"America has lost it's standing in the world." (Full Version)

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popeye1250 -> "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 12:31:00 PM)

So say the Democrats and in particular Joe Biden and Jim Richardson, Presidential Candidates in a Yahoo News Article today.
Ah,...and this is a "bad" thing?
Does this mean we can get all our Troops home, stop all "foreign aid", get out of NATO, NAFTA, GATT The "World Bank", The "U.N.",???
I certainly hope so! We can no longer *afford* all that stuff!
This is odd, it makes the Democrats sound like they're for the status quo! I'd kind of understand it if Republicans were saying it.
Has anyone else in here been consulted as to whether they wanted to be "world leader"? I haven't been but my answer would be a resounding "NO!"
Again, I would ask you, how is this a "bad" thing?
Bring it on, Baby!

deadbluebird -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 1:52:19 PM)

i dont think its about being a "world leader". its about being seen as fair, decent, kind people, which we are not.

popeye1250 -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 2:16:44 PM)


ORIGINAL: deadbluebird

i dont think its about being a "world leader". its about being seen as fair, decent, kind people, which we are not.

So if we're not viewed as "fair, decent and kind" does that mean that foreign countries will mail back "foreign aid" checks to us with a note of refusal?
And on the flip side if we are viewed as "fair, decent and kind", will foreign countries pay off our debt?
Deadbluebird, I'm pretty "fair, decent and kind" most of the time, how about you?
I think it's kind of "unfair" for foreign countries to expect the U.S. Taxpayers to pick up the tab all the time and other countries to "expect" "foreign aid" dollars year after year.
These aren't "entitlements."

As for our "standing" I don't wish to be viewed as a "chump" who will bail out foreign countries and give them money.
Or to be solving foreign countrie's problems.
After reading that article it was very funny to hear Democrats trying to talk like Republicans.
We voted the Republicans out of power in 2006! And Biden et al want to be like them?
And Senator Abba Dabba on wednesday said he wants to "double foreign aid?"
It's already not looking good for those old Democrats.

minnetar -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 2:23:04 PM)

i understand your frustration with all the aid we give to foreign countries.  i too think it is ridiculous.  i also think that losing the leader stance in the world has been based on our actions as a country.  deadbluebird was exactly correct.  No other countries won't refuse our aid and they won't pay for our debt.  They will take it and laugh about how the US thinks they know what is better for every country in the world than the country does themselves.


selfbnd411 -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 2:54:53 PM)

Not true.  America is the second most miserly developed nation in the world in terms of foreign aid as a percentage of GDP.  We edge out Greece!

The three most generous developed nations in the world as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product are:
Greece (1.03%)
Luxembourg (0.89%)
Norway (0.89%)

The three least generous developed nations in the world are:
Italy (0.2%)
USA (0.17%)
Greece (0.16%)


minnetar -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 2:58:47 PM)


ORIGINAL: selfbnd411

Not true.  America is the second most miserly developed nation in the world in terms of foreign aid as a percentage of GDP.  We edge out Greece!

The three most generous developed nations in the world as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product are:
Greece (1.03%)
Luxembourg (0.89%)
Norway (0.89%)

The three least generous developed nations in the world are:
Italy (0.2%)
USA (0.17%)
Greece (0.16%)


i am in total shock in regards to that statistic - is there any other site to back that up?


selfbnd411 -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 3:16:43 PM)


Edit: I found a good link from the well respected Council on Foreign Relations:

How much does the U.S. spend on foreign aid?

The annual Foreign Operations appropriations bill, seen as the most reliable way of assessing how much the United States spends on foreign assistance, is $20.7 billion for fiscal year 2006. President Bush has asked for $23.7 billion for 2007. If approved, that would mark a near doubling of foreign assistance since 1997. In 2004, official development assistance (ODA) from the United States was 0.16 percent of its GNP. The ODA, which involves grants or loans a government gives to a development country to promote economic development and welfare, excludes military assistance that makes up a major portion of U.S. foreign aid appropriations—from $3 billion to $6 billion annually during the past ten years, according to the Congressional Research Service.

How does U.S. aid spending compare with other nations?

Although the latest Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) figures, from 2004, show the United States as the leading donor among the world's top twenty-two industrial nations in terms of volume, it was near last in terms of aid as a percentage of gross national income. As part of the Millennium Development Goals set out by the United Nations, many developed states have pledged to commit 0.7 percent of their gross national product (GNP) to official development assistance. The United States has never committed to that figure. Five nations—Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands—exceeded the goal of expending .7 percent of GNP on development aid.

Defenders of U.S. aid levels say the 2004 figures do not fully represent the major new projects under MCC and the HIV/AIDS account. They also stress the high level of U.S. private sector donations not included in ODA and the role of the U.S. military, which was a critical source of relief supplies after the Indian Ocean tsunami hit at the end of 2004.


What I find amusing is that the conservative Washington Times does not argue that the statistics of US government aid are wrong.  Instead, it argues that the money illegal aliens and foreign workers make in the US and send back to their home countries ought to be counted as "foreign aid!"  Haha!  I guess by that logic, every time I eat at Taco Bell or buy a flat of strawberries I'm doing something to change the world! [:D]

NorthernGent -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 3:37:40 PM)

As an addition to the above, when you account for debt repayments by poor countries to the US, the net aid over debt service value doesn't amount to much.

FirmhandKY -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 3:40:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: minnetar


ORIGINAL: selfbnd411

Not true.  America is the second most miserly developed nation in the world in terms of foreign aid as a percentage of GDP.  We edge out Greece!

The three most generous developed nations in the world as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product are:
Greece (1.03%)
Luxembourg (0.89%)
Norway (0.89%)

The three least generous developed nations in the world are:
Italy (0.2%)
USA (0.17%)
Greece (0.16%)


i am in total shock in regards to that statistic - is there any other site to back that up?


Don't buy it whole hog.

Look up non-governmental giving as well, not simply tax monies spent.

You might get a different idea.


minnetar -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 3:50:40 PM)

thanks so much for the additional information.  So i am thinking more in total dollars than a percentage.


minnetar -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 3:53:03 PM)

thank You Firm but that is why i had asked for an additional source as i was very skeptical.


NeedToUseYou -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:06:13 PM)

I'm with popeye, I don't really care at all, zero, nada, what the "generic" world thinks.

Now, some places do have a right, presently to judge us, because we have troops in their countries. I'd pull them all back as soon as feasible, let the world figure it out. And then it's none of their business anymore how we conduct ourselves because it's all within our borders.

Really, I'm all for a isolationist policy in regards to government intervention in foreign lands. We can talk and trade, whatever. But militarily speaking, and aid US only, barring attack. So, we should be in one other country right now, and that would be afghanistan. We don't need to be in the 100 Plus other locations around the world.

Simplistic, maybe, but this huge mess we call a planet is impossible to "fix" to the satisfaction of everyone. And we are in the present situation by sticking our noses in everything. So, you help country x country y  hates you, or some faction hates you. Some country will always hate us for A. Helping X country, or B not helping X country. Seems cheaper and safer just not to help any country, and protect your own country. And it doesn't help our cause at all and doesn't seem to help the country long term economicly to Hurt country X for our long term benefit either, as they always seem to get free from us eventually, or exploiting another country hurts our own economy.

Best to do no harm, and harm is often wrapped in good intentions as well. So, do nothing.

minnetar -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:08:39 PM)



I'm with popeye, I don't really care at all, zero, nada, what the "generic" world thinks.

Now, some places do have a right, presently to judge us, because we have troops in their countries. I'd pull them all back as soon as feasible, let the world figure it out. And then it's none of their business anymore how we conduct ourselves because it's all within our borders.

Really, I'm all for a isolationist policy in regards to government intervention in foreign lands. We can talk and trade, whatever. But militarily speaking, and aid US only, barring attack. So, we should be in one other country right now, and that would be afghanistan. We don't need to be in the 100 Plus other locations around the world.

Simplistic, maybe, but this huge mess we call a planet is impossible to "fix" to the satisfaction of everyone. And we are in the present situation by sticking our noses in everything. So, you help country x country y  hates you, or some faction hates you. Some country will always hate us for A. Helping X country, or B not helping X country. Seems cheaper and safer just not to help any country, and protect your own country. And it doesn't help our cause at all and doesn't seem to help the country long term economicly to Hurt country X for our long term benefit either, as they always seem to get free from us eventually, or exploiting another country hurts our own economy.

Best to do no harm, and harm is often wrapped in good intentions as well. So, do nothing.

What about the need for being in the Sudan based on the genocide going on there?


TXMasterJames -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:08:44 PM)

So, world leadership is now measured on the basis of foreign aid as a percentage of GDP? Then I am damned glad to see our position!

All the while that these third world countries are trying to bite the hand that feeds them, we keep shoveling money into their hands. Tell me again the definition of insanity?

It is time to get our shit together, and circle the wagons. Withdraw from the U.N, stop all foreign aid, and focus on probelms at home. To all in need of aid: "If you want our help, then act like a friend in need".

Master James

NorthernGent -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:11:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: minnetar

i am in total shock in regards to that statistic - is there any other site to back that up?



The above is a link relating to aid for victims of the Tsunami. Of course, it's only one example.

It includes the following:

But many countries have also seen large private donations, some exceeding their government's donations. The same BBC article also lists some of those:
  • Australia: $88m
  • Germany: $200m
  • United States: $120m
  • Norway: $60m
  • Britain: $189m
  • Italy: $20m
  • Sweden: $60m
  • France: $49m
  • Canada: $57m
  • South Korea: $13m
  • Netherlands: $35m
  • Saudi Arabia: $31m
  • Switzerland: $39m

Zensee -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:12:52 PM)




Don't buy it whole hog.

Look up non-governmental giving as well, not simply tax monies spent.

You might get a different idea.


BzzzzzzzzT! Private charity is not foreign aid. Apples vs oranges. The appearence of the USA in the eyes of the world is not created by the actions of individual Americans, however generous, but from the behaviour of their elected government.

Foreign aid is strategic giving. It is seldom charitable and only rarely beneficial to the average citizen. It is often paid (kicked back) to companies in the "donor" country, in the form of development contracts, usually for mega projects or it is bled to the lap-dog despots in the target country in return, for political and commercial access.

That or it comes with policy and regulatory, even legislative prerequisites.  For instance, AIDS relief being denied unless condoms are replaced by abstinence counselling.

It's not generosity if you expect more in return than you give.

With regards the topic of the thread - the USA hasn't lost it's standing, it has allowed the Bush administration to flayed and gut it.


minnetar -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:14:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: NorthernGent


ORIGINAL: minnetar

i am in total shock in regards to that statistic - is there any other site to back that up?



The above is a link relating to aid for victims of the Tsunami. Of course, it's only one example.

It includes the following:

But many countries have also seen large private donations, some exceeding their government's donations. The same BBC article also lists some of those:
  • Australia: $88m
  • Germany: $200m
  • United States: $120m
  • Norway: $60m
  • Britain: $189m
  • Italy: $20m
  • Sweden: $60m
  • France: $49m
  • Canada: $57m
  • South Korea: $13m
  • Netherlands: $35m
  • Saudi Arabia: $31m
  • Switzerland: $39m

thanks NG


NeedToUseYou -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:16:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: minnetar



I'm with popeye, I don't really care at all, zero, nada, what the "generic" world thinks.

Now, some places do have a right, presently to judge us, because we have troops in their countries. I'd pull them all back as soon as feasible, let the world figure it out. And then it's none of their business anymore how we conduct ourselves because it's all within our borders.

Really, I'm all for a isolationist policy in regards to government intervention in foreign lands. We can talk and trade, whatever. But militarily speaking, and aid US only, barring attack. So, we should be in one other country right now, and that would be afghanistan. We don't need to be in the 100 Plus other locations around the world.

Simplistic, maybe, but this huge mess we call a planet is impossible to "fix" to the satisfaction of everyone. And we are in the present situation by sticking our noses in everything. So, you help country x country y  hates you, or some faction hates you. Some country will always hate us for A. Helping X country, or B not helping X country. Seems cheaper and safer just not to help any country, and protect your own country. And it doesn't help our cause at all and doesn't seem to help the country long term economicly to Hurt country X for our long term benefit either, as they always seem to get free from us eventually, or exploiting another country hurts our own economy.

Best to do no harm, and harm is often wrapped in good intentions as well. So, do nothing.

What about the need for being in the Sudan based on the genocide going on there?


Africa is a big continent, why doesn't south Africa rush in and save the day, or the UN sweep in and restore order. Why would we do it. I mean if Mexico or Canada was collapsing into chaos, I could see rushing to their aid, because it's right next door and directly effects our security. But the Sudan? Rather than look at why isn't the US doing anything, why not ask, why countries with a lot more at stake aren't doing anything, and then look at the UN that is supposed to be their job.

FirmhandKY -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:17:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: minnetar

thank You Firm but that is why i had asked for an additional source as i was very skeptical.

U.S. Private International Giving to Developing World Exceeds $62 Billion:

... the authors found at least $62.1 billion in U.S. private donations to developing countries in 2003, the last year numbers are available. This philanthropy, from U.S. foundations, corporations, non-profits and volunteerism, universities and colleges, religious organizations and individuals is over three and one-half times U.S. Official Development Assistance (ODA) of $16.3 billion.

While the United States gives the greatest absolute amount of ODA to developing countries, it is routinely criticized for being "stingy" because U.S. Government aid ranks last among donor nations as a percent of Gross National Income (GNI). U.S. official aid is .15 percent of GNI compared to Norway, the highest ranked donor, at .92 percent.

What such criticism ignores, however, is that the measure, developed by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), fails to take into account the primary way in which Americans help others abroad: through the private sector. "ODA is an outdated and inaccurate way of measuring a country's generosity," says Dr. Adelman, Director of the Center for Science in Public Policy, at the Hudson Institute. "Americans prefer to give people to people assistance versus Europeans who give primarily government to government aid."

Nor does the OECD fully measure count U.S. military contributions to peacekeeping and security, U.S. private industry investments that generate the bulk of research and development for better food and medicines, or preferential trade agreements that support imports from developing countries. The measure also excludes the $1.5 billion in foreign aid that the U.S. provides to Israel, Central and Eastern Europe, and Russia since these countries exceed the OECD poverty criterion.

Most importantly, the number does not include $51 billion of U.S. private capital flows to developing countries, consisting of foreign direct investment and net capital markets. This private investment creates jobs and economic growth, the surest way to reducing poverty.

Their full report: download pdf.

This was just the first thing I found on the net, when I googled "nongovernmental US foreign aid".  I've seen plenty of others.


minnetar -> RE: "America has lost it's standing in the world." (4/28/2007 4:22:47 PM)

Need because i see that as the biggest atrocity in the world with everyone standing by doing nothing.


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