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Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 4:54:24 PM   

Posts: 1353
Joined: 5/21/2012
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I recently read up on a piece about Walmart and their poor wages, as well as the Koch Brothers publicly criticizing a town for raising the minimum wage to 15$ an hour (Links will be supplied upon request, but beware, it is a very biased Liberal source and should be taken at face value as all "news" sources should). Regardless of the accuracy and bias of these pieces, it did make me think in depth about the minimum wage battle happening in the states between the left and right. If minimum wage is low, and people cannot survive on these wages and simply cannot get a higher paying job, they may be forced to go on welfare and get food stamps, which is consuming valuable tax payer money.

From what I understand of American conservatives, they want to cut food stamps and welfare, gut social security, and at the same time, wanting to keep the minimum wage below livable standards. I realize that conservatives tout about saying "anyone can make it in america and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, make some good money and not depend on handouts," but in a country where higher level workers, like those working at Hostes for example, would rather give themselves massive bonuses while the company goes bankrupt just speaks volumes. There more to this situation than simple motivation, and being a current university student I'm exposed to it on a yearly basis as I struggle to find a summer job (thank god I live with my parents in the summer) and this is in canada, I can't even imagine what it's like in the states for kids like me.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't understand the conservative's position. They want to keep the minimum wage low, and cut social services at the same time. If the wages are low, their tax money is still being spent to keep these people alive. If they raised the minimum wage, it wouldn't affect prices much so long as the upper level CEOs are willing to part with a bit of their monthly income to keep the company prosperous. Sure it's not an easy compromise when industry in the states clearly has such a hold over government policy. But the contradiction is completely ridiculous. The conservatives, and I can easily assume that moderates and liberals as well, don't want to pay more for every day goods. But isn't it kind of redundant when you're paying the same if not maybe more in taxes to keep people alive? Where are you actually saving money? Or are you not? Please help fill me in.


- A concerned Canadian Neighbor
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 4:56:36 PM   

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It just sounds like conservatives don't care about other people and for all they care, they can just go ahead and die poor. Thats the gist of it.

(in reply to Tkman117)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:00:04 PM   

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Here were the articles I talked about. Again, these are from a VERY liberal "news" site and has a heavy bias. Please don't take anything at face value just as I didn't, they simply brought a question to mind and used them to spark conversation.

(in reply to Tkman117)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:01:15 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Tkman117

I recently read up on a piece about Walmart and their poor wages, as well as the Koch Brothers publicly criticizing a town for raising the minimum wage to 15$ an hour (Links will be supplied upon request, but beware, it is a very biased Liberal source and should be taken at face value as all "news" sources should). Regardless of the accuracy and bias of these pieces, it did make me think in depth about the minimum wage battle happening in the states between the left and right. If minimum wage is low, and people cannot survive on these wages and simply cannot get a higher paying job, they may be forced to go on welfare and get food stamps, which is consuming valuable tax payer money.

From what I understand of American conservatives, they want to cut food stamps and welfare, gut social security, and at the same time, wanting to keep the minimum wage below livable standards. I realize that conservatives tout about saying "anyone can make it in america and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, make some good money and not depend on handouts," but in a country where higher level workers, like those working at Hostes for example, would rather give themselves massive bonuses while the company goes bankrupt just speaks volumes. There more to this situation than simple motivation, and being a current university student I'm exposed to it on a yearly basis as I struggle to find a summer job (thank god I live with my parents in the summer) and this is in canada, I can't even imagine what it's like in the states for kids like me.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't understand the conservative's position. They want to keep the minimum wage low, and cut social services at the same time. If the wages are low, their tax money is still being spent to keep these people alive. If they raised the minimum wage, it wouldn't affect prices much so long as the upper level CEOs are willing to part with a bit of their monthly income to keep the company prosperous. Sure it's not an easy compromise when industry in the states clearly has such a hold over government policy. But the contradiction is completely ridiculous. The conservatives, and I can easily assume that moderates and liberals as well, don't want to pay more for every day goods. But isn't it kind of redundant when you're paying the same if not maybe more in taxes to keep people alive? Where are you actually saving money? Or are you not? Please help fill me in.


- A concerned Canadian Neighbor

The key point you don't seem to understand is that minimum wage is an entry level wage not a living wage.
Point two is that when you bring up the minimum wage everything else comes up, including the wages of many who have a higher pay that minimum. Many unions get a equal percentage wage increase whenever the minimum wage goes up.
In a year 15 an hour will get you the same amount the current minimum gets you today.
Finally the answer to all the problems you mentioned isn't raising the minimum wage, it is creating more jobs that pay better.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Tkman117)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:13:50 PM   

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Well, let's try this one. How about an employer can offer what they think the job is worth. If the employee is worth more than that, the competition will gladly offer that employee a little more $. If the first employer doesn't raise what he's willing to pay too, he will soon find himself with no competent employees and out of business. This works best for skilled jobs, but lets not forget that the service industry still actually does involve skill, or at least some sense....everyone has had rude, dirty, incompetent cashier's (for example)...did it make you want to go back there? If the competition offers a little bit better pay but only employs people that treat the customer well and make a good impression, and you do not, then you will be left with the bottom of the bucket. Want proof, compare Chick-fil-A and that grease joint with the arches. Which do you enjoy more?

(in reply to Tkman117)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:16:50 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Tkman117

It just sounds like conservatives don't care about other people and for all they care, they can just go ahead and die poor. Thats the gist of it.

It's so sad to read you think that way. Sad but unsurprising. Everything that BamaD said is true, and of course, being in a homo sapiens system, it's much more complex.

The truth is, that "conservatives" care much more about poor people than those wishing to raise the minimum wage. But rather than tell you why that's so, because I don't have the time (another thing that entry level employees cost employers - most of the time - all of the time -- I can do the work I hire an entry level employee to do, faster and better), the easiest way for you to find the folly of your position, is to start a business. A real business. Try to make it.

In the course of running a business, you'll learn so much, even if you fail.

It's a real eye opener.

All the best to our teenagers. Here's hoping you don't get further priced out of the job market, for the truth is, at the beginning, you cost me money, and you don't make me any money.

(in reply to Tkman117)
Profile   Post #: 6
RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:24:40 PM   

Posts: 20687
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ORIGINAL: ExoticInterests

Well, let's try this one. How about an employer can offer what they think the job is worth. If the employee is worth more than that, the competition will gladly offer that employee a little more $. If the first employer doesn't raise what he's willing to pay too, he will soon find himself with no competent employees and out of business. This works best for skilled jobs, but lets not forget that the service industry still actually does involve skill, or at least some sense....everyone has had rude, dirty, incompetent cashier's (for example)...did it make you want to go back there? If the competition offers a little bit better pay but only employs people that treat the customer well and make a good impression, and you do not, then you will be left with the bottom of the bucket. Want proof, compare Chick-fil-A and that grease joint with the arches. Which do you enjoy more?

Ah so you favor the free market system.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to ExoticInterests)
Profile   Post #: 7
RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:27:39 PM   

Posts: 19457
Joined: 7/4/2004
From: Chicago, IL
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ORIGINAL: ExoticInterests

Well, let's try this one. How about an employer can offer what they think the job is worth. If the employee is worth more than that, the competition will gladly offer that employee a little more $. If the first employer doesn't raise what he's willing to pay too, he will soon find himself with no competent employees and out of business. This works best for skilled jobs, but lets not forget that the service industry still actually does involve skill, or at least some sense....everyone has had rude, dirty, incompetent cashier's (for example)...did it make you want to go back there? If the competition offers a little bit better pay but only employs people that treat the customer well and make a good impression, and you do not, then you will be left with the bottom of the bucket. Want proof, compare Chick-fil-A and that grease joint with the arches. Which do you enjoy more?

That theory is disproven daily in this nation.

I was a computer programmer, a very good and very successful one. I, and a lot of people like me, demanded wages reflective of my competence. After a while, when trade laws started allowing it, corporate America outsourced as many programmer jobs as they could to India and Pakistan. They didn't care that quality went down, that projects too longer and costs actually went up. All they cared about was keeping people without an MBA from making a decent living for a skilled job.

(in reply to ExoticInterests)
Profile   Post #: 8
RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:32:43 PM   

Posts: 19457
Joined: 7/4/2004
From: Chicago, IL
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The key point you don't seem to understand is that minimum wage is an entry level wage not a living wage.
Point two is that when you bring up the minimum wage everything else comes up, including the wages of many who have a higher pay that minimum. Many unions get a equal percentage wage increase whenever the minimum wage goes up.
In a year 15 an hour will get you the same amount the current minimum gets you today.
Finally the answer to all the problems you mentioned isn't raising the minimum wage, it is creating more jobs that pay better.

Not really.
Some one will always have to do menial labor. They are always going to get paid as little as possible. Some of those jobs are entries to other jobs but the fact is the workforce is pyramidal and most people are not going to advance very far up the ladder if they are starting at the bottom. Wal-Mart stores may have a hundred associates but less than a dozen managers.

Increasing the minimum wage has been shown over and over again to not affect hiring and to not have any significant impact on inflation. Continuing to insist that it does flies in the face of the evidence.

BTW why should taxpayers have to subsidize profitable businesses that pay so little their employees qualify for welfare?

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 9
RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:33:17 PM   

Posts: 14415
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From: United States
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ORIGINAL: Tkman117
people cannot survive on these wages and simply cannot get a higher paying job

I have survived on minimum wage. It meant I had to economize. It meant I had roommates. It meant I drove an older car. It meant that I didn't own fancy jewelry, designer clothes or even have anything beyond basic cable. It meant I didn't get pregnant and have children I couldn't afford.

I'm about to sound very callous. If someone (in a normal economy) cannot get a better paying job, it's usually because of their own choices. They chose not to take advantage of free education. They chose not to further their education/skills.

And before anyone bitches, I didn't go to college until I was 20 and paid my own way through....because I realized I wouldn't get anywhere unless I pushed myself further.

But, even as a small example: A California fast food chain In -N- Out, pays higher than minimum wage. In return they expect you to be able to speak clearly, in complete sentences, and show a drive for customer service. Their restaurants routinely have lines out of the parking lot and a wait for tables inside the store itself.

While I'll agree that minimum wage needs to be raised to reflect local economy, I take issue with $15 an hour. An unskilled burger flipper shouldn't be paid at the same level as someone who has pursued further education to gain skills. I'll also add that $15 an hour minimum wage would have an impact where inflation would impact the entire society. If prices, services and matching salary increases are raised to feed the higher minimum wage, it would negate the raise to minimum wage and go beyond those minimum wage workers.


Give a girl the right shoes and she will conquer the world. ~ Marilyn Monroe

The Accelerated Velocity of Terminological Inexactitude

(in reply to Tkman117)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 5:47:12 PM   

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That theory is disproven daily in this nation.

I was a computer programmer, a very good and very successful one. I, and a lot of people like me, demanded wages reflective of my competence. After a while, when trade laws started allowing it, corporate America outsourced as many programmer jobs as they could to India and Pakistan. They didn't care that quality went down, that projects too longer and costs actually went up. All they cared about was keeping people without an MBA from making a decent living for a skilled job.

That was very mean and spiteful of them! They sacrificed profit just to push people without an MBA down? And that was all they cared about, just keeping you down....not what they thought would be best for the business at the time (whether it really was or not)?

So where do you draw the line of competition for your skills? This hemisphere? This country? Your state, county, city? Exactly where should they limit themselves for finding the most skill at the best price? And why?

It's the modern age, a programmer should know distance means nothing, skill means everything. Perhaps they made a stupid decision, they will lose money and change course, or be eaten by smarter competition.

< Message edited by ExoticInterests -- 11/27/2013 5:49:05 PM >

(in reply to DomKen)
Profile   Post #: 11
RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:00:00 PM   

Posts: 40310
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Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think

The average age of affected workers is 35 years old;
88 percent of all affected workers are at least 20 years old;
35.5 percent are at least 40 years old;
56 percent are women;
28 percent have children;
55 percent work full-time (35 hours per week or more);
44 percent have at least some college experience.


<) )╯SUCH
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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to ExoticInterests)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:06:09 PM   

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Re: Lucylastic

I would think the stats would be a little worse than that actually. ...not to mention the number of people working but on assistance as well because it isn't enough.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:06:42 PM   

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But if employers can hire an equally skilled programer who will work for less, why wouldn't companies take that advantage? Same thing happens with illegal aliens coming across the border.

Makes me think that in order to keep people employed in you or my country, steps need to be taken to ensure companies don't ship out to a 3rd world country in order to sell products to a people who are loosing job opportunities due to foreign competition. Keep the economy working at home, not overseas, which only benefits the higher ups, not the workers.

(in reply to ExoticInterests)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:08:29 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think

The average age of affected workers is 35 years old;
88 percent of all affected workers are at least 20 years old;
35.5 percent are at least 40 years old;
56 percent are women;
28 percent have children;
55 percent work full-time (35 hours per week or more);
44 percent have at least some college experience.

They are still holding entry level jobs.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:16:43 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Tkman117

But if employers can hire an equally skilled programer who will work for less, why wouldn't companies take that advantage? Same thing happens with illegal aliens coming across the border.

Makes me think that in order to keep people employed in you or my country, steps need to be taken to ensure companies don't ship out to a 3rd world country in order to sell products to a people who are loosing job opportunities due to foreign competition. Keep the economy working at home, not overseas, which only benefits the higher ups, not the workers.

So a company shouldn't be able to higher someone with the same skills for less? Why? What makes you more valuable as a human being?

From your post, I take it that you draw the line for competition at your country's border? Why not your state, it would be a tighter pool and likely beneficial to you personally? ...why not the county? Why not the city?

...oh, wait, did you still want your product to be sold TO other countries or just within those boundaries you decided on?

(in reply to Tkman117)
Profile   Post #: 16
RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:19:46 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Tkman117

But if employers can hire an equally skilled programer who will work for less, why wouldn't companies take that advantage? Same thing happens with illegal aliens coming across the border.

Makes me think that in order to keep people employed in you or my country, steps need to be taken to ensure companies don't ship out to a 3rd world country in order to sell products to a people who are loosing job opportunities due to foreign competition. Keep the economy working at home, not overseas, which only benefits the higher ups, not the workers.

And when they pay quadruple the wages the company goes under putting everyone out of work.


Government ranges from a necessary evil to an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

People don't believe they can defend themselves because they have guns, they have guns because they believe they can defend themselves.

(in reply to Tkman117)
Profile   Post #: 17
RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:24:37 PM   

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Let me flip the question, why would a company give a job to someone with the same skills for less? Why? What makes them more valuable as a human being.

From your post I take is that you would rather sport jobs to another country, and let those with a poor education in your country sit on their fat asses without the ability, knowledge, or education to get a higher paying job. All the while they collect welfare and become enrolled in social services that YOU pay for?

It makes more sense to sell a good to another country than it does to sell the employment and try to buy those same items back in the west. Ever see those "Made in China" labels? yeah, thats a good which could have been made by a North American who could have had a decent paying job.

Where do you think all the extra money goes? When a company makes more money by producing items in a 3rd world country, the money doesn't go back to the people, it goes into their pockets. Please respond, I oh so enjoy your smart ass sarcasm.

< Message edited by Tkman117 -- 11/27/2013 6:29:52 PM >

(in reply to ExoticInterests)
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RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:26:44 PM   

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Who said anything about quadruple? I'm talking about a wage which elevates people above the poverty line, keeps them from needing social assistance. Plus I think a 7 digit salary earned by high level CEO wouldn't impact the way of life of said individual if a few thousand was taken away to compensate. And I didn't realize we were talking about a 28$ minimum wage.

(in reply to BamaD)
Profile   Post #: 19
RE: Minimum wage in america - 11/27/2013 6:33:09 PM   

Posts: 40310
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yeah because LMAO how many millions of jobs were lost in the past decade? How many companies shut down, technology is getting rid of jobs, higher demands by shareholders, trickle down economics? Entry level is all some people have and will survive on. Yet you wanna castigate them for taking the only jobs they can find, of course they are the problem....
fucking typical


<) )╯SUCH
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Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

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