RE: Thread Hijacking (Full Version)

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kittinSol -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 8:55:28 PM)




ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Otherwise known as the Bigmouth Submissive Collective - though you may avoid that particular group
by joining more 'arrid' discussion threads. They tend to not frequent those as assiduously :-) .

Sexykitten? can I buy you a drink?

Come here, sit by me, let's talk.

yeeeeeeeeeeeeee hawwwwwww

Meow, don't mind if I do - mine's a Perrier with a slice of lemon please :-) .

TheHeretic -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 8:56:09 PM)

       General reply:

       I have both respect for, and faith in, the Moderators.  That said, I have no idea if I'm a hijacker or not (though I'm pretty sure I'm not one of the popular girls).

      The 'State of the Union' thread is a long-ass ways from being about a televised speech.  It's turned into a discussion of dirty politics during elections (I got bored, but a few people are still busily engaged), and a healthy share of the responsibilty for that is mine.  I don't know if I need to be worried about popping over to check mail.

       Sometimes I'll read a post, and the idea it sparks in my brain simply comes out as a smart-ass remark.  Sometimes I'll say "hi" to a regular who's been missing. 

       I'd like to know, but I can understand a reluctance to post some kind of detailed policy.  Why give people who are already playing snarky and/or are emotionally invested, a bunch more ammunition to argue from? Collarme has a terrific appeals process; just put your hands on the keyboard and find another place as much fun to post for free.

      I'd like to know more about what the new rules are, but I guess I'll pick up some idea of where the line is as we go.

MzMia -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 8:58:10 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol




ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Otherwise known as the Bigmouth Submissive Collective - though you may avoid that particular group
by joining more 'arrid' discussion threads. They tend to not frequent those as assiduously :-) .

Sexykitten? can I buy you a drink?

Come here, sit by me, let's talk.

yeeeeeeeeeeeeee hawwwwwww

Meow, don't mind if I do - mine's a Perrier with a slice of lemon please :-) .

[:D]  I would be delighted, you have moxie!

Termyn8or -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:05:56 PM)

Well well, I guess it is apparent that my monster creating abilities are still up to snuff.

I did not do a jumpthrough, but I do admit that I have not read every word of every post. That's because of the quoting. I try to keep that down. I try to only use it to indicatre what part of someone's statement to which I respond. I don't use it to try to shove someone's own words back down their throat.

I have skimmed or read just about every reply on this thread, and it is about time. I just gotta tellya something. The people who think it is OK to berate those, even for sheer ignorance, are in the wrong. They are not maintaining themselves properly, in the mind.

People can be smart in some areas and stupid in others, and from the looks of the world today it seems that people lack people skills. The first and foremost point is : What is the purpose of an argument ? Why are you arguing ? Don't you know you could be eating a cookie or something you like ? Why do you CHOOSE to engage in an argument when there are so many other possible activities to engage in that would be much more pleasureable ?

Such tendencies have been called a "power trip". If you have a valid reason to get into an argument, certain facts are extant. First and foremost is that the whole purpose of an argument is to convince another that you are right. That they are wrong, or more politely put, mistaken.

Think of it as a sales thing, a salesman does not walk out of a deal unless he has somehow been beaten. And if the customer walks out the game is just as over. Arguing ideas means verbal or literary intercourse, responses etc. If somebody just says "fuck you" it is over. A good analogy would be that an argument is you trying to sell your opinions and ideas, with your opponent doing the same.

I try to see both sides. I do that for more than one reason. First of all, at my age I know I could be wrong. I haven't been always right since my early thirties. If you expect to be allowed to make your case and have them listen, you must afford them the same right. Fair is fair. That means LISTEN, and listen very carefully to what they say, because.....

Yes, you can use it against them. But I am not talking right now about quoting in the forum, this is more akin to why football playbooks are guarded, kept out of prying eyes glances.

In other words, understand the "emeny". This gives you ammunition. The more you know about them the more intuitive you will be in forming your responses. I am actually one of the few people who have really won arguments. This because I feel the other person out, take in what they say and really try to see their point of view. They do have one too, otherwise they would not be arguing with me. Insight into why they believe what they believe is very valuable information.

But if you alienate them, it is all over.And people getting nasty over even OPs who will dismiss their advice. I don't know how to put it, really but here goes, if you are right, sit back and later you can say "I told you so".

The root problem is that many people did not have access to their elders for the purpose of having real conversations. They learn manners in a schoolyard who think it's OK to do all kinds of stupid shit. They are not grown up properly, in the mind. They could be rocket scientists and be pretty much dumb as a post.

When I was a kid we had discussions with the old folks. The kitchen table. The respect did not need to be called for, it was observed at all times. When I was about 12 my Grandfather and I had a small side business going. These days I talk to my Parents, in their sixties, I can get some real history from them. Not washed like the normal version. The old guy down the street, telling me that when he was a kid during the depressuion they raised rabbits.

That kind of ettiquette, exhibited by the young is respected by the old, I am 47 now so I know this. I try, not 100% successfully, to use that ettiquette here. But I have Ms. 11 to watch over me, and I actually have mailed her and apologized for being a pain in the ass.

That is because I want to be here.

And last but not least. When a post goes to four pages I usually leave it alone, not always, but usually. That is because I know that half of it is going to be a few people incessantly quoting each other, demanding proof written in blood or some shit. I ain't dealing with it.

You post to a thread with no real opinion on the OT, but an opinion on the other posters ? Are you that small ?

It has taken me a while to learn how it is here. But one way to sum it up is that we are collectively writing an online journal. It is there forever you know. I have embarrassed myself on Usenet here and there (this probably comes as no surprise to Mod 11). You look later at what you posted and it's like "Oh shit, why did I do that ?".

Hey, I am probably one of the most opinionated people you will find, so give me more opinions, I might just agree.

But the petty arguments I see here are actually a hijack. How many posts in this thread itself do not contain quotes ? Fill the thread with bickering over who was the guy who did some shit that means absolutely nothing now. Well, it's really not that bad, but look at the direction. I think Funkadelic had it right "We must rise above it all, or drown in our own shit". You can't just think of the here and now, you have to see your direction, and more importantly, control your direction.


kittinSol -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:11:26 PM)

It's true that going off on a tangent with 'my favourite flavour of lolly' or 'the best water balloons on the market', or 'Huugggzzzz' in the middle of a thread on the national debt is a little bit rude, and I can see why it's hijacking. But to interject in the middle of a discussion on the national debt with a comment about the import of inflatable balloons from China... isn't hijacking. But some would say it is.

All this painful exposé to say that often there's a fine line between a thread hijack and a useful addendum to a conversation - I think it's called going off on a tangent. Or sumfink.

TheHeretic -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:26:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: Termyn8or

When a post goes to four pages I usually leave it alone, not always, but usually. That is because I know that half of it is going to be a few people incessantly quoting each other, demanding proof written in blood or some shit. I ain't dealing with it.

      That's perfectly ok, Termy.  But enough people do it that we can easily see that discussions that require a lot of research are some people's idea of a good time.  Like most arguments, they tend to happen organically, in the flow of a thread.  Sounds like your four page rule is a good one, if you don't care for it.

      Personally, I can't stand the 'neighborhood of make-believe' posts, but it doesn't mean the participants can't be having a good time.

kittinSol -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:31:20 PM)

Forgive me for my ignorance, but what is 'neighborhood of make-believe'?

sexyred1 -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:31:31 PM)

LOL...hey guys? You don't like the threads? Move away from the computer...slowly.

No one is forcing anyone to read the threads, so why create threads complaining about hijacking? Start interesting threads if you don't like the ones you see and stay out of the ones that annoy you.

Problem solved.

Gwynvyd -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:33:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

LOL...hey guys? You don't like the threads? Move away from the computer...slowly.

No one is forcing anyone to read the threads, so why create threads complaining about hijacking? Start interesting threads if you don't like the ones you see and stay out of the ones that annoy you.

Problem solved.

wow.. good point.. but then that is logical.

and then "she who must not be named" couldnt come in and kill it...

*smiles bringhtly*


TheHeretic -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:36:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol

Forgive me for my ignorance, but what is 'neighborhood of make-believe'?

    Here's a fine example. 

sexyred1 -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:36:19 PM)

Gwyn, logic seems to have no place in the continuing battle of those who believe that "peopelshouldothingsmywayortheyareawfulhorribleposterswhobelittleandhijackthreadsfortheirownevilendsandtheirhumorisjustvilesoletscreatethreadsdiscussinghowtostophijacking"

and everyone else. [:D]

sweetwenchie -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:36:56 PM)

[8|]  that made my brain hurt

kittinSol -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:37:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

LOL...hey guys? You don't like the threads? Move away from the computer...slowly.

No one is forcing anyone to read the threads, so why create threads complaining about hijacking? Start interesting threads if you don't like the ones you see and stay out of the ones that annoy you.

Problem solved.

But... if you don't find this thread interesting... why did you read it, and why did you post in it? I'm curious.

kittinSol -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:39:55 PM)

You mean, 'neighborhoods of make-believe' are the Las Vegas of collarme, with their casinos of random stupidity?

Thanks :-) .

takenbyjohnr07 -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:46:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: MollyTroubletail

I also can't stand the usual bullying-is-all-in-fun crowd. I just can't take it, and never mind the philosophy behind them doing it. It's pretty much taken me off asking for advice or opinions here.
<wait for someone to jump in with a "you need a thicker skin" response, I suppose.>

It's always in fun until they are the target. Then they run and hide. Then it's a different story. When they are told to stop their attacks do you notice how they disappear for a few days some of them, because they are not interested in adding anything positive to a thread. Just hurting and destroying. All in the name of fun. Sadly the joke is on them, because the good people of this board go on with their lives and the others are stuck here trying to think of hurtful things to say and do/ The bitterness and the jealously can be so clearly felt and it;s a shame, because everyone deserves the right to be happy.  

MzMia -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:47:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: ottRopesandKnots


ORIGINAL: AquaticSub
It's the same as sitting at a table and trying to introduce a new topic of conversation and whoever you are talking with go "Nah, we'd rather talk about this instead." Hell at least hijack keeps the thread alive and I've gotten some interesting responses to my threads because thread hijack kept them alive and on the first page.

It isn't the same thing at all.  It is much more akin to a couple of people sitting at a table trying to have a proper conversation and then another group with their own agenda comes to sit at the same table to have another conversation, talking over the original.

Is that what is going on?
I actually thought that hijacking was just the way threads go sometimes.

I guess there are people that take the time, to come and attempt to trash threads
they don't like.
What is the point in that?
I don't post on 90% of the threads on here, because I am not interested.

You really can NOT control what people WANT to talk about.
Especially if they are not violating TOS or breaking any rules.
The word that comes to my mind is...CONTROL.
I am still in awe, over those that really feel that they can control what people

say or talk about.

If you don't like the OP or the thread?

Just walk away from it, log off the computer if you have to.


carlie310 -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:48:08 PM)

FR--I didn't take the warning--which I had already read--as being against a thread evolving in the way that some of the political discussions (State of the Union, Kennedy/Obama, single-payor insurance) have.  If it were, I'd be typing this today, and you'd probably see the [Awaiting Approval] message until tomorrow, because I tend to try to beat the dead horse to bring someone else to their senses.  Debate: it's what's for dinner.

I read it as a warning about the way one person starting threads has consistently been taken to the cleaners. 

I know that some questions from new-to-lifestylers get really old, and that if some of you have to type out the difference between this and that or who should have done what and what does this mean one more time, you might just run screaming. To you, it's information that's as basic and normal as "How do I tell my left sock from my right sock?" But to those of us who woke up to these desires recently. . .those stupid questions can help us just put the daggum socks on and then our shoes and put the feet on the floor. 

But that's mostly a long answer for "I don't think it was the morphing of topic in reasonable ocnversation, I think it was the predictable pile-on for one questioner."  Who saved me from asking the same question at least once.  Hey, I'm ignorant too.

(And no, I don't remember who participated because I have limited memory for stuff like that.)

sexyred1 -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 9:52:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: kittinSol


ORIGINAL: sexyred1

LOL...hey guys? You don't like the threads? Move away from the computer...slowly.

No one is forcing anyone to read the threads, so why create threads complaining about hijacking? Start interesting threads if you don't like the ones you see and stay out of the ones that annoy you.

Problem solved.

But... if you don't find this thread interesting... why did you read it, and why did you post in it? I'm curious.

Uh, HELLO?? Wake up. I find the thread fascinating. I was posting to the gentlemen above me who were waxing poetically about the thread.

lusciouslips19 -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 10:34:48 PM)


Otherwise known as the Bigmouth Submissive Collective - though you may avoid that particular group by joining more 'arrid' discussion threads. They tend to not frequent those as assiduously :-) .

Its obvious that some name calling is tolerated here by the Mods, even thuogh its disrespectful and against TOS. Seems some have a pass and others dont.

sexyred1 -> RE: Thread Hijacking (2/1/2008 10:36:17 PM)

Yes, I wondered that myself. Why do some have a pass and some do not.

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