RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (Full Version)

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inyouagain -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 3:15:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterZues
It seems some people cannot read...

Or taken the time to do so: Collarme Forum Guidelines


First what are all these subs doing answering questions in Ask a Master...

READ the fucking rules before you entertain us with your ignorance.


... second her complaint is she is not getting any and is not collared.

The "subbie" spoke of many more things, such as betrayal and dishonesty. It is no surprise that you missed that, as you've missed plenty in addition.


On the first, take your subby selves over to ask a submissive and stay there.

Bask in your ignorance "Master", but don't expect others to join you in same.


On the second, without some comment from her Master I would draw no conclusion except that she needs to talk to him and get a clear understanding of what he intends.

Are you saying that two wannabe "Masters" converse better than a predator's victim and other genuine lifestylers?

Enough quoting of your diatribe! You started out referring to this person as a "subbie", and then switched in midstream to label her as a "slave", so it's rather obvious you have much to learn yourself. Advice??? LOL, Go Fish!!!


Take particular note of what this judgemental "Master" says, and add his name to your blacklist, near to the dishonest and deceiving one you are hooked up with now... they may in fact be related, as they both seem to be alumni of the same fucked up school?

Read the posts/replys of others here who some even know the "Master" in question, and their first hand knowledge of him seems to solidify all your concerns. YOU have to protect your own GIFT of submission, until you find a bonafide "Master" who will nurture and cherish your GIFT. Do the right thing for yourself and your future Master... leave the wannabes to what they do best... bullshitting those nearest to them.

He's bullshitting you, and it's a safe bet he's also blowing smoke up the woman's ass who refused to move away with him... and she is perhaps wising up, and so should you if what you seek is more than simply being submissive to a codependent "Master".


PeacefulTop -> Master of Nothing (5/31/2004 7:30:06 AM)

Zues...thank you so much, oh Most Ungraciously Wretched Lord God, Proudly Transparent Pedator of All Things Female, and Master of Prime Idiocies, for providing this unworthy and falsehearted male Subbie Schoolboy, with such an apt practical DEMONSTRATION of my original point.

Of course, I will gladly abase myself and bow down to the wisdom of a COMPLETE STRANGER whose BLANK PROFILE testifies to his expertise in interpreting forum guidelines he HAS NOT READ to THOUSANDS of others.

Since we have not negotiated any arrangement whatsoever, kindly allow me to offer my back to be flogged umercifully, Most Reverend Sir, so that I may atone as a naked slave should, for the unthinkable disrespect of daring to respond to your otherwise utterly UNCONTACTABLE self according to my own ethics rather than yours, much less in public or in a tone of REBUKE.

After all, as a MASTER, it is completely unnecessary for you to bother with tedious chore of actually READING the posts of the submissives you choose to insult. My obligation is to read your Godlike mind says so right there in your
nick...right there in the legend you misread and the name you mis-spelled thereby.

My only remaining rhetorical question is how You might choose a reasonable (or unreasonable) punishment for all the other SWITCHES in the world who refuse to hear the Absolute Truth of Your Divine Majesty's Word by instantly re-identifying as Submissives whenever You walk into the room?

Meanwhile, back in the real world, you might want to take a hard look at how your unsubtle attempt to MIS-TRAIN an unknown, novice newbie Sub Female AWAY FROM takng proper account of her right to consent or her own safety, is actually red-flagging you to the whole board as an EXPERIENCED ABUSER...the very worst kind.

Respectfully,my advice to all the subbies and slaves on this board is to stay away from this idjit until he manages to learn WHY the basics of protocol stand as they are...mere mind-control technique is not gong to cut it around here. Not on my watch.

Thank you a/All for your attention.

Sylverdawn -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 7:41:40 AM)

Im going to make two posts in this thread the first one being...

while I dont necessairly agree with MasterZues...

I didnt think personal attacks were allowed either.... Dont agree with someone .. Ok.. use the intellect you so clearly have and wield it's mighty blade in articulate debate.. name calling never solved much beyond the kindegarten playground.

Sylverdawn -> RE: "Master" of nothing...WAS: owns my heart (5/31/2004 8:05:21 AM)

For Me I feel like the story is a bit incomplete and people are jumping to conclusions:

Someone is commenting offline in private about what is right and what is wrong .. We are too quick to become the Gestapo on each other.. Well so and so is a predator or whatever because he does xy and I would never do that.. If what he did was inside the guidelines of the party.. so be it.. If you as a submissive are uncomfortable with it.. you have the right to say so.. but because someone else says no no no.. then it becomes wrong.. clearly you had no issue with it because you didnt bring it up. and clearly he knew what he was doing because you havent said.. I have great welts that are going to take months to heal.. and Im under the care of a doctor.. or that you have no feeling in your nipples..or whatever.. It sounds to me like he knew exactly what he was doing. And what he was doing was pleasing himself and you apparently at the time .. People play differently ... some lighter some heavier.. some dangerously.. We take our chances each time we play even with familiar partners.

Secondly... God Bless him for being honest with her about the girlfriend.. which he did and did not have to.. he could have lied about that.. and he told her and she said she was OK with it. He ws under no obligation to fess up.. sounds to me like there is something there we are not quite getting.

i just found out he has a gf in texas who he loves

Thirdly ... God Bless him for keeping the faith with this girlfriend who clearly knew about the girl in PA.. as he asked her to come with and she doesnt want to..

Fourthly.. GIrl what are you thinking a month and half and your ready for collar!!!! and for him MOVE into your house.. a complete stranger!!!.. what are you THINKING~!@###@~~~

All he has really done is set the perameters of the relationship..which is his right as well as hers .. and all that has happened is agirl has not had her expectations met and is disappointed that what she thought was apparently is not what she thought it was going to be...has turned out to be something else ... Did he promise her intercourse or intimacy??? Sexual intimacy is very possible without the act of intercourse!!! I personally have alot of questions before I would jump to the conclusion that this guy is some sort of dirt bag looking for a free ride..

What I can say is that we have two people who have spoken only for a month and half.. met once.. played once..and just on that basis I would tell a person to step back.. that they are rushing.. that they need to go slowly.. be cautious.. wait and see.. have no expectations about who this person is or what role they will play in your life.

For me it would be like.. getting married after having drinks, a dance and a quick snog in the backseat .. we would all look at them an go.. FUCKING CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYY poeple..What are they thinking!!!!

Best of Luck.. and I hope it all works out in the the end for you saphirezdrems.

proudsub -> RE: "Master" of nothing...WAS: owns my heart (5/31/2004 8:50:48 AM)


i dont know what is right and what is wrong on this that could cause me physical harm

Saphire, a lot of what you said bothers me, but that statement bothers me the most. I suggest you learn as much as you can by reading and talking to people. There are a lot of good threads on this site that you may find helpful, especially in the health and safety section. I hope this turns out well for you.

Zeus--i feel i can post anywhere on this site if i have something to contribute and if you don't like it you can ignore my posts and the others from submissives.

PeacefulTop--thanks for the laugh LMAO!!

inyouagain -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 8:58:50 AM)

Would you be so kind as to elaborate who you are speaking to? You replied to my post, the middle post of three, directed at the impoliteness displayed by a so called "Master".


Sylverdawn -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 10:10:19 AM)

I think its pretty clear to whom I am speaking.. I just picked one of the many.. so no not you specifically.

MistressKiss -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 10:13:51 AM)

I just want to bring this up and it may be completely unrelated. I had a dominant that contacted me that was FROM Pa and moving TO Texas about three months ago. I have a submissive friend that was looking here on collarme for a Master and she met him, and he told her that she was his one forever and ever...all within a span of a week. She was smitten after being in several bad relationships. He also called her a lot and sent cards. She told me his screen name. It wasn't a few days later that he pmed me....not knowing I knew her, and became very aggressive with me...clearly wanting to both meet and play. I clued her in first, then had her online as I asked him a few questions....remember, he had stated his complete eternal love for her. I played him for a few and once he said he wanted to meet and he could tell there was something special about me...I told him my friend's name....he was busted.

I bring this up because he sounds so similar. He had said that he was moving to Texas....could it be the same person now moving back? Was this guy met on collarme? I'm not usually an advocate of revealing screen names, but I bring this to the moderator's attention because this could be a very serious matter.

January -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 11:39:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterZues

First what are all these subs doing answering questions in Ask a Master.

Um... perhaps because these subs are compassionate?


Last but not least, the Master slave relationship is the most dangerous and requires the deepest commitment, on the part of the slave. The Master has no such requirement.

I think you'll find a LOT of slaves and slave owners on this board who will disagree with you regarding the extent of a Master's commitment.

I'd also like to point out saphirezdrem is likely too inexperienced to know if she is, in fact, really a slave.


Sylverdawn -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 12:02:07 PM)

January.. I dont know if you looked.. but the girl lists herself as Gorean.. so apparently she has made that choice.

Thanatosian -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 12:11:17 PM)

Kiss - cant be the same guy - I was at the bbq and the idjit from texas is moving to pa to take a job at a university to start the fall semester, so unless something has radically changed in the last 2 days it would not be the same - and no they had not met here on collarme as saphire just recently became a member here on collarme - I think about a week ago.


Someone is commenting offline in private about what is right and what is wrong

sylver - I did not want to make my response to saphire here for a couple of reasons - primus: I have knowledge of what happened that is not my place to share with relative strangers (the board) - secondus: it is not my habit to do dirty laundry in public


Secondly... God Bless him for being honest with her about the girlfriend.

first mentioning a gf back in texas a month into talking with a sub is being honest???????? wouldnt it have been honest to say something like 'I have a gf here but she is not sure she wants to come with me so i am going to be looking for a new one there'?? another point on his 'honesty' - what would you say if I told you that he had been working on trying to get with yet another sub at the same time he was wooing saphire? and not mentioning anything to her about a gf either? or that he was pursuing another sub here in the area? (the first either knew about the other was the bbq). would you still be so quick to defend his 'honesty'?


Thirdly ... God Bless him for keeping the faith with this girlfriend who clearly knew about the girl in PA

I have talked with saphire and she has indicated that the gf back in texas does NOT know about her - and in fact this 'master' has taken steps to help preclude the gf from finding out - like having saphire remove all indications of being in pa from all profiles - so that the gf cannot put 2 and 2 together and come to the conclusion that this idjit is two timing her!!!!!

also if you go back and re read saphirez initial post you will see that she states a couple of things - she 'just found out' about a gf (so much for honesty) and that he had stated that sex would be part of the relationship - sex - not intimacy ( unless you are going to be like clinton and argue what 'is' means).


It seems some people cannot read...
First what are all these subs doing answering questions in Ask a Master, second her complaint is she is not getting any and is not collared.

zeus - first - kindly speak for yourself and not make sweeping generalized statements/demands - to reiterate what others have said - read the f-ing guidelines
second - if her complaint was about not getting any and not being collared she could have titled the thread 'im not collared and not getting any' or something like that instead of 'master owns my heart but lied to me' - clearly putting the topic of her complaint on the lying aspect - both about the gf and about haing sex - maybe you should go back and reread (or maybe read for the first time) her original post

so it seems some people indeed cannot read - yourself among them

I would like to apologize to the board in general for the flame-like content of my post, but this is a rather personal subject with me as it concerns the group I am a member of - and steps are being taken, both with the founder of the group (also the host of the bbq) and with the group membership as a whole to try and resolve this issue in a fitting manner.

January -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 12:13:27 PM)

So what if she says she's Gorean? My comment concerns her experience.

Estring -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 12:55:04 PM)

It is amazing that anyone would defend this so called master. All you have to do is imagine what you would do if someone you were getting to know pulled this crap on you. I doubt that anyone here would hesitate to pull the plug on the relationship. But the bigger problem is that saphire is ignoring what are huge flashing warning signs.

Sylverdawn -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 12:55:25 PM)

sylver - I did not want to make my response to saphire here for a couple of reasons - primus: I have knowledge of what happened that is not my place to share with relative strangers (the board) - secondus: it is not my habit to do dirty laundry in public

MHO... then contact ther through private email clearly done on or through group email

Secondly... God Bless him for being honest with her about the girlfriend.

first mentioning a gf back in texas a month into talking with a sub is being honest???????? wouldnt it have been honest to say something like 'I have a gf here but she is not sure she wants to come with me so i am going to be looking for a new one there'?? another point on his 'honesty' - what would you say if I told you that he had been working on trying to get with yet another sub at the same time he was wooing saphire? and not mentioning anything to her about a gf either? or that he was pursuing another sub here in the area? (the first either knew about the other was the bbq). would you still be so quick to defend his 'honesty'?

LIke I said ..we are NOT getting the full picture..


Thirdly ... God Bless him for keeping the faith with this girlfriend who clearly knew about the girl in PA

I have talked with saphire and she has indicated that the gf back in texas does NOT know about her - and in fact this 'master' has taken steps to help preclude the gf from finding out - like having saphire remove all indications of being in pa from all profiles - so that the gf cannot put 2 and 2 together and come to the conclusion that this idjit is two timing her!!!!!

also if you go back and re read saphirez initial post you will see that she states a couple of things - she 'just found out' about a gf (so much for honesty) and that he had stated that sex would be part of the relationship - sex - not intimacy ( unless you are going to be like clinton and argue what 'is' means).

See the above

I would like to apologize to the board in general for the flame-like content of my post, but this is a rather personal subject with me as it concerns the group I am a member of - and steps are being taken, both with the founder of the group (also the host of the bbq) and with the group membership as a whole to try and resolve this issue in a fitting manner.

Sylverdawn -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 12:58:08 PM)

I am not defending anyone what I am saying is lets be objective.. there are TWO sides to every story.. Master or NOT.. the warning signs are NOT what he did but what she is willing to do in order to find someone.. being careless with her own personal safety.. regards of who she is or IS NOT doing. For me it wouldnt matter if this guy was Ghandi with a paddle.. one and half months.. online via the phone one meeting and a casual session isnt ground enough to committ yourself to anyone.. not when you A. identify as a slave not a Submissive.. (ie Gorean) and B. play with dangerous toys like Whips/knives/electicity/Fire... The girl needs to take a serious look at why she is willing to risk her life in such a casual fashion..

And, now I am done..
Be Well

MizSuz -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 12:59:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: saphirezdrem

master owns my heart but lied to me

Has anyone ever told you that the word "but" negates everything that was said before it? Assuming thus, what does that tell you about where your head is when reading this statement?

Nobody knows what you want better than you do. Nobody. Also, nobody will be responsible for the consequences of your actions but you. Nobody.

Do you think this, as it is, is a relationship that will meet your wants and needs? Not this relationship "if it were different" this way or that way. That would be wishful thinking and probably not something you should base your choices on.

As it is, is this something you want?

You are the only person who can answer these questions. Once you have answered them, nobody else's opinion will matter.

inyouagain -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 3:41:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: Sylverdawn
I think its pretty clear to whom I am speaking.. I just picked one of the many.. so no not you specifically.

It's not even clear that you have any idea of the content of the thread you jumped in... with the intent to chastise others for setting Zues straight regarding "his" perception of where subs should post on this message board.


ORIGINAL: Sylverdawn
We are too quick to become the Gestapo on each other..

Tell me about it...

In re-reading your post of defending the "Master" in question, YOU stated "God bless him" in at least two of your defensive comments regarding "his" actions... all the while knowing little to nothing of same.

GOD BLESS those who jump in ill-informed and attempt to chastise others, while defending wrong-doers by virtue of assumption.

YOU stated very "matter of factly":

ORIGINAL: Sylverdawn
Secondly... God Bless him for being honest with her about the girlfriend.. which he did and did not have to.. he could have lied about that.. and he told her and she said she was OK with it. He ws under no obligation to fess up.. sounds to me like there is something there we are not quite getting.

Thirdly ... God Bless him for keeping the faith with this girlfriend who clearly knew about the girl in PA.. as he asked her to come with and she doesnt want to..

Apparently, only God and YOU (not the unaware girfriend in TX) "clearly knew" anything.

GOD BLESS those who "clearly saw and perceived" what nobody else saw at all.

GOD BLESS you, and your God given talent of "immaculate perception".

GOD BLESS those who you choose to judge, whether fair... or "from left field".

Thank you so much for putting this entire scenario into "clear perspective" for all of us.

No offense, but IMO you "clearly" missed the boat here in this thread, and preaching to others in defense of wrong-doers is simply inconceiveable... but the old cliche says "God works in strange ways"... as God has apparently done so here in this thread.

Perhaps God's work here is done?


Sylverdawn -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 5:19:14 PM)

Your not worth my time..

indigo302 -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 6:39:56 PM)

My question is...where does personal responsibility come in?

When does a grown woman become responsible for herself, her own safety and her own education into things she thinks she wants?

There is SO much information out there to be had...for FREE....and yet, people continue to walk/dive into these kinda things headfirst without checking the depth of the pool.

Funny thing I find about most of these types....they don't want to take advice from another female submissive, they only want it from Doms......which leaves me wondering....just what it is they ARE after...



January -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 7:03:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Sylverdawn
And, now I am done..

We can only hope.

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