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Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 2:12:24 PM   

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Perhaps someone can help me come up with a better word than "guilt," because it carries a lot of negative baggage with it, but it's the word that comes to mind when I describe a very intense, emotional moment during domination that is potentially incredibly, sexually and mentally.  It took me a long time to figure out that I actually *enjoy* feeling guilty on some level, and it's a sign of intensity and timing, and is also often an indication that I've pushed myself far. It's a very hot, intense, erotic place.

I call it "guilt" but it's slightly different. I don't feel bad, or regret what I am doing to him.  But it's a moment of recognition that he's giving himself over to me in a selfless way, and a sort of surreal, "how can you treat someone so cruelly who gives himself so unconditionally" - it's an acceptance of emotions, a moment of empathy, and a sense of extreme gratitude.

There are times when I want and need to get to this place - to feel guilty for what I am doing.  Any other femdoms feel this way?  Have submissives ever had partner that want to get to this place?  Any other suggestions for a better word than "guilt" to describe this moment?



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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 2:15:53 PM   

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Easy answer..... Hell, no.

I'll get back to you.


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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 2:35:55 PM   

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Not fem or dom, but I've decided recently that my relatively mild predilection for shame is the product of  my somewhat stronger aversion for guilt.

Yeah, I had to use a thesaurus for that.


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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 2:43:21 PM   

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No I feel no guilt for any of the domination actualities that I partake in. Watching him or her suffer and endure for My pleasure as they sink into or circle the edges of subspace brings Me a sense of satisfaction even when My own animal rage (Dom space) feeds that selfishness that occassionally truly does make it all about Me.

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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 2:58:10 PM   

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... a moment of recognition that he's giving himself over to me in a selfless way, and a sort of surreal, "how can you treat someone so cruelly who gives himself so unconditionally" ...

At that moment, I feel elation...


~ Miss Marie

a.k.a. "mean Lady"

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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 3:00:56 PM   

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Congratulations, you're Catholic!

All joking aside, I know that "guilty" place you're referring to very well.  And I also find myself needing it from time to time, especially after an intense scene... partially to keep myself grounded, and partially because it really does add a special quality for the aftercare I give my darling boy.  It allows me to come down off of that "domina effect" and reward him for his suffering and endurance with love and acceptance.

Not saying that I don't feel that for him anyway, but it seems like after an intense scene I can have trouble turning off that femdom part of myself enough to just hold him and let him breathe in what just happened -- when the guilt comes into play, it acts as a stopping agent that I think helps our relationship dynamic as a whole, and also prevents me from exhausting myself!

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 3:31:10 PM   

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What a great question. Actually, I don't think it's quite possible to do what we do to others, without feeling some sense of having transgressed. And Pyrrsefanie, as a recovering Catholic, I completely get the joke. But I don't think it's about being Catholic. I think it's about being human. As erotic as we find them, some of the things we do violate everything we know about how to treat others.

The question reminds me of a discussion I once read in which surgeons talked about what it's really like to cut people open. Even though they know they're doing their patients nothing but good, there is a part of them that recoils at the thought of hacking into someone's guts. IMHO, the fact that even healers can feel this way, is nothing but a good thing.

Besides, it results in some fabulous black humor.

< Message edited by Reigna -- 3/21/2008 3:32:45 PM >

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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 4:57:04 PM   

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And Pyrrsefanie, as a recovering Catholic, I completely get the joke. But I don't think it's about being Catholic. I think it's about being human.

Doesn't sound like you DID get the joke if you're even considering that it ever could have been about being Catholic.  

Edited to not sound like a complete bitch.

< Message edited by Pyrrsefanie -- 3/21/2008 4:58:50 PM >

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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 5:15:39 PM   

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Doesn't sound like you DID get the joke if you're even considering that it ever could have been about being Catholic.  

Edited to not sound like a complete bitch.


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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 5:27:26 PM   

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i hate guilt. It is a nagging twist in the pit of my stomach. But it is not a bad thing. Guilt is one hell of a motivator. The nagging feeling hangs around long enough for me to give the cause of the guilt a great deal of thought. It will propel me to make amends if i can. If it is too late to make amends then it is a given i am motivated to prevent the same situation from occuring again.

my quarter...

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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 6:57:28 PM   

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I perfer the term "shameless" over guilty. 

But I totally understand what you mean.  It's like cutting in front of a long line of women to use the men's restroom because you know they will let you and you can get away with it - shameless.

So, doing all kinds of perverse things and knowing that what you are doing really isn't fair or nice...but you dig it anyway.

;)  Not guilt... something else entirely.  And yes, very hot.

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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/21/2008 7:44:32 PM   

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I feel no guilt whatsoever. In fact I have a hard time ever feeling guility about anything. As far as my sub goes, he volunteered to be a sadist playtoy, he wasn't drafted, so why should I feel guility? Besides he likes it when I beat his ass black and blue and it makes me feel on top of the world to release my animalistic urges on him.



“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.”

(in reply to AAkasha)
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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/22/2008 4:05:57 AM   

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Great question, it had me thinking of what I call that "feeling".  There are times I feel awed by the gift and level of submission and then there are times when I do actually think, "how could I..."  I wouldn't quite call it guilt because if I do something that causes me to have "guilty" feelings, I tend not to do it again and I mean that in both worlds. 

I can also admit feeling somewhat humbled by a certain someone when I see the length he's willing to go in order to please me in all things.

Pretty heady stuff!



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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/22/2008 4:45:11 AM   

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i think "Conflict" would describe the feeling pretty well. It goes against the grain, normally, to hurt someone You love and care for. It shouldnt be "Guilt" if both parties have consented.

Its nice to know You Ladies care enough to consider it guilt though.

(in reply to MistressFaye1)
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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 3/28/2008 11:53:11 AM   

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I never used to have a session yet
But , what I think that in Masochism there is some times a rare sort of love , and some times genious love.
I mean beside the game there is the dramatic point of heavenly analogy of love.

The more proffesional Mistress you are the less you will realize that rarest love and the less you 'll  notice it.
You must be like a stone , like a lady Macbeth.
But as long as you have the soft heart and thinking deeply , you will get closer to some theological revelation.
But I can repeat for the proffesional  Mistress  to be as cold as possible is required !
The guilt comes from the moral law , which is in your heart , not in your role.
The guilt is the sign of Divine worning.
But its also a sign of loosing the qualityof Mistressness !

(in reply to Politesub53)
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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 4/3/2008 5:46:12 PM   

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*digs up the thread and goes "bump" in the day*

i was tempted to, for the first time, make my own thread, but i kept thinking about this one too much.  i regret to say although i tried so many times to respond to this thread when it was active, to this day i still can't really seem to think of a word or better combination of words than guilt, but... to the point~

so last night i'm tired but not sleepy, in the mood to lay down but not shut my eyes... well this calls for one thing and one thing only... it's movie night!

moving right along... as i'm looking over things i find myself in the mood to watch kill bill, as it's been a while since i've last seen it, and as i'm sitting here starting the movie and getting comfy, the opening scene struck me in a way it never did before.  as bill shoots bb in the head he says to her...

"i'd like to think you're aware enough... even now, to know there is nothing sadistic in my actions.  no... this is me at my most... masochistic".

well, yeah... it's basically a misuse of the word if you think about it long enough, since he really wasn't "enjoying" it, but anyway it got me thinking, and the more i thought, the more i was reminded of this thread.

the line of thought i was having basically crossed paths with what i was thinking when i tried to reply to this thread the first time.  the closest i got to thinking at the time as possible better words was "ruin" or "corrupting", but i never found a way to make it fit that didn't seem just as much out of context as "guilt".  but the general idea i was having is basically "responsibility" and "killing the unicorn". 

you see, metaphorically the unicorn is so beautiful, innocent, and pure, that no one could possibly ever even think to harm it, but from the right perspective... as the unicorn is magnificent in life and existence, so to would would the loss, ruin, or death of something so perfect also be magnificent and powerful if not even beautiful.  at the time i was looking at your viewpoint similar to this, in that you liked having some sense of "unicorns" to perhaps seduce into being willing, rather than just being willing on their own, and moreso that you wanted to do something that "shouldn't be done", which is where i figure the word guilt comes in.

not only would it be incredibly boring to try and "ruin" something already corrupt, but it would be without any real impact or satisfaction.  the word rape popped into my head originally, and i don't mean to incinuate, but i think it's somewhat similar from a viewpoint at least in the thought that "you can't rape the willing".  i almost looked at you as having a criminal psyche, not that i'm incinuating again, just similarities in seeing the world different perhaps, where you don't feel "bad" for what you do, or "regret" it, but you do feel that you're doing something "wrong" or that simply "shouldn't be done".  some action that given the set stage will carry impact, or possibly make them be the one to feel regret, but on top of it, the big seller isn't just that the "unicorn died" but that "you killed the unicorn".  you are the one responsible, and although it's felt in some sense "wrong" or "unnatural", it doesn't feel "bad", but instead feels satisfying.  in one sense you feel, (or feel like you should feel) guilty or remorse for doing it, or for who you have done it to, but you realize you wouldn't enjoy it near as much, if at all, if you didn't feel like you had done crossed some boundaries or done something that isn't supposed to happen, to someone who perhaps didn't "deserve" it. 

now this line of thought started to remind me of hentai, or rather pornographic japanese anime.  basically every story seems to be about an innocent virgin girl, who ends up raped, and for the most part turns into a corrupted slut who has given in to her desires and accepted "who she is" by the end, it's a highly reoccuring theme.  it's not an exact match for sure, but thinking about how you say you "choose your victims" and enjoy "guilt" made me notice some similarities.

at some point you're feeling that you did something wrong, but you are feeling pleasure from doing wrong, then it just sort of clicked in my head, "well isn't that what sadistic means in the first place?"

a sadist enjoys inflicting pain/suffering upon others, something not meant to be enjoyable.  a sadist really seems less strange than a masochist in this degree, as they enjoy something that is not expected to be enjoyable as opposed to the masochist who enjoys something that is absolutely not meant to be enjoyable.  but to the point, if a sadist couldn't feel like they did indeed "hurt" someone, wouldn't it feel just as horrible to them as it would if a guy gave flowers to a girl and she threw them in the trash and told him to blow off?

but anyway, the line from kill bill got me thinking more, what if there was someone who enjoyed hurting others, but only enjoyed hurting the ones that they felt sorry for hurting, or perhaps a person who hurt others to emotionally hurt themself, but felt justified in it.

more simply... a "sadistic masochist".

i'm not sure i'd even hint that i think that's what you are, but the idea has some merit to it. 

that you love to feel sorry for someone, to pity what you do to them.  not to feel remorse for it, but to find attraction in the pain of select people, and feeling responsible and bad for them, but not burdened by it.

i hate to use this example, but you know how people will be at some "outing" and one of their daughters is riding a bike or something and falls off, skinning their knee or something?  and while looking so pitiful, the girl bursts into tears and cries for their mother, though when the general crowd of people around catch sight of this poor girl as the mother goes over to pick her up and hold her... despite her being hurt and in tears, most of them are like "awwww that's so cute, how adorable", many would consider this a kodak moment.  it's sort of a strange reaction that although the girl is in tears, most people are smiling and just want to pick her up and hug her to death because it's so cute.

i feel like i'm about at the end of saying what i had to say, but that it's still almost like i'm just ranting off the ideas that came into my head without knowing what the point is i'm trying to make, but i'm thinking... maybe instead of guilt, a word closer to what you feel or enjoy might be sympathy?  or maybe a better combination of words might end up looking like "weightless guilt" or "remorseless sympathy"?..

to the best i understand it, i think sympathy is probably closer to what you're looking for than guilt, since you don't feel bad for doing these things, but maybe you feel like you should.  if you like to nurture or console in some sense, but want to be the reason for the pain that sent them seeking to wrap their arms around you in the first place, or if when someone feels out of place or you are the reason for their pain and their vulnerabilty, but it doesn't give you a wicked grin, and instead brings about for you a warm smile... maybe that's it.

on the other hand i think saying you enjoy feeling guilty might have really just hit it the whole thing on the head.

**just as a note i didn't really proof this post over too much, so it might not be the best of reading or in good structure**

< Message edited by hopelesslyInvo -- 4/3/2008 6:23:37 PM >

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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 4/3/2008 7:30:05 PM   

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Thanks for resurrecting this thread, since I didn't see it before.

I kind of know what Akasha is talking about here, and agree that guilt is not the right word for it.
Actually I don't think there is a word for it. It's more a kind of amazement that something can be so fun and consist of two people with diametrically opposed needs and desires.



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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 4/3/2008 7:36:42 PM   

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i kind of figure it might even be more simply put "she likes being bad", but it's more fun to break it down and look at all the pieces.

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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 4/3/2008 9:52:54 PM   

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I can identify with that tightrope feeling -- it's where I'm usually trying to get to:  hurting someone or scaring someone, pushing his buttons and loving that he's taking too much and also a little freaky that it's going to be TOO much and fall apart. 

It's good because it's risky

You get to delve into that animal part of yourself (that seems to get bigger and more intense as you feed it).  Sometimes it feels like it's going to take over, that I'm going to want to beat someone too hard.  I work in a caring profession, and yet one of my favorite things to do with a submissive is to slap him across the face and see the warring emotions play over him.  It's so shocking to treat someone so badly.  I love the conflict between feeling "bad" about being "mean" and the sexual rush of treating someone that way.  It makes me feel feral.  I like obedience better than masochism because I want to see the struggle between the desire to please me and take it and the desire to say no.  It's such a shitty conundrum to put someone it.

(giggling with the sadistic buzz of it)


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RE: Guilt - does it feel good to you? - 4/4/2008 12:53:13 AM   

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I don't feel guilty. What I feel when I do get to that place is Gratefulness and exhilaration. I am grateful to my sub for allowing me to use him in the way that makes me happy, and in turn makes him happy as well. I am exhilarated because I have this vast amount of power, that he has given to me. When I see him lying there, looking so innocent and pure, so much like a boy, but responding to me as only a man can do, I am also filled with love for him. I want to hurt him in such a good way, that he just can't distinguish between the pain and pleasure. When he is gagged, and he sees me light a candle, or get a knife out, his eyes grow huge, but the trust is there and he knows that no matter what implement I use, I would never damage him. I took his virginity, I do not feel guilty about that, because he offered it to me. I had a choice. I could have said no, come back when you have at least had sex with someone. But I didn't want to. I was proud to be his first. I didn't "play" with him the first time we had sex, it was very vanilla. I didn't want his first time to be anything that involved wiitwd. No regrets, no guilt. Just love and respect to a boy, who became a man in my loving embrace.

Good question, AAkasha!



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