Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (Full Version)

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Domin8tingUrDrmz -> Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/9/2010 5:29:25 PM)

Personal profiles are one of many avenues available for you to communicate with people you’d like to meet. A balanced profile that incorporates your vanilla interests and your perspectives on D/s is a key element in attracting the attention of dominant women. A blank profile or one that focuses solely on kink discourages women from contacting you or replying to your messages. Often people will write, “If you want to know anything, just ask”, and nothing else. Why would someone want to ask you a string of questions when dozens of more interesting profiles are available? There has to be some level of interest before anyone is going to want to invest time and energy into getting to know you further.

Many submissive men put a great deal of information into their profile and complain that no body takes the time to write to them. What they often fail to understand is that how the information is presented is just as important as what information is available. Keep in mind that women tend to receive more mail then men. We do generally look at the profiles of the people who grab our attention in an initial email to determine if there is potential compatibility. So while you may receive less mail than you’d hoped, your profile is still a very valuable tool for you and for those you contact.

Another thing you should be moderately aware of is the difference between the terms bottom and submissive/slave. While every woman’s definition varies, most will agree on two points:

  • If you are only seeking the kink activities, the play, you should clearly state you are only interested in acting as a bottom.
  • If you wish to submit your will over to another person and have a relationship based on authority transfer, then you are a submissive/slave.

When it comes to the differences between submissive vs. slave, ask the person you’re considering how she defines the terms. Hopefully that definition will align with yours. If there are huge discrepancies between your views, then the two of you are likely to be incompatible. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with being a bottom; it’s only wrong if you misrepresent yourself as something other than what you are.

When creating your profile, let your personality come through in your written words. Think of your profile as half “help wanted” ad and half resume.

Here is a guideline to follow when creating your profile:

1. Your Photograph: Know your audience. Your primary photo should be one that either shows your face, or shows you doing something in a vanilla environment.

  • If you do choose to use a kink based photo as your primary, keep it tasteful. Artistic BDSM photos can be lovely.
  • Cock shots, gaping anuses, and other vulgar photos will fail to capture the attention of most women in a good way. We simply are not wired visually the same way men are wired. If you have this type of photo, we will probably pass you over and move on to someone else.
  • Be aware of the background. If you say you are service oriented but there is a pile of dirty laundry or dirty dishes in the background, we will likely chuckle at your inconsistency, but considering your services will be out of the question.
  • Avoid using a picture of yourself with another person (unless you have their consent) or a picture where you obviously cut someone out of the photo. Chopped off arms just look weird and appears as though you are too lazy to put forth the effort of finding a photo of just yourself, or taking a new one.

2. Your Screen Name: Try to choose a name that portrays a well-rounded individual. If you select a name such as “AssLicker”, that tends to make women think the only interest you have is licking ass. If that is your sole interest, go ahead and use that name, though some women may skip over your profile based on your choice of screen name alone. If you are interested in more than just licking ass, or are unaware of what interests you have, avoid names that indicate you are a one-trick wonder. Many women get bored with only one aspect of BDSM – even if it is a love of theirs. We tend to enjoy diversity and expect diverse interests in those we seek.

3. Your Checklist: Those check boxes have more than just kinky interests available. Check your vanilla interests too. Women like to know if you share the same tastes in music and hobbies. Additionally, keep the tags like “Expert” reserved for those things which others can actually attest you are an expert. Being an expert in walking looks silly, unless you are a tour guide, fitness instructor, or some other equally qualified reason for making such a claim.

4. Your Self-Summary: Share what you are seeking in a relationship and downplay the kink aspects. If all you are seeking is kinky play, be sure to inform others you are only interested in bottoming and that a deeper relationship is out of the question. If you do include kink aspects in your profile, put them closer to the end.

  • Tell your audience your views on relationships. Do you think D/s is bedroom only, or do you think it carries over into all aspects of the relationship?
  • Share what you have to offer. Do you have any specific skill sets that a dominant woman might find useful? These skill sets can range from the mundane (like washing dishes) to the very skilled (like financial investment strategies). Most dominant women consider queening, or other forms of oral sex and anal play (including strap-ons), to be purely sexual activities. Understand the difference between sex and service.
  • Tell us what makes you a better choice than all of the other submissive people vying for our attention.
  • Pay attention to grammar and spelling. If your profile or journal entries are poorly composed that tells us a lot about you, none of which is very good.

5. Your Journal: Use your journal to include more specifics about you. Talk about things like your most recent camping trip, a workshop you attended, or anything of interest. Keep these entries positive. When women see a bunch of negative complaints about financial dommes, fake dommes, or other negative information, we tend to think you are a negative person in general. Do you want to associate with negative people? Neither do we.

Based on my profile why am I not successful in getting responses?
The Mistress by nature, what Mistress is this?

If you came across this thread through the archives, we strongly encourage you to read the associated threads:

Ask a Mistress Forum FAQ
CMail Help: Contacting a Dominant Women

SylvereApLeanan -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/9/2010 6:32:43 PM)

Just as an fyi, if anyone reading this would like to ask for the people here to review and critique your profile, just post a request.  However, we'd appreciate it if you'd read the OP and make sure you've followed our suggestions first.  Also, please be willing to take the advice you're given.  Maintaining a good attitude is the first step.

Tantriqu -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/9/2010 6:53:14 PM)

I second the above: the flip side of 'you can't undo a bad first impression' is a great profile says good things about you.
Bonne chance `a tous!

masmiss -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/9/2010 9:45:34 PM)

What a timely post.  I just read a message from a sub who listed all the things he loves having done to him as though I would be swooning with desire to fulfill those kinks.

You've succinctly listed what every sub should know before creating a profile and messaging a Domme.


Andalusite -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/9/2010 9:53:54 PM)

I agree, that was a wonderful post! I did want to clarify one aspect Some bottoms *do* want a long-term relationship, rather than just a casual playpartner who they aren't romantically involved with. Of course, many Dommes aren't open to dating bottoms, although they may sometimes play with them. Also, some men who identify as submissives and who have been in D/s relationships before might be temporarily interested in only casual play.

It's fairly common for both men and women to be drawn to power exchange "only in the bedroom/dungeon." In those cases, they are drawn to their partner exerting control over them, rather than to a particular kinky activity. However, they aren't open to extending that control to other areas of their lives. Again, nothing wrong with that, but it's crucial to be self-aware and represent yourself honestly. Doing so might cut down on the number of responses you get, but of those you do, they're far more likely to actually be interested in what you have to offer.

If you are new, you probably don't know yet whether you are a bottom, a "submissive in sexual/kink situations only," or a submissive. Fantasies and porn you've watched/read might spark interests in one area or another, but I think it's best to keep an open mind until you actually discover the way you react. Also, you might respond to one Domme completely differently than you do with another. You might enjoy only the physical sensations with one, while being heavily service-driven with another.

pyroaquatic -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/9/2010 10:05:30 PM)

I know my profile needs to be a tad more concise but I am too tired to fire ze missiles.

Can't I just say I am a well-rounded housebitch secretary slut? :P

(the colon and capitalized 'P' stands for me sticking my tongue out and saying the aforementioned phrase in a sarcastic manner.)

MzLillysRealm -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/10/2010 5:08:58 AM)

Though I agree vehemently with the original post suggestions, I think there is another aspect that was overlooked.  Many people will simply view the list of "who's viewing you" or go "searching" and then initiate contact with a Dom/me (but I would assume this might also happen to subs/slaves).  I receive many emails from people that are poorly worded, fraught with spelling mistakes, or consist of some mindless sentence like "hi you looking for a sub".  When they have found me, prior to me finding them, then it is this email that becomes the first impression and it is a prime opportunity to really "hook" our interest enough that we will want to know more.  If someone is computer literate enough to use the site then it seems strange to me that they have yet to figure out that the little red line, under the lettering, means the word is misspelled--simply right click and choose from the list the correctly spelled word. 

As for what works, for me, in the email introduction is a friendly attitude and sincerity coupled with a strong sense of self.  Know who you are, how to encapsulate what your looking for into one or two sentences, have an understanding what you are not.  Be respectful but open and convey humor or intelligence if you can.  Oh and don't assume that something that is listed on my "tolerates", "dislikes" or "hates" section is going to move up just because you happen to like it because this is not about what you want in the end.  Make sure that we have many similarities before clicking that button--because I will be checking yours. 

Many of the emails I receive state that the submissive is a newbie or had limited exposure to real time play.  If you are new or relatively inexperienced, and you are contacting someone with extensive experience, then you should convey some basic facts on why you are sure this is the lifestyle for you.  We were all new at one time or another; there is no shame in that.  But understand that taking on a new submissive, for some Dommes, requires an extensive commitment of time and energies; so it is best to be mindful of that fact and exhibit your qualities that would make a commitment in training worth it.

I don't know about other Dommes but that is what will get me to respond or at least check the profile of the sender. 

PeonForHer -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/10/2010 6:53:06 AM)

The Mistress by nature, what Mistress is this?

I'm glad you included a link to that thread.  I've come to understand that my view of Dommes - that they didn't really exist - was quite unusual.  I came to CM and found that they did exist.  The next question: assuming they existed, do they like submales?  Yes, they did.  But there was more: sometimes, they even adored them - as that thread showed.

All of which goes to what may be the most basic point of all, for me: if you're a submale, you're not necessarily an ugly man with an ugly soul.  Re-read the story of Beauty and the Beast and try to see how it applies to you.  If you can't yet see it, at least try to act as though you can.  That is, don't be ugly in your profile, and don't be ugly when you write to a woman.

Lucienne -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/10/2010 7:51:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: pyroaquatic

(the colon and capitalized 'P' stands for me sticking my tongue out and saying the aforementioned phrase in a sarcastic manner.)

It's funnier to think that the capital "P" is just there to mock pompei.

kTez8 -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/12/2010 10:33:20 AM)

Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread. I found it very helpful.

If anyone would like to review my profile, any comments would be greatly appreciated.

LadyPact -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/12/2010 10:59:50 AM)



Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread. I found it very helpful.

If anyone would like to review my profile, any comments would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not the best consultant on the profile area, but I happened to think that yours was pretty good.  One thing that you did a great job with was saying that you are a bottom.  That's something that a lot of folks won't do, but most female Tops and Dominants wish more people would.  Being in the still exploring stage, it really can be beneficial to go out and have some experiences, before thinking you are the slaviest slave or the most submissive of subs. 

The length was very good.  Not too long and not too short.  Plus, you talked about other sides of you than just kink.  I enjoyed it.

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/12/2010 11:00:36 AM)

I'm glad you found the thread helpful. I'll take a peek at your profile and let you know my thoughts.

ETA: I agree with LP. Your profile shows you are human and you appear to be portraying yourself honestly. I like your profile.

kTez8 -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/12/2010 11:14:27 AM)

Thanks LP and D8.

SirGuy68 -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/13/2010 5:00:01 PM)

Just a random click to this chat. It is interesting the amount of time and advice we all seek and share for.. how to meet on line. How can I be better on line. I smiled at the comment don't be negative. I agree. I like to say that I am not rude or narcissistic in 3D - I save that for the web. Question is, given the extent of BS on the web how does one keep a positive on line appearance? Why bother? On line sights have gone down hill at an ever increasing pace compared to 3D. Real life has changed us because of the web.

A friend of mine in the city, a writer, photographer and a creative mind like me, sent me this in an exchange of emails I had started with the subject: Why the Web?

. . . the only reason to be on the web is because grown ups- and that includes you---- have limited venues for meeting people these days.

I'll give you a perfect example: in the 70s or 80s--- if I wanted to meet someone interesting and have an exciting 'affair' (I call any relationship an affair) I would book a flight to Europe- or California. In the airport, or even on the plane--- I would always meet someone. I'd meet men on trains, in stations, just waiting for a cab.

No one then was plugged in: no cell phones, laptops, ipods.

as a result, people actually looked at one another and spoke to each other while they waited for the plane or the train.

Now, they look for people on machines, because everyone has become part of the artificial intelligence.

I can believe that.

The web (especially CM) is inundated with revenge profiles giving out an arch enemy's email. Nothing like the revenge of your nemesis getting a zillion emails from web bots who actually think that profile is real and she would gladly list her email or send it in a first contact. I wonder how many profiles and emails I have read that I immediately lumped into the septic tank of BS when in fact they were sincere. I wonder how many emails of mine were treated the same.

Think I will go out tonight and see band I recorded. At least I know that will be real.

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/13/2010 9:49:43 PM)



Snip... I like to say that I am not rude or narcissistic in 3D - I save that for the web. Question is, given the extent of BS on the web how does one keep a positive on line appearance? Why bother? On line sights have gone down hill at an ever increasing pace compared to 3D. Real life has changed us because of the web.


Why bother?

Simple. While it is suggested that people do not use the internet exclusively for meeting others, it is often a tool that is availble. Why wouldn't one bother to remain positive? In any venue that one seeks to meet someone compatible, they are better served by representing themselves as genuinely as possible. If that person is genuinely negative, it will show and they will likely miss many opportunities of meeting someone. If that person is genuinely positive, but portray hostility or negativity online as some fictitious persona, again they are hurting themselves. Why put oneself in a position to fail when alternately one is capable of putting oneself in a position to succeed?

slavekal -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/15/2010 7:06:57 AM)

One very important point is to pick good photos. I am constantly amazed at the number of guys who actually think that pics of their dicks are attractive. Where do they get such a ridiculous notion? I promise you, all the ladies have seen cocks before.

thishereboi -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/15/2010 7:12:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: slavekal

One very important point is to pick good photos. I am constantly amazed at the number of guys who actually think that pics of their dicks are attractive. Where do they get such a ridiculous notion? I promise you, all the ladies have seen cocks before.

Actually, I had a domme cmail me and ask me to describe what I could do for her. She also requested a cock shot.[8|]   I think the boi in my name confused her.

slavekal -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/15/2010 7:17:26 AM)


SirGuy68 -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/16/2010 6:42:08 AM)

The above is what fuels the negative - Given the preponderance of this web BS we all get what to do? I say the web changes us. I like to say that I am not rude or narcissistic in 3D, I save those traits for the web. Perhaps in order to list your self as domme on here, in fact to list yourself PERIOD you have to be initiated by a bona fide member or register in 3D.

But that would hurt the bottom line of the machine for the sights owners. That would slow down the light fast speed of the web.

Domin8tng has some good thoughts, some good ideas to make CM a better place. It is a very nice gesture she put forward. Is it my location of being so close to NYC compared to Michigan or Oregon and that is why I see more web BS than others?

Maybe I will transform a blog I was working on 'The internet is more powerful than god' into something constructive. Worst that can I happen is this profile is alienated on a web community that exists on a server in Washington.

Be Well
Sir Guy

Domin8tingUrDrmz -> RE: Profile Help: How to Attract a Dominant Woman (2/16/2010 6:58:09 AM)


Snip... Is it my location of being so close to NYC compared to Michigan or Oregon and that is why I see more web BS than others?


I don't believe you are the only one seeing such BS. Due to all of the BS that many of us here have encountered is the reason we wanted to offer up advice. It is an attempt to reduce the amount of BS.

Edited for wordiness.

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