RE: How do you feel about Gor? (Full Version)

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LotusSong -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 8:17:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: fyreredsub


to dispell some notions, this girls Master does NOT call her a beast. He calls her sweetie.

Master also encourages this girl to finish her Masters degree.

This girl started out as a Domme till she realized her subbie male slave was topping from the bottom and training her to do what He who ran the show still?

Gor made much more sense for this one.

A girl truly shakes her head in amzement at some of the incorrect things she has read today.

She truly is sorry to see so many have had or heard bad experiences

May she wish you well

All right!  I've had enough of  this referring this THIS girl./A girl.. WHO is she and why does she not speak for herself.  Young lady!  I suggest strongly that you seek her out and apologize for speaking on her behalf in her absence!
(This is either some sort of slave-speak or a very bad impersonation of Tonto)

and yes, know what it is.. 

BDSM05478 -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 8:22:49 AM)

How I feel about Gor? hmmmmmmmm I am not Gorean and still wrapping my own mind around it but for the most part I like the idea. Norman touches alot on the idea of humankind living out of sink with the world around us. At least in the Gorean world you know what is expected from the start and while many may not adhere to the honor and integrity tennets at least they acknowledge them. it's got's it's good and bad points but what lifestyle doesn't.... just 2 random things... to me Gorean is more like Star Wars than Star trekk, code of the jedi and all that. 2... no white duchman ever braved the african continet looking to enslave anyone, they did however give other tribes guns, babbles and trinkets to sell people that they enslaved /captured in various confrentations with other local tribes..... but as well all know history is written by the winners so maybe I am misinformed.

slavebrandyj -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 8:33:52 AM)

Don't know what the heck it is, Don't want to know what it is. Heard about it. Seen it referred to in many forums and groups, but nothing about it held enough interest for me to find out more. Even the name sounds bad! But to each there own. Whatever floats your boat or blows up your skirt.

Hmm?....Is that like movies? You know ... blood and gor?  

KaramelGoddess -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 8:40:14 AM)

Wow, I just sat down with My coffee and have had a good read of everyone's posts.. thanks to all who contributed to answering my question!
Stephann and Nosathro: thanks for your insight.  I know now what the thought process of Dr. John was when he wrote the books.
LotusSong: you're My hero.
SweetDommes:  Thank you, you expressed alot of what I feel about Gorean rpers/lifestylers as well.  I am sorry you have had such a bad time of it with certain people.  Luckily not all people are like that.  I too have been told to read the books and then I'll get it, but if they are going to make Me physically ill I think I shall pass.  This forum has answered alot of My questions and gives Me more insight into Gor.
Having said all that, Jasmyn: I completely agree with you, and as others have said, it's not for Me.  But to each his/her own.  I will not expect others to understand My feelings and My life choices, but as I will accept that Gor is out there, I should hope others accept My Female Dominance.  (and I know you do Ladies!)
MichaelofGeorgia:  thank you for your opinions, they DO matter!
And to everyone else:  brightest blessings; thank you for your good intentions and replies.

Nosathro -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 8:42:36 AM)

greetings lunamor
Thank you. 
I wish you well


ORIGINAL: lunamor

Thanks to Nosanthro for his calm explanation - it was appreciated!

fyreredsub -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 8:48:31 AM)

greetings Lotus song

fyre, that is THIS girl, did come in peace [;)]

nor was this girl rude!!!
to deserve your comment....

she understands why Goreans feel as they do about the other side after this and if you Know it is required for the majority of us to speak in that not baiting?

Happy New year and much Peace to your soul

May you all keep to your shared misconcepted cognitive schemas....she apologizes for trying to show another side to Gor other than that  which  was spoken of here..

again to each their own...............
she had some silly notion since she has expereicned BDSM Domme and Grean kajira she could possibly make some sense[&:]

May she wish you well




ORIGINAL: fyreredsub


to dispell some notions, this girls Master does NOT call her a beast. He calls her sweetie.

Master also encourages this girl to finish her Masters degree.

This girl started out as a Domme till she realized her subbie male slave was topping from the bottom and training her to do what He who ran the show still?

Gor made much more sense for this one.

A girl truly shakes her head in amzement at some of the incorrect things she has read today.

She truly is sorry to see so many have had or heard bad experiences

May she wish you well

All right!  I've had enough of  this referring this THIS girl./A girl.. WHO is she and why does she not speak for herself.  Young lady!  I suggest strongly that you seek her out and apologize for speaking on her behalf in her absence!
(This is either some sort of slave-speak or a very bad impersonation of Tonto)

and yes, know what it is.. 

LotusSong -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 8:54:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: fyreredsub

greetings Lotus song

fyre, that is THIS girl, did come in peace [;)]

nor was this girl rude!!!
to deserve your comment....


All right!  I've had enough of  this referring this THIS girl./A girl.. WHO is she and why does she not speak for herself.  Young lady!  I suggest strongly that you seek her out and apologize for speaking on her behalf in her absence!
(This is either some sort of slave-speak or a very bad impersonation of Tonto)

and yes, know what it is.. 

(taking out my journal.. making a note: "Gorean slaves prefer to talk funny and have no sense of humor")

Nosathro -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 8:56:43 AM)

Tal KaramelGoddess
You are most welcome and thank you for allowing me to post.  I hope that this excerise help in all understanding each other better and although we may not agree we can respect each other.
I wish you well

cjenny -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:02:28 AM)

I am curious about the third person angle. Is it used in every day life? Is the clerk at a store asked 'Would you help this girl find the dairy section?'. I am sincerely asking not mocking. If it is not used consistently in the 'outside world' then isn't that usage a form of role playing?
To the OP, I read about 8 of the books at a teenager then realised I couldn't continue because the style of writing was so so awful. Someone mentioned L Ron Hubbard.. his sci-fi series was just as poorly written IMO. It is very hard for me to respect the author when it is poorly laid out in book after book after book. Yes I admit that I am a bit of a snob when it comes to the written word.

Lashra -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:03:28 AM)





As I've said many times. Equal Rights For Men and Women is the only way to go.


I think equal RESPECT for all genders is more appropriate.  Without respect, you can have rights up the yin-yang and still no peace.

This is also very true you need both to have a peaceful world. At least that is My opinion.


Missokyst -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:08:59 AM)

I never understood the gor thing.  But for me it has nothing to do with that they do physically and mentally.  Everyone has their own kink.  Though I personally would find it hard to feel less than just anyone, mentally.
It is more that I just can't get my head past the "speak".
"this girl is confused"
I would find it exhausting to relearn a language pattern .... again. 

fyreredsub -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:18:13 AM)

It is not used in the 'vanilla world'  or with family.
Only within the House or boards or anything to do with an alternative life.

it reminds a girl of her place

as a side note.
in case notes for employment....on quite the professional level, one is required to speak of herself , in the position of her job title...there is no "i'  there either. [:)]

Lotos song
you have posted around these boards long enough to know
one can not see the wink or grin through the please do not insult this girls intelligence with that excuse,thank you.

May she wish you all well

LaTigresse -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:18:31 AM)

Using fast reply..........

When I first began to try and figure out what the whole gor thing was all about, with no thank to anyone that called themself gorean, I thought it sounded rather interesting. Unfortunately the more interaction I had with said goreans that took a quick slide downhill on a steep icy slope.

I am not nor have I ever been interested in theatrical role play so right off the bat the weird speech patterns made me wanna toss my cookies. The second thing that annoyed me was the condesending tones I got from both male and female. The men tried this whole attitude like they thought they were talking to a half witted child and the women reminded me of the Marion Avenue Baptist Church women. "I am living the right way and poor you, well.........big sigh.....we will pray for you to see the light...." with a fake smile.

Now, I am not going to condem any woman that wants to be submissive to a man. If that is what she wants and is her life path then more power to her. Obviously I cannot condem any man that wants the flip side of that coin either. Granted, neither one floats my boat but hey, who am I to criticize. What chaps my ass is the generalities that seem to exist in the gorean mindsets I have been exposed to and overflow into communication with those that don't follow it. Quite frankly I don't like being condescended to simply because I don't have a penis or care to live according to some badly written set of fictional books. Unfortunately that is an attitude I have gotten almost exclusively from people that consider themselves gorean. Also I will say that there was one gentlemen that used to post on these boards, that did to a degree identify with the gorean ideas, that did not come across in this way and I had great respect for him.

Basically, while I find the concepts of gor and the attitudes of many that follow it rather rediculous, it just plain doesn't matter to me. It is one of those things that will probably never have any affect on my real life. Unless they start having gatherings like the Star Trek people do, in a town near here......the traffic gets a wee bit problematic for a day or two.

MmakeMme -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:20:09 AM)

There are many aspects of Gor that appeal to me although I do not pretend that I would make a good kajira. The pull is there, the fire is there, but there are other things that are more important to me (my unmentionable house sharers / money spenders) which, at least in theory, make it impossible for me to consider that sort of service at this time. Later ... ~shrug~ ... who knows. It would depend on the Man. I have no problem with complete surrender or allowing Men to be the decision-makers. Gor is a Man's world - not everyone is comfortable with that.

LotusSong -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:25:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: Missokyst

I never understood the gor thing.  But for me it has nothing to do with that they do physically and mentally.  Everyone has their own kink.  Though I personally would find it hard to feel less than just anyone, mentally.
It is more that I just can't get my head past the "speak".
"this girl is confused"
I would find it exhausting to relearn a language pattern .... again. 

It not used JUST in Gor.  Becoming a non-entity or object is supposedly the practice of the "upper echelon" of the slave mentality in some other circles as well.

Najakcharmer -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:29:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: Nosathro
Now, what has not been brought to this discussion.  First off, Professor John Lang aka John Norman, is a Ph.d who teaches Philosphy at the New York University.  Professor Lang has written many academic papers on the BDSM Lifestyle, some, myself included have wonder if
Professor Lang was in the lifestyle himself.

I would be very interested in reading those papers.  Where can they be referenced?


Oh and Gor is not in another galaxy far far away, in the books in orbits the sun in the same way as earth but is directly in the oppsite side of the sun.

Gor is in the same place as Tattooine and Darth Vader, which is to say that it's nowhere in external physical reality.  Which isn't necessarily relevant, as there's folks who legitimately feel that the Force is something they believe in and want to include as an inspiration in their personal lives.  Mythology has always been a building block for personal philosophy.

Mershket -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:35:59 AM)

we don't first person cause we respect others that way , darn the lag of computers

justanotherface -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:41:01 AM)

How do you feel about Gor? You don't really want me to answer that lol

Najakcharmer -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 9:43:52 AM)


Most sub males are just as macho as a the dominant guy, you can rarely tell them apart. I will take a sub male over a gorean male anyday. The sub male is being true to his nature, the gorean is doing what he is forced to do by their society. I've had many gorean masters request that I dominant them but had to keep it quiet less they loose respect from their peers. That in itself shows how much the "masters" are controlled. LOL Fear rules them and submales are free to be themselves.

Any femdom who's been visible in the scene for any length of time has gotten these kinds of "offers" from men who publically identify as dominant (sometimes as Gorean, sometimes not) who don't have the balls to own up to their secret fantasies about being submissive. 

Conversely I have also heard some from male dominants who get the same line from female dominants who want to switch but don't want to admit they switch.  But there seems to be a bit less of it going on from that end, possibly because more women are willing to admit that they like switching even if they identify primarily as dominant.  There tends to be more social stigma on a submissive or switch male, requiring greater courage to defy social convention.

The capacity for both dominance and submission exists in all social mammals; it's a hardwired mechanism conducive to group survival.   Individuals will vary personally and situationally as to degree, but it's more of a spectrum than an absolute.

BitaTruble -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 10:56:12 AM)



The book settings are indeed placed on a galaxy far far away,

This is incorrect information. The setting for Gor is in 'this' galaxy. Gor is also known as Counter-Earth and rotates around the same sun. You might want to brush up on your facts before posting.


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