RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (Full Version)

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T1981 -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 5:44:56 PM)

Looks like teh el-Moderator-o was here doing some secret moddy stuff. 

Nikitaa -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 5:50:31 PM)

Welfare subs taste funny

I think women like successful and confident men. Dominatrix can be like other women. I can not be purchased but this does not mean I want submissive man who lives under bridge or sub man who is lazy. Successful sub man have time for proper submission because the man is comfortable with life and he not need to worry his heat turn off for not paying bills. Successful means he works hard at what job he do so he will work hard as new toy.

Successful man own qualities which made him successful. This qualities make him good submissives. He is confident and in control in world and only submissive to right women. I like powerful man I can make submissive. I do not want man who submits to every person with boobs. I want man who is choosy about dominatrix. This is why most men emailing me are turn-off. They submit even to the teddybear in one of my pictures.

manxcat -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 5:56:23 PM)


ORIGINAL: Sylverdawn

I want a submissive who shows that he is able to make rational sensible decisions. I want him to come to me in such a place in his life that I am not rescuing him from something be that low self esteem, debt, or personal problems. So financial sucess means he can hold a job, meet his montly expenses and make good decisions about his life. I dont need him to make a six figure income I dont care about the amount of money he makes just that he can make good decisions with the money that he does make.  I hope that helps clarify for you what finacially sucessful or stable means. SD.

Well said.

You too Peon.


subtex -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 5:56:41 PM)

I was thinking about bringing up a similar topic.  I was recently laid off and I was thinking the way the unemployment rate is going this could become a more common topic.  Personally I decided to not consider myself part of the dating pool until my future is a little more certain.  Some of my fellow workers who were laid off are open to moving if they find a job elsewhere.  I haven't ruled that out.  That's something else to consider. 

Life sometimes has a screwed up sense of humor doesn't it?  From time to time I receive an email from a Domme but they have always been far away.  After I got laid off I received an email from a Domme on another site who lives just a couple miles from me.  I checked her profile on the off chance it might say she was looking for someone without a job. [:)]   The profile said "gainfully employed" but it also said she was interested in meeting friends.  I emailed her back and it's friends for now so maybe that's a good way to handle this.  Friends first is a good idea anyway so maybe while in limbo it's good.

Still, I'm not comfortable anwering an ad while being financially unstable but I rarely answer ads anyway.  How would you feel about a friendly email from someone in financial limbo? 


MissIsis -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:12:18 PM)

Financially stable to me, is not the same as being loaded & filthy rich.  I want stability, someone with a work history of stable employment.  Being temporarily unemployed is something unavoidable right now for many.  But has he had a long term job.  Is he capable of taking care of himself financially?  Is he capable of taking care of himself?  Does he have a history of paying for his own housing?  His offspring?  Because, if not, I am  sorry, but I don't want someone I have to take care of.  

I prefer stability, someone who can add to my life, not pull it down.  I work hard for what I have.  I take care of myself & I really want to see that in any submissive, or anyone I become involved with. 

Lockit -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:22:35 PM)


ORIGINAL: subtex

I was thinking about bringing up a similar topic.  I was recently laid off and I was thinking the way the unemployment rate is going this could become a more common topic.  Personally I decided to not consider myself part of the dating pool until my future is a little more certain.  Some of my fellow workers who were laid off are open to moving if they find a job elsewhere.  I haven't ruled that out.  That's something else to consider. 

Life sometimes has a screwed up sense of humor doesn't it?  From time to time I receive an email from a Domme but they have always been far away.  After I got laid off I received an email from a Domme on another site who lives just a couple miles from me.  I checked her profile on the off chance it might say she was looking for someone without a job. [:)]   The profile said "gainfully employed" but it also said she was interested in meeting friends.  I emailed her back and it's friends for now so maybe that's a good way to handle this.  Friends first is a good idea anyway so maybe while in limbo it's good.

Still, I'm not comfortable anwering an ad while being financially unstable but I rarely answer ads anyway.  How would you feel about a friendly email from someone in financial limbo? 


Life happens and it can happen to anyone.  I have been there a lot because of my illness and loss of business with 911.  The years since then have been hell.  I don't think I am the only dominant that understands that some times things happen.  In a perfect world it would be nice to have that stability and to know the man has something going for himself as it says something about him.  But on the other hand, it doesn't say something against him if life happened.  Not in my opinion anyway.  If you were stable before and had a decent job history, you would be working still if it wasn't for the world economy.  That isn't your fault and you shouldn't be faulted for that.

I know some have found one another in tough times and I am sure some will in the days ahead.

I am doing better now because of the income my son's disability or I would still be struggling.  It wasn't my fault and although some view me as undesireable... I am still a decent human being that some will see past in circumstance to see who I am.  There just may be some who will see past a few things and see the person standing there.  You can't give up hope and you can't feel unworthy.

Hell... I doubt someone will want to join what I have going on... but I see these times and think... I secured us the best I could.  We will make it through this and we will be comfortable.  Would everyone want to live the way we are?  No... that will limit my finding someone as much as my health does... but one day, there may be someone who fits my situation and life and won't mind that I must stay where I am and will find it worth it to live as I do.  Life isn't about things... it is about people and love.  And I said that when I wasn't poor and sick! lol

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:31:32 PM)


This is why most men emailing me are turn-off. They submit even to the teddybear in one of my pictures.

Well, you have to admit that's one hot-looking bear.

If you're, you know, into that sort of thing.

Which I'm not!

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. I'm just not into bears.

But that is one  hot-looking bear.

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:33:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: TNstepsout

Hmmmm that makes me wonder if there is anyone out there seeking someone financially "unsuccessful"? 

Well, so far I haven't found anyone who is. But I'm not giving up hope.

Lockit -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:33:33 PM)

LOL Panda!

kittinSol -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:37:06 PM)



Welfare subs taste funny


LadyHibiscus -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:46:05 PM)

What is financial success?  I get my bills paid on time, I have food to eat, a car to drive, clothes to wear.  Does that make me successful? 

I think I say in my long profile that I want someone employed/employable.   Someone willing to WORK and contribute to the household.  I expect to do the same.  And if either of us becomes unable to work, well the other deals with it!

Lockit -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:50:58 PM)

So much for the theory of the ever wanting domina who wants to live on the backs of slaves/submissive's.  Do you think they will hear us?  It isn't your money guys... it is you.  The best you that you can be.

LadyHibiscus -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 6:53:26 PM)



So much for the theory of the ever wanting domina who wants to live on the backs of slaves/submissive's.  Do you think they will hear us?  It isn't your money guys... it is you.  The best you that you can be.

The worthwhile ones will hear us, the whiners will continue to whine, and wonder why they don't get any positive attention!  Same dance, different music.

Nikitaa -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 7:12:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: ThatDamnedPanda


This is why most men emailing me are turn-off. They submit even to the teddybear in one of my pictures.

Well, you have to admit that's one hot-looking bear.

If you're, you know, into that sort of thing.

Which I'm not!

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. I'm just not into bears.

But that is oneĀ  hot-looking bear.

This is why I allow bear to sit on topless body. Bear is sexy beast. Man in computer in background is perving me like men on collarme.

subtex -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 7:18:46 PM)

Thanks for the kind words.

subtex -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 7:21:32 PM)

I must be getting old.  I find my self flipping through a good looking woman's profile looking for a picture of a teddy bear.


ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 7:49:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: subtex

I must be getting old.  I find my self flipping through a good looking woman's profile looking for a picture of a teddy bear.


Shit. Busted. I just did the same. I was kidding before, because I hadn't seen her pictures, so I figured I should take a look so i'd know what I was talking about.

So, here we are, two guys spending their evening surfing adult sites for teddy bear pictures. Do we know how to have a good time or what?

GreedyTop -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 7:51:19 PM)

The excitement level is overwhelming ;)

(she is cute though... and that bear IS a hotty! [:D])

ThatDamnedPanda -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 7:56:25 PM)

Actually, i find that bear rather frightening. There's something maniacal in his eyes. I would be concerned if he sat down next to me on the bus.

Lockit -> RE: Why is it that most Dommes want subs that are "financially successful"? (1/29/2009 8:01:37 PM)

What a sad state of affairs  We have beautiful domina's all over the place... and they are looking at bears... okay Panda.. I can kind of get that one... lol.. but really you guys! hehe

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