RE: Not For The Easily Offended (Full Version)

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CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:44:29 AM)

No beccause along with becomign one race and one sex so to speak we will reach enlightenment and find the one true religion, which will probably be no religion but spirituality without judgement, fear, hate and anger.

instynctive -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:47:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: CrimsonMoan

Hmm i love how we have touched every subject i brought up more or less EXCEPT the muslim and the airport searches. Or even the fact now is their time at the bottom of the totem pole. Nope everyone went for race and discipline vs abuse

Everyone should be forced to fly naked with no carry on luggage.

Problem solved. ;-)

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:50:14 AM)

ooohhh nice one but think about that for a second. Do you really want to see the 70 year old grandma with sagging bits here and there buck ass naked for 4 HOURS?! *shivers and gags* And whatd about they guys who could pass for chewbacca when naked?

and why is it that mainers come up with stuff like this?

Alumbrado -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:51:45 AM)



I'm just repeated what my BLACK FRIEND said. How am I racist for repeating her statement?

Is your friend's name Bill Cosby? Because he says that racist stuff too.[:D]

instynctive -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:52:24 AM)


ORIGINAL: CrimsonMoan
ooohhh nice one but think about that for a second. Do you really want to see the 70 year old grandma with sagging bits here and there buck ass naked for 4 HOURS?! *shivers and gags* And whatd about they guys who could pass for chewbacca when naked?

Not especially, but it will give me a lot more appreciation for myself when I get home and look in the mirror...


ORIGINAL: CrimsonMoan
and why is it that mainers come up with stuff like this?

We're all about keeping it simple up here in the Tundra. :-)

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 9:59:57 AM)

See this is why i am glad to be from vegas and when i tell people up here in portland they are like,"That explains it. You're far to out there to be from maine." I take it as a compliment because compared to vegas and I am not including the casinos and shit but just the community itself Portland is liek living with the puritans almost. People up here can be so tight assed.

domiguy -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:05:19 AM)




ORIGINAL: CrimsonMoan

Geeky that might be true for where you are but that is not true for EVERY jail and prison in the US. Especially with the new mandaroty scentences on drug arrests.  I never said anywhere that this was statistic that I had looked up. Yes there are slowly but surely more white people int he prison population, but blacks and mexicans will still the majority

So what you're saying is that you are pulling statements out of your ass with no evidence to back it up.

Show me national statistics that back up your claim that there are less whites in jail/prison and then I'll take you seriously. Until then, you're just making vague statements to lend credence to your whining about how unfair the confinement system is. I would bet you don't work in that system and have only second hand knowledge of it.

So until you find a statistic which compiles NATIONAL averages, your statement means exactly dick. You can't just make statements with no evidence to back them up.

Why do people post like this...You were wrong.  You work within the system and it proves that you have little knowledge in some areas of your employment...Why didn't you google it?  It makes you look uniformed.  Then when confronted with the facts....Which you stated that if you were proven wrong, "I'll take you seriously.".....


ORIGINAL: CrimsonMoan

ok you wanted stats here you go scroll down and se what the ratio is for drugs black to white.



Ok, so let's say I accept that more blacks are arrested for drugs than whites.

This can mean two things:

Cops are utilizing racial profiling and hence more blacks get arrrested.


Drug use is more common and accepted in the black culture than in the white and hence more black people do drugs.

My best friend is black and works in law enforcement. She says drug use is MUCH more "common and acceptable" in black communities than in white communities.

Heck, you yourself just admitted to smoking pot!

MAYBE more black people do drugs.

And no, I'm not a racist. Like I said, my best friend is black. But she and I often discuss the cultural differences between blacks and whites. We don't hide from the subject. And she will freely admit that is some truth to some of the stereotypes.

How you "took her seriously"...was by posting the only two explanations possible as to why more blacks are in jail for drug offenses than whites.

I'm glad your best friend is black....I don't really see the relevance....She might be a really stupid person.  Or she might be incredibly intelligent.  All of my black friends are crack ho's, but then again most of my friends smoke crack and are ho's.

I'm not buying what your sellin'...Unless it's crack!

One reason, that has nothing to do with your explanation as to why blacks are caught up in drug offenses with more regularity, has to do with the fact that cops like the majority of the population are lazy...All of my friends who sell crack don't do it in an "open air" market...It's all done behind closed doors....It takes a little more effort to catch someone operating in this manner than to apprehend the guy standing on the corner. Yet, at the end of the day the police get to show how they have made an incredible victory on "the war on drugs" by making such arrests...Which is fine...No one should have to live in such an environment where drugs are sold on the corner of their neighborhood.

...Just another addition to the only two possibilities as to why this might be happening....There are many, many more as several posters have already alluded.

Is your black friend hot?....If she is...Do I got a shot?

Ysabo -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:08:23 AM)

I just want to say:  as a white female, I have been predjudiced AGAINST by every race and gender out there - Black people have treated me like I called them a "darkie" or somesuch, when I have never even met them before, Oriental shop owners have followed me thru their stores watching me like I am a repeat shoplifter, Indians have actually TOLD me I must be predjudiced against them, because I'm white, Hispanics have turned their backs on me and commenced a conversation in Spanish (I speak the language quite well, folks, don't even bother), Men have treated me like a whore, even when I wasn't dressed like one *grins* and Women have treated me like I tried to kiss their husband, in front of their kids.

Guess what, when it's a MINORITY race, treating someone from the so called Majority in a degrading or sterotypical manner, it's still called PREDJUDICE. We did not invent the word for those who are unkind to Minorities. And when it's two people from the same race and gender, it's just plain meanness. In fact, I think the whole thing comes down to meanness. I try to treat people with the same respect and courtesy that I hope for, and in most of the situations I mentioned above, the situation was turned around, because I refused to allow them to turn me into a stereotype.

Predjudice is about how we treat each other - if YOU treat each person you meet as someone you just met, giving them a fresh start and an equal chance, there will be no more predjudice. YOU have no control over someone else's predjudice, you can only end your own.

GeekyGirl -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:09:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: Alumbrado



I'm just repeated what my BLACK FRIEND said. How am I racist for repeating her statement?

Is your friend's name Bill Cosby? Because he says that racist stuff too.[:D]

LOL, no she's not bill cosby. The point is that she's the one who said it..not me! I just believed what she told me because I figure she knows more about black people than I do.

Sinergy -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:10:15 AM)


ORIGINAL: instynctive


ORIGINAL: CrimsonMoan

Hmm i love how we have touched every subject i brought up more or less EXCEPT the muslim and the airport searches. Or even the fact now is their time at the bottom of the totem pole. Nope everyone went for race and discipline vs abuse

Everyone should be forced to fly naked with no carry on luggage.

Problem solved. ;-)

Would a butt plug be considered carry on luggage?


rdgexile -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:12:59 AM)



I'm just repeated what my BLACK FRIEND said. How am I racist for repeating her statement?

Perhaps you could refer to her as just your friend instead of seeing her for her color.

As I believe Ben Franklin once said I'll show you someones vice just show me what their against

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:13:17 AM)

And Domiguy has made his appearance all is right in the world. [;)] As for why she didn't google it? Cuz her opinion was the one that was right and didn't want to look it up for herself. I enjoyed slapping it down in front of her cuz you know what? She missed the big part of this is my opinion on someone else's opinion/commentary/joke. If she really thought she was right she would have backed it up. And Geeky do you have more than one black friend? Because you said you have A black friend. So one could interpret that out of ALL your friends only one is black

domiguy -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:14:21 AM)



I just want to say:  as a white female, I have been predjudiced AGAINST by every race and gender out there - Black people have treated me like I called them a "darkie" or somesuch, when I have never even met them before, Oriental shop owners have followed me thru their stores watching me like I am a repeat shoplifter, Indians have actually TOLD me I must be predjudiced against them, because I'm white, Hispanics have turned their backs on me and commenced a conversation in Spanish (I speak the language quite well, folks, don't even bother), Men have treated me like a whore, even when I wasn't dressed like one *grins* and Women have treated me like I tried to kiss their husband, in front of their kids.

Guess what, when it's a MINORITY race, treating someone from the so called Majority in a degrading or sterotypical manner, it's still called PREDJUDICE. We did not invent the word for those who are unkind to Minorities. And when it's two people from the same race and gender, it's just plain meanness. In fact, I think the whole thing comes down to meanness. I try to treat people with the same respect and courtesy that I hope for, and in most of the situations I mentioned above, the situation was turned around, because I refused to allow them to turn me into a stereotype.

Predjudice is about how we treat each other - if YOU treat each person you meet as someone you just met, giving them a fresh start and an equal chance, there will be no more predjudice. YOU have no control over someone else's predjudice, you can only end your own.

You poor, poor thing.....It is so tough being white in today's society.....My thoughts and prayers are with you.

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:14:49 AM)




ORIGINAL: Alumbrado



I'm just repeated what my BLACK FRIEND said. How am I racist for repeating her statement?

Is your friend's name Bill Cosby? Because he says that racist stuff too.[:D]

LOL, no she's not bill cosby. The point is that she's the one who said it..not me! I just believed what she told me because I figure she knows more about black people than I do.

If your reasoning hodls water than having ONE gay friend means they know EVERYTHING about gay people as a whole?

GhitaAmati -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:14:59 AM)


Would a butt plug be considered carry on luggage?

too funny...and probably...they expect your using it to hold in the drugs or the c4

I tried very hard to stay off the muslim topic in the OP. As the wife of a carreer military man who is gearing up for his 5th tour of duty in Iraq...I doubt many people here really want to hear what i have to say.

instynctive -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:15:19 AM)


Would a butt plug be considered carry on luggage?

Or "carry in" luggage..? ;-)

CrimsonMoan -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:15:56 AM)




ORIGINAL: instynctive


ORIGINAL: CrimsonMoan

Hmm i love how we have touched every subject i brought up more or less EXCEPT the muslim and the airport searches. Or even the fact now is their time at the bottom of the totem pole. Nope everyone went for race and discipline vs abuse

Everyone should be forced to fly naked with no carry on luggage.

Problem solved. ;-)

Would a butt plug be considered carry on luggage?


Only if its inserted at the time. As you know we're allowed two pieces of carry on so make that second one count :P

Slavebinder -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:18:10 AM)

Quote: for every two black or hispanics in jail for drugs there is 1 white person. outside same ratio for blacks but it jumps to 5 white. See a problem? Its because the cop ration is scaled more towards black and hispanic communites. Of course more of us are gonna get nailed for drug related issues. If you are gonna profile, profile EVERYONE that means not giving muslims an excuse because extremists took out the WTC. Unquote

Yep bullshit.  How's this over here in the UK. Everytime a crime is reported on TV and it's perpetrated by white people they say "Described as white" - when it's not perpetrated by white people they just say "Two youths/men/people/suspects" - Bullshit.  We all know what they mean so why hide the facts because some racial equality guy is going to complain?  Surely the example I've just given is racist against white people if you think about it?  After all it was recently stated that the UK was now so multicultural that it's at 'Tipping Point' where the country can no longer be described as anything but multicultural?

Racism does not mean black people being picked on - it means anyone of any race being picked on by anyone of any other race.

GhitaAmati -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:20:15 AM)

I think my biggest issue is, we spend 4 hours in line at an airport being checked for everything and anything....and yet you can walk right onto an Amtrak train with a 50cal and two suitcase bombs and no one would question anything.

queencaliph -> RE: Not For The Easily Offended (7/2/2007 10:20:36 AM)



Show me national statistics that back up your claim that there are less whites in jail/prison and then I'll take you seriously. Until then, you're just making vague statements to lend credence to your whining about how unfair the confinement system is. I would bet you don't work in that system and have only second hand knowledge of it.

So until you find a statistic which compiles NATIONAL averages, your statement means exactly dick. You can't just make statements with no evidence to back them up.
At year end 2005 there were 3,145 black male sentenced prison inmates per 100,000 black males in the United States, compared to 1,244 Hispanic male inmates per 100,000 Hispanic males and 471 white male inmates per 100,000 white males.

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