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RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 7:14:54 AM   

Posts: 8284
Joined: 10/27/2004
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ORIGINAL: LaTigresse


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

Oh and LaT....I SEE you lurking up there. You stay away from my chocolate dammit! I WILL wrestle you for it if I have to.

Pfffftttt, and here I was going to offer to share mine......

Disregard all I said. You're my new friend, want to have a party?


Peace and light,

There are no victims here...only volunteers.

When you make a habit of playing on the tracks, you thereby forfeit the right to bitch when you get hit by a train.

"I did it! I admit it and I'm gonna do it again!"

(in reply to LaTigresse)
Profile   Post #: 241
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 7:21:05 AM   

Posts: 1335
Joined: 7/28/2007
From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
Status: offline
To the audience at large:

I'm not going to quote the whole book, but this seemed to me to be relevant to the thread:

And the priestess spoke again and said:

"Speak to us of Reason and Passion."

And he answered saying:

Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite.

Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.

But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?

Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.

If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.

For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.

Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion; that it may sing;

And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.

I would have you consider your judgment and your appetite even as you would two loved guests in your house.

Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.

Among the hills, when you sit in the cool shade of the white poplars, sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows - then let your heart say in silence, "God rests in reason."

And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky, - then let your heart say in awe, "God moves in passion."

And since you are a breath in God's sphere, and a leaf in God's forest, you too should rest in reason and move in passion.


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 242
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 7:31:30 AM   

Posts: 11766
Status: offline

To the audience at large:
I'm not going to quote the whole book, but this seemed to me to be relevant to the thread:
And the priestess spoke again and said:
"Speak to us of Reason and Passion."
And he answered saying:
Your soul is oftentimes a battlefield, upon which your reason and your judgment wage war against passion and your appetite.
Would that I could be the peacemaker in your soul, that I might turn the discord and the rivalry of your elements into oneness and melody.
But how shall I, unless you yourselves be also the peacemakers, nay, the lovers of all your elements?
Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.
If either your sails or your rudder be broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid-seas.
For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining; and passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction.
Therefore let your soul exalt your reason to the height of passion; that it may sing;
And let it direct your passion with reason, that your passion may live through its own daily resurrection, and like the phoenix rise above its own ashes.
I would have you consider your judgment and your appetite even as you would two loved guests in your house.
Surely you would not honour one guest above the other; for he who is more mindful of one loses the love and the faith of both.
Among the hills, when you sit in the cool shade of the white poplars, sharing the peace and serenity of distant fields and meadows - then let your heart say in silence, "God rests in reason." And when the storm comes, and the mighty wind shakes the forest, and thunder and lightning proclaim the majesty of the sky, - then let your heart say in awe, "God moves in passion."
And since you are a breath in God's sphere, and a leaf in God's forest, you too should rest in reason and move in passion.

Is this part of the contest, display of the bibliography portion of your writing skills, or an attempt to generate more minions from 'The Prophet' fans? Is 'The Prophet' part of the test? Will the interview process require quoting from memory or will it be "open book"?

'Passive Aggressive' personality working for you? You're a regular riot Bobby! THANKS!

Oh yeah almost forgot....

Thanks for your consistency, Bob.

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 243
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 7:32:43 AM   

Posts: 3460
Joined: 8/9/2006
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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


Thank you for your point of view, Merc.

Thanks for being such a humorous and entertaining poster boy, Bob. Oh and congrats on your consistency.

I would like to take a minute to point out, in Bob's defense, that being consistently inconsistent is still consistency.

Bob entertaining? Well, I somewhat agree, but how in all honesty can anyone find someone entertaining who...

-Continually contradicts his own personal and factual history
-Presents illogical and impractical thesis's on M/S
-Constantly tries to posture himself as an experienced BDSM leader despite the fact that his viewpoints reek of inexperience, stupidity and Internet fantasy clichés that are laughable in any real time experience.
-Supports and broadcasts the "One True Way", creating the misconception for people less experienced than Bob (if that is even possible) that there is in fact some kind of Bible we all adhere to be "true slaves" and "true masters"
-Judges and condemns lifestyle activities based on his own negative assumptions and generalizations with no real experience to support them
-Tries to present the misconception that there is, in fact, standardized definitions and standards for the labels used in individuals relationships
-Tries to reference historical fact that is, in fact, not historical fact in the least regarding the public scene to try and add some kind of creditability to his "One True Way-ism" with made up facts.
-Postures himself as a teacher and expert of BDSM despite the fact that he can provide absolutely no history or connection with any organizations or communities within the public scene.

Can any of us with a conscience truly find such a dangerous individual to be entertaining, given the huge scope of misconceptions and misinformation?

It is no more laughable than the members of the 1000 year old BDSM society of European lineage or the True Old Guard.

However, while these fakes and wannabes usually disappear completely when debunked, this particular individual persists. Perhaps out of loneliness and lack of any personal life? Maybe just spurred on by constant insecurities? Whatever the reasons, we are lucky to have individuals on these forums speaking up and challenging the idiotic pontifications.

I would like to do my part by reminding everyone to be wary of the expert advice, "factual information", and megalomania being presented here by an individual who publicly stated...


Some of us have been too busy living real lives to be screwing around with 'BDSM organizations'

Perhaps some people prefer teachers who only have information presented to them via the Internet in their isolation. I don't.


Advice for New Dominants
The Unpolitically Correct Lifestyle Definitions

Obama is NOT the Messiah! He's just a VERY NAUGHTY BOY

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 244
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 7:35:45 AM   

Posts: 3460
Joined: 8/9/2006
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

Is this part of the contest, display of the bibliography portion of your writing skills, or an attempt to generate more minions from 'The Prophet' fans? Is 'The Prophet' part of the test? Will the interview process require quoting from memory or will it be "open book"?

'Passive Aggressive' personality working for you? You're a regular riot Bobby! THANKS!

Oh yeah almost forgot....

Thanks for your consistency, Bob.

"The Prophet" is very much relevant to Bob.


Advice for New Dominants
The Unpolitically Correct Lifestyle Definitions

Obama is NOT the Messiah! He's just a VERY NAUGHTY BOY

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 245
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 7:45:44 AM   

Posts: 1335
Joined: 7/28/2007
From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
Status: offline


Perhaps some people prefer teachers who only have information presented to them via the Internet in their isolation. I don't.

Some of us didn't need teachers to learn all we wanted to know about sex, Rabbit.

Some of us had partners as willing and eager to explore and experiment as we were.


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to MadRabbit)
Profile   Post #: 246
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:06:34 AM   

Posts: 11766
Status: offline


Perhaps some people prefer teachers who only have information presented to them via the Internet in their isolation. I don't.

Some of us didn't need teachers to learn all we wanted to know about sex, Rabbit.Some of us had partners as willing and eager to explore and experiment as we were.


How about an answer to one question? With the interview and evaluation process so absolute and complete why did any partner leave, or have they all died?

By the way I think MR is talking about real life partners not a "show of hands".

Don't expect an answer so in advance - Thanks for your consistency, Bob.

Can any of us with a conscience truly find such a dangerous individual to be entertaining, given the huge scope of misconceptions and misinformation?

MR -
It is the consistent inconsistency that I congratulate Bob. The danger is obvious to me, and is the purpose for consistently pointing it out. Nearly 100% of what is represented by him is in direct opposition to the reality of any relationship I've either been a part of or come in contact. That is VERY dangerous to many here who can be fooled by such rhetoric and pontification. At the same time it is also VERY amusing. Its easy to point out both by merely holding up a mirror.

I can also appreciate how frustrating it is to be forced to look into that mirror. The attempt and insult and name calling speaks to Bob's frustration with that mirror. How can you react? You have to try to break the mirror or at least spread some of that excessively used Vaseline to soften the reflection. Or call the mirror names, 'bully'; and call the challenge - machismo posturing. Whatever - I am enjoying the process of watching the hole being dug, and will, when appropriate, point out the depth.


It is no more laughable than the members of the 1000 year old BDSM society of European lineage or the True Old Guard.
As long as they don't attack MY group - The Royal Ancient Order of the Swiss Chard; presenters of a 'collard' to slaves found worthy to serve them; they have no problem with me.

< Message edited by Mercnbeth -- 10/11/2007 8:07:33 AM >

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 247
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:08:05 AM   

Posts: 1096
Joined: 3/27/2007
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ORIGINAL: mistoferin

You bitch! I see how you are. You buy all the chocolate and throw big parties when I'm not around! Bet the next thing you tell me is that you're going to be making Frozen Toasted Almonds too. Uh huh....I got your number.

Awwww...i will save some candy for you!
No frozen toasteds, i am making spiced cider and maybe some mulled wine because it is so damn chilly now.


The human heart is not a finite container but an ever expanding universe with all the stars contained there in.

(in reply to mistoferin)
Profile   Post #: 248
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:22:22 AM   

Posts: 3460
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Perhaps some people prefer teachers who only have information presented to them via the Internet in their isolation. I don't.

Some of us didn't need teachers to learn all we wanted to know about sex, Rabbit.

Some of us had partners as willing and eager to explore and experiment as we were.

As usual, Bob, I wonder if you have even read the post. At the very least, I am questioning your reading comprehension level.

No where was I questioning the need for teachers to learn about sex, Bob. If that be the case, then why do you come her presenting yourself as a teacher for a subject that doesnt require teachers?

You preach of historical fact. You openly speak for the BDSM community as a whole. You try to present standards and defintions for words.

Where does all this come from, Bob if you have never had time to be part of the public scene? How are you so qualified to speak of such things in a large scope than your own personal life when you have never had any experience outside of that personal life?

I dont expect any answers. You will most likely pick one sentence from this post and try and fight back with some comment completely irrelevant to the onslaught of logic and questions. Or perhaps talk over me to the "general audience" in an attempt to defect the blows against your fail ego.

Backing away from a pointless fight, Bob? I dont think so. There is nothing pointless about the questions, questions that should have answers.

Why are you the only one on the Internet who doesnt feel it necessary to defend his written word and provide clarification? What makes you so holy that everyone must simply take what you say at face value and not question it?

There is no backing away from a pointless fight in this thread or any in the past Bob. All I see is you taking the only option you can. Cowardice and retreat in face of challenge to your fraudery and lies.


Advice for New Dominants
The Unpolitically Correct Lifestyle Definitions

Obama is NOT the Messiah! He's just a VERY NAUGHTY BOY

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 249
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:30:16 AM   

Posts: 210
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Nothing wrong with machismo in my long as it doesn't mean being an asshole. Actually, I don't think being a sub is necessarily emasculating. In fact, I think one can still be masculine whilst submitting. Maybe some women like the idea that they and they alone can make this strong, confident man submit to them. 


I live for.. I die for.. I breathe for..

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 250
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:31:11 AM   

Posts: 14867
Joined: 12/27/2005
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Perhaps some people prefer teachers who only have information presented to them via the Internet in their isolation. I don't.

Some of us didn't need teachers to learn all we wanted to know about sex, Rabbit.

Some of us had partners as willing and eager to explore and experiment as we were.

When did sex come into this?

Is sex with Rabbit now part of the prize?


Without my dominance you cannot submit. Without your submission I cannot dominate. You are my equal in this, though our roles are different.-Val

It was ok for him to beat me but then he tried to cuddle me! - Me

Member:Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair

(in reply to Bobkgin)
Profile   Post #: 251
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:32:13 AM   

Posts: 14867
Joined: 12/27/2005
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ORIGINAL: Twicehappy2x


ORIGINAL: mistoferin

You bitch! I see how you are. You buy all the chocolate and throw big parties when I'm not around! Bet the next thing you tell me is that you're going to be making Frozen Toasted Almonds too. Uh huh....I got your number.

Awwww...i will save some candy for you!
No frozen toasteds, i am making spiced cider and maybe some mulled wine because it is so damn chilly now.

Oooo.... mulled wine. I knew I liked you.


Without my dominance you cannot submit. Without your submission I cannot dominate. You are my equal in this, though our roles are different.-Val

It was ok for him to beat me but then he tried to cuddle me! - Me

Member:Clan of the Scarlet O'Hair

(in reply to Twicehappy2x)
Profile   Post #: 252
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:34:16 AM   

Posts: 3460
Joined: 8/9/2006
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ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth


Perhaps some people prefer teachers who only have information presented to them via the Internet in their isolation. I don't.

Some of us didn't need teachers to learn all we wanted to know about sex, Rabbit.Some of us had partners as willing and eager to explore and experiment as we were.


How about an answer to one question? With the interview and evaluation process so absolute and complete why did any partner leave, or have they all died?

By the way I think MR is talking about real life partners not a "show of hands".

Don't expect an answer so in advance - Thanks for your consistency, Bob.

I am talking about both real life partners and experience with the public scene. You have clearly pointed out Bobgkin's inconsistency regarding his bonus claim to ever owning a slave. The logic and practicality in his thesis is an ever more clear demonstration to his ignorance and inexperience. I was specifically dealing with the oddness of how someone continually tries to speak for the public scene, present historical fact about that public scene, and set standards and definitions for everyone to use in that public scene when through his own admittance and clear statement he has never once been a part of that public scene.
The scope and depth of his fraud grows by the minute. I can only wait for the next thread, the next contradiction, and the next consistency to add to this web of lies and deceit.

How a man who participates in such fraud, deception, and false representation can live with such a lack of character is beyond me.


ORIGINAL: Mercnbeth

Can any of us with a conscience truly find such a dangerous individual to be entertaining, given the huge scope of misconceptions and misinformation?

MR -
It is the consistent inconsistency that I congratulate Bob. The danger is obvious to me, and is the purpose for consistently pointing it out. Nearly 100% of what is represented by him is in direct opposition to the reality of any relationship I've either been a part of or come in contact. That is VERY dangerous to many here who can be fooled by such rhetoric and pontification. At the same time it is also VERY amusing. Its easy to point out both by merely holding up a mirror.

I can also appreciate how frustrating it is to be forced to look into that mirror. The attempt and insult and name calling speaks to Bob's frustration with that mirror. How can you react? You have to try to break the mirror or at least spread some of that excessively used Vaseline to soften the reflection. Or call the mirror names, 'bully'; and call the challenge - machismo posturing. Whatever - I am enjoying the process of watching the hole being dug, and will, when appropriate, point out the depth.


It is no more laughable than the members of the 1000 year old BDSM society of European lineage or the True Old Guard.
As long as they don't attack MY group - The Royal Ancient Order of the Swiss Chard; presenters of a 'collard' to slaves found worthy to serve them; they have no problem with me.

Aww, thank you for the clarification, Merc. In that case, we are in similar in our share of mixture of amusement and disgust.

My disgust meets yours equally in regards to the thought of anyone believing for one moment that Bobgkin's thesis on M/S bares any resemblance to reality and practicality. To even remotely consider it, in light of my own personal experiences and exposure to my friends and their relationships, is an insult to my intelligence.

Almost as intelligently insulting as claiming to be an expert of BDSM and lover of this lifestyle with absolutely no creditials or lengthy affiliation with BDSM groups and communities.

Give my regards to the Royal Ancient Order of the Swiss Chard. My brethren, the Masters of Spinach, look forward to mingling with your House at the next conference

< Message edited by MadRabbit -- 10/11/2007 8:35:34 AM >


Advice for New Dominants
The Unpolitically Correct Lifestyle Definitions

Obama is NOT the Messiah! He's just a VERY NAUGHTY BOY

(in reply to Mercnbeth)
Profile   Post #: 253
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:36:18 AM   

Posts: 5746
Joined: 7/11/2007
From: Austin Texas
Status: offline
Egads I just rummaged through this thread again. I do not, nor do I ever resort to name calling.Sheesh. Now my online CM reputation has been impunged and I don't think I shall manage to overcome it.(That last bit was sarcasm for the sarcasmically challenged, a group to which I sometimes belong)


~Love your life! (It is the only one you'll get).

(in reply to AquaticSub)
Profile   Post #: 254
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:36:55 AM   

Posts: 3460
Joined: 8/9/2006
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ORIGINAL: AquaticSub





Perhaps some people prefer teachers who only have information presented to them via the Internet in their isolation. I don't.

Some of us didn't need teachers to learn all we wanted to know about sex, Rabbit.

Some of us had partners as willing and eager to explore and experiment as we were.

When did sex come into this?

Is sex with Rabbit now part of the prize?

Sex with Rabbit has always been part of the prize


Advice for New Dominants
The Unpolitically Correct Lifestyle Definitions

Obama is NOT the Messiah! He's just a VERY NAUGHTY BOY

(in reply to AquaticSub)
Profile   Post #: 255
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:38:43 AM   

Posts: 210
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Um, uh...I was born in the Year of the Rabbit. 


I live for.. I die for.. I breathe for..

(in reply to MadRabbit)
Profile   Post #: 256
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:40:30 AM   

Posts: 1335
Joined: 7/28/2007
From: Kawarthas, Ontario, Canada
Status: offline


I dont expect any answers. You will most likely pick one sentence from this post and try and fight back with some comment completely irrelevant to the onslaught of logic and questions. Or perhaps talk over me to the "general audience" in an attempt to defect the blows against your fail ego.

Rabbit, I'm no more responsible for your beliefs than I am responsible for changing them.


Backing away from a pointless fight, Bob? I dont think so. There is nothing pointless about the questions, questions that should have answers.

... to you, Rabbit.

Which means what to me?

Which means what to those I seek?

It is manifestly obvious that whomever I seek will not be thinking as you do.

I am not, to your amusement, about to go through the archives refuting every misrepresentation that comes along. Why should I waste my time when whomever I seek will do a thorough job of scrutinizing me because it will matter to her to do so?

Rabbit, these are just words. I know who I am, and none of your words changes that.

That you and your friends keep jumping up and down claiming this matters is not my problem.

But I'd be less than honest to say I mind.

Who else around here has 10-15 people tagging along behind him saying 'Look! Look!'?

After all, if I feared the scrutiny, would I be dumb enough to post?

Why are you the only one on the Internet who doesnt feel it necessary to defend his written word and provide clarification? What makes you so holy that everyone must simply take what you say at face value and not question it?

There is no backing away from a pointless fight in this thread or any in the past Bob. All I see is you taking the only option you can. Cowardice and retreat in face of challenge to your fraudery and lies.


When all is said and done, what will you regret?

That you never really lived?

Or there was so much living left to do?

For those interested: pics and poetry have been added to my profile.

(in reply to MadRabbit)
Profile   Post #: 257
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:42:29 AM   

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That's okay Camille you are hereby invited to join the Ranks of Romaine who also sideline as a Clan of Cacoa when the cycles of the moon demand it. Lots and lots of classes in sarcasm to be had.


My twisted, self deprecating, sense of humour, finds alot to laugh about, in your lack of one!

Just because you are well educated, articulate, and can use big, fancy words, properly........does not mean you are right!

(in reply to camille65)
Profile   Post #: 258
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:44:02 AM   

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I'm sorry to have contributed to any of this. The main sentiment I wanted to express was this one: "And in much of your talking, thinking is half murdered." Just a hope for less vitriol, more pauses, less just ugliness more thinking...ah hell, I don't know.

And now, since I don't get my first wind until around 3 p.m., I shall go waste my morning reading Literotica instead...

(in reply to MadRabbit)
Profile   Post #: 259
RE: Machismo and BDSM - 10/11/2007 8:45:33 AM   

Posts: 2933
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ORIGINAL: velvetears



Velvetears used to to the same until I refused to join her against Prop. Now she joins you folk in these 'posting parties'.

i don't know where you get your information from, you sure have some wild ideas going on.  When did i refuse to join with you against anything?  We may have been on opposite sides of the fence in that thread, so you automatically make an assinine assumption like that?  First off, i am not against prop.  i might question the authenticity of her posts, that doesn't mean i am against her. 

May I direct your attention to a letter you sent August 29, 12:21 PM.


Continuing with Velvet's post:
If you remember correctly Bob, when you first came to CM i was quite friendly to you and gave you the benefit of the doubt, even made a post defending you. 

Perhaps you should re-read what you said in your letters dated Aug 26, 1PM, Aug. 29, 12:21PM, Sept. 1, 3:42PM, and Sept. 2, 2:09 PM.

You told me the names of several of the individuals whom you had targetted but with whom you now socialize.

It was not for me you posted. I was just an excuse for you to attack those you believed had wronged you and others in the past.

You were against them before "No Limits...", and then joined them against me after "No Limits...".


continuing with Velvet's post:
Seems that if people disagree with you, in your eyes they are somehow against you.  The last exchange we had in the medication thread you became very nasty and snarky calling me an armchair analyst and patronized me, did i return your unkindness with rude behavior to you, no i simply walked away from it. 

Your differences with me started in the "No Limits: How far would you go" thread.

You are speaking of "Partners on Behavioural Meds..." pg9, #165 (the end of a very long exchange between you and I where you ended with the patronizing: "What i find sad is that you will never truly know if it is "reality" that is depressing you or your skewed interpretation of it because of an imbalance in your brain's chemistry.").

You have also accused me of condoning abuse against women and claimed I was deceitful because I didn't agree with you (keywords for search: "rule of thumb")

One thing I'll say for you, Velvet, once you grab an idea you don't let go no matter how many facts you have to ignore to keep it.


continuing with Velvet's post:
The world does not revolve around you.  You keep tallys of such things as what position someone took on particular threads????  You truly need to get a life.  You disappoint me, i thought more of you then what you have shown me in the last week or so.  Good luck.

One need only look at what you've written above to see that you are keeping score in your own way, Velvet.

Am I to be condemned for having a better memory, or for being more honest about it?

The purpose of my writing you bob was because i thought others in that first thread i read were hard on you and i wanted to give you support and encouragement - i related my own experiences to give you a new perspective so you wouldn't feel it was only you that people target and you turn a kindness into a public spectacle, i find that reprehensible and unethical.  You have no honor for any man with honor would not make such a display.  my personal ethics would never allow myself to share private emails on any thread no matter what kind of issue i had with the person later on.  One thing i value highly is personal integrity.  You preach so much about bully and now i understand why, because you are one.

i don't use terms "against them" "for them" Bob that is your lens through which you wish to interpret what i said.   Personally i don't keep tally and search posts and hold grudges.   i remember things in generality because i have a life and i don't spend every waking hour on CM making a crusade out of everything. 

You made the statement: Your differences with me started in the "No Limits: How far would you go" thread. Just so i understand this correctly because soemone joins a thread, doesn't agree with you, posts opposite to what you are saying they are against you?  Have i ever attacked you, ridiculed you, insulted you Bob?  When i said i felt sad that you would never know if the depression could be helped i was sincere, and you take that as patronizing you.  That sympathy came from someone who was in your shoes and felt the same things you did and finally got some help and began to see my thought process changing and i was lifted out of a very dark hole.  But again it's all about being against bob. 

Nice jab bob but i think you should replace my name with your own here: One thing I'll say for you, Bob, once you grab an idea you don't let go no matter how many facts you have to ignore to keep it.


Religion is for people who are scared of hell, Spirituality is for people who have been there

(in reply to Bobkgin)
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