RE: How do you feel about Gor? (Full Version)

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Another -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:05:24 AM)


A bit defensive are we?  Or just sarcastic? 

~chuckles, shakes head~

BitaTruble -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:12:32 AM)



A bit defensive are we?  Or just sarcastic? 

~chuckles, shakes head~

Just pointing out that your factual information was incorrect. It was neither defensive nor sarcastic.


KatyLied -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:12:57 AM)


if you Know it is required for the majority of us to speak in that not baiting?

Why should we care if you are required to do it?  Sheesh.

KaramelGoddess -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:22:41 AM)

Ah.. BitaTruble - it is meant to be a "counter-Earth"...I see.
And just to add to what I said earlier:
I am a Trekkie and I love Star Wars and other fictional Sci-Fi, and hell I even love roleplay.  But to Me, roleplaying in a world that only allows human rights for some, not all is not fun, nor is it realistic.  And that sums up how I feel about Gor - whether you RP it or live it however is up to you.  It's just not for Me.

Another -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:26:34 AM)


I wonder if you indeed read all the posts regarding this topic, as I was responding to a line from a different post.  Actually, I do know where John Norman placed the ficitonal planet of Gor.   Not that I am sure it makes much of a difference, as it isn't the planet's location that is being dicussed but the ethos that have been derived from the books.

But as usual, when Goreans and BDSM'ers exchange posts it comes down to bait, flame and bash.

I do wish you well,


caitlyn -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:29:48 AM)

General comment ...
I'm not a Gorean, but do think I understand it pretty well. If you visit the Gorean boards here, you will find primarily Gorean men and women that are of a like mind, engaging in a relationship that is basically as SSC as any other relationship ... Gorean, lifestyle or vanilla.
You will also find people that may not identify with the Master/slave dynamic of Gor, but are interested none the less, or at least can find something that draws them to interact.
To use an analogy: I attend the Catholic church each weekend, and in that church they read the bible. That doesn't mean however, that I take each and every word, on each and every page, as Gospel (no pun intended). [;)]

BitaTruble -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:34:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: KaramelGoddess

Ah.. BitaTruble - it is meant to be a "counter-Earth"...I see.

Yup, it's a fact reflected on many of the older book covers and blurbs on the back covers as well as in the text of the novels themselves.

For example, on the cover of Rogue of Gor under the title is the line "The Fifteenth Book of the Counter-Earth Saga" and the back cover speaks about Jason being kidnapped from Earth to the Counter-Earth called Gor. My copy is from 1981 .. newer versions may or may not have that on there.


KaramelGoddess -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:39:46 AM)

thanks for your input.
However, when you tell someone their post is insignificant (as you did to MichaelofGeorgia), you *will* offend them, and that in turn creates flaming and bashing.  Your opinions are read, responded to and accepted by many and are not insignificant.  The same goes for everyone here.
I did not pose the original question to incite a flame war or bashing.  I simply asked how the Ladies (Dominas more to the point since this is an Ask A Mistress forum) felt about Gor.  I have been privy to some great information and reasonable explanations, which have definitely cleared up some misconceptions about Gor. I've said before, it's still not for Me.

LaTigresse -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:40:31 AM)

Rule #1........Never argue with Celeste, she always has her ducks lined up.[;)]

BitaTruble -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:45:57 AM)




I wonder if you indeed read all the posts regarding this topic, as I was responding to a line from a different post. 

I've read the entire thread. More than that, I've actually read all the books, several times in fact. You made a factual error. I corrected it. There is no flaming involved, no baiting. If someone makes an error of fact and I know the correct fact, I put that information out there. It's as simple as that. 


Actually, I do know where John Norman placed the ficitonal planet of Gor.  

And now so does everyone else.


 Not that I am sure it makes much of a difference, as it isn't the planet's location that is being dicussed but the ethos that have been derived from the books.

It only makes a difference to those of us who appreciate facts to be accurate. I happen to be one of those people.


But as usual, when Goreans and BDSM'ers exchange posts it comes down to bait, flame and bash.

Please, by all means, feel free to flame, bash or bait to your hearts content. Such is not my style and I won't be involved in it. If someone points out that I've made a factual error, I tend to thank them for providing the correct information and then I drop it. How you choose to do things is your own concern. My point has been made and as far as I'm concerned, this part of the conversation is now complete. The correct information is out there and that's what was important to me.


LaTigresse -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 11:55:07 AM)

Please excuse a slight forum thread detour.........

Welcome back Celeste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your trip was wonderful!

BitaTruble -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 12:08:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Please excuse a slight forum thread detour.........

Welcome back Celeste!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your trip was wonderful!

Thank you, sweetness!! It was wonderful albeit a bit exhausting.. but I got to meet Ownedgirlie which was an absolute hoot. No Earthquakes when we got together although there were a few slight tremors.. (nothing leaked though.. but maybe next trip. ::laughs::)

~hugs to LaT and returns you to your regular broadcasting system~


Nosathro -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 1:03:37 PM)

Tal Najakcharmer
Dr. Lang academic work to the best of my knowledge is not available on any website.  I do believe they are only available at the University Library.  You may want to do a search either John Lang or John Norman. 
I wish you well

Nosathro -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 1:14:12 PM)

Tal LotusSong
I am going to point out to you that speech restriction and objectification have long been pratices in training and punishming slaves/sub.  You don't have to Gorean/Old Guard/etc.  There are several thread in Collarme on these subjects. 
It is not my intention to start any flames with you but to be honest, you threads on these subject have been disrespectful to say the least.  Alright you don't like Gor, many don't, I know people who don't like Renaissance Faires either but I still attend them.  No one is forcing you to read these threads or trying to convert you.  You can at least be polite to others here.

I wish you well


LotusSong -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 1:51:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nosathro

Tal LotusSong
I am going to point out to you that speech restriction and objectification have long been pratices in training and punishming slaves/sub.  You don't have to Gorean/Old Guard/etc.  There are several thread in Collarme on these subjects. 
It is not my intention to start any flames with you but to be honest, you threads on these subject have been disrespectful to say the least.  Alright you don't like Gor, many don't, I know people who don't like Renaissance Faires either but I still attend them.  No one is forcing you to read these threads or trying to convert you.  You can at least be polite to others here.

I wish you well

now think a bit.  Here it is, the Ask a Mistress forum and one Mistress decides to ask her peers what they think about Gor.  And look what we get- a Gorean invasion.  Preceded by a female presenting a behavior that would most certainly seen with disdain in this environment, yet she chose to inflict it on us.  Goreans don't have to read these threads either.  But being a Mistress..the Ask a Mistress forum does tend to catch my eye. 
It would have been more appropriate to keep Gorean behaviors in the proper forum.  I won't go into a Gorean forum and demand that that all "bad bitchboys" kneel before every female there or TYPE IN ALL CAPS TO REFLECT DOMINANCE. That's not the place.  Just use common sense.

Najakcharmer -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 2:09:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nosathro
Dr. Lang academic work to the best of my knowledge is not available on any website.  I do believe they are only available at the University Library.  You may want to do a search either John Lang or John Norman. 

While I don't expect the texts in their entireity to be available for free download, there are a lot of good databases and journals with archives that can be browsed in abstract or by title only online, and the full text ordered by postal mail.  I was hoping for a direct pointer to where the papers were published, eg, which academic journal, so that I might order them through the usual services.  If you have any information or can get it, I would be deeply appreciative.  Thank you.

Najakcharmer -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 2:25:27 PM)


now think a bit.  Here it is, the Ask a Mistress forum and one Mistress decides to ask her peers what they think about Gor.  And look what we get- a Gorean invasion.  Preceded by a female presenting a behavior that would most certainly seen with disdain in this environment, yet she chose to inflict it on us.  Goreans don't have to read these threads either.  But being a Mistress..the Ask a Mistress forum does tend to catch my eye. 

Let's be fair here.  If they were bashing femdoms in the Gorean forum, which they generally don't, don't you think we'd show up to toss in our two cents? 

Some femdoms have femsubs, so why would it be automatically wrong for a female to be submissive in behavior and deportment in a femdom forum?

I don't consent to be addressed as Mistress and I don't like participating in other people's D/s relationships of any kind without my explicit consent, so it annoys the crap out of me when slaves of either gender address me in a special way according to the dictates of their D/s relationship.  However I don't have the right to demand that they stop referring to themselves in the third person on a public message board if that is what their owners demand of them.  I can say, "Please don't call me Mistress because that is not what I am to you", but I can't interfere with the dictates of other people's D/s relationships by saying "you can't talk like that in a public forum".


I won't go into a Gorean forum and demand that that all "bad bitchboys" kneel before every female there or TYPE IN ALL CAPS TO REFLECT DOMINANCE.

Hey, that would be kind of fun actually.  ;)  But I don't think that's what the poster was doing.

To answer the OP, I have mixed feelings about Gor.  On the one hand, I think their claims are based on fundamentally bad science, specifically some factually incorrect assumptions about evolutionary biology and social behavior in humans.  On the other hand, there are too few places in this world where courage, honor, personal responsibility and adulthood is valued (though their version of "adulthood" is limited to "manhood").  I do personally value and respect those ideals a great deal, so I tend to get along reasonably well with the smaller subset of "real Goreans" who practice those things in their daily lives. 

I think that the larger subset of roleplaying wannabe "Goreans" are in serious need of a clue by four applied upside their heads, and that opinion is strongly echoed by the serious lifestyle Goreans I've observed on the forums here.

fyreredsub -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 3:57:39 PM)

Greetings All,

This girl wishes to apologize to those she offended by attempting to explain some of the notions she had read. She just could not believe some of it , is all.

This one is not down trodden or called beast or allowed to not think for herself or held down is some unlawful manner.

She cannot break her rules on third person speech as it is required of her by her Owner.

Unfortunately, some of you here do not remember this girl as she changed her Id when she found Gor but there was a time she was quite a regular poster in these very threads when she owned male slaves of her own and some of you ladies were friends of hers in that chapter of her life and some of these friendships she still maintains r/t to this day.

She saw the recent posts at the top of the page when she was logged in and it is kind of hard to not repsond to some of what she was reading and astounding her.It was not her intention to invade any turf as to the best of her knowledge she has not violated any TOS.

She as a former Domme tried to answer the Op and a few others that had cognitive schemas that were negative due to whatever reason ,as to what she expereinces in her chosen path.To perhaps right some of the wrongs she was reading.Seems she failed miserabley.

In her suprise over the post to her making fun of third person speech she never would have dreamed that it came from a Mistress.She should have read Lotus Songs profile and realized that LS was a Free Woman and treated her with the respect due her  before replying and for this mistake she also apologizes.

May she wish you well

JohnWarren -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 4:10:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: fyreredsub

In her suprise over the post to her making fun of third person speech she never would have dreamed that it came from a Mistress.She should have read Lotus Songs profile and realized that LS was a Free Woman and treated her with the respect due her  before replying and for this mistake she also apologizes.

May she wish you well

Courtesy is only due to people through their orientation?  It's been my assumption that, absent a role play scenario and consent on the part of everyone, courtesy should be universal.

Cleaving to that rule eliminates the need to consult a profile before being well-mannered.

mnottertail -> RE: How do you feel about Gor? (1/2/2007 4:14:34 PM)

All I know is I miss Iron Bear.


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