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RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:43:02 PM   

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I understand that a person would not feel ready for a child. I understand that a person didn't have the money to raise a child. I understand that a woman would not want to be tied to an asshole that happened to impregnate her. I understand that a person may be young, and feels their life will come crashing down on them if they have a child.
I understand that a woman going through with a certain pregnancy may lose her ability to reproduce.
I understand how incredibly galling it is to be told what to do with your body, by loved ones, much less strangers, or those you consider idiots.
I understand each of the above. I really, really do. I'm not without empathy, and I'm not stupid.
I understand.
If you have any desire of understanding my beliefs, then you need to understand one thing. NOT agree with..... but understand.
I believe that an abortion is the ending of a human life.

I agree with all of these points, Level.

On the other hand, I also believe that I am not the one to make the call for another human being, and
history has shown that giving the Government the power to make that call has almost no good outcomes for anybody.


I generally don't like deciding for others, either, but when a life is at stake.... I guess we all have to pick our spots, of when to say "enough", or to let it slide.
As for the government.... it can indeed make a mess of things, and I don't necessarily agree with jailing those involved in abortions, even if the act is made illegal (if that makes sense lol), but I would say that there is one group for whom the outcome would be better, and that's the one's that don't lose their life.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to Sinergy)
Profile   Post #: 141
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:48:02 PM   

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From what I have read, allowing a woman to have the right of privacy with her doctor (Roe v. Wade) saved a lot more lives by allowing women to obtain safe abortions.



"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

"Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

(in reply to Level)
Profile   Post #: 142
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:50:12 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domiguy

It's one thing to say you are against abortion...But if you are confident that it should be made illegal you had better take some serious steps in dealing with adoption issues, more aid to mothers and many more ramifications that will come about as these unwanted pregnancies are forced to go full term.

Any ideas?

Education, and money, are certainly needed to help.
I just can't say to those that have been aborted "you're too much of a burden, so you have to die".


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 143
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:50:46 PM   

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1.3 million abortions....So what ya' gonna do with all of these kids?


(in reply to Sinergy)
Profile   Post #: 144
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:51:16 PM   

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If men got pregnant we would not be having this discussion.


I couldn't disagree more.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to KatyLied)
Profile   Post #: 145
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:52:04 PM   

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gen reply

well i did not bother going back and reading all the previous posts on the subject however here is the position i have taken on it for the last 30 years.

First it is unconstitutional.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Oh but scientists never determined it was a life you say?

Ok so then neither did they determine it was NOT a life then did they?

So lets just enact legislation anyway as if it were determined it is NOT a life, (no determination or test of definition required to PASS the legislation), we only need that to reject it.  

The point is that with the insufficient defintition (in either direction), of when and where "life" begins this never should have been legislated on in the first place and in the absence of legislation would make it neither legal nor illegal.   Thus a moral decision made by the pareents as it was since the begining of time.

If my memory serves me correctly this whole push was to get abortions put into a controlled environment of a hospital rather than some butcher in a back alley because women were dying in the process of killing their babies.

So this is not an issue for the courts to legislate on and certainly not invent a legal premise with moral abandon.

How many women have been raped and have their fathers children or raped period and have a kid from the rapist by comparison to how many women are nothing more than morally bankrupt and simply use it as a means of birth control?   According to Domiguys data 1.3 million rapes and incest problems per year roughly!  Why arent all thos perps in prison? (sarcasm not quoting you domiguy)  LOL

Of course we all know the answer to that is women use it primarily for birth control when in most cases proper prevention would have worked equally well.  The last thing we would want anyone to be in society is RESPONSIBLE for their actions. (and fuckups).  i am surprised the insurance companies dont sell abortion insurance.

Ok so now that we have unlawfully made it "legal", (get it?), and brought a moral decision into the court room everyone can replace their moral bankrupt consceince with a legal conscience and move to negative side of a conscience.  Conscience debt.

We have a problem in dodge AGAIN with this.

Why its the womans right and "it belongs to the woman *thing*" .  right?  wrong.

It does not belong to the woman.  The woman contributes an egg seed whatever and a landing zone and the male provides the fertilizer and activator and likewise all the way down to the genetic level.

Therefore a woman can properly be defined as a equal contributor in the "creation" process and additionally as an incubator not a sole creator or property owner as the courts have decided.  

That child cannot come into existance by woman alone and since every child is totally unique creation from all other children ever to come into existance on this planet based on the combination of the genes from 2 PEOPLE "joint ownership" is immediately established between male and female.

We have serious problems with our justice system in that they violate the constitution on all levels. (for both the convenience of the government and as can be seen here a minority of people)

i suppose this will piss off most abortion proponents but before you blow your corks consider this.    The reason as i remember it these laws were made to pull the unfortunate (exception to the rule), mother out of the back alley and into a legitimate health care facility because "moral" people and hospitals would not perform them.

Like most things everything goes to far in one direction or the other.  Fact is that since it has not been determined when it is a "life" then it cannot by definition be murder even should rvw be overturned.  What did you murder? an undetermination?  You murdered nothing as far as the "legal" system is concerned if there is no precedence in law.

Morally of course that is a different story. There was never a need to create a law and rule on it in the first place, it should have been rejected.  

To the best of my knowledge this country does not make laws to support the exceptions to the rule but the rule.   abortion, (with few exception), is a instrument of the morally bankrupt.

It was run through as a womans right in violation of mens rights and many will hang on to that regardless of the infamy history will record when it was never necesary in the first place.

But then who gives a fuck about the constitution anyway?  Its just a piece of paper.

< Message edited by Real0ne -- 7/17/2007 7:58:00 PM >


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 146
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:53:20 PM   

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From what I have read, allowing a woman to have the right of privacy with her doctor (Roe v. Wade) saved a lot more lives by allowing women to obtain safe abortions.


I'd have to see some numbers on that. Even if true, the women that died from abortion chose the abortion, the child did not. That sounds a hell lot colder than I mean it to.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to Sinergy)
Profile   Post #: 147
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:54:38 PM   

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ORIGINAL: domiguy

1.3 million abortions....So what ya' gonna do with all of these kids?

the south border is open :)


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 148
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 7:55:56 PM   

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And we have taken a discussion on partial birth abortion which accounts for a very small percentage of abortions and veered way off course. 

You're right Katy, everyone has taken up their position on which side of the abortion debate they stand on instead of giving their opinion on this particular type of abortion. I believe that some don't really understand the procedure. I even remember seeing it said on this thread that this procedure is performed on dead babies, although I don't remember who posted that. Of course that is not true as there would be no need to scramble the brains of a dead baby with surgical scissors.


Peace and light,

There are no victims here...only volunteers.

When you make a habit of playing on the tracks, you thereby forfeit the right to bitch when you get hit by a train.

"I did it! I admit it and I'm gonna do it again!"

(in reply to KatyLied)
Profile   Post #: 149
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 8:15:54 PM   

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It's too bad this discussion got all civil, right when it was starting to look like a perfectly wonderful flame war was going to break out. I was hoping to see someone get aborted ... er ... moderated.


I wish I could buy back ...
the woman you stole.

(in reply to mistoferin)
Profile   Post #: 150
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 8:39:51 PM   

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Mod11 has a hanger with my name on it.


(in reply to caitlyn)
Profile   Post #: 151
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 8:53:50 PM   

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If men got pregnant we would not be having this discussion.


I couldn't disagree more.

As you asked earlier, we are going to have to agree to disagree.

It has been 21 years since I studied the topic in Feminist Theory, and I really dont have the energy to dredge up
the sources on deaths / year of women and their feti from back-alley abortions vs. the abortions per year of legally sanctioned medical practices by licensed practitioners.



"There is a fine line between clever and stupid"
David St. Hubbins "This Is Spinal Tap"

"Every so often you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You cant do that, it is gone, gone forever." J. Danforth Quayle

(in reply to Level)
Profile   Post #: 152
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 8:54:34 PM   

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ORIGINAL: caitlyn

It's too bad this discussion got all civil, right when it was starting to look like a perfectly wonderful flame war was going to break out. I was hoping to see someone get aborted ... er ... moderated.

You know if we held our justice system to order we would virtually never have to have discussions like this in the first place.  Now that we have "government" legislating """LAW""" if you want to call it that on which hand to wipe our asses with rvw is only the begining.    Keeping in mind that a law that violates the constitution is considered by the creators of the consitution unlawfull and the "duty" of the people not to obey it.

i suggest people wake up and get back to a constitutional and lawful form of government that if properly implemented would hnever create these social disasters in the first place.


"We the Borg" of the us imperialists....resistance is futile

Democracy; The 'People' voted on 'which' amendment?

Yesterdays tinfoil is today's reality!

"No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session

(in reply to caitlyn)
Profile   Post #: 153
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/17/2007 10:41:59 PM   

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From: New Hope, PA
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No one here is going to be able to answer the question: When does life begin?   One person says it starts as conception.  Someone else argues it happens at birth.  There is no easy answer.  All you have is your opinion.

Take the entire abortion question out of the debate for just a second. 

Whatever happened to individual rights in America?  Since when did the government suddenly decide what a woman can and can't do with her body? 

Next they'll be legislating tattoos.  No swear words on your body.   No pornographic images tattooed on places where people can see them.  Overweight people will be carted off to state run fat farms to trim down.  The police will begin ticketing people with body odor.  Bad breath - slapped with a warning the first time - carted before a magistrate if you're a repeat offender.  Forget about wearing stripes with plaids - instant incarceration.  And wearing white after Labor Day - damn, you're in BIG trouble!  Nose rings.  Get rid of them.  Ear plugs - gotta go.  Men will be required to keep their hair cut above the collar - women will be forced to keep their's long.  No more pants for women.  And all you transsexuals - into the paddy wagon, we're taking away your dresses.

It doesn't matter that it's your body.  What you are doing with it is illegal and offensive, and must stop.  Why?  Because we're the U.S. government and we are now legislating morality.  To hell with personal freedom.  Your body belongs to the Religious Right now.  You people don't know what's good for you.  You need Big Brother to keep you straight.  Especially you CollarMe people.  We're taking away your leather pants, chaps, thigh high boots and dog collars.  Damn heathens.

(in reply to Real0ne)
Profile   Post #: 154
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/18/2007 2:39:22 AM   

Posts: 1912
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Life...Precious life...

I kill other lifeforms every day in order to survive.

I eat meat. Many vegetables are quite alive until you actually start digesting them. If I had a virus that was doing me ill, I'd fucking kill it. Unwanted baby - a precious human life growing in the womb of my lover - I'd have that killed too and not even bat an eye.

Do I think a fetus is a living thing? Yes. Do I think a fetus is a human being? Eventually - if it doesn't die or if someone doesn't kill it first.

I take charge of my life as much as I can. I do not allow myself to get tossed about like a ship on an ocean. I risk plan and try to leave as little footprint as possible. I don't plan on having any children I don't want.

A woman that doesn't want a child will find a way not to have that child. See:

Earlier in this thread I called anti-choice people "crackers" - and that was probably wrong, they aren't crazy just misguided. I do feel there is a very large element of cultural and religious indoctrination at work in people's opposition to choice.

But it is also said that those that oppose abortion shouldn't have abortions. I agree.

Leave the baby killing to us experts who don't give a shit about anti-choice moralizing and haven't been so steeped in a puritan culture that we can't make rational choices for ourselves and our lives.

Freedom at the expense of another's life? Hell yes! Tonight I ate the flesh of some delicious little piggy and didn't even give one moment's thought to the life that was taken from it. Other things and creatures die all the time that I might live.

Guilt? Guilt is for weaklings. I am in charge of the things I do. And even though I sometimes get undesirable results from my actions I am only sorry for the unwanted outcomes and not the decisions I made based on the information available to me when I acted.

So it is...

(in reply to DSwriter)
Profile   Post #: 155
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/18/2007 3:22:42 AM   

Posts: 820
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From: New Brunswick, N.J.
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I posted this, years ago, on one of my web sites: "We live in a society where killing a rat in an "inhumane way" can get one a jail sentence but, thousands of women, every year, walk into a murderer's office and have a noose put around their child's neck and the neck snapped off."
We really are devolving, quickly.
Peace and comfort,


Peace and comfort,


Former Vice-President Gore didn't invent the internet but, he DID make up global warming!

(in reply to SugarMyChurro)
Profile   Post #: 156
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/18/2007 3:42:45 AM   

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No one here is going to be able to answer the question: When does life begin?   One person says it starts as conception.  Someone else argues it happens at birth.  There is no easy answer.  All you have is your opinion.

Take the entire abortion question out of the debate for just a second. 

Whatever happened to individual rights in America?  Since when did the government suddenly decide what a woman can and can't do with her body? 

The government has always told women (and to a lesser degree, men) what they can do with their body, more or less. Some of that is wrong-headed (like beth's earlier example of nipple-bearing), and some, like laws governing abortion, is done to protect a life. It's also against the law, except in certain situations, to shoot someone.

Next they'll be legislating tattoos.  No swear words on your body.   No pornographic images tattooed on places where people can see them.  Overweight people will be carted off to state run fat farms to trim down.  The police will begin ticketing people with body odor.  Bad breath - slapped with a warning the first time - carted before a magistrate if you're a repeat offender.  Forget about wearing stripes with plaids - instant incarceration.  And wearing white after Labor Day - damn, you're in BIG trouble!  Nose rings.  Get rid of them.  Ear plugs - gotta go.  Men will be required to keep their hair cut above the collar - women will be forced to keep their's long.  No more pants for women.  And all you transsexuals - into the paddy wagon, we're taking away your dresses.

It doesn't matter that it's your body.  What you are doing with it is illegal and offensive, and must stop.  Why?  Because we're the U.S. government and we are now legislating morality.  To hell with personal freedom.  Your body belongs to the Religious Right now.  You people don't know what's good for you.  You need Big Brother to keep you straight.  Especially you CollarMe people.  We're taking away your leather pants, chaps, thigh high boots and dog collars.  Damn heathens.

Hyperbole, for the most part, but I would agree that the government oversteps its bounds, and we as a society, and as individuals, have to keep an eye on it.


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to DSwriter)
Profile   Post #: 157
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/18/2007 3:43:54 AM   

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From: Austin Texas
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I'm surprised that no one has brought up the scenario where the guy insists 'she' get an abortion.
Many young women going to their boyfriend get the response that they aren't going to be a parent no how - no way. The guys have college to go to, a life they don't want interrupted.

If men are anti choice then why aren't THEY taking steps to get vasectomies?
Why don't they make sure the female is on birth control? Yes I know bc can fail but it has to be used in order to fail. 'But condoms don't feel good honey'.

Men say that by having the woman retain control of their body cuts them (males) out of the loop, well then men just make sure that the pregnancy doesn't happen.
If it does happen then step up to the plate like a man ought to.

How many guys dump their girlfriends because 'the girl' got herself pregnant?

How many females are left on their own emotionally, left to make the decision?

Abortion is not convienent or easy. Physically easy. Emotionally.. that depends on the woman but it does take a physical toll.

We as humans can't even agree on when life begins. What I believe is not what everyone believes.

This thread has made me sad. So many seem unable to look at the other side much less actually have the ability to understand the other side. I realise that for many people life begins at contraception and that abortion is a horrific act to a helpless creature. I DO understand that.
But not everyone believes that.
Until we can all agree to when life begins the abortion question/issue will never end.

I'd rather have a woman have an abortion than have child #5 in a one room apartment with no job. Why can't we work on those that have too many babies? Those that don't understand or have access to bc?
Planned Parenthood is often touted but I have personal experience of being denied birth control from them, so really it isn't readily available.
When I was on the pill it cost me over $35.00 a month, some people haven't that money. So hand out birth control dammit and maybe the need for abortion will lessen?


~Love your life! (It is the only one you'll get).

(in reply to domiguy)
Profile   Post #: 158
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/18/2007 3:50:45 AM   

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ORIGINAL: SugarMyChurro

Life...Precious life...

I kill other lifeforms every day in order to survive.

I eat meat. Many vegetables are quite alive until you actually start digesting them. If I had a virus that was doing me ill, I'd fucking kill it. Unwanted baby - a precious human life growing in the womb of my lover - I'd have that killed too and not even bat an eye.

Do I think a fetus is a living thing? Yes. Do I think a fetus is a human being? Eventually - if it doesn't die or if someone doesn't kill it first.

I take charge of my life as much as I can. I do not allow myself to get tossed about like a ship on an ocean. I risk plan and try to leave as little footprint as possible. I don't plan on having any children I don't want.

A woman that doesn't want a child will find a way not to have that child. See:

Earlier in this thread I called anti-choice people "crackers" - and that was probably wrong, they aren't crazy just misguided. I do feel there is a very large element of cultural and religious indoctrination at work in people's opposition to choice.

But it is also said that those that oppose abortion shouldn't have abortions. I agree.

Leave the baby killing to us experts who don't give a shit about anti-choice moralizing and haven't been so steeped in a puritan culture that we can't make rational choices for ourselves and our lives.

Freedom at the expense of another's life? Hell yes! Tonight I ate the flesh of some delicious little piggy and didn't even give one moment's thought to the life that was taken from it. Other things and creatures die all the time that I might live.

Guilt? Guilt is for weaklings. I am in charge of the things I do. And even though I sometimes get undesirable results from my actions I am only sorry for the unwanted outcomes and not the decisions I made based on the information available to me when I acted.

So it is...

I guess one way we differ on this is that I don't equate pigs or cows with people.
"Guilt is for weaklings."

Again, I disagree; guilt, more often than not, is a sign of having a conscience.

"freedom at the expense of another's life? Hell yes!"

How does this work with your advocacy of universal healthcare? I got mine, the hell with the rest of you? Again, this sounds snarkier than I mean it to....

< Message edited by Level -- 7/18/2007 4:04:21 AM >


Fake the heat and scratch the itch
Skinned up knees and salty lips
Let go it's harder holding on
One more trip and I'll be gone

~~ Stone Temple Pilots

(in reply to SugarMyChurro)
Profile   Post #: 159
RE: Louisiana bans partial birth abortion - 7/18/2007 3:54:38 AM   

Posts: 10297
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General Reply -
The big questions that are not being asked here are -  
Why does the US have one of the highest unplanned adolescent pregnancy rates in the developed world?
We are on par with countries like Romania and Russia.

And what role does the lack of universal health care play in the high unplanned pregnancy rates?

• There has been a drop in adolescent pregnancy rates over the last 25 years across the developed world.
• Reasons for the decline in pregnancy rates include increased motivation of youth to achieve higher levels of education, employment training and goals in addition to motherhood and family formation; provision of comprehensive sexuality education, leading to youths' greater knowledge about contraception, more effective contraceptive use and improved ability to negotiate contraceptive practice; and greater social support for services related to both pregnancy and disease prevention among adolescents.
• Adolescent pregnancy rates vary across developed countries, from a very low rate in the Netherlands (12 pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15-19 per year) to a very high rate in the Russian Federation (102 per 1,000).
• Japan and most western European countries have low pregnancy rates (less than 40 per 1,000).
• Australia, Canada and New Zealand and a number of European countries have moderate pregnancy rates (40-69 per 1,000).
• Five countries have teenage pregnancy rates of 70 or more per 1,000 per year—Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, the Russian Federation and the United States. "


"Beware, the woods at night, beware the lunar light.
So in this gray haze we'll be meating again, and on that
great day, I will tease you all the same."

(in reply to camille65)
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