RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (Full Version)

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Sylverdawn -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 8:06:14 PM)

Amen.. !!!

stormiKnightBEAR -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 8:36:52 PM)


Sorry to disappoint you but to the best of stormi's knowledge.
slaves/submissives as well as switches and Mistresses are allowed
to read and post on all of the boards.

Some use this entire realm as a way to learn, look at things from
a different perspective and maybe GAIN some knowledge that will
prevent an injury or heartache down the road.

Did stormi mention that at times the boards also lend laughter?
From all those post where mud slinging and personal attacks come
from because most do not remember that they have 3 fingers pointing
back at them but are dayum quick to point it out to others.

BTW, to clarify.... the term idjit is used by stormi when she does not
want to disgrace words like man or Master or Dom or Sir. The idjit is
none of the above in the opinion of one Texan... and infact is a
complete embarrassment.

You did in the end after all your ranting about submissives posting, make
some valid points. Even offered some decent advice.

One thing you should know, for the record, stormi takes orders from only ONE
Master. When last she checked .... His name was Temji/Bear.
Until the time that HE tells stormi not to post, stormi will continue to read and
post if she feels there is something worth saying.

Written with Master's approval.

~W~ white silk slave property of Master Bear

ShadeDiva -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 10:08:23 PM)

Suz and Dawn - I think you both were closer to the crux of my thoughts and concerns in regard to this scenerio, mix in EString's points, and that's pretty much where I guess I stand.

He lied, about several things, that says it all to me. He's not worth your time. I remember the first "dominant" that had my heart - funnily enough that person lived in Texas, lol, and he lied about EVERYTHING - he wasn't a dominant at all, even, nor was he at ALL who he had claimed to be - I fell for the illusion. That was nearly 9 years ago. The fact is honey, you are in love with the fantasy he wove - and it's a mighty hard road to see it and accept it, and in some ways, that pain will stay, though it grips your heart and soul less and less as time goes on. But you will at times, think back to that person that you were then - the pain of that betrayal and of the dreams you had that were built on smoke and yet were so real to you ... and how special of a time and the moments the good moments you had will still be there. It's a part of growing I think.

But there's more he isn't telling you - if they lie about this or that - they ARE lying about other things, and among them - how YOU are seen in their eyes, hearts and minds. I know that sucks and that even thinking it and the doubt alone hurts like nothing, but by god, it's better to see and feel this NOW than it is 6 months down the road. Liars do not tell the truth.

In regard to allowing someone you've barely known move in, I am in full agreement that isn't a wise idea. Please for your own sake and heart - rethink that offer, and pull it back.

There is some REALLY sound advice that folks gave you in this thread - please hear it, even if it hurts. If you ever need a compassionate ear, I'm here, feel free to IM me or email me privately. I think I've been there, so I can at least to some extent probably relate a bit to the internal turmoil you are going through.

In any case, be safe, and THINK OF YOURSELF. It's okay to. Honest.


Sinergy -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (5/31/2004 10:43:49 PM)

You know, this thread started as a woman who had issues with a choice she made in a partner.

Some person posted an inflammatory post and now most of the posts in the thread seem involved with dealing with this Zeus person.

I think the easiest way to deal with that ilk is to simply ignore them and wait for them to get bored and go away.

Can we get this thread back on the topic please?

Thank you,


MistressKiss -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/1/2004 12:39:22 AM)

I agree with seems I am noticing this happening more and more often on these boards...personal flaming and the inability to have an adult discussion without it turning into an insistence on who's right. It's very frustrating and indicates a lack of maturity - I say this in general without pointing to anyone specifically...not sure if others have noticed this, but I certainly want to spend my time involved in serious discussions - not bickering over who's opinion is the ultimate, definitive end all, be about some tolerance and acceptance of diverse opinions?

MistressKiss -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/1/2004 12:58:22 AM)

Thanks, Thanatosian....I surely hope it's a different guy...somehow a university background also sounds familiar.....I wish all involved the best...

rain -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/1/2004 7:10:35 AM)


i'm sorry to hear about your situation, it sounds painful.

i was just wondering, what- if anything, you've decided?

Take care of yourself.



IWantYou -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/15/2004 5:58:13 PM)


I am as curious to your answer as rain must be..... He obviously has stolen your heart..he has NOT earned it. I don't believe that my collared slave, IWYs_lilbrat would have accepted my collar unless she felt certain that I was worthy of her and I would not have placed it around her neck if I did not feel the same. A D/s relationship has to operate on a HOW priciple, honesty openmindedness and willingness.

I would only suggest you stand back from in front of his tree to see the forest and you will see the truth for yourself....... I hope to read your reply soon....... IWY

Thanatosian -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/15/2004 8:12:30 PM)

rain, IWantYou, et al

as somewhat of a participant in this 'affair', let me provide the following informational update

saphire has given the idjit the boot (figuratively speaking) and is now in the process of (more carefully) looking into a Dom - and has found another that she is in the process of speaking with and getting to know - and yes, we (the group she belongs to) are keeping an eye on the situation to ensure a repeat does not happen.

as a side note, the idjit has a profile on the personals side of collarme, where he gives his place of residence as New York city, and not northeastern PA, so it would seem he is continuing on the same path as before

I would like to thank all here for their sage advice (as well as their parsley and cinammon advice[;)]) given here, but I think it is safe to say that this matter has been brought to a successful conclusion.

ShadeDiva -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/16/2004 2:17:17 AM)

She's spoken to me as well on a few points, to which I advised to the best of my ability, as slight of help as that may be.

I think she knows that this space and her rt group are looking for her back, which is a good thing.


Sinergy -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/16/2004 7:41:59 AM)

Good luck in your journey, saphire, and regards to all who are helping her make her way safely along her path.


Voltare -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/16/2004 9:26:49 AM)

As a brief thought....

In reading the posting, I have this funny feeling that the girl in question, if she really wished for the relationship to end, she could just end it. If I see a guy on my front doorstep with a knife in his hands pounding on the door, I don't open it for him and say "hey, stay for a while, would you like some coffee?" No... I call the cops and let them haul his ass to jail.

saphire, if you are serious about a long term, healthy relationship - give this guy a wiiiide berth. Nobody is forcing you to stay with him, and declaring him to have some sort of unnatural hold on your mind won't recoup any expenses that you will incur by housing, feeding, and clothing this person. They won't put food in your mouth, clothes on your back, or a collar on your neck. All you will have if you continue with this guy is a broken heart and a sob story. BDSM may be about the expressions of fantasies, but if this was an interent 'marriage' you were talking about, would you be rushing to the alter with this guy? In the Ds world, often times a collar represents a committment of the same depth. Ask yourself if you REALLY know this guy well enough to marry him and hand over everything you own, because if you don't ask those questions now, you very well might find that happening soon.


ShadeDiva -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/16/2004 5:18:25 PM)

Um she has left him.



Voltare -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/19/2004 12:25:57 PM)

D'oh, I missed page two's postings. No wonder I was left out of the loop.

indigo: I agree completely with your statements (even if they were in the form of questions.) Submissive women carry the same measure of responsibility for their personal safety and health as Dominant men, Dominant women, Submissive men, and every other living breathing functioning adult. BDSM and D/s should -never- serve as a replacement for life in my mind. You can willingly submit to anothers will all you want - but in the end, you are still legally, morally, and socially culpable for your own actions.


topcat -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/19/2004 4:41:19 PM)


you met me at the bbq (bald guy in flame pants and demon tshirt)

M. Thanatos-

You set your pants on fire? what an entrance!

stay warm,

Thanatosian -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/20/2004 9:40:46 AM)

Lawrence - the harder part was convincing the demon to be my Tshirt[;)]

guess I just wanted to look 'hot'[:D]

Sundew02 -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/22/2004 12:45:41 PM)

saphire, I am a Domme, not a Dom, but found your post drew me to respond. It isn't that you don't know what to do. And to YOU, he was wonderful, the answer to your dreams of being a cared for and respected submissive. Take a breath, look at what you saw at the BBQ, with your mind, not your heart. You saw slaves, subs and Dominants honestly engaging in D/s relationships. No matter what came out of his lips before his arrival, he is not your dream come true. Everyone makes mistakes, I know you want him, but he is not the one to take you to what you saw at the BBQ. Now do what you know you need to do. No advise can persuade you, not blunt or kind. Your choice, your decision. And I know you will cry buckets, and thats ok. Remember you are special, the heart of a true sub/slave beats with loyality and trust. Your Dom is still out there. Tess

Senko -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/27/2004 4:26:03 PM)

I am sorry to hear this happend to you. wow i guess Texas is getting a bad name... i would just like to appologize on behalf of all in the state, that is not what we are like. I am a 20yo Gorean Master, and behavior like this just physically makes me sick. it is hard enough as is to find a decent girl anymore. we dont need Men like this spoiling the good ones.

IWantYou -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/27/2004 5:52:56 PM)

Isn't it funny....

A slave comes to a room where she seeks advise from Masters/Mistresses or Dom/mes and some don't think it's right. She could have copied her post and added to the "ask a Slave" as well, she didn't no big deal. Oh well for those who complain, their loss and not worth my time.

Saphirezdrem.... dump this guy, get him out of your life and keep him out. He is less than a doormat which is the way he seems to treating you and your relationship with him. Then kick your own butt for allowing yourself to get involved with him in the forst place.

Then get to know any and A/all people involved in the community through munches, play parties and chatrooms. The latter is better because the subs/slave sick close and will be your best guige as to who you might want to learn from and with. Play safe and be well...IWY.

sadisticbastard -> RE: master owns my heart but lied to me (6/28/2004 7:34:14 PM)

No matter how "wonderful" he seems, if the trust is not there then how can you emotionally feel safe with him?

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