RE: Not For The Easily Offended (Full Version)

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instynctive -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:20:43 AM)

I remember watching an episode of "Cops" the other night and the only whites in it were the ones wearing uniforms.

I think they were in Houston... there's not a huge black population up here, not that I blame anyone of a darker skin persuasion.. it get's pretty frigging cold up here come winter. :-)

popeye1250 -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:20:48 AM)

Back in the 1950's in a city just outside Boston, Mass where I grew up the Boy Scouts would take their guns to school with them when they had target practice after school.
Oh, and it was a largely "Irish" area so guess what, plenty of drunken brawls and fights.
As for "stereotypes" just look at Ted Kennedy and his Clan.
Sometimes stereotypes happen for a reason.

GeekyGirl -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:21:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: rdgexile



I'm just repeated what my BLACK FRIEND said. How am I racist for repeating her statement?

Perhaps you could refer to her as just your friend instead of seeing her for her color.

Because neither she nor I are color blind. We appreciate and celebrate our similiarities and differences rather than ignorning them. She calls me her "cool white friend". It doesn't offend me.

And I mentioned her race because it was relevant to the subject at hand. I was trying to make a point that what I said came from a black person rather than from white person who wouldn't have first hand knowledge of being black.


And Geeky do you have more than one black friend? Because you said you have A black friend. So one could interpret that out of ALL your friends only one is black

I have only one very close black friend but several other acquaintences who are black. Well all work together and spend time with each other. I reserve the term "friend" for those whom I tell my deepest secrets to....but I have many black people who I socialize with to some degree.

I'm  a bit of a recluse. I have exactly 3 people who I call "friends". One is black, 2 are white. Unlike some people, I don't call every one I hang with "a friend." They are only a friend if I can trust them with my life.

mnottertail -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:22:00 AM)


domiguy -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:22:28 AM)

people who travel by bus or train are much more willing to die than be forced to endure such trips in the future.

sambamanslilgirl -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:22:38 AM)

i like Carlos' comedy (and i was lucky enough to see him live before) ...and i agree he does tell like it is in America. i never heard of ADD or ADHD or LD (learning disabled) until my parents adopted twins in 1990 ...act up in the store - HELL NO or face the dreaded leather whooping of a lifetime when you got home (plus my parents weren't shy to tap that ass in the store either) - if you do it today, people on their mobile phones will report you for child abuse. i have seen kids manipulate their parents into buying the item after throwing a major fit in the middle of the aisle.

racial profiling for everyone - i totally agree.  nothing like being stared down at an exclusive shop as if (a)you don't have money to spend and/or (b)you've come to rob them.  even driving in certain neighboring suburbs is bad for you (especially when driving a car the police think you've stolen) - i was pulled over twice not because i was speeding but because of the color of my skin ...i wasn't suppose to be driving a Corvette (if you get my meaning)

GeekyGirl -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:24:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: queencaliph



Show me national statistics that back up your claim that there are less whites in jail/prison and then I'll take you seriously. Until then, you're just making vague statements to lend credence to your whining about how unfair the confinement system is. I would bet you don't work in that system and have only second hand knowledge of it.

So until you find a statistic which compiles NATIONAL averages, your statement means exactly dick. You can't just make statements with no evidence to back them up.
At year end 2005 there were 3,145 black male sentenced prison inmates per 100,000 black males in the United States, compared to 1,244 Hispanic male inmates per 100,000 Hispanic males and 471 white male inmates per 100,000 white males.

Thank you for the statistics.

The original poster did not originally post statistics to back up her claim.

Obviously she was correct in terms of national average.

However, it is not true in the areas I live and work in.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:26:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: Slavebinder

Racism does not mean black people being picked on - it means anyone of any race being picked on by anyone of any other race.


ORIGINAL: Slavebinder

Racism does not mean black people being picked on - it means anyone of any race being picked on by anyone of any other race.

Hey i have never said racism was just for black people. And as i have already STATED that isn't my qoute, or my stat. Two ur comparing the uk to the US that never works. Anyone can have racism directed towards them. I have friends every fucking color and religion under the sun, I see them for my friends AND for who and what they are. this one is gay this one is white, etc. As I said there is Racial and then there is Racism. Racial applies to not acting liek you don't notice this person is white or this person is black. You acknowledge it but it has no bearing on your interaction with them. Racism IS taking notice of a person's race first and formost and then using that as your basis for how you deal with them if at all.

stef -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:28:04 AM)



I just want to say:  as a white female, I have been predjudiced AGAINST by every race and gender out there - Black people have treated me like I called them a "darkie" or somesuch, when I have never even met them before, Oriental shop owners have followed me thru their stores watching me like I am a repeat shoplifter, Indians have actually TOLD me I must be predjudiced against them, because I'm white, Hispanics have turned their backs on me and commenced a conversation in Spanish (I speak the language quite well, folks, don't even bother), Men have treated me like a whore, even when I wasn't dressed like one *grins* and Women have treated me like I tried to kiss their husband, in front of their kids.

So you can't get along with anyone?  [;)]

BTW, people are asian, rugs are oriental.


GhitaAmati -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:33:35 AM)


i have seen kids manipulate their parents into buying the item after throwing a major fit in the middle of the aisle.

When my UM was in kindergarten, they had a book fair, and he wanted some book..that I didnt have the money for, I gave him a choice of a few other books. He hit the floor wailing and crying and pitching that general tantrum that all kids seem to have instictively learned when they hit the age of two. Did I give in? Nope. I hit the floor too, crying and screaming and wailing...the whole room got quiet..except for me carrying on banging the floor with my head. The UM in question stared at me, his face got red and he went over and stood along the wall like he didnt know who I was. Once he was thouroghly embarrased, I got up, grabbed his hand, and we walked out the door. He's never thrown another fit since (3 years ago)....come to think of it, his teachers have never asked me to volunteer since then either..wonder why?

~~~~edited to say that sometimes its OK to let your kids get their way, but they better know that when you say no you mean it.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:34:05 AM)

-.- geeky did i or did i not say those were Carlos' words? I think I did it SEVERAL times. Or do you just chose to ignore that fact?  Because I responded to your first comment stating the fact. Two I didn't see you whipping out any actual stats other tha WHERE you are. And yeah whites are the marjority up here in maine followed by somali immigrants, asains, black and mexicans.

instynctive -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:34:32 AM)

Total agreement with Crimson on this. 

I'm not particularily racist... I pretty much hate everyone equally.  :-)

Although I did learn the hard way than when you're best friends with a black man, regardless of what you two can say to each other in private interaction (ie. not being overheard) doesn't mean you can see him in the galley sitting with other like-hued buddies of his and say "What up my n---?"  Of course, hanging out with him, clubbing, terrorizing women together, going to concerts, etc., we had that connection.  Just becuase I could freely call him a certain word doesn't mean I'm going to run around and call every black person I see that.  Not only will it get my pasty ass beat down or shot, but it's just plain rude and inconsiderate and if more people in this fucked up world  would take two seconds to quit barking about their First Amendment rights and just know when to shut the hell up for courtesy's sake, we'd all be a lot better off.

But that's just me.

To quote Jack nicholson in the first Batman move: "The world needs an enema!

GhitaAmati -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:46:49 AM)

I think its funny how the people who disagree with me, keep doing it in private messages and not on the boards...

Ive ignored the racism part of this thread.....decided I would throw in my two cents since im getting flamed anyway. (amazing how many parents with UMs on riddlin come out of the wood work when you talk about ADHD)

Most everyone on the boards knows I refer to myself as a redneck. Part of that stereotype includes "all us southerners are racist". Well, in truth. I am. Sorry, cant help it. I dont go around burning crosses and hanging anyone who isnt blond and blue eyed, but I do tend to stick to a close circle of white friends. I live in my neighborhood because there isnt a non-white family within about 10 miles. (in truth, everyone within walking distance is related and I like it that way, no problem with letting my kids play outside here) I have known blacks, hispanics, and asians who I would all consider friends. I also know white people whom I cant stand the sight of. Im not saying that there arent people of any race who are perfectly nice people, just like there are evil people of every race. Personally though, in my just goes smoother if we all just stick to ourselves.

domiguy -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:47:38 AM)



And I mentioned her race because it was relevant to the subject at hand. I was trying to make a point that what I said came from a black person rather than from white person who wouldn't have first hand knowledge of being black.

I have only one very close black friend but several other acquaintences who are black. Well all work together and spend time with each other. I reserve the term "friend" for those whom I tell my deepest secrets to....but I have many black people who I socialize with to some degree.

Black people are fascinating...They are so different than their white counterparts....When around my black friends I am continually prying them for information regarding their "blackness."

I poke and I prod trying to glean some info as to what makes these people tick....I'll ask questions ...Such as...

"Are you actually capable of loving someone?"

"How often do you eat catfish?"

"Why do you guys enjoy spending so much time in jail?"

I'm in the process of writing a book...Which will shed some light on these areas as well as many more.

domiguy -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:49:00 AM)


ORIGINAL: GhitaAmati

I think its funny how the people who disagree with me, keep doing it in private messages and not on the boards...

Ive ignored the racism part of this thread.....decided I would throw in my two cents since im getting flamed anyway. (amazing how many parents with UMs on riddlin come out of the wood work when you talk about ADHD)

Most everyone on the boards knows I refer to myself as a redneck. Part of that stereotype includes "all us southerners are racist". Well, in truth. I am. Sorry, cant help it. I dont go around burning crosses and hanging anyone who isnt blond and blue eyed, but I do tend to stick to a close circle of white friends. I live in my neighborhood because there isnt a non-white family within about 10 miles. (in truth, everyone within walking distance is related and I like it that way, no problem with letting my kids play outside here) I have known blacks, hispanics, and asians who I would all consider friends. I also know white people whom I cant stand the sight of. Im not saying that there arent people of any race who are perfectly nice people, just like there are evil people of every race. Personally though, in my just goes smoother if we all just stick to ourselves.

I would hate to be you.

GhitaAmati -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:50:40 AM)


I would hate to be you.

Thats why Im me and you're works better that way....Id hate for you to be me too, then I couldnt be me.

instynctive -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:52:45 AM)

Ya gotta love Pete Steele & the boys.. lol

I Don't Wanna be
I Don't Wanna be me
I Don't Wanna be me anymore

Ever throwing at his home
Two glass houses, twenty stones
Fourteen yellow, six are blue
Could it be worse.....quite doubtful

I Don't Wanna be
I Don't Wanna be me
I Don't Wanna be me anymore

I Don't Wanna be
I Don't Wanna be me
I Don't Wanna be me anymore

Two steps forward, three steps back
Without warning, heart attack
He fell asleep in the snow
Never woke up, died alone

I Don't Wanna be
I Don't Wanna be me
I Don't Wanna be me anymore

I Don't Wanna be
I Don't Wanna be me
I Don't Wanna be me anymore

Please don't dress in black
When you're at his wake
Don't go there to mourn
But to celebrate


Right wing commies
Leftist nazis
Point their fingers
Rumours linger

We dont care what you think

Branded sexist
Labelled racist
Want it clearer ?
Check the mirror

We dont care what you think

Lies and slander in vain try to shame us
Riots, protests, violence just makes us famous
Tv interviews, free publicity
Increase record sales dramatically

The left they say Im a facist
The right calling me communist
Hate hate hate hatred for all - one and all
No matter what you believe
Dont believe in you - and thats true

Some would say that were biased
Accusations that we are racist
Well, shit comes in all hues
Now this means you
Cause things aint always like they seem

We hate everyone

We dont care what you think

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:54:42 AM)

Hehe now see i never had this happen with any of my white friends, but then again this is mainly a black male thing to go what up nigga. But hey at least you learned.  And since no one else will do it here we go.

I have several muslim and middle eastern friends. I went one of several schools in vegas that had lost of exchange students. I saw them outside of school and socilized with them. When 9/11 happend i was liek oh shiht but their level of oh shit was 100xs more. One day i group of guys from the jv team had cornered a good friend of mine. This was about a few days later. my response was to shove my way in smack a few in the balls and remind them that they are beign a bunch of dicks. I looked at the white guys and said, Are you in the KKK? You're white you're. you're from down south originally. etc. I looked at the blacks and mexicans. Are you in a gang? Do do you deal drugs? They apologized adn walked off. Ahmed asked my why i stopped when no one else had.

I said because you are my friend I look after whats mine and even if you weren't i still would have done it. You aren't like those guys who did this. you don't hate americans and non muslims. You freely associate with girls, gays and pagans. You're a good person no matter what your religion and nationality are.

A lot more shit happend and we even had several students switch schools. Before 9/11 we didn't give two rat shits about the seikh driving the cab.,the muslim vendor on the sidewalk, but when a handful of crazies take over three planes then suddenly each and every one of them is a possible enemy of the state. We have ppl that are so fanatical they can't tell the difference between a muslim and a hindu. We have people who think its cute to throw a pig's head into a mosque as a joke. This happend up here in maine. Pigs are unclean to them and are not even allowed to be touched. They couldn't even clean the mess up themselves.

Now yes there are alot more than a handful but when you take the muslim world into accoutn they are a fantaicle(sp) minority. Now i have friends and family in the military serving overseas right now in this. My half brother got out just intime to avoid being sent away from his two young sons and his newborn UM. Has the war change dmy opinion on muslims? no because despite the lose of two very good friends and a cousin, I know that they are not all bad.

Just like not all white boys are rednecks, Klan or Nazis. Not all mexicans are lazy fuckers who won't get real jobs and share thier home with 20 people. Not all blacks are thugs and gangbangers and druggies. Not all asians are super smart and bad drivers. anyone thats been left out? Sorry.

If i was gonna hold a person responsible for the bad things people in their religion have done in the nme of God/Allah/Buddah then i woudn't have one catholic or christian friend in this world. Everyone wants to jump down on Muslim and Islam. Read the bible sometime do your history research. Christians and Catholics have doen and worse. Ok i am out i am gonna miss the buss to the store for the damn 4th time cuz of this board

domiguy -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:55:51 AM)

If I were you I would probably not leave the house for several weeks while I dabbled with my new found tits and go-go hole.

There are plenty of people who share your sentiments and you are not unique for having them....I just find it very odd when someone orates such an opinion....It is at least honest and I actually applaud you for that.   But I am sorry that possessing such an attitude makes my skin crawl.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:59:42 AM)

no just easily distracted from something i don't want to do. i wasn't tryign to say i was the only one. I was just trying tosay we need to stop the bullshit in america.

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