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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 2:10:14 PM   

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I can name at least five couples who are close friends that can attest to that.  Methods fail.  That's completely different from not caring and not using any form.

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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 2:45:42 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sweetNsmartBBW
Question?  Why is it that it's okay to abort a fetus (arguably by some even when it's at a point of viability)- but it's not okay to starve/kill/ abandon an unwanted newborn?  Wherein lies the difference?


Inside the body it should have no rights - not even the right to life - because it is wholly dependant on another human being for its survival. Inside the body it might as well be a leech or a mass of cancer cells if the host woman doesn't want it there.

Outside the body of another human being it just might survive as an independent being even if the mother and father don't want it. Maybe society will care for it, maybe not.

In a kind of libertarian formulation: I deny that any other human being has a specific right to anything from me as an individual. Try to imagine that a perfect stranger comes to you and asks to hop up on your shoulders and be carried around like that for 9 months - certainly you would object, right?

This isn't about some social contract with the unborn. The unborn have no rights.

(in reply to sweetNsmartBBW)
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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 3:04:39 PM   

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It opens up a dangerous precedent once you get rid of abortion.  Every pregnancy would have to be consdered to be a  viable life...Okay so a baby dies...preemie, still born...etc  Let's say it was suggested that she(the mother) stay on bed rest and didn't do it....Or she smoked or she drank...Or maybe she was overwieght or underweight...And the doctors could link something that she did whether it was ingesting something or pursuing an activity or simply not taking care of herself in a manner that allowed for the optimal positive environment that would enable a healthy child to be born .....Perhaps they should analyze every case to determine to what extent the woman who lost the baby should be held liable for this loss of life? How much time she should serve?....How much government do you want in your life?...Or womb?

I know many people who have regretted things that happened in the past...I know many people who have hated the idea about growing older...I know far too many people who have now gotten older that have simply chosen to omit any memory of the person that they were in their youth....They simply have gotten old. These are the motherfuckers that you have to keep your eye on.

sweetNSmartBBWhad this to offer on the subject....

First- I was there when my cousin's newborn son died in her arms.  I saw what it means for a new life to end.  I held that little lifeless baby in my arms- and wept.  No, it was not a abortion- but it ~was~ the end of a human life...and regardless of why or how it came about- the tragedy would be no less real.   My suggestion to anybody that advocates abortion as birth control is to spend some time in the NICU of a children's hospital and hold the tiny, but perfectly formed, hand of a preemie.  Then come back and tell me it's a fetus, not a baby..

Okay a preemie is not considered to be viable in many opinions much before 23 weeks...And even then there is a pretty good debate about whether these "babies" should be attempted to be kept alive because of the many health and cognitive issues they face down the road.....
At what gestational ages are abortions performed:
52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week of pregnancy, 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week, 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week, 6% happen between the 13th & 15th week, 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week, and 1% of all abortions (16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy.

So talking about a preemie and then making a comparison to an abortion is for the most part unfounded...
Fifty-four percent of women having abortions used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. Among those women, 76% of pill users and 49% of condom users reported using their method inconsistently, while 13% of pill users and 14% of condom users reported correct use.

Just some interesting stats...

There is not the demand, resources or outlets for nonwhite kids to be adopted...But in the end it comes down to personal choice...Thank God!

Nice of you to use the word "adopted" when referring to the in vitro "embryo" which consists of "six cells" ....They are so cute at that age. 

< Message edited by domiguy -- 7/17/2007 3:09:06 PM >


(in reply to sweetNsmartBBW)
Profile   Post #: 123
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 3:34:34 PM   

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From: The secret places deep in the earth
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That is one helluva post and I must say I agree with you domi


Enlightenment comes from self awareness, self awareness only comes from self critizism

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Profile   Post #: 124
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 3:40:04 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lothlauren


That is one helluva post and I must say I agree with you domi

It's because I am a God


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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 3:42:08 PM   

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ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: CuriousLord

Abortion, the act of destroying offspring in the mother's womb, is under a lot of controversy. The argument is often about mortality and ethics- is it right or not?

Could you be a little it more general in your introduction? You dwell on specifics far too much.

No, I feel it's better to be overly specific, thus cutting one's self off from the majority of the topic right away.



ORIGINAL: kittinSol

The offspring's life or the mother's decision?

The mother's decision to what?

The mother's right to decide to abort or not.


ORIGINAL: CuriousLord

Why, one might consider, do we not simply kill orphans? Such kills would likely be benificial to society, rooting out those that would likely live a hard and service-consuming childhood when there are plenty of children in the world already. While a particular orphan might be the one to invent a cure to cancer, the same could be said for another child to be born to take his place, as the typical orphan is no more advantaged than the typical non-orphan. Perhaps, less so.

How does killing orphans benefit society? Please explain.

I did. Reread it.

Incase you still can't get it, some lives are less priveledged than others. This does not mean that they can not excell to the same limits, just that they are not as likely to. Killing kids who have problems- such as those confined to wheelchairs- would, in a sense, benifit society. There are other consquences of such morality, though, as the Argument goes on to discuss.


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Why, then, do we care to try one for murder, should one do such a thing, if it would be practical? Two somewhat similar arguments seem to come into play. The first would be that, it would condone what might be considered murder to some (in the contemporary, most). Still, should murder be appended with "not applicable to orphans", this wouldn't be a problem. In the same way, many, a number of which are often associated with "pro-choice", would have "murder" appended "not applicatable to unborn".

I'm sure there is lots of thoughts behind the adverbs: I assure you though that the written word is supposed to convey meaning. It reads like you're enjoying the sound of your own voice, and little else. As a matter of fact...

Again, you're being immature.


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

As this would be an argument of definitions for mental considers in the vague, this could be a valid argument to consider, though a messy one that few might be able to follow.

... your prose literally reads like you translated something into english using a dodgey online translation tool. I give up here because your post is too meaty, too manly, too male for me, Lordy. And this is what pisses me off with your ilk: you are condescending towards others, and in this particular postering of yours it is more obvious than ever. Not once do you address the subject from the point of view of a woman. The person who is, after all, the first sentient being that is concerned. I think you're scared of women.

Actually, the "considers" should be "considerations". That is a careless typo, so you did find one thing. Still, though, you're being a brat. On the off chance you legitimately find difficulty reading English, you have my sympathies, though I'd ask you not take such difficulties to mean that the lack is on the part of the speaker.

Am I posturing? No. I couldn't care less. Am I condescending? To you, especially. Am I arrogant? While I feel I'm just being straightforward, honest, and blunt- you can see it this way. It's entirely true I do not respect you as an intelligent human being. This view, though, is warrented from your behavior; it is not one I've adopted hapharzardly. Nonetheless, you are a human, and allotted the courtesies of such- I'll treat you with some semblence of decency. Not respecting your intelligence doesn't mean I have to hate you. To some degree or another, I can sympathize with the threatened reaction you display, even if I do not condone it.

Of course, you are free to rant on about how you think those against abortion and such are actually, themselves, afraid. In some cases, you may even be right. Still, I think you're failing to consider things honestly, just going with what makes you feel superior.

On this note, I will continue to simply dismiss you as immature so long as you persist in such as manner that I deem childish.

< Message edited by CuriousLord -- 7/17/2007 4:03:42 PM >

(in reply to kittinSol)
Profile   Post #: 126
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 3:56:04 PM   

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From: The secret places deep in the earth
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well everyone' has to have a dream... why not go large


Enlightenment comes from self awareness, self awareness only comes from self critizism

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Profile   Post #: 127
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 4:17:28 PM   

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ORIGINAL: CuriousLord



Of course, living in free countries, no one has to shut the fuck up, even if they do disagree.

You wouldn't be saying this if you watched American Idol.

A show I avoid like the plague


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
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Let go it's harder holding on
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~~ Stone Temple Pilots

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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 5:05:09 PM   

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All abortion should be illegal save for when delivering the child endangers the mother. It is not an issue about controlling your body, it's an issue about murder. plain and simple, abortion is murder.

Is not killing Iraqis retroactive abortion?
So much for the sanctity of life.

(in reply to NavyDDG54)
Profile   Post #: 129
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 5:38:03 PM   

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ORIGINAL: CuriousLord

The Abortion Argument, general:

Towards the end, one comes to ask, moreso in common, "Alright, abortion is bad. Though is it bad enough to warrent the oppurtunity expense of not enacting it?" This answer varies with empathy towards the mother- something females may tend to do more, though many males also empathize with females more strongly than other men- and empathy towards the unborn- which is more gender neutral. One need not empathize equally to conclude in favor of the unborn. It is the unborn's life versus some aspect of damage to the mother's life and other others that might be involved. Except in cases that such would kill the mother for certain, the mother would need to be considered significantly more valuable then the unborn to overcome the value of the unborn's life and the damage to the notion of the universal right to life.


ORIGINAL: domiguy

First off...You would have to end the current practice of in vitro fertilization....More than one egg is fertilized and a maximum of two eggs that have been successfully fertilized are then utilized....What happens to the rest of the fertilized eggs? They are destroyed thereby committing MUUUUUURDER!!!!...MUHAHAHAHA!

What if the doctor were to accidentally mishandle the fertilized egg....Would he/she be guilty of murder? What if he dropped an unfertilized egg before it could be fertilized...There is every chance that the fertilization could have been successful and he has now deprived that egg from growing into a viable human being which could have emerged as our next American Idol....Murder?

This is for the most part a bunch of crap. But not every pregnancy goes "the distance" and it would seem that the state would now put themselves squarely inside a woman's womb as to any and every reason that a miscarriage came about. Did you drink? Did you exercise? What did you eat? You were not in good physical shape prior to getting pregnant...Are you not fully responsible or play a huge part in your pregnancy not coming to fruition, and thereby are you not directly responsible and should you not be held accountable for "your child's death?"....Manslaughter perhaps? (I use the terminology of "child" only to drive the point home)

It is far from perfect....We should leave the abortion laws as written...If there is a God someone will have to answer...If there is not..So be it.


Blah. I expected better from you. =/

To put it in short, since I guess you didn't read it, my Argument said that abortion -isn't- murder.

You are 100% correct I skimmed your post...It was a tad bit loquacious....And since I have the attention pan of a flea...The last paragraph flew right by. 

Abortion is the combination of many factors and when you come right down to it convenience is one of underlying the underlying components of making this decision....And is cited as one of the reasons 75% of the time.  There were a number of other 75%'ers because they women were allowed to give more than one answer.....One being that the mother was unable or not prepared to raise a child.

I view life as something viable....I don't particularly dig the idea of late term abortions because you are starting to reach that grey area.....As medical science improves the potential for a "preemie" to live will obviously change my views .....But not just to live....Have the same life as any other child....I am not opposed to a woman who discovers through amniocentesis that she might be giving birth to a child with downs syndrome or some serious birth defect to weigh out the options of going full term....It is rough and I would hate to be the one to make that decision
but to have an abortion as an option is something that I would not like to see taken away. When medical science has made such advances then the question still becomes what happens to these children?  Or is that something that need not be addressed because it is not relevant to the act itself which is "the abortion."

I can understand why abortion rights activists don't want to give an inch when it comes to late term abortions....It's the same philosophy adopted by the NRA or the ACLU...Once you have given up an inch soon you might just lose everything.

there really is no point to a debate on such a topic...people are polarized...No ground to give or gain...When you get through with all of the rhetoric is how much value does one or society place on an embryo or fetus?  It's not viable does that even enter the picture? No....Is there an outlet for adoption for these unwanted children...In some cases yes and in some no.  Does it even matter?  If someone uses birth control and it fails do they have any less of a horrific decision to make?

I don't like the idea of someone having an abortion but I do think it serves a purpose and there is no sense in arguing with me or the majority of folks who have reached a decision on this matter whether their decision in itself  is rather self serving or hypocritical the point is rather moot.

< Message edited by domiguy -- 7/17/2007 5:42:01 PM >


(in reply to CuriousLord)
Profile   Post #: 130
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 5:39:34 PM   

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Love topic searches.  Some of you may find this article interesting.

I had read this elsewhere, but apparently, when an egg is fertilized it is given a "soul."  This child must then be born so that it may be baptized into God's grace.

Which is why the Religious Right ignores the Biblical statement that dying in the womb is preferable to a life of horror and sin, promotes the retroactive abortion of nearly anybody they dont like, and refuse to take care of children once they are born.

Its all about the "soul."

The Blues Brothers have something to say about this.

Comin to ya on a dusty road
Good lovin I got a truck load
And when you get it you got something
So dont worry cause Im coming

Im a soul man
Im a soul man
Im a soul man
Im a soul man

Got what I got the hard way
And Ill make it better each and every day
So honey dont you fret
Cause you aint seen nothing yet

Im a soul man
Im a soul man
Play it steve!
Im a soul man
Im a soul man

I was brought up on a side street
I learned how to love before I could eat
I was educated from good stock
When I start lovin I just cant stop

Im a soul man
Im a soul man
Im a soul man
Im a soul man

Well grab the rope and Ill pull you in
Give you hope and be your only boyfriend
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Im a soul man
Im a soul man
Youre a soul man
Im a soul man
Im a soul man
Im a soul man Hope that clarifies things. Sinergy


"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

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(in reply to thompsonx)
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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 5:54:31 PM   

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ORIGINAL: kittinSol



I have no issue with saving the mother's life.

I would be interested in reading what you have issues with, Lev.

I understand that a person would not feel ready for a child. I understand that a person didn't have the money to raise a child. I understand that a woman would not want to be tied to an asshole that happened to impregnate her. I understand that a person may be young, and feels their life will come crashing down on them if they have a child.
I understand that a woman going through with a certain pregnancy may lose her ability to reproduce.
I understand how incredibly galling it is to be told what to do with your body, by loved ones, much less strangers, or those you consider idiots.
I understand each of the above. I really, really do. I'm not without empathy, and I'm not stupid.
I understand.
If you have any desire of understanding my beliefs, then you need to understand one thing. NOT agree with..... but understand.
I believe that an abortion is the ending of a human life.
Once again, if you have any desire to understand my beliefs, you need to understand that. Not agree with, but understand.
So, when I oppose abortions because the parent isn't ready, or doesn't have any money, or doesn't want their life-plan derailed, you should know I do so because I believe a life is at stake.
And some may think that no one views abortions with ease, I even said as much myself. But, after giving that some thought, I've changed my mind; some almost certainly do see abortion as the easiest way out of an inconvenient situation. To believe otherwise would give the human race more credit than I'm willing to do.
This thread likely contains most of my thoughts on abortion:


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to kittinSol)
Profile   Post #: 132
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 6:28:19 PM   

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If you have any desire of understanding my beliefs, then you need to understand one thing. NOT agree with..... but understand.
I believe that an abortion is the ending of a human life.
Once again, if you have any desire to understand my beliefs, you need to understand that. Not agree with, but understand.
So, when I oppose abortions because the parent isn't ready, or doesn't have any money, or doesn't want their life-plan derailed, you should know I do so because I believe a life is at stake.
And some may think that no one views abortions with ease, I even said as much myself. But, after giving that some thought, I've changed my mind; some almost certainly do see abortion as the easiest way out of an inconvenient situation. To believe otherwise would give the human race more credit than I'm willing to do.

.....bravo, Level.  Beautifully said.  That's the problem seen so often on the forums - people refusing to even SEE another's point or attempt to understand why they believe as they do.  If you don't agree, bully for you.  But, damn, at least have the intelligence to see another's point and realize they have as much right to it as you do yours. 

I find some of the things that have been said here quite disturbing (the unborn have no rights and they are like an alien entity or mass of cancer cells, etc).  I certainly disagree 110%.  However, I do see how people could think that and they're certainly entitled to their beliefs just as you and I are entitled to ours.  As always, you've made a great post...........luci   


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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 6:44:34 PM   

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Thanks, sweet lady.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to slaveluci)
Profile   Post #: 134
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:27:59 PM   

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I understand that a person would not feel ready for a child. I understand that a person didn't have the money to raise a child. I understand that a woman would not want to be tied to an asshole that happened to impregnate her. I understand that a person may be young, and feels their life will come crashing down on them if they have a child.
I understand that a woman going through with a certain pregnancy may lose her ability to reproduce.
I understand how incredibly galling it is to be told what to do with your body, by loved ones, much less strangers, or those you consider idiots.
I understand each of the above. I really, really do. I'm not without empathy, and I'm not stupid.
I understand.
If you have any desire of understanding my beliefs, then you need to understand one thing. NOT agree with..... but understand.
I believe that an abortion is the ending of a human life.

I agree with all of these points, Level.

On the other hand, I also believe that I am not the one to make the call for another human being, and
history has shown that giving the Government the power to make that call has almost no good outcomes for anybody.



"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

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(in reply to Level)
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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:30:32 PM   

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Just a quick note to put a little reality to the situation......
1992 Was the Last Year National Adoption Totals Were Gathered
The total number of adoptions each year has not been comprehensively compiled since 1992. While there are reporting mechanisms for foster care and international adoptions, states are not legally required to record the number of private, domestic adoptions. In 1992, the National Center for State Courts gathered adoption totals from a variety of sources, and estimated that 126,951 children were adopted through international, foster care, private agency, independent and step-parent adoptions. [4] NCSC estimated that stepparent adoptions accounted for 42% of all adoptions and foster care adoptions 15%.

These numbers are obviously dated in particular the amount of adoptions I could only find data from '92...
There were 126,000 adoptions and "relatives" accounted for roughly half of those adopted 42%.....


This article is from 2003 and accounts for only domestic adoptions
. Although the number of infants placed for adoption in the United States has declined since the 1970s, reflecting a waning stigma of unwed parenthood and rising use of contraception, current estimates of the annual number of infants adopted domestically (excluding foster and relative adoption) range from 25,000 to 30,000
According to AGI, which analyzed available government data to generate abortion estimates for the country for 2001 and 2002, about 1.29 million abortions were performed in 2002 and 1.3 million were performed in 2001.

Approximately 1.3 million abortions were performed...Wow!!!

It sucks....But what do you do with all of these unwanted children?  But to simply break it down and look at these numbers it is rather staggering....It is possible that by making abortion illegal people might alter their behavior....I'm not so sure...when you consider that over 50% were utilizing some form of birth control and then add in the ignorance of younger ages and the general stupidity of people as a whole.

It's one thing to say you are against abortion...But if you are confident that it should be made illegal you had better take some serious steps in dealing with adoption issues, more aid to mothers and many more ramifications that will come about as these unwanted pregnancies are forced to go full term.

Any ideas?

< Message edited by domiguy -- 7/17/2007 7:31:59 PM >


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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:32:34 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domiguy

Any ideas?

If men got pregnant we would not be having this discussion.



"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

"Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

(in reply to domiguy)
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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:36:03 PM   

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domi guy: Approximately 1.3 million abortions were performed...Wow!!!

interesting data...    thats a lot of rapes and incest vistimes

hey we wouldnt need the mexicans then would we?   we would have lots of kids for those jobs the corps want to fill

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 7/17/2007 7:40:12 PM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

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(in reply to Sinergy)
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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:38:02 PM   

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If men got pregnant we would not be having this discussion.


And we have taken a discussion on partial birth abortion which accounts for a very small percentage of abortions and veered way off course.  As to be expected with the topic of abortion.  For me, it's about so much more than abortion.  It's a woman's right to exercise authority over her reproductive rights, whether that is child-bearing or abortion or a decision to remain childless.  No amount of debate will convince me that government should be involved.


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(in reply to Sinergy)
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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:41:34 PM   

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If men got pregnant we would not be having this discussion.

It's a woman's right to exercise authority over her reproductive rights, whether that is child-bearing or abortion or a decision to remain childless.  No amount of debate will convince me that government should be involved.

you mean like dont fuck?


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

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