only need to make any conversions to the vehicle if you are burning straight veggie oil.  Once you start making biodiesel it is exactly equivilant to petroleum diesel.  Consequently there is no need to modify the vehicle.  All you need to do is mix about twenty percent methanol with the veggie oil and add an amount of lye that is based on the ph of the mix usually less than a half pound.  What you wind up with is twenty percent soap and eighty percent biodiesel and nothing else.

It is not my position that the U.S. economy would fail if all of the undocumented labor were to go away.  Neither do I think that undocumented labor is the bane on the U.S. economy that it is portrayed....if we can afford gasoline at three bux a gallon a few more bux at the grocery store is just more of the same shit different day.  It would appear that all of the pc biggots want to carp about it as the cause of all of our problems.  There are some where up to twenty million people working in the U.S. for sub minimum wage and somehow all of these self supporting people if given citizen ship would suddenly quit their jobs and go on welfare seems a little farfetched to me....I seldome see these self same people complaining about the billions of tax payers money going to the ultra rich in the form or welfare for the wealthy.  It is always some destitute poor person who happens to have a twenty year old color tv set who is sucking the system dry.

(in reply to UtopianRanger)
Profile   Post #: 47
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 6:15:14 PM   

Posts: 8290
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From: another planet
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Sorry nothing to add - just havent been underneath thompson for a while


What you don't witness with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth. Proverb.

If it fit's in a toaster, i can cook it.

Buying 10 item's or less is not shopping !!

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 48
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 6:17:56 PM   

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ORIGINAL: missturbation

Sorry nothing to add - just havent been underneath thompson for a while

I must admit you have been sorely missed in that position.

(in reply to missturbation)
Profile   Post #: 49
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 6:21:44 PM   

Posts: 8290
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From: another planet
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What you don't witness with your eyes, don't witness with your mouth. Proverb.

If it fit's in a toaster, i can cook it.

Buying 10 item's or less is not shopping !!

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 50
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 11:45:32 PM   

Posts: 18104
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From: New Hampshire
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ORIGINAL: junecleaver

The movie was okay.  I had to watch it for class, but I fell asleep in the middle of it.  However, I agree with its points.  People will either complain that products are too expensive or bitch that illegals are taking their jobs for less money so their shit isn't so expensive.  I do believe that illegal immigrants are the new scapegoats.   I resent that my tax money was spent to build a big ugly wall that has done next to nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigrants.  I mean really?  A wall?  What are we....five? I wish they would deport the minute men. I wish that instead of directing hostility towards people who are simply persuing a better life people would boycott and protest the companies that are notorious for taking advantage of illegal immigrants and the American public.  

June, correct, they can't just have a wall and no-one there to guard it.
Many people have been calling for Troops along that Mexican border and I have to say I agree with them.
Like it or not our govt's *job* is to either control or close that border. Of course these days all we're getting is *excuses* as to why people in govt can't do their jobs!
Obviously Bush doesn't want to close that border because his Pay Masters, the big corporations want cheap slave labor.
As for illegal aliens being "scapegoats" that really doesn't apply.
They're criminals by their very presence.
Being of Irish descent and holding dual American/ Irish Citizenship I would arrest and deport the illegal Irish FIRST... just to set the example!
Mexico and other countries south of the border need to develope their own economies and stop depending on ours.
And I resent the fact that it cost U.S. Taxpayers (you and me) $92Billion last year to pay for various programs for illegal aliens!
They get better Healthcare and Dental than you do I bet and it's on your dime!

< Message edited by popeye1250 -- 3/30/2007 11:48:09 PM >

(in reply to junecleaver)
Profile   Post #: 51
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/30/2007 11:52:08 PM   

Posts: 5333
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popeye, until we get the border situation under control {which could take years}.
Why is it that our leaders can not enforce the laws that are already on the books?
Can someone explain why it is okay, to wink and ignore so much of what is going on?


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to popeye1250)
Profile   Post #: 52
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/31/2007 12:55:51 AM   

Posts: 10297
Joined: 1/15/2005
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Hello MzMia,
I think a major part of the problem is not having enough personnel
and funding to handle the situation.  Having the laws on the books
is one thing, having those laws enforced is entirely another matter.


"Beware, the woods at night, beware the lunar light.
So in this gray haze we'll be meating again, and on that
great day, I will tease you all the same."

(in reply to MzMia)
Profile   Post #: 53
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/31/2007 5:33:14 AM   

Posts: 1223
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Are you really suggesting we stole 1/2 this country from Mexico?  How am i supposed to respond, when you start off with such bs? Sorry, but my time could be better spent somewhere else...have a nice day.

(in reply to thompsonx)
Profile   Post #: 54
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/31/2007 7:00:38 AM   

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ORIGINAL: orfunboi

Are you really suggesting we stole 1/2 this country from Mexico?  How am i supposed to respond, when you start off with such bs? Sorry, but my time could be better spent somewhere else...have a nice day.

You really need to learn to read and comprehend what you read.  What I said was that the U.S. stole half of their country...their being Mexico.  We took it at the point of a gun.  It was called the Mexican American war.  We started it and took,by force, what they had refused to sell to us. 
If you choose to call history bs well there is not much that can be done for you.

(in reply to orfunboi)
Profile   Post #: 55
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/31/2007 7:15:52 AM   

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ORIGINAL: popeye1250


ORIGINAL: junecleaver

The movie was okay.  I had to watch it for class, but I fell asleep in the middle of it.  However, I agree with its points.  People will either complain that products are too expensive or bitch that illegals are taking their jobs for less money so their shit isn't so expensive.  I do believe that illegal immigrants are the new scapegoats.   I resent that my tax money was spent to build a big ugly wall that has done next to nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigrants.  I mean really?  A wall?  What are we....five? I wish they would deport the minute men. I wish that instead of directing hostility towards people who are simply persuing a better life people would boycott and protest the companies that are notorious for taking advantage of illegal immigrants and the American public.  

June, correct, they can't just have a wall and no-one there to guard it.
Many people have been calling for Troops along that Mexican border and I have to say I agree with them.
Like it or not our govt's *job* is to either control or close that border. Of course these days all we're getting is *excuses* as to why people in govt can't do their jobs!
Obviously Bush doesn't want to close that border because his Pay Masters, the big corporations want cheap slave labor.
As for illegal aliens being "scapegoats" that really doesn't apply.
They're criminals by their very presence.
Being of Irish descent and holding dual American/ Irish Citizenship
Why would you hold dual citizenship?  Isn't being an american good enough?

I would arrest and deport the illegal Irish FIRST... just to set the example!
Mexico and other countries south of the border need to develope their own economies and stop depending on ours.
Please do tell us just how Mexico and other countries south of the border are depending on us.  Please keep in mind that Mexico is the number one trading partner for the fourth largest economy in the world, California.  I am sure you are aware that California is part of the U.S.  If I remember correctly Venezuela is the third largest supplier of oil to the U.S.
If you should ever decide to read a little history instead of accepting hollywood history as the totality of historical knowledge you might come to the realization that the U.S, is the one who is dependent on those countries south of the border and not vice versa.

And I resent the fact that it cost U.S. Taxpayers (you and me) $92Billion last year to pay for various programs for illegal aliens!
I am curious as to where you derived this you have any validation for this figure?
They get better Healthcare and Dental than you do I bet and it's on your dime!
I could also use a little validation for this also...or is this some more of your biggoted rhetoric.

(in reply to popeye1250)
Profile   Post #: 56
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/31/2007 1:10:36 PM   

Posts: 18104
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From: New Hampshire
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popeye, until we get the border situation under control {which could take years}.
Why is it that our leaders can not enforce the laws that are already on the books?
Can someone explain why it is okay, to wink and ignore so much of what is going on?

MzMia, that border could be completely shutdown in 48 hours with Troops.
I totally agree with you that we need to enforce all of our laws!
That's what makes America a great country, laws, and we really shouldn't be playing with that because Halliburton or other corporations want "cheap labor".
Orfunboi, I put Thompson on "block" months ago.
He's just too argumentative for me and calls people names if they disagree with him.

(in reply to MzMia)
Profile   Post #: 57
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/31/2007 2:12:27 PM   

Posts: 5333
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ORIGINAL: popeye1250



popeye, until we get the border situation under control {which could take years}.
Why is it that our leaders can not enforce the laws that are already on the books?
Can someone explain why it is okay, to wink and ignore so much of what is going on?

MzMia, that border could be completely shutdown in 48 hours with Troops.
I totally agree with you that we need to enforce all of our laws!
That's what makes America a great country, laws, and we really shouldn't be playing with that because Halliburton or other corporations want "cheap labor".
Orfunboi, I put Thompson on "block" months ago.
He's just too argumentative for me and calls people names if they disagree with him.

popeye? I don't think we have the troops with the situation in Iraq and Afghanastan,
also did you see what happened to the border patrol men that shoot the drug dealers?
They are now in prison with the same people they sent to prison, as far as I know.

The people crossing the border have more rights than the border patrol people that patrol the borders!

< Message edited by MzMia -- 3/31/2007 2:13:15 PM >


To Each His/Her Own
"DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt." Mark Twain

What's your favorite fetish?
"My partner's whisper"--bloomswell

(in reply to popeye1250)
Profile   Post #: 58
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/31/2007 3:19:45 PM   

Posts: 18104
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From: New Hampshire
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MzMia, yeah, since WHEN did the people in Washington who WE ARE PAYING get to PICK AND CHOOSE which laws they enforce?
They're the hired help and I don't just mean the ones who are elected!
I've already wrote to and called my congressman and senators about the border guards, Ramos and Campean as well as that Sherriff Gilberto Hernandez.
They should be freed and that no good bastard prosecutor Johnny Sutton should be disbarred and put in jail for 10 years!

(in reply to MzMia)
Profile   Post #: 59
RE: "A Day w/o a Mexican" - 3/31/2007 5:44:34 PM   

Posts: 23322
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ORIGINAL: popeye1250

MzMia, yeah, since WHEN did the people in Washington who WE ARE PAYING get to PICK AND CHOOSE which laws they enforce?
They're the hired help and I don't just mean the ones who are elected!
I've already wrote to and called my congressman and senators about the border guards, Ramos and Campean as well as that Sherriff Gilberto Hernandez.
They should be freed and that no good bastard prosecutor Johnny Sutton should be disbarred and put in jail for 10 years!

How about the jury that convicted them would you put them in jail also?
It seems that you are somewhat selective in which laws you want enforced.

(in reply to popeye1250)
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