RE: Not For The Easily Offended (Full Version)

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Alumbrado -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 8:54:16 AM)


Show me national statistics that back up your claim that there are less whites in jail/prison

'Less' by percentage(which is more useful than per capita comparisons)...

Black men old enough to be incarcerated make up what.. around 6% of the US population?

And what percentage of the US prison population?  Hmmmm... let's see:


Black men comprised 37 percent of all inmates held in custody in the nation’s prison and jails on June 30, 2006.  About 4.8 percent of all black males in the general population were in prison or jail, compared to 1.9 percent of Hispanic males and 0.7 percent of white males.  Among black men age 25 to 34 years, more than 11 percent were incarcerated in prison or jail.

So, yes, there is a disparity in the prison population by race when looked at impartially.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:02:41 AM)

Hey I have never hid the bad thinsg i do. And you know what it is because of profiling and for the ratio i gave Carlos said it was do to profiling. People don't want to believe that it happens but you know what it does. And as for white vs black culture guess what ? my pot friends are ALLLL white. The main difference in the cultures as far as drugs go are WHAT kinds of drugs are used. White people are more likely to smoke pot, do coke, take meth, use herion and E and pop other various pills which are usually prescriptions. Black people is weed, crack and coke. And its not that MORE black people do drugs. Its just that more get caught and put to jail. A black teenager and white teenager are both aressted for drug possesion. 1st time offense. Which will get probation which wil get jail time.

Not all Blacks do drugs and it really depends on the community and the family in which you are raised when it comes to drug use. I personally smoke pot on occasion. You want to know what that occasion is once every 6 months if that? Personally iw ould rather drink than get high, much cheaper and the company is usually more entertaining.

kittinSol -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:07:22 AM)

Well, I, for one, am glad that anybody beating their child is putting themselves out for judicial retribution. In those times you so much long for, children didn't carry guns to school, but they would grow up to beat each other up, to beat their siblings up, and eventually, their own offsprings.

As for street violence, I shudder when I think of the American Wild West, or indeed, Victorian London.

I don't call that a good thing.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:08:30 AM)

and Ghita i don't dispute ADD and ADHD like Carlos does. I dispute the fact that some many kids have it nowadays. And you are right kids have nothign to do with all that excesse energy. Shit i used to ge tkicke dout of the house until the street lights came on. Guess what? i was tired and i was never bored. The few times i was bored it was because there was no one to do soemthign with and i didn't want to play video games. Reccess is gone in most schools and those that do have it have banned tag, dodge balls, football of any kind touch or tackle. Shit they don't want you to run.Its just like playign a sport and not keepign score. The sport is more fun when you are doing it not just to do it, but to do it and to WIN. If you lose do you feel bad? hell yeah but you'll do better the next time.

subfever -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:09:05 AM)



Ok, so let's say I accept that more blacks are arrested for drugs than whites.

This can mean two things:

Cops are utilizing racial profiling and hence more blacks get arrrested.


Drug use is more common and accepted in the black culture than in the white and hence more black people do drugs.

It could also mean that blacks have a higher percentage of people unable to afford quality legal representation.

QuietlySeeking -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:14:24 AM)

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. -- Mark Twain
We could also conclude that based on population numbers, that murder rates should be within reasonable norms in the population, right?
The source material from the link below is:
Sources: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 1995. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1996
U.S. Bureau of the Census, March 1995
White: 5.0 per 100,0000
Black: 28.9 per 100,000
There has to be some reason why the black male murder rate (50.4) is over 18 times the white female murder rate (2.7), doesn't there?  If all things were equal, then those numbers would be within some definable number of standard deviations...they aren't because sadistics (I mean statistics) are only as good as the person who produces them, the methodology they use, and the data they are using...
Is it environment?  Is it males genetically being more aggressive than females?  Is it lack of choices based on their geographic location?  Is it parenting?  Is it society?  I don't know.  The only thing I know is that the only way to "correct" these numbers is not to try to correct the generation that is already IN prison, but to try to correct the next generation BEFORE they go to matter what their race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, ad naseum is.

GhitaAmati -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:15:56 AM)


Its just like playign a sport and not keepign score. The sport is more fun when you are doing it not just to do it, but to do it and to WIN. If you lose do you feel bad? hell yeah but you'll do better the next time.

I HATE that....I can remember actually having to try out for the local baseball leauge...and damn it if I wasnt good enough I didnt get to play! God forbid we actually teach these kids to be competitive. T-ball teams arent allowed to keep score anymore, everyone on the team takes a turn at bat and then the innings hits, runs, outs, nothing counted. whats that really gonna do for these kids?? Whats the point of trying your best if the kids who sit in the outfield and count dandelions are gonna get the same thing you do if you run your ass off and catch every fly ball that comes to you??

Alumbrado -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:16:11 AM)

It shouldn't be too surprising to think that there were several factors at work in the over-representation of minorities among the prison population.

LadyPact -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:16:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol



I can really relate to some of the OP.  Why didn't we have shootings in schools when we were kids?  Cause you'd be afraid that your Dad would kick your ass for taking a gun to school!  Sorry, but in a lot of cases, that's the truth.  Why doesn't that type of discipline work today?  Because state agencies, and fear of the same, have taken away the power of people to raise their own children.  The scenerio of acting up in public is a good one.  A parent almost can't reprimand their child in public, because all it takes is a 'good samaritan' with a cell phone to make one call saying you hit your child to get you arrested.
Like many things considered PC, we went entirely too far from the original idea.  We didn't want children being abused, so to avoid that, we went wayyyyyyy too far the other way.  We tend to forget that, punishing children, when they misbehaved, helped them to grow up learning that there was right and wrong.
The other topic is the race issue.  It's all goodness and light when we say celebrate diversity.  Unfortunately, when we actually acknowledge differences, somehow it's wrong.  I agree with one of Mencia's long running statements.  There wouldn't be stereotypes if there wasn't some truth to them.  Guess what?  Sometimes, our differences are funny, and it is ok to laugh at them.  The problem is, now were so worried about offending, and being offended, that we can't even mention them. 

All this rhetoric about 'the good old days' being so much better than today is wrong. It wasn't better in the days when it was legal for a parent to beat their children senseless. Beating a child to instill discipline is famously counterproductive. Violence breeds violence, but you know that already, don't you, because you wouldn't slap a rude shop assistant in the face simply because h/she didn't do what you wanted.

Also... this whole bullshit about prejudice finding its roots in reality? Please.

Thank you for reaffirming both of My points, without meaning to.
Violence breeds violence you say?  Let's see.
Just one example.  After the Columbine shootings, both sets of parents were asked about what methods they used for disciplining their children.  Neither of them stated using corporal punishment during their children's upbringing.  I wonder if a good swat on the ass at some point, and being told no would have changed things?
No, I wouldn't slap a rude sales clerk.  Why not?  Well, for one, they probably aren't a child, and for another, their behavior will probably end up meaning less commission or other issues, such as being fired.
You echoed My point that we don't want children abused.  The question is, do we want them disciplined?  The six year old who isn't punished for stealing candy from the store, probably isn't going to have much against stealing a car at sixteen. 
Thank you again for showing the difference between the words stereotype and the word prejudice.  The word stereotype has no negative implied by definition, while the word prejudice does.

SeeksOnlyOne -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:18:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Well, I, for one, am glad that anybody beating their child is putting themselves out for judicial retribution. In those times you so much long for, children didn't carry guns to school, but they would grow up to beat each other up, to beat their siblings up, and eventually, their own offsprings.

As for street violence, I shudder when I think of the American Wild West, or indeed, Victorian London.

I don't call that a good thing.

i would have never beaten someone up because i was taught better......the old fashioned you better not start it, but feel free to finish it line.....i have never beaten my child, but for a few years, it was like clockwork-almost every three months he needed a spanking and he calmed down a bit......

i know children who are so sensitive, a stern look is all it takes......then theres the ones who need more than that.

i respect your right to not believe in corporal punishment, as it must have worked in your life.  but i have 100 cousins or more, all of us were whipped as children, none have grown up to be abusers, and all of us are wonderful human beings.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:22:30 AM)

Supposedly not keeping score makes EVERYONE feel good about themselves and doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. Guess what? If you did your best and still lost, chances are they are still gonna feel good. When you do something and you know you did your best but there was someone better, it doesn't make you feel bad. It makes you want to be better.When my um is old enough to play i am asking first and foremost when he wants to sign up do they keep score? I fnot moving on finding a different group. And heres the reall funny thing. the adult may not be keeping score but the kids do. 

GeekyGirl -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:22:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: subfever



Ok, so let's say I accept that more blacks are arrested for drugs than whites.

This can mean two things:

Cops are utilizing racial profiling and hence more blacks get arrrested.


Drug use is more common and accepted in the black culture than in the white and hence more black people do drugs.

It could also mean that blacks have a higher percentage of people unable to afford quality legal representation.

Legal representation is available to those who can't afford it.

However, private legal counsel is usually better than what the county provides and I think it's likely that what you're saying may have some truth to it.

Therefore, people are not getting jail time because they're black. They're getting jail time because they're poor. Two totally different things.

instynctive -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:27:25 AM)

I love it when people can make negative/derogatory statements about a "minority", be in racial, religious or sexual preferences thenn justify it by saying "And I can say this because my friend is a gay black pagan!"

Just a thought...

rdgexile -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:27:30 AM)



And no, I'm not a racist. Like I said, my best friend is black.

Oh please Geeky. Give everybody a break. That limousine liberal talk is precisely what I used to hear from the first ones to move out of town when the first black family moved in. I bet you even support Colin Powell to prove how enlightened you are too right?

For a dose of truth visit

GeekyGirl -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:30:23 AM)

I'm just repeated what my BLACK FRIEND said. How am I racist for repeating her statement?

GhitaAmati -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:31:07 AM)


Well, I, for one, am glad that anybody beating their child is putting themselves out for judicial retribution. In those times you so much long for, children didn't carry guns to school, but they would grow up to beat each other up, to beat their siblings up, and eventually, their own offsprings.

I dont know anyone who advocated "beating" their kids. But there is a large gap of wide open spaces between then "beating your kids senseless" train of thought and the "god forbid we discipline them at all because we might damage their self worth"

Children NEED discipline to form self worth, they need to know that what they are doing is wrong or right, It teaches self-control, responsibilty, and acceptable behavior. We here in the BDSM community should understand more than others that discipline doesnt always mean spanking. So I think, alot of times, a yearning for the "good old days" isnt a yearning for times when you could knock the snot out of your kids and get away with it, its a yearning for days when parents werent scared to dicipline their children. And thats whats happening these days. Parents walk on eggshells around their kids. Children need discipline to protect them from danger, to learn how to get along with others, to learn acceptable and appropriate behavior, and to learn that society has certain common rules that
everyone is expected to live by. Discipline also helps children learn to think in an orderly fashion and to understand the logical consequences of their actions. Most important, positive discipline helps a child learn self-control, which builds healthy self-esteem.

GhitaAmati -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:38:27 AM)

I am now getting off my soap box for the moment and going outside to discipline my UM for sitting on the dog...if anyone wants to call the law, please be aware that I am probably going to swat my UM on the rear, make him apologize to the dog, and then make him sit out from the activities and think about what he did wrong while the rest of the UM's in the yard continue to have fun playing where he can see and hear them but not join in. If he refuses to sit in time, he will not be given riddlin.

instynctive -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:39:54 AM)

There needs to be more parents like you in this world.

This whole new "time out with no consequences" generation is going to kill this nation.


ORIGINAL: GhitaAmati

I am now getting off my soap box for the moment and going outside to discipline my UM for sitting on the dog...if anyone wants to call the law, please be aware that I am probably going to swat my UM on the rear, make him apologize to the dog, and then make him sit out from the activities and think about what he did wrong while the rest of the UM's in the yard continue to have fun playing where he can see and hear them but not join in. If he refuses to sit in time, he will not be given riddlin.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:40:25 AM)

Hmm i love how we have touched every subject i brought up more or less EXCEPT the muslim and the airport searches. Or even the fact now is their time at the bottom of the totem pole. Nope everyone went for race and discipline vs abuse

Lashra -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:41:49 AM)



"Dee-dee-dee!"-----> (for those with a short attention span)

I don't know who said it but it went something like this:
"I can't wait until we are all crossbred and become one race- that way we can judge people on their content of their character". 
My god what a thought!  NOBODY could claim racism! 

And when nature realizes her mistake in splitting the sexes we will all be fully functioning hermaphrodites and there goes sexism out the window. What does that leave us? oh yes religion! I knew there would be something left to be hatin' about.[:'(]

Can't we all just get along?


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